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The Big & Dandy Taking A Psychedelic Poop Thread


Mar 13, 2011

Welcome to the Big & Dandy Psychedelic Poop Thread

In Honor of Raoul Duke and for all you prairiedoggers out there


[original post:]

So anyone else hate this one. your frying good and you have to go and it seems like you never know when your done or not and you can never tell if you wiped good enough and it seems like your in there for ever, and being isolated by yourself is making the fry even harder. so you just end up getting frustrated and storm out of the bathroom still feeling like you got to go and it kinda fucks the rest of the fry up anyone else expierence this? I usually always clear out before i fry but sometimes nature still calls in the middle of my trip/ you either hate it or love it i dont really care for it peeing on acid is much cooler and easy going for me, maybe its not fun for me because I use opiates sometimes and get all clogged makes sense to me. Acid and some good tryptamines dont get along with the toilet to well =/
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When my friend and I did acid for the first time at a psytrance festival in the bush we were just peaking and my friend had to pay a visit to the port-a-loo. The darkness, heat, smell of the enclosed space plus the actual act of shitting freaked him the fuck out and he thought he was in an 'elevator to hell' hahaha. He's never touched acid again
yeah, that experience is definitely not the best. which is why many people prefer fasting before a trip. personally i prefer just weed for festivals. psychedelics and me require a comfortable place i can escape (like a clean bathroom)

that being said, the swirls in my shower curtain, floor mat, and towel are some of the most interesting things to look at whilst shitting on psychedelics :) not to mention the sensations of washing your hands in warm water and staring deeply into your eyes which reflect your face which has your eyes which reflect your face which has your eyes which reflect your face which has your eyes which reflect your face which has your eyes which reflect your face...
Are you kidding? Trippy shits are fantastic, I feel cheated if I trip and don't shit. The last time I did mushrooms, the shit I took was everything I'd hoped it might be. Truly life affirming. Shitting whilst peaking on 2C-E was one of the most bizarre things I've ever done (from my point of view, I'm aware that to an outside observer it would seem rather mundane). The thing about a shit is, it offers some real tactile satisfaction, but unlike sex, it kind of takes care of itself, and you don't run the risk of getting distracted and losing comprehension of what you're doing, it all just unfolds beneath you. Once the wheels are set in motion, you just sit back and enjoy the ride.
I had the most epic shit of my life after drinking an eighth of mushroom tea. Oh the memories.
Aw, it's so wonderfully grounding, just as you feel that you might become pure knowledge, transcend the physical altogether, you're suddenly involved in this primal, unavoidable thing, this basic activity that reminds you of the animal that you essentially are, of the folly of trying to ignore the fact that you are a beast of flesh and blood.

I really love shitting on trips.
Actual pooping is better than the feeling of shit moving through your guts and bowels before you need to go.
just be sure not to get distracted and forget what you are there to do! or wipe for that matter afterwads :P add some brown to that rainbow

but really, i dont overthink it. sometimes it is nice, sometimes it is ok, sometimes just somthing to get it over with. never had a +4 shit. yet
=D Guys, this thread made me laugh so hard!

I never had a shit during trips, but I always like to urinate, because during this act I think about metabolites of psychedelics and processes occuring in my body.
Great fucking thread!
I remember when I first started tripping the big thing was "don't shit on acid."
lol yerg well im glad you like shitting on trips wish i could the whole process for me is just plain confusing its not like it comes out easy. its me sitting on the toilet trying to push it out and nothing hardly comes out and its like fuck why wont it come OUT!
This thread is fucking hilarious!

I've never had a problem taking a shit on psychedelics. I do, however, get a weird feeling of just how fucked up it is to be sitting on a porcelein machine in order to pass on my unwanted nutrients to the biosphere.

Taking a shit on mescaline and the 2Cs is a really centering act of the Gaian kind. You realize just how everything flows from one life to the next, how your 'waste' is another life's sustainence. I think shitting out in nature while tripping would be far more spiritual than doing it on the toilet.

And I agree with allium actually, taking a piss is pretty damn psychedelic. It always seems to get the neurotransmitters flowing full-on, rainbows and nests flowing from the goemetries of the porcelien bowl as the stream impacts the water. I had an amzing time taking a piss in someone's toilet once while on five hits of acid. It was so colourful, and it made me so happy!
Every time I poop when tripping, it always intensifies everything for a short while.

It really cranks up the visuals (esp. moving, flowing) and centers my mind.

I think it's kind of like meditating, because your focusing on one thing, but in this case its pooping.
I like shitting on mushrooms, makes my stomach feel better and it's a little rush of good feelings, as long as you don't look end up staring at it floating there, then it's kinda gross.
When my friend and I did acid for the first time at a psytrance festival in the bush we were just peaking and my friend had to pay a visit to the port-a-loo. The darkness, heat, smell of the enclosed space plus the actual act of shitting freaked him the fuck out and he thought he was in an 'elevator to hell' hahaha. He's never touched acid again

what a pathetic wuss!
i guess nobody in this thread has seen the episode of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia where they do acid, and Frank thinks he has to escape from an RV by exiting via the toilet...

Am I standing in poo?!
As a rule, anything that happens in a bathroom is fucking intense on drugs because it's the most alone you've been with your thoughts all day plus water and reflective surfaces plus parts of your body image leaving you.
never had a +4 shit. yet


what a pathetic wuss!

haha bit harsh. when it comes to psychedelics I think never wanting to do them again after a bad experience (especially if its your first trip) is very understandable.

Its a shame though because he's missing out on some amazing experiences. Who knows, if I had needed to shit instead of him that day all of our lives could be very different...
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