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The Big & Dandy Yopo Thread

i tried with 3 seeds only to test. it hurt my nose and didn't work.
but a friend of mine knows someone who smokes them instead and gets really good results
I read that it hurts when you snort it, and you're supposed to mix it with lime (basifying?) to get full effects if you do it that way.
Insufflated: 3 seeds toasted and pulverized; severe pain of the nasal mucous membrane; effects where nihl other than my body flushing my nose out with snot.

Smoked: 1-2 seeds yeiled a body-load high that made me feel like I was swimming at the bottom of a 10-foot pool -- very heavy and somewhat uncomfortable, and lasting 5-15 minutes; the volitile oils in the seeds make for a fowl-tasting smoke with a somewhat nutty flavor.

Yopo-huasca: Interesting, electrical bodyload -- feels like you're charged with static electricity; this with 7 seeds & 3tbsps of syrian rue, as well as 7g MHRB.
jaymie: Sounds very interesting, almost like my Salvia experiences where I experienced intense fear, three times, which was disturbing, especially since I had no rational explanation for the fear, as I realized what I first thought I was afraid of was not possible. I guess I should continue experimenting to attempt to figure this out.
Cool, I'm glad it helped you out. Yeah, yopo is definitely worth further exploration. That was the only time I'd taken it, but I hope to someday try it out again.
jaymie: Sounds very interesting, almost like my Salvia experiences where I experienced intense fear, three times, which was disturbing, especially since I had no rational explanation for the fear, as I realized what I first thought I was afraid of was not possible. I guess I should continue experimenting to attempt to figure this out.

As far as i know, salvia works on the kappa-opiod recepter, and as far as I know, opiod receptors have to deal with endorfine, which is greatly involved in pain. So maybe you're hitting the center that translates pain into a fear to be able to do something about it, also pain (heavy pain, especially on long term) gets a psychedelic. (in my own experience, pain is a very good, but also possible dangerous psychedelic, for those interesting in other things then chemicals:X

Maybe that can be an explanation for the experienced nonsense-fear?
Aszazin said:
As far as i know, salvia works on the kappa-opiod recepter, and as far as I know, opiod receptors have to deal with endorfine, which is greatly involved in pain. So maybe you're hitting the center that translates pain into a fear to be able to do something about it, also pain (heavy pain, especially on long term) gets a psychedelic. (in my own experience, pain is a very good, but also possible dangerous psychedelic, for those interesting in other things then chemicals:X

Maybe that can be an explanation for the experienced nonsense-fear?

This is an interesting idea, although I have never had "psychedelic pain". The closest experience I could relate to might be fever and deleriem, which I remember changed the perception of my room, as I lay sick in bed. I remember the room looked larger than I understood it to be.
I remember having fevers when I was younger where I talked to imaginary people. It was exactly how people describe Beladonna/datura/Dimenhydrinate to be. I have never attempted to ingest any of those substances(except for reccomened doses of dimenhydrinate, but I used it for it's intended use) From reading the reorts on these substances, I am sure that I will never touch them!
Sorry to change the subject from Yopo(which I do want to try) but the last post reminded me of this!
I bought some yopo almost a year ago. I toasted and pulverized it. After that I tried a little to explore what I bought. I mixed it with baking soda and took a couple of sniffs. I think it were 2 seeds. I had a mild trip, so the next time I will involve more seeds.

I also smoked 1 or 2 seeds. I had an intenser feeling then the yopo insulflation, but also this wasn't that strong.

These efforts were only to inaugurate and test to know what I bought and knowing where I was dealing with. I definitely going to try yopo in the future, but I will start low again and word my way up, because it is a long time ago when I tried it.

I know that limestone will be better then baking soda. But it would be nice if someone has more tips, would be a lot easier to do it, I hope. I said this, because I already explored that it is hard to ingest.
Heh, I always used to laugh about, uh

"duuude these communion wafers will FUCK YOU UP if you eat enough of 'em"

Seems like this would be a hard substance not to take seriously. Those stories of native folk smearing green visionary snot all over their faces as it drips out made an impression on me a while ago... there are people even more serious than I out there!
Dude, it`s a good thing to do for the people that use it spiritually, but I don`t think it`s really a "fun" drug.

I tried snorting it with and without the base, it hurts as hell, and clogs up your nose, which then starts to form all kind of nasty little balls of crushed yopo. I didn`t experience much except a light buzz. I tried smoking a little bit, it tasted bad, but not truly disgusting, didn`t do anything for me(were only 3 seeds though).

It felt like it might be a hardcore trip at higher dosages, but I don`t like maoi`s, and I didn`t like the effects at lower dosages. So I have about 30-40 seeds left, which I am not going to use at all. I might try ayahuasca in the near future, I`ll have to prepare myself for it first(mentally, I hate being hit harder than I expected, but sometimes it`s nice). Maybe I`ll try smoking a few seeds on the comedown of ayahuasca, and if that doesn`t work, I`ll mix in some salvia with that too. That way I`ll have tried a whole lot of sacred sacraments in one night. Although I don`t intend to use it entirely spiritually, I also don`t intend to use it recreationally. --More like an in between, expect nothing but sheer force kinda thing.
Its actually mostly NOT the seeds which are used I was led to understand... it is the seed pods. The seeds contain mostly Bufotenine and the pods contain DMT/5-meo-DMT and Bufo.

I have smoked seeds and it gave me bad pressure in my head and chest pains... which I think is fairly common with bufotenine.

However my ex-partners mum and a friend came home one time drunk and mistook my bowl of toasted A.colubrina seeds for a bowl of pot (yes absolutely blotto drunk)... so they decided to get stuck in to it...
The next morning the mother said "Id change dealers if I were you, we had five cones each of that stuff in your bowl and it didn't do anything!"

She didnt experience anything at all...
yopo / anadenanthera peregrina ?

hey guys

does anyone have any experience with the above?

i searched bl and there doesn't seem to be anything on it
a few experience reports on erowid...
well, thought i'd ask

can you take the stuff orally, btw?
I think it's a snuff that contains 5-MEO-DMT and should be very painfully snorted or blown up the nose by someone else.

I'ld look into these which is similar but can be taken orally aswell due to beta-carbolines (MOAI) in it.

Virola callophylla Resin
Virola theidora Resin
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