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The Cuddle Puddle vers. "Dude, can't handle it unplug this bastard"

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Weak MDMA man. Got it off my mates mate, double dropped and barely got past the come up. Bought a red rockstar in the club though. I've got my MDMA face on but not rushing or anything, gutted.

Sounds like methylone tbh.

well if they were the 67mg ones they shouldn't do much lol, plus I've found if you take too low of a dose to start with no matter how much you take really it won't get you all the way "there"
you take enough you'll get there. like all the bs about not being able to get there two or three nights in a row, if you take enough it works. too many times iv dosed thurs, fri, sat nights with good effects. some of the love does wear off and your left with pnly the speedy effects, though thats to be expected with limited brain chems left to flush.
I never saw the point of that though... why not just do meth lol? I could do that shit everyday and get GREAT effects every time :\

MDMA just ain't a good drug to abuse, IMO... at least not that often. The only reason I roll is for the lovey dovey effects.. if you don't want that then why are you taking the love drug? XD
I could do that shit everyday and get GREAT effects every time
meth is exactly the same if you ask me. the novelty wears off quickly once you have a tolerance. just keep getting deeper and deeper in the sleep deprivation hole. more hollow more empty and you need more and more to function. meth really is a vicious cycle.
MDMA just ain't a good drug to abuse, IMO... at least not that often
i agree now in hindsight, though when i was loving it multiple time a week for a couple years i just kept going back because i kept getting good effects. obviously doses were continually on the rise though which resulted in negative effects on the rise.
Every week is a BIT different, it's at least sustainable for a long time haha. Rolling the day after rolling never did it for me though, even in the deepest parts of my abuse :\

Meth loses it's novelty pretty quick, but you can at least keep getting good effects constantly for LONG periods of time. Not exactly safe or wise to do so AT ALL, but neither is using MDMA that often lol
Happy new year everyone!! I'm on my comedown, a very nice one in fact, from my first tested clean MDMA from the netherlands. I took half a pill at 10:30, came up 30-45mn later, then took another 30min after that. I was at a house party with a bunch of friends and when it turned January 1st, I immediately started making out with a cute drunk girl. She was hammered, ended up puking later, but not on me :) I helped look after her while sitting next to a fire outside, and made some new friends. Left the party at 2:30, and now it's 4:13 on the east coast and I'm easing down with a nice smile on my face, and my headphones on. Blastin some house/electro/trance. I'm already excited for my next roll sometime in February. The pill was about 180mg or so, no complaints!

How was everyone else's night?
Chilled at a mates house, then I dj'ed a few hours at a techno party at friends, then I went home and handled suicidal thoughts from a speed and mdma crash combined and cried myself to sleep. Was an okay night I guess :)
I need to move to Brighton, wow the atmosphere last night was insane!
Happy new year all.

Just got home from a great three days away with friends. Watched the first sunrise of 2013 while sending off Chinese lanterns on a beach and quietly coming down from a night of partying with some of my favourite people in the world. The year is off to a good start.
Sounds beautiful! Sunrise/dawn is the best time of the day imo
Glad most of you had a good night, I threw a last minute house party since my plans didn't work out. It was for the best I had a blast got hammered and was convinced to snort some Molly. Shit sucked never doing it 2 days in a row. I know it was stupid but when have you done something smart drunk? I had no effects from but my friends and the girls rolled hard. I called quits around 7-8am cleaned the house went to sleep and that's about it. What made this NYE awesome is that it wasn't a massive it was just a few of my close friends so I had no concerns ima try and get some more sleep...
At edc this summer when it got windy it was one of the best feelings warm dessert winds mmmm
How was EDC? It seems like rolling balls in the middle of a desert would be a very bad idea to me lol
Impromptu roll set up... rolling in a few days. SO excited. :)
It seems like rolling balls in the middle of a desert would be a very bad idea to me lol

one of my favourite places on the planet to roll. ymmv.

id rather there than my bedroom! fuck i gotta get there one day, not sure id be allowed in the land of the free though, boo. maybe boom festival would be a goer.
I wan't to go to burning man. It's my goal this year to convince my friends to go next year. Shit is wild from what I've been told. My friends brother rented an RV drove from chicago to BR and had a blast. No one knew where he went he left his phone at home and was gone for a few weeks! Sounds like something I really want to do.
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