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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine Thread - Part 13: Don't you know? MXE comes from MXE-co

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OK dunno where to begin with this post, but I'll start by saying that I did 2.5 grams in less than 4 days, most of it IV'd. I do have a hige tolerance after going on 3 years of on/off use, but as you can imagine I went absolutely mental! never tripped like such in my entire life, for days straight I was out of reality, complete audiovisual hallucinations indifferentiable from reality, talking to little people on my floor, totally sensitive to any electromagnetic field, and I would hear all kinds of music in the signals. I had just begun acute heroin WD at the start of this binge so I was just trying to treat pain/fatigue/depression, and it did work to a good extent but I ended up not sleeping more than a couple hours a night which I'm sure made the hallucinations more intense. I was a minute from a complete psychotic break.
Doing that amount of MXE, into my veins no less, caused me to experience the full reality of MXE physical WD, and at that amount it is really not a pretty feeling especially on top of the late stage heroin WD.
I'm feeling just about normal now 10 days since doing any of it, but my nerves still feel a bit fried and muscles still slightly sore. My brain feels much better thankfully for a minute I never thought 'the sounds' and such would stop.
In conclusion, I pushed the limit as far as anyone ever has I think. I will still say MXE is the most incredible thing ever. Will do again after a good break, in more moderation, next time without the opiate WD, lol.
Seems as MXE is one of the safer dissociative rcs. Unfortunately it is already scheduled. >600mg per day is a 10-fold average dose and you seem to be mentally stable 10 days after the 4 day binge. Plus you don't have bladder malfunction now ? Pretty interesting (that it seems to have an okay therapeutic index). I'm glad to hear, that you are relatively healthy now.
That would be me. I urged people to peer review the experiment but no one was willing to spit out their MXE to verify. And so you have tons of people who snort despite it having been proven its more manic, less psychedelic and shorter lived, fucking with their mucous membranes, and you have tons of people putting their teeth and mouth linings at risk with sublingual while this has been proven to be no more effective than plain old oral. Depressing, few people study and optimize their DOC.

For MXE:

IV > IM > Rectal > Oral > Sublingual > Insufflated

lol... proven by who? I very much like insufflation, I see nothing wrong with it. The high is very nice, easy and I prefer it's stimulating nature as it still allows me to get things done instead of sitting in a chair and staring at the wall for 2 hours. Now, it's not the most effective... but it doesn't really need to be. It's easy, fun and not much at all is wasted if you use proper technique. I find the come up of a line of MXE to be VERY soothing. Oral/sublingual has a much more subtle yet psychedelic high that I find to be more conducive to quiet, contemplative states.

Let's face it though, most times I take MXE I just want to feel fucking good. Snorting has honestly been the best RoA to get me ready to party, which is what I originally meant. I dance like a fucking maniac on MXE, it became nearly an everyday thing for my friend to come over and do a few lines before mixing music and getting jiggy with it. Oral really just doesn't fit into those situations, from my experience.

I'll give your method a try when I can get some more, just to be fair.
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I feel like MXE has a very real effect on cognition. Language is one thing that becomes significantly harder to comprehend. I often find myself severely struggling to find a word to fit the idea I'm trying to get across, even if I've used that word in the past. I'm sure math would be the same, if not worse..

I don't think the drug itself will cause you to fail, but it's CERTAINLY not helping anything.

Is this while you are on the drug or do these effects strongly linger when you are sober? Weed, for example, has a very negative effect on me in terms of being able to understand mathematic/logical concepts for upto a month or more after smoking heavy. But it does go away eventually and my intelligence comes back after abstaining for a while but I hardly abstain for long enough to maintain that. And it is starting to concern me that I am so much less intelligent now than I was a few years ago yet I am just so fascinated, probably addicted, to drugs that I do not even feel the want to be sober for such an extended period of time. I will probably always do drugs until I realise that I am severely addicted and that it is fucking up my life, that is the sad truth. Because up until now that main negative effect it has had on me is decreased intelligence yet the things I am studying right now are so easy that I can do well without really trying. This is why I intend to chose some harder courses this semester and get my brain back, and cut down the weed, but I will probably keep doing MXE. Just trying to figure out how much it will hold me back..
There are quite a few people commenting on the cognition impairment caused by MXE. A few pages ago on this thread someone mentioned Noopept, a nootropic that is actually an NMDA receptor agonist (MXE is an antagonist of NMDA). Taking noopept after using MXE will help relieve the dumb feeling of not being able to connect strings, hold information etc.
I love the shift that happens on MXE, as someone mentioned there is a sense of intuition and a certain capacity to hold abstract concepts and be purely in a moment. But, there is a time and place for everything, and while MXE is more versatile than many other drugs, it won't make you smarter. For that there's Noopept and perhaps other nootropics. I hear it takes about 3 days of taking 10 mg 3x a day to really get that feeling of calculated clarity. But doing 10 mg a few hours after MXE should at least negate the NMDA alteration.
I'm not sure about doing both at the same time, if it is safe, but if it is, MXE should retain the SRI and DRI effects without the NMDA scramble.
That would be me. I urged people to peer review the experiment but no one was willing to spit out their MXE to verify. And so you have tons of people who snort despite it having been proven its more manic, less psychedelic and shorter lived, fucking with their mucous membranes, and you have tons of people putting their teeth and mouth linings at risk with sublingual while this has been proven to be no more effective than plain old oral. Depressing, few people study and optimize their DOC.

For MXE:

IV > IM > Rectal > Oral > Sublingual > Insufflated

I do agree with you. Though i have not tried oral mxe, which will be on to-do-list. I also agree with Folley; snorting is also very effective.

Sure, you may loose 30ish% of ur product snorting, but it hits you differently and is still quite a fun, or effective way to dose. Love snorting a few bumps when on a sublingual dose.

anyway, w/e the best RoA is there really isn't one. because mxe is so incredible i think there are so many variables n which way works out best for dosing. depending what you are after, what dose you are taking, etc.
I should get more Noopept, it was good for after a binge, and just in general. Subtle, but much more clear headed, and speech flowed much more fluently.
However taking it in the morning, before dosing MXE at night was a waste of both. Noopept kills the MXE high if you take it before or during. For me anywho.
Golemgolem did you notice any negative or odd side_effects when dosing noopept before MXE?
Makes sense to only dose noopept AFTER MXE in a day.
Not so much being stimulated as just being tense. That might have been because the MXE wasn't doing it's thing though. Felt fairly safe, just lame. So I only did that twice.
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What is the approx. duration of effects with i.v. route? say, compared to i.m. or rectal for example? Are there other differences in the effects?
I've used noopept to get to a more sober state faster when coming down off MXE and it seems to be fairly effective, but I have no idea on the safety of doing this and try not to do it unless something randomly comes up that I need to be more sober for.
The somewhat sobering effects of noopept are interesting and potentially practical in a pinch. As I recall Jamshyd posted about piracetam having a similar effect on ketamine. I wonder how generalized this relationship is between nootropic racetams and drugs whose chief effects owe to NMDA antagonism. I presume it has something to do with the racetams' modulation of glutamate. Can you give a quantified estimate of how much a particular dose of noopept reduces MXE's effects, e.g, "50 mg of MXE feels like 25 mg after X mg of noopept"?
psood0nym, it's been a while since I've had to do that combination but I'll make a point of trying it later on this week when I have some more time and a clearer head after a weekend of...fun :)

I'll be sure to record all my dosages and timing of said doses.
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Been MXE free for a week so far. It does has WD symptoms IMO. I can't sleep, I can barely eat and I got a headache that won't go away.

Two more pay periods though and I'm copping more though.

IMO it does have "some" physical" WD symptoms and it mos def is fucking with my head.
^How long were you using 3 grams per week? In the past even very heavy users have claimed no physical withdrawal symptoms. 3 grams a week does seem extraordinarily high though, so perhaps it just takes ludicrous amounts before withdrawals become noticeable (I mean, an intolerant user can reach a +++ with just 30 mg of MXE orally for about 5 hours, and you were using 100 times that every friggin week).
Dissociative tolerance takes really long time to go down, I can sometimes if I go a little overboard use 400mg in an evening and I am not using everyday, I use in periods.
Yeah I can back up TheDude about the WD, just refer to my last post re: doing 2.5 g in less than 4 days. I always thought it was very mild comedown until that binge. I had a lot of WD symptoms from that, so yeah it does take a LOT but it can feel ugly for a few days, and it can take a week before feeling back to homeostasis.
Given my tolerance at this point, if I give discos another go anytime soon I should probably move up to 3-meo-pcp to save money and the amount of stuff that goes into me.
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