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The Cuddle Puddle vers. Need gum for 3rd Degree Gurns!

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I have a connect for about 2 points of molly stuffed in a pill... but thats it for now lol =D

Ive actually been trying to track down the MDA molly that goes through Wa every so often again, that shit is ridicilick
Pretty sure any MDA is awesome haha. Another boring day, which could be cured any second with 25i but no :|
Pretty sure any MDA is awesome haha

Oh for fucking SURE lol. I dont think its made from the sass route though, or at least they purify it right. Almost no brown in that shit, just perfect light yellow crystals <3

I want to get some fucking MDE though, a chill ass roll like that is perfect for a flip...
Pfft I think I'm the only one who doesn't like flipping with mdma, I tried candyflip twice, hippyflip once, and all times it felt like the two highs were fighting eachother, if not the mdma being overshadowed by the psychedelic almost completely
Did you dose right lol? Flips require a VERY specific timeline to do it right, if you dose the MDMA too soon, its not that good... too late, and you miss the peak of your trip and it still fucks up. You got to time it so you drop the MDMA a half hour before your peak
I dunno man, i think that's what went wrong XD..
Anyway online poker is the best to make money lol, im in another 200 man tournament, theres 50 people left and im 3'd position right now.... yay >:)
Cash dont buy, it multiplies.

Just dont lose it all lol!

Try like 2 hits of acid (or ~150-200mcgs), then I would do 150mg since you have quite a tolerance it seems like, about 2 and a half hours later. Drugs seem to synergize very well for me though, so it doesnt seem to matter toooo much when I take it. You can tell when you get it just right though, the peaks combine into... absolute bliss.

a couple of grams of mushies like 3 hours after that extends the trip and then it just turns into something retardedly awesome
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Nah I don't have a tolerance to MD, I remember my first time it didn't work when I took 150 mg, second day I took 200 and was buzzin quite hard :) So dunno maybe natural tolerance or something :S
Thats what I meant dezz lol, imagine if Sam took the does you do 8o

Im feeling pretty damn good. Got more codeine and booze on deck, smoking a ton of weed, obviously
FUCK, I finished 10th... So I just played in the tournament 4 hours straight to win...8 dollars :S
Oh well, with that 8 dollars, i can enter twice in the tournament so intend on doing a poker day tomorrow lol. Shit is more addictive then cocaine lol
a ton of weed
Thats what I had the pleasure of enjoying earlier this evening. Got my capsules as well, gonna drop them throughout the week :) Also puffin the e-cig, as per usual.
I could go for some vapobacco, never tried it. Im in the mood for some hookah thats for sure lol, mmmm melon
Meh, just did a small 30 min tournament, won 7,- so in total I made 260,- today from playing poker XD
260 Pounds Sterling, I believe. They use a comma as opposed to a period like on American currency, and the hyphen is in place of zeros.

Either Im right, or this is just a stoner theory.
Dollars xD just thought the ,- looked cool lol wtf. Im high too :)
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