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The Big & Dandy Trip Activities Thread

i love to listen to psychedelic rock when im trippin, i just put on some pink floyd, hendrix, Cream etc..and close my eyes while listening to the stellar guitar playin and get lost in the closed eye visuals until im in a trance. any music you dig like techno or rap even will get you there. nothing for me compares to classic rock though. im a huge hip hop junkie but i get such a jonesing for classic rock when im under the influence.

going for walks in forests too is real fun or even a big park near by with lots of trees, plant life looks so interesting when your on psychedelics

even having a shower while your tripping is ab fun thing to do

^ You sound like me, those are the three things I do most often while tripping. Showers, music (particularly classic/psychedelic rock) with my eyes closed or a walk in the woods/park.

I have to agree, these are all awesome things to do while tripping.

Also for lower doses a nice psychedelic film or a comedy is always good to watch - provided you're somewhere comfortable.

Tripping with friends can also be great fun if they're tripping too.
If you're planning on consuming enough for visuals, enjoy your visuals. If tripping by yourself revolve the trip around yourself and do exactly what you want to do and feel comfortable with, even if that means getting naked. Try drawing or watching some cartoons, listen to some music that you enjoy that is somewhat relaxing and not too overwhelming while on the psychedelic. Psychedelics make everything feel new, enjoy that feeling.
Rolling down a large hill.
Protip: If you really want to be a champion you do it naked.
Rolling down a large hill.
Protip: If you really want to be a champion you do it naked.

Counter-Protip: rolling down a hill naked may hurt your penis and/or balls. If possible, contain your package inside of tight-fitting briefs while rolling: you can always strip down totally naked when you reach the bottom of the hill if you so desire.

or if you have a cool art coffee table book (i really regret giving that Salvador Dali book to my friend) take a look at that.
tai chi
watch Pink Floyd: Live in Pompeii. the quintessential tripping DVD imo
Just do things that you normally would do sober but don't drive a car and going outside is always fun.
- looking at familiar paintings around the house
- persian rugs
- pancakes with syrup
- play with a furry pet
- local lakes/ponds, enjoy the water surface reflecting the sky, or the local fauna
Music is good....I usually trip solo or with friends (no or only a few starngers) for my own comfort sake. I would say take this oppurtunity to do some soul searching and contemplate life. I'm sure you will have a good time regardless.
On days when it's not too busy or hot I've had a lot of fun on low to mid-range doses of psychedelics in water parks. The wave pools are a blast. If it gets to be too much most of them sell alcohol to take the edge off and have those rivers to float around it.

Theme parks are fun, too. The lines suck, though. I remember loving the "graviton" spinning thing where the floor drops out while high back in high school. You might want to take some dramamine if you plan on riding that more than a few times, though. Next time I go I think I'll take some JWH-018 so I can re-dose in the bathroom without the smell.

I remember one time in high school when a friend and I went into the bathroom to smoke. Two guys came in and one asked, "Hey John, do you smell P-O-T?"

We both started laughing and burst out of the stalls along with a cloud of smoke and walked straight out and didn't look back. They were cracking up, too. I'm glad they weren't security or some D.A.R.E. dad or something.