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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine Thread-10th Dose-Addiction? But I'm only on it 24/7...

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it has a lovely opiated feeling sometimes. especially with benzos

I've a feeling that benzos would dull the trippy, heady aspect of MXE, though. Which is definitely one of my favorite parts. All of the philosophical and spiritual thoughts, and shifts in perspective on reality.

Is this the case?

So binding assays have confirmed how, and where this drug is working. Watch out guys, mxe may be more damaging than you think


Actually, this report concludes pretty much what we've been speculating about MXE if you've checked in on and off throughout the last oh ... nine incarnations of this thread. In fact, it references Erowid explicitly, and, without direct reference, definitely alludes to this very thread.
Luckily I feel at this point like I've basically completely recovered from my excessive MXE use, so I will be able to approach it again, although much more respectfully the second time around. :)

What were your problems caused by MXE to recover from? Thanks ;)!
The home office report states: "Cerebellar features such as ataxia (unsteadiness on the feet), are rarely seen with other recreational drugs and are not seen with acute ketamine toxicity."
is this true? I always thought people had just as much trouble moving with ketamine, if not more trouble?

also, perhaps someone could help clarify the binding assay results to me:
the SERT binding makes it an SRI , yes? or does that mean it is a serotonin releaser?
also, what are we to make of the lack of DAT binding? are we to assume it does not have activity there at all? Or do we only know that it is not a particularly strong DRI (and that it may or may not be a weak DRI)?
I find it odd how many accounts there are of nausea. I've tried it countless times and haven't felt that once. Any negative body load really.

I wish I could keep myself from doing this as frequently but it's so difficult. I've been off for it for a week now and the past two nights I've had extensive dreams about being able to take it again. I'll have more at the end of the week so it'll be a decent break but damn, I don't see myself ever being able to knock this one indefinitely.
I get sick every time I use mxe. Generally towards the end of the experience. The worst part is trying to stumble to the bathroom before I hurl on myself.
Anyone here use Methoxetamine to control opiate withdrawal symptoms? I'm helping a family member (he lives with me) get off suboxone and get clean. He's on 90-120mg/day oxy right now. Was on very (really very) high dose subox for 4 years before that. This is day 10 of the switch from subox to oxy. When oxy runs low he is going cold turkey.

I'm going to be the one holding his hand, cleaning up, and deciding when calling 911 is needed. This is not my first rodeo by any means. But I'm pretty sure it will be the roughest one. Have posted more detail here and here on Introductions and healthy living threads.

Can clonodine and immodium be used safely with Methoxetamine? Is there anything else (such as Benadryl) that should be avoided? What are the warning signs that the Methoxetamine is causing life-threatening side effects? Can you become addicted to Methoxetamine in 5 days? Etc.

Would like to hear from anyone who has used Methoxetamine to deal with opiate withdrawal. PMs welcome as well.

^ I've never been addicted to opiates or anything really, but I've recently tried both kratom tea while on MXE and I also tried Cocaine while on MXE, and I think it made both substances less addictive. I had no addictive urges where I figured there would be. IME it does have slight anti-addictive properties but obviously my opinion doesn't carry as much weight as someone who has dealt with addiction long term.

Thanks SONN! Any shared experience helps. As I understand it, today's Meth isn't at all like what we had in the 60's and 70's. Crossroads, Black Beauties - never felt the slightest crash at all afterwards. It was all good. I knew plenty of people who crashed after, but they took it for days or a week straight. I understand that with today's Meth, a serious crash is inevitable after a single good dose. Cocaine has always had bad after-effects, but only from what I saw and heard, no experience with it.

My point being that if it MXE helps with cocaine withdrawals, it's a good sign.
What were your problems caused by MXE to recover from? Thanks ;)!

Started having obvious bladder issues, had to urinate much more frequently, and even occasionally had some pains in that general area. Also, anhedonia - my sober life started becoming extremely dull, and nothing was enjoyable unless I was on MXE.
Anyone here use Methoxetamine to control opiate withdrawal symptoms? I'm helping a family member (he lives with me) get off suboxone and get clean. He's on 90-120mg/day oxy right now. Was on very (really very) high dose subox for 4 years before that. This is day 10 of the switch from subox to oxy. When oxy runs low he is going cold turkey.

I'm going to be the one holding his hand, cleaning up, and deciding when calling 911 is needed. This is not my first rodeo by any means. But I'm pretty sure it will be the roughest one. Have posted more detail here and here on Introductions and healthy living threads.

Can clonodine and immodium be used safely with Methoxetamine? Is there anything else (such as Benadryl) that should be avoided? What are the warning signs that the Methoxetamine is causing life-threatening side effects? Can you become addicted to Methoxetamine in 5 days? Etc.

Would like to hear from anyone who has used Methoxetamine to deal with opiate withdrawal. PMs welcome as well.

I used methoxetamine to ween myself from a tramadol/suboxone habit. To be more accurate, I used suboxone to get off of tramadol and then methoxetamine when I ran out of suboxone. I, too, had read reports about methoxetamine being a potential aid in kicking an opiate addiction and decided to take the plunge a few months back. It worked out fairly well -- did not experience many withdrawal symptoms, either physical and mental. However, my habit was not as severe as that of your family member.

In my experience, methoxetamine tends to play well with other mild substances when used for this purpose. Immodium, benadryl (diphenhydramine), doxylamine, melatonin, benzos, and alcohol can be used safely if doses are kept low and can also useful for controlling withdrawal symptoms. Methoxetamine also does not have too many side effects; but some to watch out for are dizziness, confusion, high pulse, etc. Again, this is dose-dependent.

Keep in mind that it is important not to switch addictions. When used in the short term (<2 weeks), I would say that there is little addiction potential. Beyond that, a very strong physiological addiction can be created. However, methoxetamine is not nearly as addicting as opiates and withdrawal symptoms are usually minor (such as cravings) and are gone rather quickly.

Good luck, and let us know how it goes :)
What exactly are methoxetamine's physical withdrawal symptoms, if any? "Cravings" are not physical withdrawal symptoms, or at least not in isolation. Physical withdrawal symptoms can literally kill a person with some drugs, so I'd think there would be a clear distinction in symptomatology for MXE if they exist. Is it that doses have to be at ludicrous levels before they show up?
I would not advice MXE + benzos, atleast not in higher dosages. Speaking of experience. The control you lose on that combo is not like alcohol and benzos, this was actually one of the most horrible experiences i ever had with a drug. It just said snap and then I could not find myself or figure who i was for several hours, although i could move around like normal and desperately twist around in bed having no clue what was going on. I was in some way conscious so i tried to find myself, but myself was gone, i eventually got back after the MXE had worn off but that was ultimate horror. Not saying that its not possible to enjoy these in low doses, i have done so several times but its so easy to go overboard with the benzo and that fucked me over. Ill never do it again tho, thats for sure.

i second this. same thing has happened to me many times using etizolam and mxe. most horrific time of my life, i had a memory of 5 seconds, i wouldnt know who i was, where i was, what had happened, anything. same thing every 5 seconds untill the mxe wore off.
I used to get addicted to tripping when I was depressed. It reset me. Now on occasion, I will smoke weed, and sub some MXE and then swallow it. It gives me a very warm comfortable feeling, I take it in the evening after my day is over. When I wake up, I am energized and am very happy.

I will not do this more than once a week. I will limit myself. Not a hard limit but trying to keep it once a week. I no longer have a trip hangover, and this fits perfectly!
ive said it loads of times in MXE threads but, MXE helped me stop doing mephedrone. snapped me out of a self destructive cycle, felt re-born, re-apprichated life again. magical stuff
I used methoxetamine to ween myself from a tramadol/suboxone habit. To be more accurate, I used suboxone to get off of tramadol and then methoxetamine when I ran out of suboxone. I, too, had read reports about methoxetamine being a potential aid in kicking an opiate addiction and decided to take the plunge a few months back. It worked out fairly well -- did not experience many withdrawal symptoms, either physical and mental. However, my habit was not as severe as that of your family member.

In my experience, methoxetamine tends to play well with other mild substances when used for this purpose. Immodium, benadryl (diphenhydramine), doxylamine, melatonin, benzos, and alcohol can be used safely if doses are kept low and can also useful for controlling withdrawal symptoms. Methoxetamine also does not have too many side effects; but some to watch out for are dizziness, confusion, high pulse, etc. Again, this is dose-dependent.

Keep in mind that it is important not to switch addictions. When used in the short term (<2 weeks), I would say that there is little addiction potential. Beyond that, a very strong physiological addiction can be created. However, methoxetamine is not nearly as addicting as opiates and withdrawal symptoms are usually minor (such as cravings) and are gone rather quickly.

Good luck, and let us know how it goes :)

Thanks Material541!!! He's a lot more anxious than I am, but I need to be prepared. I held his hand when he went through Precipitated Withdrawal: that was a nightmare for him. I was OK; mostly minor back pain from tending him in bed. It was hard seeing him in such pain, but nothing compared to what he went through.

My biggest concern is what effect the MXE will have. He's a big sad whiny kid when he's really sick, which is relatively easy for me to deal with. But if he gets hyper or aggressive, it's a problem. We are both hoping it will have a mellowing effect, not a speed-type rush. It's hard to guess from reading other people's experiences: most are recreational stories. What's fun when you're healthy could be a nightmare when you're in withdrawals. We both wish the house we are in had a basement I could pad up and lock him into (seriously, he's actually said that).

He's pretty sick of being sick all the time, so I'm not too worried about him switching addictions. And we about a two week supply. Plus getting more MXE would take 2 weeks. By which time I would hope any cravings would be gone.

Glad to hear it worked out for you. Quitting opiates is hell. People like you that have the strength to go through with it are an inspiration. Thanks again!
I would really advise against taking MXE to get through opiate withdrawals if he's serious about getting clean. Like I said before, it's an extremely powerful and fun drug, and you need to avoid fun and powerful drugs while your brain is trying to heal itself after an addiction. If you absolutely have to take something to take the edge off, use one of the following:

-Clonidine (prescription alpha agonist)
-Loperamide (OTC diarrhea medicine)
-Low-dose DXM (OTC cough syrup, can order powder online)
-Propranolol or other prescription beta blocker (prescription beta blockers) (note: do not take beta blockers at the same time as alpha agonists like Clonidine)
-Robaxin or other muscle relaxant (prescription muscle relaxer)
-Low-dose Klonopin/Ativan/Valium for no more than a few days (prescription benzos)

But really, the only way to get through opiate withdrawal is to deal with feeling uncomfortable. Then you have to deal with the uncomfortable PAWS once the initial withdrawal is over. Taking drugs like MXE that light up dopamine receptors while you're getting through the withdrawal is just setting you up for failure.
If one decides to try and use MXE to overcome an addiction, I'd highly advise them to use small doses. This stuff is extremely moreish, if you are not careful you or your friend will simply trade one addiction for another.
If one decides to try and use MXE to overcome an addiction, I'd highly advise them to use small doses. This stuff is extremely moreish, if you are not careful you or your friend will simply trade one addiction for another.

Plan to be very careful - he's almost anal about using a new drug in small doses first. And I doubt a dissociative will tempt him into long-term use. Not his thing. And it will be associated in his mind with the week of being sick.

My drugs of choice are caffeine and nicotine; I'm way too old to be putting crap like MXE into me! At my age it's not safe; no matter how little it is. Came of age in the 60's and 70's.

Anyone else out there who has used or tried MXE to lessen the sickness of quitting opiates 'cold turkey'?
you or your friend will simply trade one addiction for another

PS - I'm not doing the SWIM thing. I'd share my own experiences, but an old fart talking about the drug scene in the 60's would just bore everyone. :)
Plan to be very careful - he's almost anal about using a new drug in small doses first. And I doubt a dissociative will tempt him into long-term use. Not his thing. And it will be associated in his mind with the week of being sick.

No doubt he is rational about using small doses and not abusing dissociatives when he's sober... but opiate withdrawal takes away your ability to think rationally. Also, he'd be taking a drug that activates opiate receptors to get him through opiate withdrawal. Not a smart idea.

Even if he gets through the 2 weeks or whatever of MXE use + opiate withdrawal with relatively few problems, he will still have caused more damage to his body and brain than he would have if he did not use the MXE. He will have a comedown from the MXE that will last at least a few days and he will have been constantly lighting up his brain's pleasure centers with a drug; that only delays the healing process that needs to occur after long-term opiate use. If you really want to get through and stay off opiates (not just kick and then get back on soon after), don't try to fix the problem with more drugs.
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