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The Big & Dandy Salvia Thread - 3rd Dimension


Bluelight Crew
Mar 12, 2007
Welcome to the Big & Dandy Salvia Divinorum Thread


LEFT: Sally D plant RIGHT: Salvinorin A

wiki paraphrased said:

Salvia divinorum (also known as Diviner's Sage, Ska María Pastora, Seer's Sage, and by its genus name Salvia) is a psychoactive plant which can induce "visions" and other hallucinatory experiences. Its native habitat is in cloud forest in the isolated Sierra Mazateca of Oaxaca, Mexico.
Salvia divinorum is generally understood to be of low toxicity (high LD50) and low addictive potential since it is a κ-opioid agonist and a great deal of research has indicated that κ-opioid agonist activation of the kappa opioid receptor as shown by salvia may, in fact, serve as a potent addiction treatment therapy.
Salvia divinorum remains legal in most countries and, within the United States, is legal in the majority of states.

Despite it's generally legal status, the effects of Salvia can be extremely powerful and the drug must be taken with proper preparation, care and respect!

wiki said:

Salvinorin A is the main active psychotropic molecule in Salvia divinorum, a Mexican plant which has a long history of use as an entheogen by indigenous Mazatec shamans. Salvinorin A is considered a dissociative exhibiting atypically psychedelic effects.
It is structurally distinct from other naturally occurring hallucinogens (such as DMT, psilocybin, and mescaline) because it contains no nitrogen atoms; hence, it is not an alkaloid (and cannot be rendered as a salt) but a terpenoid. It also differs in subjective experience, compared to other hallucinogens, and has been described as dissociative.[citation needed]
Salvinorin A can produce psychoactive experiences in humans with a typical duration of action being several minutes to an hour or so, depending on the method of ingestion.

Posts from the end of the previous thread:

I was wondering if you guys feel any emotional mood lift (euphoria) or physical sensations on salvia. I find it physically very uncomfortable and devoid of positive emotions but some of my friends have experienced differently so I was just curious.

i know its wastefull but i made a salvia joint [ 20X ] on MXE.....stuck a memory stick in my x-box to look for a movie to watch.
accidently ended up watching a slide show of photos instead...was a very thought provoking, life afirming and moving few minutes.
Once the joint was over the salvia left me very quickly and i was left with my beer and dorritos feeling utterly stunned and quite sad it was over.
as for a breakthrough on MXE ? i've heard it lasts longer....but dont have the balls to try it

ps. re salvia in a joint....it is a waste...i held in each toke for a long time....holding tobacco smoke in for so long is not a nice thing to do to yourself...i would only recomend it on MXE...

Salvia is one of my fave legal highs, i remember the first time one of mates got me to take a few hits from the bong, good times :) I'll sum up what i've learnt into one post:

Taking it properly

- A turbo lighter brings the most out of what you're smoking. You can use a normal lighter, but the experiance won't be as strong.
- I have only twice smoked it in a joint, and those times really didn't do much. The best by FAR is smoking it through a bong. Smoking it on its own works fine.
- I've found the most important thing is to take deep tokes, and hold in the smoke for as long as you can. It seems salvia needs to be exposed to your lungs for a while to get through properly, or some shit.

The experiance

- Salvia is a mind expanding, thought provoking drug. It is not for nights out because it makes you trip balls and lasts a short amount of time; 10-30 mins.
- The experiance for each trip and each person is individual, so although taking it with friends is cool, keep this in mind
- Like with many drugs, but particularly with salvia, a comfortable environment is key, so be with mates and in a friendly/familiar place. Items around you tend to be the focus of your trip. I think being with people you don't know that well could put you on a bad trip.
- As with most things start out with weaker strains (extracts) and build yourself up to higher ones
- Like many say, this drug demands respect because the halluncinations are real strong.
- Writing down or making a concious effort to remember your trips can enhance your future ones

I find it's really nice to smoke outside, like in fields and woods. You tend to feel connected with nature and the elements :) I have this recurring theme of seeing tiny people living in places, like in walls, carpet and other stuff. I've also had fits of uncontrollable laughter at stupid things, thought my back was a drill, lost track of time and space and thought my mate's shoe was a holy relic. A friend of mine thought my mate was a tree because he was holding a branch, someone else thought he was literally walking on sunshine, and one time thought he was being eaten by his sofa. One of my mates thought his body seperated into multiple entities and went for multiple adventures simultaneously.

Lots of great experiances and stories come from this stuff :D I often smoke it after going out, seems alcohol can prolong the effects, too.

So I don't really know what's the deal, but everytime I smoke salvia I get this really unique gustatory hallucination. It's like the most original, delicious flavor known to exist; it surely doesn't taste like the herb. I'm often too flabbergasted to really enjoy it, but the taste is consistenly present. Am I the only one?
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Last night I smoked some salvia mixed with cannabis from my pipe, with a regular bic lighter- so the dose wasn't too strong. I was able to operate my tablet and watch a couple of music videos, which was an in-fucking-credible experience, for me at least. I've smoked Salvia several times and while certainly not my strongest trip, last night's was in the running for most enjoyable.
I've done salvia more times than I can count, and each experience was years ago. I've taken up to 100x and had a really wide variety of reactions to it.

the reason I did it so many times is that one summer during high school when it was really big, all the seniors graduating bought salvia to do at senior week just for kicks and most ended up not liking it and just either giving or selling it to me. I broke through a good number of times and had lots of good and bad experiences.

By the time I ran out of that salvia I couldn't remember my trips at all (the last one I took was while I was on a brownie and very high from pot, I don't even remember taking the hit that time but I saw a video of me doing it later)

about two years later I decided to try it once more and managed to take two hits before breaking through (never did that before) on some 50x and had a WAYYYY more intense experience than i'd ever had before and i'd even done 100x once before that.

basically once I took the second rip I knew NOTHING. I was in a place where I felt like I was flying in orbit really fast backwards surrounded by arcane green geometry and patterns and I knew NOTHING of humanity, earth, numbers, or normalcy of any form. Everything I was experiencing was so out of the realm of human experience I was very disoriented. It felt like i'd been in that realm for a VERY long time until I realized that on some of my revolutions of whatever I was spinning around I started to see very very distorted versions of the balcony I was actually sitting on in real life.

At first I didn't recognize any of the balcony but it caught my interest because it wasn't a morphing green fractal, then after going by it a few times I saw one half of my friend's face(the other half was a distorted mess of greenness) and THAT's when I realized 'I'M A HUMAN!' and I realized that I could actually recognize something so I tried to immerse my self back in reality but I was still in limbo for a few minutes seeing everything distorted and different looking but I was sober within a few minutes.

my friends told me I took the second rip and made a hilariously intense face, tried to stand up then sat back down and continued making a series of faces I would never ever make in sober reality hahaha

I tried it again a few weeks after that and decided it really wasn't my thing. However if some comes my way anytime soon i'll definitely consider it.

I like serotonin psychedelics way better.
I just want to share my experiences with Salvia even though most people have already heard, read and experienced plenty of it.

When I was 14 I got arrested at school with weed and was sent away to a rehab type lock-down facility "boarding school". When I got back home after 8 months of hell, I was put onto probation for another 6 months. So I wasn't allowed to smoke weed.

I heard Salvia was legal and you could smoke it and get high. So I got a quarter pound of 1x leaves (basic Salvia Divinorum leaves with NO extract done on them) and smoked that for a while on random occasion.

What it did was make things funny. You HAVE to smoke it out of a bong or pipe. Joints won't work. But 2 ppl sharing a bong/pipe of 1x leaves and you'll start feeling funny. We had a water bottle pipes made with foil all the time (we were in 9th grade), and we would smoke like 5-6 bowls of it at a time with 2-5 ppl.

We would start laughing. It makes NOTHING funny, even just looking at each other is funny. Then it makes your spit sticky. And you try to say "My Spit's sticky" but what comes out is "My pits ticky... My spiks picky... My sticks spiky...." And you stumble over your own tongue. And sometimes you get a British accent and can't make it go away. We were just kids smoking walking around our neighborhood or chilling in the woods, and it was ALWAYS fun.
But salvia is... As I described it... Like being raped... But liking it... Like... "I think I might call that rapist back for a second date" kind of rape. That's Salvia. When it's done you feel like "NEVER again" But next time it comes up your like "I'd be down for some Salvia".

But that was my gentle experiences.
I tried Salvia 40x and nothing happened, except the music that was playing sounded a little funny.

The one time, I tried Salvia 15x, my sister and a few of her friends were at our house and had it
I took 2 hits, held it in both times. Suddenly I was gone...
The whole world was gone. In front of me was a black and orange checkerboard, and that was ALL of the world. That was all I had ever known. It felt like I had been born in this "room" made of checkerboard and I would never leave this room made of checkerboard. I really wanted to leave though. But I knew that that was ALL of existence, there was nothing else. Then suddenly I say a lady with blonde hair. She was in the corner of my vision on the checkerboard and behind her was the sky. She was like a fuzzy hologram image on the "wall" that was the checkerboard and she said "You have to wait" I took this to mean "I have to stay here for another lifetime, or maybe even longer". But slowly the lady turned out to be my sister, and she was telling me I had to wait for the effects to go away. I felt as it I had been leaning with my head between my legs, with a coffee table in front of me. And when I sobered up, I felt like UNDER the table was the trip and OVER the table was sobriety as I rose up from the "head between legs position". But the people that watched me trip said I was sitting up the whole time...
I sobered up for the most part, they said "are you ok?" and I just said "I'm going inside." And I haven't done Salvia since :D
would you be able to smoke salvia in a waterfall bong? thinking of trying some soon

would you be able to smoke salvia in a waterfall bong? thinking of trying some soon


No. You want to get as much smoke in your lungs as fast as you can and with as hot of a lighter as you can. It needs a HIGH temp to burn ALL the usful stuff inside, and if yo don't inhale it quick it will quickly be destroyed and the hit will be a lot weaker than it would have been.
ah thanks for the response man. Salvia has interested me for a while so gonna give it a gd.
Yesterday I experienced my first salvia trip. I'm not sure what the dose was, but I definitely smoked more than I should have. My head went to a completely different dimension for at least half an hour. I freaked out because I wasn't sure if I was dead or not. Later witnesses said I lunged at someone and tackled them to the ground (I apologized to them afterwards). Then I ran around screaming like a madman about the end of the world! The rest of the time, they claim, I was on the ground crying or some shit like that.
Looking back, I think the worst part of the whole trip was me losing all perception of reality layer by layer. It's fortunate that I spend a great deal of time in my head, otherwise I don't think I would have been able to find my body again!
All-in-all, I probably made every mistake you could possibly make as far as location and dosage. I scraped my legs up during my trip due mostly to the amount of sharp and jagged objects surrounding me at the time. As I said earlier, I don't remember the strength and that's a mistake all in itself!
If I ever do salvia again, it will be strictly on my terms. I'd rather not lunge at people and risk falling on something hard and jagged. Above all, I would prefer it if my head stayed in the same dimension as the rest of my body! In the mean time, I think I'll just stick with weed!
Loved this.

Well most times I've tried salvia it's been smoking concentrated extracts.
It's incredibly psychedelic at high doses (one time my vision, other senses and persona split until I was experiencing the same thing as 20 different selves and each 'me' formed the vertices of an enormous icosagon which was rotating slowly... Yeah.) but it's intensely dysphoric at the time - a feeling as if someone is laughing at you maybe. In fact although in retrospect I might think 'wow that was incredible!' every time I take it the first thing I think is 'no, not this again! I hate this feeling and why has my jaw melted onto the table arrghhh!' Or something similar.

The only time I've not immediately regretted taking salvia is when I'd bought 100g of dried salvia leaves quite cheaply. I'd read that salvia just doesn't work when taken orally (only when chewed like a quid) but I figured it was just a question of dosage so I made tea with approx 20g of leaves. It was amazing and completely different to my other experiences - no anxiety or annoyance because I could slowly accept the effects and had 2hour full blown salvia experience with outer body experiences and this strange effect where space didn't follow normal rules - like angles were extended so that I would have to rotate through at least 720 degrees (two complete turns) just to see behind me.
I love reading salvia stories so much. I can always relate to the weird little themes and aspects that seem to constitute smoked salvia. Here's a different one.

Once I smoked salvia and I met a goddess. My friend saw her two. She sang to us, and asked us to help her save the world. We weren't even in another reality, she was just in the front of my living room.

She looked like this, and she sang autumn colored fractal whips.


Things haven't been the same since.
I figure I should write out a report of my craziest Salvia experience, which also happens to be one of my all time most intense drug experiences to date. The following occurred about 7 years ago...

I decided to smoke some Salvia extract with my friend G. We were at my house and spontaneously packed a large bowl in my pipe while standing in my kitchen. I was to go first. I smoked the entire bowl in a couple of hits. Immediately upon exhaling I felt that cold, wet, metallic feeling cover my skin, a feeling always associated with a breakthrough experience.

All of the sudden, I had no idea who I was, where I was, or what was happening. There was a woman standing in front of me. She wore a long flowing white dress, much like a wedding dress. She radiated white light so intensely that the features of her face were not visible.

She spoke to me, not with sound but in a sort of telepathy that I could hear inside my mind. "You're not supposed to be here" she told me. "Your life is a game show" she revealed. At the time this seemed the most profound of messages and shook me to my core. "Leave" she calmly commanded.

As she spoke that final command, I felt the direction of gravity change. I was being pulled sideways. As I looked around me, my cupboards began breaking apart into pixels, the pixels then being sucked sideways into a swirling vortex. The vortex sucked me in and I fell spinning into the void. When I finally came out of it, I was lying on my dog's bed in my living room drooling and sweating.
All of the sudden, I had no idea who I was, where I was, or what was happening. There was a woman standing in front of me. She wore a long flowing white dress, much like a wedding dress. She radiated white light so intensely that the features of her face were not visible.

She spoke to me, not with sound but in a sort of telepathy that I could hear inside my mind. "You're not supposed to be here" she told me. "Your life is a game show" she revealed. At the time this seemed the most profound of messages and shook me to my core. "Leave" she calmly commanded.

As she spoke that final command, I felt the direction of gravity change. I was being pulled sideways. As I looked around me, my cupboards began breaking apart into pixels, the pixels then being sucked sideways into a swirling vortex. The vortex sucked me in and I fell spinning into the void. When I finally came out of it, I was lying on my dog's bed in my living room drooling and sweating.

Fabulous description theacidtest. I have been looking for just this type of experience as my first breakthrough in 1998 was similar. I had been trying to use plain leaf and only got some strange feeling. Then one night I got impatient and crammed a big pinch of 5x in the tobacco pipe and hit it hard. Something similar happened. There was a woman and several smaller beings. I almost got up off the bed and the woman whispered "Shhh stay put". So I was pinned to the bed. Then the woman told the other beings "he has been trying to see what is going on here all his life, let's show him.". (meaning with each psychdelic trip in my life I was looking for something) Then the pixels and swirling vortex effect that you had happened to me.

Ever since then plain leaf is plenty enough for a trip. And never have I gotton up off the couch or bed in the middle of my trance. Thankfully I always here that voice to stay put. And I do.

I swear some of these Salvia experiences are like comparing NDE's. Just similar stories that are common regardless of the origin. Salvia has been a good ally all of these years. It always treats me nice and I come out refreshed.
I still have half a 1g vial of 5x extract that I've had for years, it's sat right next to my keyboard taunting me, a couple of drags off a tiny hit of it in a pipe used to black me out after I got into it, not touched it since, I guess it's about 10 years old. I will try it again & see if it's still active, maybe buy some more if not, but not just yet, I keep putting it off.

It seemed to have a reverse tolerance effect, or maybe the first extract I bought was bunk (probably), it was claimed 10x, but barely seemed any stronger than plain leaf, me & a friend finished a gram between us in about an hour, just got a pleasant mild buzz at the end of it. Then I got a gram of 5x extract & an ounce of plain leaf from a better source, that 5x extract blew me away with a tiny amount, bought it about 10 years ago, still got most left.

Milder does could be quite weird but fun, I remember it feeling like everything shifted off to an angle, like a force would grip my head & tilt it, but all my vision was tilted too. Heavier trips I'd just black out & can't remember any of it. I always awoke feeling good with a nice afterglow & never did any damage, but it felt like it was far to intense to remember at all. It seems really hard to judge dosage with extracts, sometimes a couple of hits would blow me away, sometimes I'd get nothing or just mild effects, but plain leaf only ever gave me a mild buzz at most after smoking it really hard. I wish I could remember any of these mystical experiences I probably had on salvia extract, but it seems easy for me to black out on it & remember nothing about what happened.
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I had to dig around for this thread, but glad I have found it now!

I just had the strangest Salvia insight/flashback, even though I have not smoked SD for over a year - I was watching Brian Cox's Human Universe Program, and it got to the bit about multiverses, and it was showing a representation of what the inflationary energy waves that spawn universes are supposed to look like. Now, I know this was only a representation from someone else's imagination, but my jaw dropped as the image was EXACTLY what I have seen when journeying on Salvia - never mind seen, actually turned into, and felt myself waving about and fluxing...

This is strange as I've always felt that Salvia takes me to a place so alien, so unfamiliar, that it must be outside this universe somehow, and this suddenly tied right in with it.

I was also going to type something else then, but I remember on one journey being told not to share certain things because nobody is ready for it. But the circus ringmaster is a recurring image... and I have met the goddess and also been told my life is a game show/tv program. I love Salvia, it's just so strange I have to restrict myself to maybe once a year, maybe this is a sign to go and explore again, I truly think Salvia is tool of some kind, and wonder if the strange imagery is just the mind's attempt to interpret something that is just inexplicable with current human brain capacity!

It's funny how it all stays with you!
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I had to dig around for this thread, but glad I have found it now!

... and it was showing a representation of what the inflationary energy waves that spawn universes are supposed to look like. ...

is this what it looked like?
is this what it looked like?

Lot more colourful and animated, have taken screen shots - you have to imagine it waving around and swirling like gas or some kind of liquid/gas hybrid (actually that describes fluidic salvia space quite well for me!). I guess the second of my images is representing a similar thing with an area of energy bubbling off to form another universe... Interestingly enough I've experienced this sense of this universe being a pinprick in a much vaster system when I've got into deep meditations and have also felt myself pulled to one side - nothing like SD, which seems to provide a shortcut (I guess if you reached a similar state after years of intense meditations you would be prepared for the ride!)


Terrible thread title, the third dimension is SO normal 8)

Salvia definitely isn't.. I very much doubt I will try it again, but I am growing a huge plant plus its cuttings... maybe a tea from the harvest will be made, although preferably I want to save up as much as possible for salvinorin extraction. Maybe need to buy a hazmat suit for that haha