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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine Thread-10th Dose-Addiction? But I'm only on it 24/7...

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you ever tried K? find that stuff also makes movies so fascinating, become connected to it, its amazing
I have never, ever, tried another drug that made movies so consistently and utterly fascinating.

I envy people who get that with MXE. For me movies are too hard for my brain to process when on MXE. The confusion stresses me out. But if I take a lower dose, it doesn't add anything to the film (immersion).
you ever tried K? find that stuff also makes movies so fascinating, become connected to it, its amazing

I love K, but it's become unusually hard to get in my area. A few years ago people were giving the stuff away. Now when I find it it's always expensive and in short supply.

Wish I were old enough to be doing drugs in 90s. Plenty of cheap K, LSD, and GHB.

Halif said:
I envy people who get that with MXE. For me movies are too hard for my brain to process when on MXE. The confusion stresses me out. But if I take a lower dose, it doesn't add anything to the film (immersion).

You have to really hit the right dosage, which is almost impossible if you don't have a good scale and a good grasp of how good your batch is. I found best results when layering smallish doses every 30 minutes or so until I hit the right spot. Even then films get confusing, but I enjoyed focusing on each individual scene itself like a portrait, paying more attention to placement and camera movement and lighting than the actual plot.
You have to really hit the right dosage, which is almost impossible if you don't have a good scale and a good grasp of how good your batch is.

Absolutely spot on, i find this quite often, and end up confused, my scales are a bit dodgy and ive got 3 different batches of MXE, hard to tell them apart. so i end up re-dosing then confused and stuff lol. MXE is some really weird shit sometimes. The best batches used to get me fully immersed, im not sure if the other batches have something else in them or my tolerance built, or the drug effects changed for me, but these days its almost like a different drug
ayayayayay.......300mg´s or so in 24 hours. found myself sitting in the living room, having a fat bunch of audio-cables on my lap, tryin to fix the song i dropped onto the floor...... mxe + me = no good


edit: strange thing: the first mxe i had (from the uk) had no taste and didnt burn when snorted. this time it was very bitter and burned a bit. no difference in effects, i think
Has anyone ever combined low dose MXE with a pinch of 5-MeO-DALT? Any words of wisdom? Considering experimenting with this combo soon providing there's no savage contraindication that I'm currently unaware of.
MXE doesnt get me into producing music music, i used to DJ and produce tunes back in the day, i find its more of a "listeners" drug the a "production" one.. Stims used to get me into the studio and making music infact my past coke addiction killed music production for me as i has to "grow out of it" and cut it out of my life coke and music production was hand in hand in my Dj career so i associate drugs with music ..spoiling it for me. I have to keep away from that scene. MXE for me is a "thinkers" drug...it makes me do things, enjoy things and get into things, I regret selling my studio and turntables etc but i had to get out of that lifestyle. Im not sure if i will prefer this new 2-meo-k tat is about to hit the scene will be better then MXE... the stim effects off MXE make it a drug that leads you to doing something, rather then just being knocked out, will see in the next few months if 2MK as its known will take over from MXE or not. what I like about MXE is that it DOESNT knock you out, and that bounce get you going on to do great things...will see in the coming months what happens...
Yeah living in the moment and anticipation for any amazing unsuspected event to twist or turn your life
laid off mxe since last dec. might delve in again. But only once and awhile, this stuff makes me feel dumb after.
Makes me feel like a buddist sometimes, sit there and time stops, thoughts stop, bang on there in the moment. n then feel clever for days after, quick thinking, motivated, productive
mxe TOTALLY "deleted" my (really heavy) cravings for mdpv!!!! i´d love some mxe now but thats not a real crave compared to what i felt with peevee...good trade!
Intelligence (g) is hard to describe; I would say on the days following a binge I feel smarter, but with a worse memory. Hope this makes sense.

Also, I feel you on the MDPV. MxE eliminated my cravings for opiates in the past (used opiates daily for 3 weeks, did mxe for 3 days, no WD no cravings -- a miracle). And more recently, I smoked "spice" (random cannabinoid sprayed on plant matter, sold at local headshop, no idea what it was) daily (~3g/day; meanwhile one hit would get a normal person high) and would experience withdrawal symptoms when I didnt smoke. Nothing bad of course, nothing like opiates, but pretty uncomfortable. I smoked this shit for months, if I didn't smoke I'd feel shitty. 3 days of MxE later and here I am, no spice addiction. Don't even have the urge to smoke it anymore.

Blows my god damn mind :eek:
I had a friend who was a longtime opiate iv user.... tried to quit countless times... i gave her some mxe and she quit that week and its been close to a year now and shes still clean... so yea, seems to be something there... :)
i´m amazed to read that others have had the same experience. thatsounds really promising....i have been craving the peevee VERY hard in the last weeks, often relapsing, sometimes with other stuff (a-pvp, mpa, other shit...) and it was completey impossible to satisfy my crave. even when i was on pv it just never was enough, leading to od´ìng, including cops & paramedics at my house, going to detox for a week, and general depression, anxiety and so on... (we all know how bad stims can fuck you up)

do you think it would be a good idea to keep a little stash of mxe so i have the possibility to take some if my crave returns? i´ll be seeing a psychiatrist this thursday, hopefully to be put on an antidepressant.
thing is, dont want to trade one addiction for another. at the moment i got the feeling i could regulate my intake of mxe, at least better than with stims...but maybe thats just addiction speaking to me, trying to make me buy more?

as you can see im a bit confused.

btw, what i also feel at the moemtn is that my depression seems to have lifted quite a bit, the feeling of "thats all bullshit, i coukd as well give up trying to become clean" is diminished quite a lot.

cheers, brbg
My 2.5 grams of MXE was suppose to come today. It says it's Out For Delivery, yet when the post man came I had him search his truck for a package, and nothing. What the fuck? Extremely pissed off, having an extremely rough day, all I want is to put myself in a hole. Instead, now I'm drinking alcohol which doesn't solve a damn thing.
I cannot say MXE made me wanna crave something less, in fact it made me enjoy opiates even more because of it's awesome potentiation-qualities :D
Good to see lots of other people finding that it dimishes the craving for other drugs, and lifts depression and anxiety etc, its helped me in various ways. been doing it once a week for ages, although recently ive stopped all together with no problems, not that bothered about doing it anymore. i seriously dont advise doing it too often though, days on end etc, can send you manic batshit crazy
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