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The Big & Dandy Salvia Thread - Second iteration

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Well, I had a picture up there of what I was going to get.. but he only has that in 21x.. and its like 20 bucks.. but he said its not as potent, not as good??? Then he showed the 30x.. which was way more expensive.. but I mea, I just want to best I can get. Any preferences?
get the cheapest 20x you can. anything above that is just a scam.

also, if you see "Standardized," get that.

key points: made a good sized pile in your bowl; hold lighter on the bowl while inhaling for as long as possible; take two hits and let go.

beforehand, make sure you are in a relaxed, comfortable state. Go into a dark room and maybe listen to some downtempo ambient music for 20 minutes while laying down (almost falling asleep). once you are relaxed, get your things together and smoke!
I would not buy an extrract that was not standardized.

The standardized extracts, assuming they actually are such and its not just a label slapped on there to sell more or something, will let you control how much drug you are taking way, way better. Assuming you have a scale that can weigh out doeses down to a few milligrams accurately, anyway... but still. I would regard these as a better product.

I agree that anything over 20x or so is just silly and probably a bunch of marketing nonsense. Whatever the case, its unneccesary.
Okay, well I got 20x standardized. Came in a bag.. then a little glass bottle. Was close to 50 bucks. Also bought a little plastic graffix bong, probably about a foot tall.

So a couple buddies of mine tried it yesterday.. & holy fuck. Can tell it's very potent, but was abit worry to actually just fucking power inhale that shit and hold just as long as I can. It could of been done differently.. So I didn't break through.. but holy fuck. It was pretty intense. Very. I was in the backseaf of an 08 mustang.. and that wasn't a good idea (because the reason I said the car was so you know how small the backseat is).. Alot of anxiety. My buddy driving.. and my buddy in the passenger seat.. ended up chopping up into a puzzle.. I ended up getting out of the car.. and being 'pulled' in the left direction. I felt like that in the back seat as well.

I want to break through with my girl today. She tried A LITTLE bit yesterday. I filled the bowl 2 much by mistake & she couldnt take the hit.. So she felt very minimal effects. But I seriously want to break through with just her and I today.. and I know we got about enough for 4 hits left. I believe we can do it, so I'll report back later.. if I can even find the words. Any more tips would be great.

How about WATER in the bong? Good idea or bad? Smooth down the hit abit. I don't wan to lose anything though. It's about a 1 foot bong.
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obviously, you didn't listen to the advice we gave you about set and setting.
Yea, I didn't.. I tried it right when I got out..lol.. very unpleasent that way.. but I knew it was going to be like that, but I knew it wasn't going to kill me either. That's why I saved what's left for tonight with my girl and I.. Little music.. Quiet.. etc.

It was def. stupid to try it in the backseat of a car.. but I basically knew that was going to suck...
I ended up feeling 'stuck' in the car & it was very unpleasent. Felt being pulled toward the left. I eventually had to get out of the car.. but still wasn't even sure where I was. That wasn't pleasent at all. I hated it to be honest..lol.

That's why like I said, I saved the majority for today. Going to attempt to break through with my girl. Definitely will have the set and setting. Anyone have any opinions about water in the bong?
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^Lol, the first time I got salvia I smoked up several bongs in the car, Miss Swilow driving- shocking idea!!!!

Ahh credit cards. I've never had one- and I doubt I will. I haven't actually ever had a full-time job, and I am 25 too. Xorkoth, you make me feel inadequate! :) Thankfully, I can fly so....
I respect anybody who can survive without a full time job. I am aiming to live my entire life without becoming a wage slave. :)
lol I definitely can't survive without one.

So I just tried it again with my chick.. I didn't break through I do not believe. It was pretty intense though & not that bad this time. I just turned the lights low, played some music, etc. It was only my girl and I.. & I felt like there were other people in the room. The music I was listening too, I strongly felt was very realistic and directed at me.. I didn't know if the person (people) was there.. or talking to me, or wtf was going on. I ended up getting up and turning it down, because I got back on the bed.. and still didn't know what was going on & strongly felt there were other people there. I ended up curling my head into my girlfriends lap, because that was the only territory that I knew was 'real' and mine and right, I guess.. Even though I felt as though she was judging me and that she didn't know what was wrong with me.. Which wasn't true at all. It wasn't unpleasent this time, though I didn't like exactly what I was going through. I toked up one or two more times like a kid in a candy shop, trying hard to get that salvia space. Never happened. I have been laying in bed for about the past 45 minutes after.. With all these strange thoughts of life & many things were taken into consideration & just some things made sense.. I strongly believe there is alot more to be seen & once I get past that 'door' it would be far more insightful.

Very interesting.
So.. I just took the last hit about a half hour or so ago. It was the last off it.. and was SEEMED like a really little hit (but looking).. but I held it in the longest.. and kept the flame right on it.

I was sitting on the edge of the bed when I took it & my chick was coming towards me.. As soon as I was done I put the bong next to the wall in front of me, away from the bed. I continued to hold it in.. blew it out.. preceeded to lay back on the pillow and pulled my chick to my chest. After this I became pretty disconnected from reality. Apparently she kept telling me I was okay in the beginning & I replied, "Okay." & relaxed. Reality seem to fall away from me.. and something was like pulling me forward. Like there was a goal for me to go forward. Like something was there and I had to get to it. Like the whole concept of standing, or sitting up.. or anything like that disappeared. I was just laying on my side.. and was trying to 'move forward'.. and get into reality. My girl was supposably holding my hand or what not.. and I looked scared as hell. I can understand that, because I was scared as hell. I thought I was 'stuck' in this place & couldn't comprehend anything. Eventually it came to a point where this 'higher power' or 'force' that was keeping me there.. not letting me into reality.. came to a choice.. and my girls face finally appeared (I was finally starting to see her there).. and I start mumbling jibberish shit and I pointed at her.. and through the jibberish mumbling I finally manage to say, "That." "I like that".. While pointing.. Meaning I want to go to that.. I wanted to get to that, for that was the reality.. My safe zone.. Or so it felt. She said I grabbed her leg after this and picked it up.. and held on her to her. Then proceeded to regain some control and pick up the bong and moved it closer to the wall saying, "I hate this shit.. I fucking hate this shit." ..lmfao.. and that makes sense too.. But its really not as bad as it seems at that time.

The more I sit down and think about these expierences.. at the time.. I hate them.. I hate them with a passion.. But it seems like each one is actually coming closer to having a purpose.. and my safe zone was my chick this time. I couldn't comprehend her as a person (yet) or anything like that, but knowing whatever THAT was, "I like that".. That reality was good for me. If that makes any sense. It helped alot.. and I chose to go toward it. It was my safe zone.

It seems to be getting better.. and I can see them having a 'purpose'.. Like its a journey for me. I believe I haven't broke through yet.. But like the door is right there for me to open. I'm becoming more expierenced with what i'm feeling.. and just 'being'.. and rolling with things. Though its completely nuts at the time. I feel like there is a door right there waiting to be opened to a completely different reality.. though I was not even in my reality earlier, I believe there is a door I need to open.. I think choosing my girl was my safe net or something.. because I was scared during this.. and couldn't find my way back to reality. It's very hard to explain.

I did not have the music on this time.. because last time it was like 'Lil' wayne' was talking to me.. and everything was directed right at me.. & I ended up shutting it off during my expierence. The T.V was on though and that proved to have its moments as well, but I can't remember much from that. I know I was getting caught up in end & felt like it was being directed at me and/or completely just talking to me. Very hard to explain.

Anyways.. We are going to get more Tuesday.. but instead of this 20x standardized that's about 50 bucks.. Were going to get the salvia organic extract 21x.. Which is only like 25 bucks or something. I don't know what the major differences are.
swilow said:
Ahh credit cards. I've never had one- and I doubt I will. I haven't actually ever had a full-time job, and I am 25 too. Xorkoth, you make me feel inadequate! Thankfully, I can fly so....

In America, living on my own, supporting my fiance (who is in school) and myself completely, I have found it impossible to not have a credit card. They're bitches, but if you're careful they can be a real financial help. Especially since, in America at least, having good credit is essential to being able to get certain things (like a house), and you can't get good credit just by never messing up... if you've never had a credit card or borrowed money, you will have NO credit. Not bad, not good, but no one will lend you much money.

And unfortunately, the way the economy is set up here, you have to borrow money unless you're lucky and you've inherited a lot of money or you win the lottery. Unless you plan on renting a shitty apartment and driving a shitty car for the rest of your life (and what do you do when it eventually breaks down?). And unfortunately unless you live in a big city like New York or Chicago (which most Americans do not), you need a car because everything is so far away. Just to get to my job I need to drive 35 minutes each way (over an hour total per day). Just to drive across town to the nearest approximation of a place to buy food I need to drive 10 minutes... that would be a big walk to do all the time.

I hate the way things are set up here... I wish we could all live somewhere where we could walk/ride bikes to everything we could ever need.
Xorky said:
I wish we could all live somewhere where we could walk/ride bikes to everything we could ever need

Indeed, or roller-skates or even some sort of sled implements. I have lotsa shops near by ie. little crappy thing, but they sell: Food. Which is good.

I'm actually (well, we- Me and Miss Swilow) are going the property investment route which is a very good move in Australia atm. We'll basically have renters paying the mortgage and then sell when its gained a bit, or move in....

Lol, talking finace in the salvia thread. :)
Anyone have any feedback to my expierence up there?

Also, what about water in a bong. Any suggestions or opinons on that? Would it make any difference at all? I'm just thinking to smooth the hit.
^Be patient, we're discussing our futures ;) Eh, water will be fine, afaik salvinorin isn't particularly water soluble. Thats how I smoke everything; through a bong, and it works fine. Two reason, IMO, why this is the case; if you are a good bong-smoker, you'll know how to titrate your breath and also should know how to smoke REALLY slowly, and secondly, when inhaling the smoke really deeply, I assume the greater surface area for the salvia to be absorbed through would speed up the effects.

Sounds like your close to breaking through. I hope your ready, because it makes those sort of experiences seem pretty bland. You will not know who, what, when, how, what, who, what, when, why, who, etc. anything is. Literally. That is, IMO, a real breakthough. Prepapre for existence on an alien planet my friend, if you persist....
(i was on 75MG of MDMA at the time)
I did a 1half of 1 gram of 20x Salvia in a Bucket, or a Pisser, or a Waterfall.
Whatever you want to call it. I had a Tripsitter. My first time... (yes i know a henious amount but i am a realtively good tripper... lol)

All i have to say is this... Upon Finishing the bucket i went to say something to nate but then i stopped and my lase word studdered like i was a robot. Then i went and i looked over at my roommate nate and suddenly i was two very strange sandy brown people covered in eyes come out of the wall and stand upon my coffee table. The one arched his back up like a Pyramid, and a symbol came out of the top of him.

The other placed his hands around the symbol like a square and then nate said i turned around. I remember at the point i turned around i saw the world behind me come back and fall away like it was some kind of shitty prop in a hollywood movie.

At this point i literally saw my egg crack, I was the chicken... lol...

I saw every single moment of life flash before my eyes in one terrifying cataclysm each page was a different rendition of an individual situation....

Wanna guess who long this random adventure in Salvia Land lasted....

30minutes off half a gram smoked...

All i have to say is my trip sitter had to stop me from running outside...

I claimed with my two fingers i was going to cut reality back because we were tangled in a web...
sounds like you smashed the barrier between illusion and reality =D
Yea, it seems like you completely smashed the barrier..lol That sounds very intense.

What do people think of my third expierence? I have written a little bit about it on the last page. I just can't really get over it.. It was very insightful.. I just wish I knew the purpose. I guess..lol Very confusing.
I'd say just wait and see if the experience has a lasting effect on you. Some people have the tendency to overstate experiences just because they are foreign to them... if it alters your life down the road, then you know it did something for you.

only you know
Last Friday I smoked some sub-breakthrough level of salvia, just getting the weird body feeling, and little mental, and a little visual. About 4 minutes in I smoke some hash, just see the synergy. It actually prolonged the salvia effect for about an hour or more.
Is this a common occurrence between THC and salvinorin A?
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