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The Cuddle Puddle vers. "Dude, can't handle it unplug this bastard"

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and sam!! whats up man, it feels like ages since we've spoken!!!

not much man every day these days is just another day of getting high and burying my head like an ostrich lol
Acid sounds fun but something i wont do lol
like an ostrich? LOL wtf does that mean>??????

acid is really fun!!! every experience is different, which is unlike any drug i have ever tried. sometimes i have amazing revelations and feel awesome, but sometimes i feel "body anxiety" get restless, mental anxiety, and disturbing thoughts which makes me want to end the trip with hydroxyzine and temazepam.. usually i have really fun for 6-8hrs, then i get annoyed with the visuals and wierd body sensations so i try to end it. however, the cid i hae been getting lately is super strong, and usually i end up tripping still and getting visuals aftrer taking a benzo which is kind of annoying loool

its all about the mind-set man!!!
running away from all my troubles with drugs
do you mean:

running away from (all my troubles with drugs) or:

running away from all my troubles (with drugs)?

if the former, congratulations :)

if the latter, i get you man as i was there once and, frankly, it's easy and it feels really good. i'm not going to judge you but i invite you to consider, at very very least, agreeing with yourself some finite definition of when you're going to stop and how you'll do that (and what you'll do if you don't). make sense?

the reason i suggest this is that, in my case, a week became a couple of weeks. that became a few months. that became a year. that became about 5 years and, at the end, my career and finances were in tatters and i had said goodbye to the love of my life...

pm me if you ever want to discuss. or hit me up in im (details in my bl profile).

Great post Alasdair. Using drugs is the easy way out, but they don't solve shit, they actually make things worse.

I was running for my problems and had low self esteem for the past four years, I realize now that I literally stayed the same throughout those years, and nothing ever got better. I tried switching drugs, friends, locations and schools but nothing seemed to help but drugs.
well so far im a year and a half of wasting my life basically and just doing drugs, i kinda of started using drugs everyday (weed, codeine, sometimes valium) as my ultimate way out of the suicidal mindframe.

That's my existence these days,
Cheer up man, and weed isn't that type of drug. Or u can make it that drug but that's never been thr case.

I don't mean to be rude, but I care for u and tough love, but u need stop being down on yourself man, think of all the good things in your life, stop being a negarivry Nancy, if u think negatively of course shit will seem awful. I mean this out of love, hut stop being abpussy! You are awesome man, your funny and cool and everyone loves u on limelight! It just gets me annoyed because I used to be like that..

Pour me, pour me, pour me another drink
hahaha nah, i've tripped too many times to count on my hands and toes, i had a phase last year when i tripped every weekend for 2-3months straight :/

it was really out of the blue, a friend called and said he had a vial of LSD and iwas like, "can you front me a hit or two, i aintz gotz moneyz," and i was totz expecting him to say no, but he said yes and iwas like zomggggg!!!!!!

i took the dose on my tongue, and then my parents called, saying that they came up to my college town for the weekend, abd theb i was like fuck!!! lol i just took that hit!!!

i ended up going downtown and smothering the effects of LSD with insane amounts of alcohol which kind of made me believ ethat it was bunk. however, during the day, i noticed i had the emotions of a teenage girl loool, like one moment i would be on top of the world happy, and the next i would be really sad and upset... so i wS like woah loool then after my parents went home, i went back to my apartment and smoked hella weeds which is when i started to reallllllllllly trippppppppp. twas awesome!! i was so at peace iwth mysef and my family, and i was soo happy and loving and i just wanted to float away with the mythical creatures in my mind...

was really fun, definitelly tripping again next week...

how was your weekend strutter gear????

and sam!! whats up man, it feels like ages since we've spoken!!!

Lol that's mental. Last time I did acid I was supposed to meet up with my mum and sister in central London. I was still getting tracers and shit, just ignored the phone calls. She ended up calling my missus (who wasnt there but knew I was on acid) and she covered for me haha!

Tripping is definitely fun :) I'm looking to get acid again, best drug I've ever done. Ended up dancing outside in my garden listening to dubstep on my massive headphones, euphoria was fucking crazy.

My weekend was great. Missus went away so me and my mate ended up getting on MDMA. I've got some nasty sores on my face where I was licking my lips so much (learnt to control the chewing, but unfortunately not my tongue spilling out of my face, must of looked like a nut case).

Supposed to be getting on it at a house part this Friday coming but think I might just stick to ketamine. Had a brutal comedown, haven't done MDMA since like... March, so my brain just orgasmed all of it's serotonin.

I really wana try mushrooms soon aswell :(
ahahah totally, i always dance on LSD, it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much funnn!!! i didnt even get tracers or hallucinations while drinking alcohol, but after it wore off , i was going insane ;)

having alone time with some MDMA is always fun!! to tell the truth, i have never had good MDMA and so i have never really had a good experience with it. LMAO i bet u orgasmed though, i hur MDMA is super kewl and euporic

im not sure, LSD or ketamine> that is really hard... why not both?? id probaby choose ket because of the short duration, and escapeness you get from it... i am an opiate addict so it would make sense for me to love ket's ability to transport me to another world and lose all my worries!!!!!

ehhh, mushrooms are WAY more intense than LSD IMO... wait you have never tried shrooms? definitely try it if you havent, but id much rather take LSD anyday over mushrooms. they give me too strong of visuals, and take me to places that i dont want to go hahaha. it is always a trip with mushrooms, but oyu have to strap in for the ride because you really cant control your visuals and shit like LSD> like with LSD, i can think my way out of feeling anxious, upset ect... yah know?? like if i start to have a bad trip, i can just change my location and change my mindset and im back on top of the world!! but iwht shrooms you are kind of fucked... haha i get really confused on mushrooms and it is just insane!!!

i took more suboxone, and i definitely feell like the nuvigil (modafinil) i took earlier is increasing the norbup loool. like modafinil is a potent 3A4 enzyme inducer, while buprenorphine is metabolized into norbup through 3A4!!! good news for me11 i am definitely stimulated and feeling pretty good, i was feeling a little anxious earlier because of the excess stimulation, but i took 450mgs lyria and 2mg suboxone and i feel really good now! i wish i had some potent marijuanas to smoke, but i am back at my parents house for thanksgiving break and they have no tolerance for drugs! long story, but after some shit that happened, i cant smoke weeds. but i still got my suboxon3!!! cheers :)

right now i am currently studying Chemistry Lab book because i have a lab practical the day i get back from break. like they are like "do this lab" and they dont give you any procedure or directions, you just have to know how to do the lab. and it is pass or fail!!! :( and if you fail the final, you fail the class, so yah i am kind of worried, but that is why i am studying! and also, i didnt really do shit in that class lmao, like i made my lab partners do the lab report, but i feel pretty confident cuz i was there and actually did the lab hands on

as you can tell, i am stimulated and now i am rambling, but what are you doing today??? any good weeds to smoke:???

well so far im a year and a half of wasting my life basically and just doing drugs, i kinda of started using drugs everyday (weed, codeine, sometimes valium) as my ultimate way out of the suicidal mindframe.

That's my existence these days,

I used to be this way...

I've sat down with a loaded firearm a few times before, contemplating my worth. I've decided that if I want to end my life, I'm going to do it for a cause... not be a pussy and take it for no reason. At least go help fight with some Rebels in Africa or something lol

but then one day I took a normal dose of shrooms (along with a LOT of dark chocolate, that's key), had an extremely religious experience where I came to God and asked, no, begged him for His help... and miraculously I got it and a trip that had been quite frightening before turned into one of the most intense and out of this world psychedelic experience of my life

Ever since that day not only have I been extremely religious, but I've been exponentially happier as well. That was just one trip, they don't all do that but those 4 hours completely turned my life around for the better. It was like I was reborn and all the shit in my life was washed away... just like that.

any good weeds to smoke:???

I've got a gram of Master Kush, Cinnex, Blackberry Kush, Mongolian Indica and a quarter of K-Train (kushxtrainwreck) and Crunchberry which fucking smells like fruity pebbles.... oh, and a gram of hash oil. So, yeah lol ;)
ohhhh you lucky!!! folley, i havent spoken to you in forever, i member you from a while back hahaha

you have fun with your mary jane, take some fat rips for me ! because god knows i wont be getting high within the nxt week

do you live in an mmj state, or 'rado or washington?
I really wana try mushrooms soon aswell :(

Guess what I'm doing Sunday, I have a very reliable supply! My friends first tried this summer I haven't had the time to try it but this Sunday is a go! I've been around them when they were tripping and boy am I anxious to try!
Religion... one of the cancers of mankind... mushrooms or not I have never believed in any of that whatsoever. It's so disempowering, giving credit to all the good things YOU do to some imaginary dude with a white beard who lives in the clouds.. lol. It's what people WANT to believe cos the thought of death fears them. the "nothingness". I embrase this "nothing" however, if I'm lucky to live long it will be a good rest from all the retards in this world who anger me. :)
Religion... one of the cancers of mankind... mushrooms or not I have never believed in any of that whatsoever. It's so disempowering, giving credit to all the good things YOU do to some imaginary dude with a white beard who lives in the clouds.. lol. It's what people WANT to believe cos the thought of death fears them. the "nothingness". I embrase this "nothing" however, if I'm lucky to live long it will be a good rest from all the retards in this world who anger me. :)

Lets not get into religion on here, I'm in a cross roads myself. There are things like higgs boson and people like Nietzsche and Dostoyevsky that challenge my faith and there are things like the watch maker theodicy by William Paley and writings by Thomas Aquinas that reinforce my faith. If he found Jesus and it has made him a better person why take it away from him?
Do we need to turn this thread into a Philosophy A Level Class? :p

Positive thinking Sam, your own brain and mindframe is key to happiness :) One day you've got to say "fuck it" and make a change for yourself. Not changing and staying sad isn't a long term option bruvva.
do you live in an mmj state, or 'rado or washington?

Washington lol, you already know the nugs flow like rain through here.



Religion... one of the cancers of mankind... mushrooms or not I have never believed in any of that whatsoever. It's so disempowering, giving credit to all the good things YOU do to some imaginary dude with a white beard who lives in the clouds.. lol. It's what people WANT to believe cos the thought of death fears them. the "nothingness". I embrase this "nothing" however, if I'm lucky to live long it will be a good rest from all the retards in this world who anger me. :)

Religion is bull shit my friend. I follow no religion, I do however have a relationship with the One I see as "My God". He has helped me and given me his wisdom, and I've experienced his awe firsthand... and no, not just when I was tripping lol

If you don't believe in anything, I don't really have a problem with that. I can't force you to believe me, you need to find spirituality yourself... if you want to at all. Personally though, if I tried to deny the things I have seen I would be lying to myself. That there is a higher power above humans is something I am more than sure of.... otherwise, I wouldn't have the will to life.

What could be purpose of life if we just live arbitrarily for a few years and die?

Do we need to turn this thread into a Philosophy A Level Class? :p

Yes. lol I agree with the rest of what your saying though, I basically just said to myself... "Why the fuck am I sad? Well, STOP!" and like that it was over. I mean, I still deal with Manic Depression on occasion but it's no longer holding me back and I don't feel afraid to keep a high caliber pistol around the house anymore
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Religion... one of the cancers of mankind... mushrooms or not I have never believed in any of that whatsoever. It's so disempowering, giving credit to all the good things YOU do to some imaginary dude with a white beard who lives in the clouds.. lol. It's what people WANT to believe cos the thought of death fears them. the "nothingness". I embrase this "nothing" however, if I'm lucky to live long it will be a good rest from all the retards in this world who anger me. :)
this is really a discussion for p&s but i echo n2n. if somebody has found a spiritual benefit from 'religion', why not respect that? or are you using the word 'religion' in the greater sense - including everything that every body does in the name of one religion or another.

i believe that you're oversimplifying a rather complex issue. indeed, condensing the beliefs of a huge spectrum of people into "some imaginary dude with a white beard who lives in the clouds" is not only disrespectful, it's a little childish isn't it?

"It's what people WANT to believe cos the thought of death fears them"? i think if you asked 100 different 'religious' people about why they believe what they believe, you'd get 100 different answers. again, your dismissal is crass.


^ I'm not afraid of death... I'm actually looking forward to it, if that doesn't sound too bad lol. I "know" that something better will be waiting on the other side for me and I'm ready to take that on head on when my time comes.

I mean, what's the worst that could happen? Nothing? I'll take my chances 8)
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