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The chemistry of "getting used to"


Aug 13, 2010
You know when you get a new job, and next thing you know, you need to knock on doors and present bullshit to people known for being a terrible scam...and you feel terrible knocking on the first door, getting second thoughts about knocking on the second, and then, miraculously, by the 100th door you're like a zombie not giving a shit.

I was just wondering what chemical change occurred for it to happen that way. How was the de-sensitization achieved, and is the de-sensitization only acting on the pain of doing that job or also on sexual pleasure, actually decreasing sensitivity to both sensations?

What I have noticed after getting used to a stressful job is that I enjoyed sex less, video-games and other pleasurable activities, which leads me to believe that the getting used to process actually does not discriminate and makes you more insensitive to everything. And after a vacation, where I was able to focus on those pleasurable activities properly and for a long time, surprize! When back to work I was feeling a bit anxious again.

Another clue to what is happening for real is my amphetamine use. Normally, dextroamphetamine kicks in very smoothly without causing any tension or unease, but after getting used to a stressful job without amphetamines, the first amphetamine use gives a sensation of unease and tension with a bit of a headache and the sensation itself, you don't really know what to feel...it feels really toxic...then after a day or two it's back to being all nice and sweet without any side effects.

It's like the getting used to process is like a toxic cloud floating over my brain, very very weird, it's like it poisons the link between the cortex and the rest of the brain so that what enters the eyes and cortex is not properly received and interpreted.
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Humans and their brains tend to at first react strongly to anything and after a while it just gets used to it. Not sure if chemistry is the right word but instead our brains get rewired differently.
Humans and their brains tend to at first react strongly to anything and after a while it just gets used to it. Not sure if chemistry is the right word but instead our brains get rewired differently.

Then, how do you explain falling in love? If what you say is true, falling in love would not be possible because you would not experience an ever increasing reaction. Also when you are in love, you seem to enjoy everything and you see the world in a positive light.
IDK. I have one ten year long relationship behind and I have to say that it failed as we both 'got used to it' and took the other as is instead of the way as we felt in the first years or months.

Currently I am in love and this time I am trying to not get used to this.

Maybe I am just one sad bastard, but everytime I have got crush or been in love it has never been an escalating feeling but instead a fading one.
It's sensitivity vs. desensitivity. We adapt to stimuli, over time, even unpleasant stimuli. Even torturers know this... you have to alternate pain stimulus between different kinds because the nervous system adapts to repetitive input of the same kind.

Then, how do you explain falling in love? If what you say is true, falling in love would not be possible because you would not experience an ever increasing reaction. Also when you are in love, you seem to enjoy everything and you see the world in a positive light.

Romantic love is no exception. The majority of formative relationships fail after the infatuation phase, when they have to start making the conscious choice to practice love and build a relationship, as opposed to just having a chemical rush provide it for them.

Whether it's pleasant stimulus or painful, you get used to it. You even come to depend on its presence as part of your reality. Hence things like Stockholm Syndrome.

In short we are creatures of habit.
Stockholm Syndrome should be taken as a case sensitive since all of the hostages were Swedes. Even their "defence" force would help foreign soldiers to invade their country.
^ Sure but with love, the shape of Pleasure vs. time is Gaussian, as opposed to the exponential decay we observe with getting used to pain stimulus.

What I want is that initial peak, to continue when it comes to pleasant sensations, like exploring a videogame, liking it, liking it more and upwards from there, rather than downwards. I know I had that with Diablo II and it was ruined by constant criticism of how I live my life and by porn + dexedrine.
Some people are born salesmen, others over think it.

It's a confidence thing. My girlfriend finds the days we have sex before work she closes a higher number of deals. We call this phenomenon Sales Dicking. I'm not sure if it only my dick that holds the magic key to success but if you are having a slow month I'll be more than happy to fuck you in the arse and see if that helps.
Does your Willy get any provisions for boosting the sales :p
I was a little disappointed that my cock wasn't at least inscribed on the crystal plaque the last three years she made the million dollar club now that you mention it.
I've gotten used to life and now am bored or at odds with most of it. I'm hoping to be decommissioned soon. :|
Then, how do you explain falling in love? If what you say is true, falling in love would not be possible because you would not experience an ever increasing reaction. Also when you are in love, you seem to enjoy everything and you see the world in a positive light.

Falling in love and having children are like nature's rewards for doing your job and can't really be compared to anything else. It's like a natural way to experience high consciousness levels.
Humans are amazing at adapting to their environment. The more a pattern repeats in our experience the better equipped are brains are at dealing with it. It's like when you first start driving vs driving home on autopilot after a few years. Through repetition our brains store data on how to deal with certain situatoons so in the future so it can use less thinking power when it comes around again. Working out is a good example of how your body adapting to its environment. We are humans. We adapt. It's what we do best
Falling in love and having children are like nature's rewards for doing your job and can't really be compared to anything else. It's like a natural way to experience high consciousness levels.

How is having offspring an experience of high consciousness? Any fool with sex organs can accomplish that feat. And the chemical state of falling in "love" seems to wear off for many if not most eventually and usually sooner than later. It seems more likely that the job of nature is to procreate as I stated above and once done we are basically done, even in an environment such as ours that can drag life out to painful ends. Entropy has it's day.
Misery mostly. One can make a better case for lust taking the prize here. Look at how the many wars and ensuing rapes have populated the world with children. The numbers are huge at least in our past and likely still. Then of course there is the party fucking that goes on and all those lovely one night stands. Falling in "love" is a temporary chemical madness that also adds to this mess of children born to mostly suffer and die but not really even necessary to make more humans. Humans will be made without so called " romantic love".

I'm assuming the answer to your query was children.
It's the same thing. It's all part of the sexual instinct. Doesn't matter if you're looking for love or just what is required to produce children. Nature doesn't really care what you would prefer.

Seems like the purpose of falling in love is to bond with someone long enough to collaborate in supporting the life of a child's first years. And I would call it a natural higher consciousness state, as with people who have newly had children. That's just how I perceive it.
It is my humble opinion that we as human beings were not designed by nature to work like slaves to a society that does not give a damn. The more stress that consumes you, the less magic in your life. Stress is your biggest threat. It changes people, sometimes for good. Nobody should ever feel obligated to get used to something that destroys them, yet it happens to the vast majority every day all over the world. To some that is what growing up and being an adult is. Sad world.
It's the same thing. It's all part of the sexual instinct. Doesn't matter if you're looking for love or just what is required to produce children. Nature doesn't really care what you would prefer.

Seems like the purpose of falling in love is to bond with someone long enough to collaborate in supporting the life of a child's first years. And I would call it a natural higher consciousness state, as with people who have newly had children. That's just how I perceive it.

I don't see what's "higher" about it.