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The Big & Dandy Salvia Thread - Second iteration

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Depending on the intensity of your trip, you won't have the ability to influence or examine anything in your mind. Your mind will be a pinata getting smashed to bits by a sledgehammer.

Yes, SD OE20X is what you want.
That's a good idea sitting with your gf, that way you can take turns babysitting, always a good idea to have a sitter when indulging in something as (potentially) immersive as Sally.
Alright awesome guys.. Thanks for the replies. Really really apperciate it.


So that's it right there correct? LOL.. I feel like an idiot but there are so many variations. I also know we can't discuss sources, but considering there in head shops around the U.S.. This type would most likely be in mine correct?

Yea I find it's probably a good idea for us to sit for each other. Keep each other calm, etc. Or try..lol
Well people usually get too immersed in an alternate reality when they smoke enough that freaking out on this plane of existance is quite difficult, but some people sometimes tend to randomly stand up and walk around while totally gone, so it's generally a good idea to have someone watch over them just in case.
Recept said:
Well people usually get too immersed in an alternate reality when they smoke enough that freaking out on this plane of existance is quite difficult, but some people sometimes tend to randomly stand up and walk around while totally gone, so it's generally a good idea to have someone watch over them just in case.

yeah, and make sure you don't make any noises when each person is tripping. Don't speak to eachother or anything, just let the trip play out. When you finish you'll probably want to talk about it, so just take your time and work things out.

Most of the progress you (can) make is talking things out afterwards, not actually during the trip.

PS. the afterglow is pretty awesome the first few times. it'll be like being high, except everything seems to make sense.
Awesome guys.. Thank you very much I really appreciate it.. How about my post right above?
In full breakthrough doses, it won't matter if someone around you speaks or not, they'll be talking mostly to themselves :D But sub-breakthrough might sometimes be real confusing, especially for girls IME, then they'll want to talk to you to make some sense of what's going on, boy that'll be some difficult conversation =D But usually very comical hehe
Very nice.. Well, I am definitely going for a break through expierence. So what about my post above with the pic? LoL.. That's about my last question & thanks once again for your help guys.
yes damn you, that is the right stuff. Go do it and report back.
haha will do.. depending on my credit card that is.. I am about 5 bucks away from being at my credit line.. So I am going to try to go over my limit by about 140 - 150.. We'll see.. haha.
^^ Bad idea, man... why don't you just wait until you can afford it? Bad credit is no joke. :\ Going over your credit limit is a good way to get back credit. In fact, even going within 10% of your credit limit shows up on your credit report.

I get the impression you're young, maybe in college (pardon me if I'm incorrect). You may not realize it now but fucking your credit up will follow you around and become important as you get older. Trust me on that.
Ahh shit. Good thing I didn't go through with it. I actually have fairly decent credit for my age. I think anyways. I can take out a certain amount on loans.. and finance vehicles up to 2006. I'm verrrry glad I didn't do that.. I honestly did not know it would fuck my credit up. I have done it once, but paid off the charge really quickly (within a few days) and brought back down.. Same thing I was going to do with this.

Thanks for the info. Seriously, because I am going to try to get a vehicle in the next month or two.. When my credit card is back down to a low number.. and every is stable. I guess i'll just wait until next weekend.

Seriously thanks for the advice Xorkoth, because I most likely would of done this tomorrow.. & yes I do know bad credit is no joke & don't want it,.. & yes i'll be 20 this year.. Finished some college for Welding Technology.. But that's it. SoOo.. I really don't know all the tricks to the trade on shit.. But I seriously appreciate the advice.
wow, that was a lot of fucking build up for nothing... and it was only salvia.
LOL.. Yea, I agree.. but I didn't realize the aftermath of what that would be. Very irresponsible of me, I know.

Still going to try it but not until next week. This advice was still needed and greatly appreciated though.
sorry I was intoxicated last night; financial fortitude trumps psychedelic sexiness anyday.
Hey, glad to have helped! I mentioned something because I'm 25 and I'm buying a house, and I fucked my credit up earlier on when I was about your age. Fortunately in the last few years I have done really well and it's back up to the pretty damn good level. :) But it would have saved me a lot of stress to have not fucked it up in the first place.
Yea.. Guaranteed. While I do appreciate that advice, because I would of gone out and done it, thinking it wouldn't make a difference as long as I paid it of very quickly. The things people don't tell you..lol.

Yea changed...lol.. I have to choose on saving it for next weekend. But it will happening, because i'm very interested in trying this. I talked to the guy at the smokeshop yesterday and he said about 30x.. It was a different kind for like 60 bucks. Does anyone have a preference on what they consider the best stuff? They only had the organic extra in 21X.. Not 20X.. And he said it was kinda weak or some shit.
He's probably just trying to get you to spend more money. Any extract higher than 5x should work fine as long as it isn't bullshit extract. 21x should work about the same as 30x. Unless he's trying to saying the 21x is a low-quality extract which isn't actually 21x concentrated. But chances are he's trying to get you to buy his most expensive product.

I mean, a 30x extract will work at a slightly lower dose than a 21x extract, but the dose for both is low that it's negligible. It's still salvia... a 30x extract should not have a different type of effect than a 21x. it's just stronger.

Now a 5x or plain salvia leaf probably will behave differently because it's going to be harder to take in the same amount of salvinorin-A (the active chemical) in the same period of time... salvia's effects are heavily dependent upon how quickly the chemical enters the bloodstream.
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