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☛ Official ☚ The Big & Dandy Methoxmetamine / MXM Thread


Sep 2, 2013


Or 3-MeO-2'-OxO-PCM, while MXE is 3-MeO-2'-Oxo-PCE.

Seems to slowly become available. Makes sense, with the EU ban on MXE.

Expectations and experience reports welcome :)

Mod note: Please be aware that this has been sold as E-MXE or E-methoxetamine.
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I have been very keen to see the SAR of that compound for a long time, given how shit NENK was and how good normal ketamine is regarded to be.

Appalling name though, I don't think one could have picked a worse one.

I'd suggest

N-Methyl-Nor-Methoxetamine (NMNM)
Methoxmetamine (MXM)
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E-Methoxetamine hahaha. Does it come in a vaporizing cigarette? 'Cuz that'd be awesome.
I have been very keen to see the SAR of that compound for a long time, given how shit NENK was and how good normal ketamine is regarded to be.

Appalling name though, I don't think one could have picked a worse one.

I'd suggest

N-Methyl-Nor-Methoxetamine (NMNM)
Methoxmetamine (MXM)

exactly what I would've named it

So this is Methoxyketamine with the methoxy just moved from the 2 to 3 position... Would guess this to be more potent (at least if the methoxy on the 3 position carries the same kind of changes as with PCP/PCE/PCPr)

I'd be interested to see the non-ketone version of this, purely because of the relationship 3-meo-PCE had to MXE (potency-wise)
A better name is something like 3-methoxy-deschloro-ketamine. MDK? Or N-methyl-nor-methoxetamine.

Expect this to be a less potent analog of MXE, probably less selective for pure dissociation and more "sparkly" and magical like ketamine. Maybe. It's hard to tell because so many people don't like methoxyketamine as much as MXE.
Just received some 3-MeO-2-Oxo-PCM (MXM, I'm not gonna call it e-MXE 'cos that's a ridicules name!). I tried a small dose a few minutes ago of 20mg (my usual MXE dose) insufflated, just to be safe. I realise it'll be a lot less potent but I don't want to tempt fate. I'll wait 30-40 minutes before my next dose and update on effects as time goes by, however I can't reach hole territory right now but I'll go for it tonight.

12:00 - 30 minutes later just insufflated another 10mg. No effects as of yet.

4:37 - Ok, I've been redosing 10mg amounts every half an hour since I started but about an hour ago with only threshold effects, I started doing 20mg increments. I must have done nearly 150mg now and feel very light MXE type effects. It should be known however that my NMDA tolerance is very high and usually kick off a K binge with 200-300mg to get medium-ish effects from it (probably around 500-600mg S-Ket to hole (I don't do racemic)). Also when I do MXE I use low doses so that's why my usual MXE dose is so small in comparison.

I think the duration of this is shorter than MXE, maybe 2-3 hours which is why I've not been getting significant effects. I have to be sober to meet someone in about 20 minutes though so after that I'll step it up to 50mg lines and report back.

Did, maybe, a 40mg line earlier and didn't feel much. I think I'll do a 100mg line tomorrow morning to see if it'll do anything but for tonight I'm out. Just did 30mg MXE, had a spliff and some benzos so no more testing can be done.

Tomorrow I'm gonna hole.

Also I'm not jamming 100mg of this shit up my ass or have it swilling round my mouth. The only ROA will be snorting and if all else fails, a possible bomb.
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Come on people! Someone try another ROA besides insufflation! At least try it orally, the use nasal as a boost. I'd like to see someone give plugging it a go as well or even IM, though I know most aren't down with that.
Ok. Round Two:

Snorted about 50mg this morning - nothing.

Just measured out 100mg which I've put into a gelcap, which I'll do now. I'm about to eat though so I hope it doesn't play into it's absorption too much. I'll update later.

Shit. I think I'm coming up!! Mild MXE-ish feelings but a little more blunt than MXE like 4-MeO-PCP. I did a 50mg line after my meal too so 100mg oral + 50mg insufflated.

Ok, I was wrong, this is really euphoric. Opioid content must be through the roof here! I'm sitting with my girlfriend talking about pretty intimate things. I feel so serene and blissful. It's unlike MXE which is a bit more chaotic. This is just peaceful and quiet. Kind of like a weed high but less of a 'fucked up' feeling. It's really gorgeous at the moment.

100mg oral is my dose. So for other people it could be around 50-75mg but certainly insufflated is ineffective. Goddamn this is nice.

Just to note I dropped at 12:45 and it started coming up after I'd finished eating so maybe 45 minutes later at 1:30. Plateuing now at 2:21.

Actually I might try adding some Chitosan to it later to see if it aids insufflation in any way.

2:36 - Just gave my girlfriend a 100mg gelcap (she has a similar tolerance) so we'll have third party notes too.

3:45 - I've now completely come down, so I dropped another 150mg. My girlfriend however, experienced no effects from the 100mg but it was dropped on a full stomach. She also had some MXE this morning (30mg) so it could have offset the effects. I've told her to wait another 20 minutes before taking anything else. She feels a slight stimulant effect from it but that could be placebo or effects from caffeine or the MXE. I'll update later to see what's happened with the next 150mg gelcap and my girlfriend's experience from it.

4:25 - Here I am again in this godlike euphoria. I suspect that it's mostly opioidergic but I'm not nodding like I would with opioids, so I suspect some DRI properties too and of course NMDA antagonism to some degree. This is a real winner, just such a pity about the potency and duration. I have no idea why my girlfriend didn't experience it but it could be explained by her abuse of MDxx's which has been quite a lot recently. This would point to HT1a agonism instead and serotonergic euphoria instead. I really don't have enough info at the moment to confirm it's pharmacology though. All I know is it's fucking nice.
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God I was so eager for this report!
What kind of euphoria was this? Like a MD euphoria? So is there a comedown when the effects wear off?
The duration really seemed very short by your description... Too bad!
What about tolerance? How good were the effects of the second (150mg) dose, compared to the first one?
Sorry for the interrogatory :D
Yes!!!! Thanks brother blueberries for trying oral! How godly it sounds orally makes me think it might be pretty rusty and exquisite IM or plugged. It's really to bad about the duration though... I could live with the lower potenecy if it's through the roof price wise but that duration is fairly weak even if it has God tier euphoria. Hopefully that won't lead to super compulsive dosing! I would stay away from guessing the pharmacology, at least with opioid activity, we all know how that went with MXE, and that stupid rumor is still believed by some today!
There was no comedown whatsoever, but it is short, perhaps an hour and a half but it's so good. It honestly feels like a mixture of serotonergic euphoria (like that of 5-HT1a agonism) and opioid euphoria. Basically dreamy and relaxing but still quite lucid. I could talk and walk, everything but just felt really nicely high. The effects of the second were similar to the first but in total the doses were technically the same. I've just dropped another cap of what I think to be around 200-250mg and I hope to see it's heavy effects now.
I'm wondering if it has a hole or not. Sounds like it could be pretty cool if it does. Looking forward to see what higher a doses bring!
It should be known however that my NMDA tolerance is very high and usually kick off a K binge with 200-300mg to get medium-ish effects from it (probably around 500-600mg S-Ket to hole (I don't do racemic)).

I'd like to add that s-ketamine is about 2x more potent than racemic ketamine, so that's about ~1100mg racemic ketamine for a k-hole, so YES, you DO have a tolerance ;)

So his MXM (I'm also gonna call it that) doses are NOT representative:

100mg oral is my dose. So for other people it could be around 50-75mg but certainly insufflated is ineffective. Goddamn this is nice.

I'd recommend a 20mg oral starter dose for people without tolerance.

I suspect some DRI properties too

The dopaminergic effects are most likely direct dopamine receptor agonism and not DRI.
I feel like maybe this stuff should be called 3-MeO-Ketamine/3-MeO-Ket for short, it's not the most correct of names, but given that we use 2-MeO-Ketamine as the name for 2-MeO-Deschloro-Ketamine, and that this is essentially 3-MeO-Deschloro-Ketamine, it would be the most logical name to help people understand what it is. Far more so than E-Methoxetamine.

The second best option would be "Methoxmetamine", at least somewhat gives a better representation of the structure.

Alternatively N-Methyl-Nor-MXE or NMNM for short (Daily Mail reporters reading this, don't go calling it nom-nom in response to this for fuck sake. :D)

Edit: You all beat me to the names. I kind of want to stick them all in the title for clarity's sake but I'm not sure which ones to use, or whether to just go with all of them and have a ridiculously long title - I don't think we should let the thread be called "E-Methoxetamine" without at least adding one of the other names since it's a god awful name for the stuff.
There's something else that has come up. It's pretty scary but I'm not 100% on it yet.

My girlfriend has a huge speed tolerance. As in she can do a gram of paste in one line and that's just the start of her binge. So I started to think, what if it's a dopamine releaser? It would explain all the euphoria, relaxation, everything. It would also explain why she got no effects from it.

So far no selective dopamine releasers have cropped up on the market. It's quite a stretch from PCP analogues' DRI properties but I'm just hoping to god it's dopamine agonism. If what I think is correct then we could have an epidemic on our hands. I'm also redosing this shit like mad. It's just so good, which confirms my thoughts further.

If it is then MXM needs to be shut down NOW. It would be 10x worse than heroin addiction. At least there's neuroprotection but still.

This is a BIG fucking problem.

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^ Pretty much all the dissociatives out other than Ketamine are SRIs (Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) and that's usually what produces the "opiate like euphoria" that some of them have.

Some examples:
- 3-MeO-PCP
- 4-MeO-PCP
- Methoxetamine (MXE)

Some are also dopamine reuptake inhibitors, like PCP, and likely 3-MeO-PCP too.

Stimulant dissociatives are not a new thing, the only non-stimulant dissociatives I can think of off the top of my head are Nitrous Oxide and Ketamine ;)

Also none of those have any opioid activity, aside from DXM (although DXO, DXM's main metabolite doesn't really have any), despite how many times people have made comments about MXE and 3-MeO-PCP feeling "opiate like". There's no reason this would be any different, since structurally it's smack bang in the middle between Ketamine and Methoxetamine.

If anything I'd say rather than certain dissociatives being opiate like, it's more like low doses of dissociatives are anti-depressant like. Anti-depressants also generally being SRIs, like most dissociatives. Opiates have a similar anti-depressant quality to them, though it's not due to serotonergic activity, feels a tad different, and is easy enough to tell apart once you've been using opiates for years on end in my experience.

The fact your girlfriend got little adds even more to the likelihood that this is an SRI like MXE etc, since you mentioned she had abused MDMA, and MDMA abuse leads to down-regulation of the serotonin transporters, along with serotonergic neurotoxicity and lasting damage.
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I actually think the whole magic of MXE and now this is mostly related to serotonin. There are some empathogens selective for serotonin which can also feel very relaxing and opioid-like. With that 3-methoxy group on the aromatic ring they're both likely to bind to SERT and some study done on a few PCP analogues showed that MXE and 3-MeO-PCP both had an appreciable affinity towards SERT. 5-HT1A receptors could be involved as well, but presynaptic 1A receptors are autoreceptors, so they'd stop serotonin release upon activation by serotonin, so perhaps MXE and MXM are also 5-HT1A agonists themselves. 5-HT1A agonists also inhibit glutamate release. There is a lot of contradictory research on arylcyclohexanamines. Some go as far as mu/kappa agonism and activity at D2 and 5-HT2A receptors, which actually makes sense to me, arylcyclohexanamine backbone looks versatile, so with the right substitution one could further manipulate the ratios of affinities at different targets. It seems like this is what happened here (most probably accidentally though...), a secondary methyl amine is less efficient for NMDA antagonism, so the ratio of serotonergic effects vs. NMDA antagonistic effects could increase.

BTW, I vote for MXM, 3-methoxy-deschloroketamine is just too long and abbreviations like 2-MK or 3-MK are vague at best.

Also none of those have any opioid activity, aside from DXM (although DXO, DXM's main metabolite doesn't really have any), despite how many times people have made comments about MXE and 3-MeO-PCP feeling "opiate like". There's no reason this would be any different, since structurally it's smack bang in the middle between Ketamine and Methoxetamine.

I bet that DXO has a higher affinity to opioid receptors than DXM does, it's just that DXO isn't really well researched. Still it must be a low affinity compared to its affinity at NMDA receptors, which could be very similar to ketamine actually.


Does anyone know when MXM is supposed to be widely available? I can't find it anywhere now, I'm not really familiar with today's RCs market though.
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I hope to god you're right.

I'm banking on the 5HT1a agonism theory. I really, really, hope it is just that. I was whirring things over in my mind last night and it really scared me. Please, please, dont let this be a releaser. It's a big stretch I know. A really big stretch but my mind was in pieces last night.

Fuck, we really need to get some clinical evaluations on this because what I was thinking would cripple the world.

EDIT: Thanks adder, you've saved my mind. I got into a deep hole last night (not ACH hole) worrying about if this was getting to the retail stage!
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