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The Big & Dandy Worst Psychedelics thread

PCP can be a pretty violent trip .

And depending on the person salvia can do some pretty bad stuff as well
not sure if it is a true psychedelic but datura is crazy but most would consoder it a dissasociative
^ The alkaloids within the plants of the Datura family are considered deliriants, not dissociatives (which would be ketamine, PCP, DXM, and maybe Salvia). But I agree, those sound pretty awful (I've never tasted any deliriants myself nor do I intend to).
I've heard about datura for some time now, what is it?? For some reason at first I thought it was some sort of legal high, then I thought it was some sort of crazy coffee sort of thing, not sure what inspired these thoughts... Or is it just a pill like dramamine?..
Duh... Sorry that was my mistake, obviously shoulda just checked out erowid instead of being lazy
every person i have talked to and every report i have read has said/stated that datura is unpleasant to say the least, some people wanna try everything winner but somestuff is best to be left alone..... for me datura is in that category
^ Same here, delirium isn't fun at all (been there quite a few times at the tail end of a proper amph binge), all the physical side-effects of datura make it all the less appealing. Plus it has a pretty low therapeutic index (if you can even call it that, since deliriants have basically no therapeutic value whatsoever) and it is very difficult to get the dosage right due to widely varying alkaloid contents. Overdose results in either a) toxic reaction, possibly resulting in death; or b) extremely delirius state that could last for days, and a myriad of negative after-effects potentially lasting for more than a week. Not worth the risks even if there was some sort of a reward to be gained IMO.

If deliriants intrigue you, however, there are much safer and shorter lasting alternatives out there. Still, not my cup tea - I much prefer having my dreams without being conscious at the same time, thank you very much!
i'm gonna say DXM, but that's just because i'm one a them 'slow metabolizers'... found this out the hard way, haha... actually had some really wonderful OBE's, tho, once i realized just how miniscule my necessary dosage was. that first one tho, quite the extended brain-fuck:(
5 grams of powerful shrooms.
I was so used to phens, that I assumed shrooms being tryptamines would be easier in general, and less extreme. I was wrong though....
^tryptamines tend to cause more powerful, ego threatening trips than phens for the most part.

what made you assume otherwise?
what about bromo dragonfly? I don't know if I would be able to stand the body load and tripping the FUCK out for up 72 hours!!!!
BZ isn't a psychedelic, its a deliriant like atropine.

I think we have a winner. I forgot about BZ. If we don't consider psychedelics but just any psycho active substance in general BZ sounds the worst!!! You trip as long as bromo dragonfly, you have a terrible body feeling and your mind is fucked beyond anything else while not being conducive of any kind of spiritual or introspective experience!!
what about bromo dragonfly? I don't know if I would be able to stand the body load and tripping the FUCK out for up 72 hours!!!!

With a reasonable dose the body load isn't any worse than a lot of other things and you're not gonna trip for 72 hours.
Br-dragonfly sounds pretty nasty to me. Even in reasonable doses. It seems some people have had good experiences with it, but its never something Id indulge in. However, Id never do other DO(x) either. They all sound pretty horrible to me. But Im not much into stims anyway, and 6-7 hours of tripping is enough for me :)

Guess its very subjective, but for me very long acting psychedelics with stimulant properties seem the worst psychedelics to me.

felt like the devil was coming for me. I was literally crying and growling on my knees for a painting of Jesus to save me
Personally i find magic mushroom trips to be the worst as far as difficult to deal with, the utter confusion of whats going on combined with a dark sinister feeling always leaves me scared out of my mind. Its not that i dislike shrooms or the trip i just always seem to find a negative aspect in reality when i take shrooms.

Quit alot of dislike for LSA, i guess it doesnt surprise me as before i bothered with soaking them in water for a couple of hours the nausea & throwing up would be horrible.
I don't think I'll ever touch DPT again. Something about it was incredibly foreboding, even dark. Not to mention, I puked for at least an hour.

I do realize set and setting and myself all play into this "dark and foreboding" experience, but I have read, even in some popular books, about DPT's character coinciding with my experience.

Then again, there is a church that uses it as their sacrament, so maybe I was just in a bad place and the DPT isn't to blame.