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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine / MXE Thread - Part 16 - Sweet 16 mind-control machine

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I'm very excited to know what the deal was with that off white-ish sandy textured MXE. I had it and it was weird, lower potency and more side effects. My friends liked it but they'd never tried good MXE. My gf at the time hated it though.
I'm very excited to know what the deal was with that off white-ish sandy textured MXE. I had it and it was weird, lower potency and more side effects. My friends liked it but they'd never tried good MXE. My gf at the time hated it though.

Yep! I loved it at first too, so did my wife, she fell out of love shortly in to the experiments. I quit as soon as I discovered 3-MeO-PCP. I've been waiting almost a year for this moment to come together. I just move real slow because I'm a 'weekend warrior' and had to research the whole process of getting things tested.

I started to think something was not quite right when I'd read reports online of people doing WAY less than I was. I thought for sure I couldn't be that hard-headed or have that high a tolerance - I only use on weekends!

I got up to about 135mg an evening without holing before I took a break from it.

I'll admit, though, if Energy Control says this is MXE - and there's no dangerous adulterants, I'll probably still use it.
I feel like it probably is MXE but maybe there's isomers of MXE like there is for ketamine that make different effects. Or maybe it has an impurity, I guess only time will tell.
I feel like I'm constantly flip-flopping on this, but I am really starting to think MXE is not as great as I made it out to be.

I feel like MXE made me lose sight of my true chemical love which is psychedelics.

I vibe with both these statements hahah.

I've found that when you go from using MXE to a psychedelic, it can almost be quite jarring after the relaxed nature of MXE. When comparing them side to side I find the easiness of dissociatives to sometimes be a negative.
Might have to spend almost all the money I get for the month so I can get 5 grams of mxe and 5 of mpa. Think how epic a 50-50 mix of mpa and mxe would smoke in a meth pipe. It would melt down the mxe into the mpa so you wouldn't have to hardly inhale to avoid inhaling mxe dust like when smoking mxe by itself. The dissassociative would lower your stimulant tolerance to nothing so it would be like getting spun your first time every time. I can't wait I'll have to get both and sell the shit for meth prices to get my money back so I can afford the mxe and the mpa. Bonafide hustle.

I'm sorry - but people who think and act like you are the kind of people who give MXE and drugs in general a bad name. Why do you even do MXE?? Passing off any drug as something that it's not is completely fucked. Do you not even read the threads that you post in or read what you post before you post it???? You just now snitched on yourself with your above post. Do you even think about things like this? Not only is your behavior deplorable, but you're openly admitting to being a hustler. THINK before you post my friend. Eyes and Ears are Everywhere in our modern times. If you take that spirit of a hustler that you have inside you, and put it to something creative or worthwhile - Imagine the ideas and concepts that you could come up with! Hustlers are survivors or they can be just plain evil - but overall they are generally pretty resourceful human beings - I guarantee that you can come up with a better plan to make some extra loot to support your habits than being a Deceiver of your fellow Human. I'm just going to leave it at that or I'm going to write some shit that I'll regret later. I hate sounding preachy - but your post just has no Intelligent place in this discussion. Maybe put down the MPA...........and see what MXE REALLY is about.

To me, at least the last few pages that I've read - Most people who really enjoy and get what MXE is about are into things like Self Awareness, Exploring Human Consciousness, Battling Depression / Addiction issues, and many other POSITIVE reasons. What do you even get from MXE? Do you have no Conscience at all? I could never behave in the way that you are talking about, whether using MXE or not - other than when I was severely addicted to hard opiates years ago - which is why I understand where you're coming from, but this is my wake up call to you. What you are talking about is not only shady as fuck, but your small post says SO much about the kind of person you are and the way you choose to operate your life. It's your life to do with as you want - but please, after making a post like you did - take a step back and think about what you're doing, what you're saying, and where you're saying it. Safety First and Harm Reduction is the point of BL - not to talk about your future illegal exploits. If you're not going to contribute intelligent content, or at least HELPFUL content to this thread, please - just go the fuck away. I'm not even trying to start some feud or drama - I just couldn't believe the blatant absurdity of your post. - Mr. Meowfish
One of the best qualities of MXE for me is that it's so introspective. Many times when I holed I was just thinking about recent events or my life in general, and often had revelations how good I've had it. MXE is so soothing and it made me appreciate my life more and how much good there is.
I vibe with both these statements hahah.

I've found that when you go from using MXE to a psychedelic, it can almost be quite jarring after the relaxed nature of MXE. When comparing them side to side I find the easiness of dissociatives to sometimes be a negative.

I agree - in my experience, psychedelics give a sense of what you need in life, but they typically make you work for it (or at least want to put forth the effort to make positive changes). MXE and other dissociatives put it right in your lap and pat you on the head; they don't seem to catalyze the same desire to change, only acceptance that things are good (or good enough) the way they are. They both have their time and place, but dissociatives are certainly easier to abuse.
I'm sorry - but people who think and act like you are the kind of people who give MXE and drugs in general a bad name. Why do you even do MXE?? Passing off any drug as something that it's not is completely fucked. Do you not even read the threads that you post in or read what you post before you post it???? You just now snitched on yourself with your above post. Do you even think about things like this? Not only is your behavior deplorable, but you're openly admitting to being a hustler. THINK before you post my friend. Eyes and Ears are Everywhere in our modern times. If you take that spirit of a hustler that you have inside you, and put it to something creative or worthwhile - Imagine the ideas and concepts that you could come up with! Hustlers are survivors or they can be just plain evil - but overall they are generally pretty resourceful human beings - I guarantee that you can come up with a better plan to make some extra loot to support your habits than being a Deceiver of your fellow Human. I'm just going to leave it at that or I'm going to write some shit that I'll regret later. I hate sounding preachy - but your post just has no Intelligent place in this discussion. Maybe put down the MPA...........and see what MXE REALLY is about.

To me, at least the last few pages that I've read - Most people who really enjoy and get what MXE is about are into things like Self Awareness, Exploring Human Consciousness, Battling Depression / Addiction issues, and many other POSITIVE reasons. What do you even get from MXE? Do you have no Conscience at all? I could never behave in the way that you are talking about, whether using MXE or not - other than when I was severely addicted to hard opiates years ago - which is why I understand where you're coming from, but this is my wake up call to you. What you are talking about is not only shady as fuck, but your small post says SO much about the kind of person you are and the way you choose to operate your life. It's your life to do with as you want - but please, after making a post like you did - take a step back and think about what you're doing, what you're saying, and where you're saying it. Safety First and Harm Reduction is the point of BL - not to talk about your future illegal exploits. If you're not going to contribute intelligent content, or at least HELPFUL content to this thread, please - just go the fuck away. I'm not even trying to start some feud or drama - I just couldn't believe the blatant absurdity of your post. - Mr. Meowfish
Mxe not melting down makes it difficult to smoke i was just saying how mixing it with mpa would solve that and how it would lower your stimulant tolerance. Idk maybe I don't have a conscience because mxe sends me to oblivion and bliss its only sometimes psychedelic. I guess posting about selling mpa was stupid but I doubt I could actually do it
@WhyNaught - If you want to smoke MXE and have it work quite efficiently - Just put it in a Blunt, you don't even need weed to smoke with it, I like to roll up 25-40mgs with tobacco equivalent to the amount that would be in a normal cigarette, it makes for a cigarette sized Blunt - that burns much slower and way better than a typical rolling paper, which is a necessity when smoking MXE because it makes the Blunt burn Very Slowly, sometimes it will go out before you hit it again - I find you have to re-light it at least a few times when smoking it this way.

I've tried smoking MXE in a Bowl sandwiched between weed on the bottom and tobacco on top - That doesn't work very well and you waste more product without as much desired effect. I've also tried smoking it out of an Oil Burner / Tulip / Meth Pipe, whatever you want to call it - it's equally as much of a pain in the ass. If you enjoy smoking it, you'll be the most satisfied rolling it up in a real Blunt, like a Swisher or a Dutch Master - The blunt wraps just don't burn right in my opinion and I'm not a fan.

As for the dosage for smoking - take your personal tolerance into consideration. The average MXE / Dissociative user is probably only going to need 10-20mgs. Smoking MXE changes the characteristics of the high almost entirely - It reminds me of a mixture between Nitrous, PCP, with some MXE visual effects mixed in. It hits you Hard and QUICK when smoked, like Nitrous - so be prepared. If you want to get really fucked up - instead of evenly distributing the MXE throughout the Blunt, evenly distribute 10mgs throughout the Blunt, and then take another 5-10mgs and make a "Hot Spot" in the blunt - Basically just dump the extra 5-10mgs all in one spot, and when you get to that spot while smoking, take a nice big hit and hold it in for a few seconds like you would smoking weed. I did this on accident once - and it literally sent me IMMEDIATELY into an M-Hole, all it took was that one big hit - I put the blunt out right after it hit me it was so strong and unexpected. Smoking MXE doesn't last as long - only 1-2 hours MAX, maybe even less if repeated often, but it's definitely a good time. If you want to smoke this Compound - this is how you want to do it. - Meowfish
I am very interested in reading, seeing or hearing any artwork inspired by MXE trips, or created by 'channeling' energy while under the influence of MXE.
I want to include a few examples of 'MXEsque' art in my book.
below are some of my contributions :) would be happy to know what you think



Jesus Christ dude this first track is AMAZING! I'm about to get to the second one, but damn....damn.

EDIT: Oh wait it's an entire album, ok cool. Would you mind sharing how you create? I'm still trying to find the best way for me to create as if I try to use arrangement and a grid, lay down a kick drum or percussion, then add on top, etc. it becomes too formulaic and un-artistic, but then if I try to just play and record I can never seem to get it all reigned in. Feel free to PM if you'd like.
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My gf claims she found some quaaludes. Obviously, I am intrigued but knowing how many RCs there are out there, I wanted to do my due diligence before I took anything.

I looked high and low for information about reagent testing for methlqualone and found something called a Mark II field test kit that tests for PCP. This can also can be used off label for IDing quaaludes. I ended up buying a box of 10 of these satchels (they are used by cops to field test drugs). I have no idea what the actual reagent is used, it just says "PCP reagent."

Anyways, since I had a few extra kits, I figured I might play around with it and see what happens if I throw MXE in it and activate the reagent. Sure enough MXE triggered a false positive for PCP . The instructions said a pink background with blue specks = PCP and an all blue background = methlqualone. The MXE was pink with blue specks.

Not that this is surprising as it is well known that MXE is related to PCP but it could be helpful for those seeking to presumptively ID MXE. Also, these are used by cops and the false positive with a field test kit is something to be aware when rolling around with MXE in your pocket.
My last few dozen MXE trips, when I first close my eyes, I often see a giant glowing cat face staring back at me. Then the cat slowly closes its eyes and turns away from me, just like a real cat does. It hangs out with me for a minute or so and then floats away. One time when I saw the MXE spirit cat, its eyes were wide open and inside its pupils I could see another pair of cats, and inside their pupils were more cats, and so on. It was like I knew that the cat could see me seeing the cat seeing me seeing the cat seeing me seeing the cat seeing me seeing the cat seeing me seeing the cat seeing me seeing the cat seeing.......

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