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☛ Official ☚ The Big & Dandy Methoxmetamine / MXM Thread

Ok so i finally got ahold of this baby!
Im in europe so i got it from within the region from a big site. (Is this ok to mention?)
It looks just like the picture here.

Anyway i am very experinced with dissios but have low tolerance since i dont binge or take them that often.
I started off with about 50mg in a gelcap and the went out shopping.
after about 1hour i felt some slight wonkiness and synastethia happening.
Also i ran into 4people i know which rarely happens unless im high on dissios. (Very cool huh)

Anyway when i got home i plugged about 50mg more followed by another 50 when the first plugging started to come on.
I wanted to really get a good feel for the chem since it felt very clean but strong.

I smoked some hash and layed on the couch just floating for a good hour zonked out.
No hole but this was very nice indeed.
Very K like but with a touch of mxe warmness.

The biggest pro with this chem is how clean it feels, i prefer Ketamine over all other dissios since it leaves my body quickly and doesnt linger on for days.
Well this felt similar, because when i sobered up i felt sober, barely any residual wonkyness or stimulation.

Also this stuff is quite soft around the edges, the 3/4-meo- pcp stuff is rough as hell and will shred you head off in higher doses.
This stuff feels like cotton candy or something.

Tonight i will try to hole and report back tomorow.
But so far i am very impressed.
Hovever i can understand if people with tolerance think its bunk material, cause its quite subtle at lower doses and alot milder than other similar chems.
So I've been experimenting with MXM over the last week.

As an MXE alternative I'm disappointed, but as a Ketamine alternative it's not bad. :)

My doses have all been relatively small (between 35-100mg insufflated) so I haven't tried to go deep yep, but the results have been pleasant, though relatively mild (I have a slight MXE tolerance).

For me, I think it will be most useful at the end of a night out to relax and chill out. I often use MXE like that, but the long duration and stimulant after-effects can make sleep difficult.

I only got a few grams to try it, but if the price comes down a bit I would definitely order it again. It seems expensive compared to when I got MXE in bulk, and it's not as potent, but I'd like to ration what MXE I have left in case I'm unable to get more in the future...
I did ~400 mg last night spaced out over three doses orally. I holed. A different feeling than MXE or ketamine for sure. It did the trick though. Not a feeling I'd want to experience in public- prolly end up in detox... It was a good time though. As a side note regarding dosage- I did a lot of MXE and K in the past and have quite a tolerance to arylcyclohexylamines.
Yesterday I started with 60mg directly. To be honest I fell a sleep before effects come I guess. I don't really understand this substance. Normally I am really sensitive, I thought maybe I started low last time, but again this time 60mg did nothing. So I've decided, for me dose-wise it is nearly 3/1 MXE.
Yesterday I started with 60mg directly. To be honest I fell a sleep before effects come I guess. I don't really understand this substance. Normally I am really sensitive, I thought maybe I started low last time, but again this time 60mg did nothing. So I've decided, for me dose-wise it is nearly 3/1 MXE.

I've found it entirely lacking in stimulation, and seeing how medically these are used to knock people out, it may not be too uncommon. My girlfriend fell asleep shortly after trying MXM the first time, whereas MXE usually keeps her awake, well past normal sleeping time.
The MXM that is going around is NOT pure. An acetone wash left of 250 mgs...cleans up to 125! Washed product was much purer, better, more fun. This is the filtrate. The steps I followed were thus :

1.Add acetone to product
2.Filter through coffee filter
3. Save product in filter.
4. Enjoy !

Anyone else notice tan Mxm when added to water? Once processed, the extracted product is way, way better. Pure white.

Please report back with results.

I would imagine it is completely soluble in acetone, yes? Someone with a little more chem experience can extrapolate it from the structure a little better than I can...

Used klean-strip (virgin solvent) for the record.

^ Did you use anhydrous acetone?
Any water content will dissolve the MXM.
The discussion sparked off about potency still seems to help, I have already agreed with you multiple times that it is not the same as what we are trying to compare it to but rest assured people are still trying to make comparisons to K and MXE everywhere in this thread. And despite your disagreement Fagott, you are still providing helpful information. I never wanted you to come up with a simple equation for the potency and certainly not for the qualitative differences... but you are already helping to nuance it, still by using comparisons in the process.
My point is, if you don't use any frame of reference to describe something, it will be pretty useless.

lenses, you can try doing solubility test on what should be the purified MXM, if you keep losing part of it then something is wrong with your procedure.
TLC chromatography could also be an option.
And yes use desiccant to dry the acetone and maybe cool it before use.
A last crude way is to see what the potency is of the filtrate and filtrant.
Thanks Solipsis. I really was trying my best to be helpfull :) Maybe when you've tried it, you'll understand better were I'm coming from. People can talk about 1/3, 1/2's etc all day, without anybody being the wiser. Dose, tolerance, level of effects, that's going to be helpfull information. But I don't think we are really disagreeing about that.

I don't understand if it's me you are talking to, when you say: " I already agreed with you multiple times that......etc". Maybe you confuse me with Boida? Because the two of us haven't discussed potency before in this thread, to my knowledge. And the only intention I had was to convey my opinion in regards to MXM: that potency is really difficult to gauge in comparison to MXE. Other people might not think it is, and will be able to pinpoint it at 43,5 percent the potency of MXE, fine with me. What ever, who cares.......

I have a hard time believing the MXM I have is impure, because it's really snow white. Not that that is a guarantee of anything, but still..... Lenses, is you MXM from a U.S vendor? Mine is from a eastern european one. Seems to be more than one batch going around maybe?
There's only one batch of MXM going around that I know of. It was made in a rather significant amount and spread around as a test to see how people take to it.

Now who cuts it inbetween is an entirely different matter and not for discussion on this forum.

What happens when a new chemical is introduced is it is special ordered in a large amount (we don't need to get specific) and then dispersed among the major sub vendors who disperse it to their customers and so on. What happens in the chain is a predictable thing that happens with all drugs but if you want to discuss that, there are two easily found forums for such things. Bluelight is not that place. We are here for harm reduction and information sharing purposes.
The solvent was not virgin... I doubt they are cutting it . Possibly an imurity. I DID notice it being much more potent. It is from our overseas friends.

I like the stuff though.
The solvent was not virgin... I doubt they are cutting it . Possibly an imurity. I DID notice it being much more potent. It is from our overseas friends.

I like the stuff though.

For what it's worth, I had the two previous batches of MXE from the same vendor as my MXM analyzed via GCMS and they were both "analytically pure".

But impurities do happen, and it's highly unlikely large synths would just be thrown away so would probably make it down the distribution chain.

I doubt I'll get a chance to analyze this small order of MXM, but will try to do so when I get another shipment and share any relevant results.
got 5g sent to me instead of mxe and finding it to be just as lush so far Ian Brown - Keep What Ya Got
I combined 8 g of red vein kratom with about 50 mg MXM. Laying on the couch and watching Wolf of Wall Street was a very pleasant experience :)
Alright, first trial with this lady. I have a moderate Disso tolerance, a marked sensitivity to all medicines, and a gift of reverence for all potential allies.

Took MXE last night, so I didn't expect much from it, but MXM is NICE. Real Nice. "Dissociative Marshmallow" is a perfect way to describe her, as some have said. Very easy on the body/mind. I have much experience with MXE, no direct experience with Ketamine, and moderate experience with 3-meo-PCP. K seems like the DMT (visionary) of the disso world. MXE has coca-like (MDMA-like) vibes with a healthy addition of shroomery, some PCP mania, and wonky confusion to boot. MXM is exactly what I would picture as a sweet, gentle sister to MXE.

MXM has no mania in moderate amounts (we're talkin' ++ level). If MXE were the "shrooms" of the disso-world, MXM would be the MDMA of said realm. The "PCP-side" of MXE seems to be completely absent in her, along with the psychedelic edge. The disso-space is clearly felt, but dopamine clarity, warm euphoria, and compassion seem to define this ally.

3-meo-PCP, compared to MXE, is a clearer, less wonky, but more manic replacement. It's all good, until you hit that point where the mania drives you bonkers, taking you down further the rabbit-hole than MXE could ever dream. Not recommended, in my opinion, for deep journeys. MXE is like a razor's edge between MDMA-warmth and clinical observation. It's rough, yet forgiving; harsh, though comforting. MXM takes MXE's backbone, and replaces harsh introspection for feel-good euphoria.

Like MDMA, MXM is very kind, very considerate, and won't rub your face in your shadow-side, or make you think of things you don't want to. Again, I'm talking ++ level, here.

After an allergy-test, I took 15 mg MXM, orally, to start, and then 45 minutes later took 20 mgs. 45 minutes later i took another 20 mgs. I would compare the overall feel to 25 mg's of MXE for me, personally; which is enough to fully "stone" me, without bringing me to "hole" territory. The outward, talk-to-yourself, speaking-in-tongues, sensory-romp phase.

Redosing works nothing like MXE. You can't chase MXM with as much success as MXE. I would personally start higher next time, and move on from there, not bothering with "chasing it". I personally like to drink medium doses of Coca Powder after disso's, to clarify and organize the lofty, ungrounded perceptions that sometimes linger after a deep trip. I always wait until my heart rate calms down, and with MXM, I feel safe to combine stimulants more readily than MXE. She's a lot less stimulating and more sedate; reminds me of Coca tea, really. Clear, warm, grounded, lovely.

Start slow, as always, but once you're sure you have the right medicine, don't be too afraid. She doesn't bite like MXE, in moderation.
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just done 5g of this stuff not quite as good as mxe but it is to junk and benzo horror a god send a few hits from this and and my nonfunctional benzo state just vanished mixed with the procaine i am now full functioning instead of dying suicidal and now that is no where to turn for help from nhs doctors just time to now get my head around the fact that ive got a nasty new habit that is going to cost me in £200 £300 a week
Ever thought about rehab? You seem to come up with a new drug addiction every other week.
I don't think it will keep working well if you consume 5g a week. It might get you through the acute phase of drug withdrawal, but if the tolerance curve is like MXE, if you don't change your ways you will be back on junk,benzos once the MXM honeymoon ends.
just done 5g of this stuff not quite as good as mxe but it is to junk and benzo horror a god send a few hits from this and and my nonfunctional benzo state just vanished mixed with the procaine i am now full functioning instead of dying suicidal and now that is no where to turn for help from nhs doctors just time to now get my head around the fact that ive got a nasty new habit that is going to cost me in £200 £300 a week

Just be careful about using a new substance during withdrawals from anything, particularly withdrawals from benzos - we all know seizure threshold is lowered significantly during benzo withdrawal and that those seizures can cause some real damage or in rarer cases fatalities, so throwing a substance into the mix that may also lower seizure threshold could be a very real recipe for disaster..

Particularly given that MXE itself appears to have some SERT affinity (presumably as a reuptake inhibitor), this would lend weight to the idea that MXE would reduce the seizure threshold somewhat, and MXM, while a different substance, is close enough we can assume there could be a similar risk. Then on top of that you have to throw in the complete unknown vector that comes with what differences this has over MXE and other such substances, and you're left with more reason that this should probably not even remotely be considered during such withdrawals.

I'm assuming it was withdrawals you were referring to anyway based on your post - either way, be careful please, just the fact you went through 5g of it already suggests some extra caution should be thrown in, excess is a problem in itself but everyone here (myself included in the past) seems to forget that these are entirely new things and so we don't even know what's in store if we overdo it just a little.

Sorry if that sounded a bit like a lecture but this is a harm reduction forum and I just don't want to see any more good people ending up in the BL Shrine, stay safe <3 :)

I agree and I think it is due to the chloro sub. Everyone says that my 'chloroxetamine' (methoxetamine with methoxy swapped with chloro) would be stupid yet they are quick to jump on ketamine with other halo subs and the like.

Do you mean 3-Methoxy swapped for a 3-Chloro, or 3-Methoxy swapped for a 2-Chloro as in Ketamine?

Because the latter is NENK/N-Ethyl-Nor-Ketamine, and has already been done. The former would probably have dramatic potency issues based on the limited research I've discussed with people who've actually gone in and worked with halogen substitutions outside of the 2 and 4 positions, unless my memories fail me. Either way even with my limited grasp of SAR I can't see a 3-Chloro group doing any good, at best I could see a weaker N-Ethyl-Nor-K, at worst something requiring even higher dosages than that.

[/not gonna go further off-topic]
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