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The Cuddle Puddle vers. Early Gurning Center

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Lmao ive only been toking and vaping since September (Started up daily on my birthday you see lol)

Oil would fucking ruin me
damn, im craving an lsd trip so bad right now lol, too bad most of my friends are fuckin pussys but take 300 mg's of mdma for the visuals... -sigh- >_<
Lmao ive only been toking and vaping since September (Started up daily on my birthday you see lol)

Oil would fucking ruin me

Yea im trashed lol
Finally done MDMA and ket together again, had such an immense night. Hadn't had any MD since March. Ended up watching House of a 1000 Corpses with my mates and missus, tripped my nut.
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^ Nice thats one of my faves
<---- changed my avatar (youll understand why in a second) =D
Just picked up some herb from the med store... couldnt resist the name =D ive just smoked a bowl and am pretty shacked...


My cam doesnt do it justice (with flash is better but still not the same as it is)
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Fuck, don't feel like going out and party, but if I don't i'll spend a saturday night all alone, which isn't much fun aswell. decisions man.. >_<
Don't have much of a selection for people to hang out with tonight. Guess I'm going to chill with the homeless kids and make myself feel better about my life.
Pfft, yeah it's times like these I feel depressed as shit lol. Everyone having fun but me. I wanna go but for some reason I just can't be bothered. Meh ;(
Got my face pierced, almost missed the last train home. Some drunk bitch decided to run up and down the car, then try to kick me while screaming "YA JUST DONT GIVE A SHIT HUH?". I was seriously thinking about smashing her face into the glass.

Excellent Saturday if I do say so myself.
Fucking hell yesterday was a mental day... Was not expecting the weed the to be that intense and last that long. Fucking floored for like 4 hours.
Drove thru Geurneville yesterday... pronounced "gurn-ville"... lmao =D
this isnt my pic... it was dark when i was there, so i didnt take any pics

Got some more plants...
Left to right, og kush, romulan, og kush :)
how long does 2C-B take to fully take effect?

took 15mg about an hour ago maybe more maybe less, i feel kind of cheery and keep getting a little bit tingly when listening to music nothing major. i also think i've developed a bond with this comb i found on the desk, if i leave it i feel like i've lost something and when i'm holding it i feel complete.

also everything else feels slightly different, and i feel like i have maaaaaaaad ADHD i just want to do lots of different things but i don't know what. so yeah is there more to come or will this be it?

oh wait i feel something else now. can't explain it but it's good. i'll check back here in a bit gonna go socialise and take my comb with me, me and my comb go everywhere together.
how long does 2C-B take to fully take effect?

took 15mg about an hour ago maybe more maybe less, i feel kind of cheery and keep getting a little bit tingly when listening to music nothing major. i also think i've developed a bond with this comb i found on the desk, if i leave it i feel like i've lost something and when i'm holding it i feel complete.

also everything else feels slightly different, and i feel like i have maaaaaaaad ADHD i just want to do lots of different things but i don't know what. so yeah is there more to come or will this be it?

oh wait i feel something else now. can't explain it but it's good. i'll check back here in a bit gonna go socialise and take my comb with me, me and my comb go everywhere together.


enjoy it i took 20mg when i did it
might go for 20mg next time i want some visuals but i don't have any visuals

we went to the shops and i bought some colourful drinks but they disappointed me because they didn't taste as colourful as they looked.
actually i feel like this would be good in a more stimulating environment

i'll try about 18mg this friday at fabric
fuck me weed + 2c-b brought some things to the surface that i didn't really want there. no more psychs for me.
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