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The Big & Dandy Medication/Supplement Interaction Thread

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the blotter was clean as well Shambles?

Ive never tripped off 1.5 tabs and tripped for 24 hours....

The duration is oddly long...
The blotter was fine unless somebody managed to spill some toxic waste onto just those 1.5 and miss all the adjoining ones :D

The actual "trip" (was mostly more like a psychotic break than a trip) was fairly standard duration. Maybe slightly on the long side - around 12 hours. The pain lasted for a lot longer than the trip did. It was especially painful pain too :|

Whatever happened, I'm not using psyches with tramadol in my system again anytime soon. Is very odd indeed cos I can't really see how it could have had that effect with acid. Possibly something to do with the lowered seizure threshold? Dunno. Was rather seizuresque only with bonus insanity and urine :D
That's bizzarre.

I've been getting the hofmann prints lately and they've been pretty standard, pure, 200 ug at least. I've not been combining with anything but S-Ketamine and 2ct-2 though. Dilaudid once.
Opiates ought not react in the way described with LSD tho - unless it was some freakish coincidence due to an "external agency" such as a bug
This is what I was thinking, Dread. I've never had any problems combining real opi's with psyches but have had some fairly odd reactions to SSRIs in the past - don't get on with me at all - so am wary of that SNRI side to it. Also that it lowers the seizure threshold somewhat and so do psyches, I believe... admittedly generally at higher doses in both cases.

I'm sure it was the tramadol somehow reacting with the LSD though. Definitely something about the combo disagreed with me but may well just be my freakish nature. It seemed to potentiate 2C-I to a surprising degree in me last week too. Not in a bad way then though. Very odd indeed...
IME Tramadol is some sketchy shit. Long in the past, we used to have lots of tramadol pills... we usually erm... "gave them away" but sometimes we used them ourself when we couldn't get our D.O.C. medicine. To ease w/d:s you know... well, it got to the point where my girlfriend had at least one epileptic seizure each day we took them...

As I said, sketchy shit. My experiences with the stuff taught me to walk fast to the opposite direction when I see tramadol... Anyway, it doesn't sound far-fetched to me at all that tramadol could cause some nasty interactions with psychedelics.

Enough offtopic though :)
Moved drug interaction talk to its natural habitat :)

For what it's worth, the symptoms of serotonin syndrome describe pretty much exactly what happened to me. Not saying it definitely was but I had every one of those symptoms and both tramadol and LSD are listed as possible contributing factors :\
Insomnia Medications That Won't Affect LSD?

Alright so here's the thing, I want to be able to drop acid while I'm at school once in a while - not like all the time, but once in a while without having to know like a week or two ahead of time (to stop taking my insomnia medication) before I want to trip. Because lets all be honest, if you want to trip, sometimes its a like spur of the moment thing, and it comes up like a day or two before you actually go and do it.

So I was on trazodone previously and I got off that, the whole being extremely mellow and calm was alright, but I kind of disliked it at the same time, I wasn't myself. And on top of that it wasn't leaving me with much options when it came to tripping - but it did enhance smoking weed somewhat.

So now I'm on Ambien 10mg 4x a week/max (I stick to it) switching off with melatonin 5mg 4-hrs before my normal bed time so that I'm tired by the time I fall asleep (you gotta take it much earlier or it won't do you much good, and 3-5mg is the most you should take for maximum effectiveness my neurologist said - specializes in insomnia). And I know that it doesn't affect tripping because it won't affect the 5H-T receptors to block them, etc - which is what was part of the issue with Trazodone before.

But now I'm thinking ahead - because I don't want to be on Ambien for a long period of time (more than 6 months), and I want to be able to switch back and forth between Ambien and something else for the time being to manage my insomnia instead of taking melatonin.

I was looking at Remeron (Mirtazapine) but the issue comes up with it affecting tripping. Any thoughts? **This is the main question I have.**

So, besides those 3, what other options are out there, I already know about Lunesta, and the other Z drugs, but I want to find a more suitable long-term solution. I hate the idea of having to keep switching sleep medications - even though it is inevitable - but what would you guys recommend as the best ones out there that won't affect my ability to trip, or roll. I'll only be taking the drug at night before bed, so it has to be fast acting.

Let me know, this is a very important question to me, and I would really love to get some answers from people - I know there are some of you out there with similar concerns.
Hmm, I would avoid benzo's personally; anyway, zolpidem (ambien) is very similar to benzo's...have you ever tried any sedating antihistamines, like doxylamine, hydroxyline etc.? I find the former VERY effective at putting me to sleep- no real addiction concerns which is a plus, but it does make you somewhat drowsy the next day- best option then is to keep sleeping :D
I don't mean to mess up this thread but I got a question, I took a seroquel lastnight to help me sleep, just because it was that once will it fuck up my tripping? Or does it have to be a daily basis of taking it for it to mess up your trip? If this one time lastnight does mess things up- then how long should I wait?
I posted this in a thread but it got locked anyways here it is:

I've taken LSD once about three years ago and had a good time and I am interested in taking it again in a few weeks, possibly at a Phish show.

I have been on 3-4mg per day of Klonopin for the last few years and have learned a lot about that drug and will start tapering off of it soon. I don't need it anymore since it's lost it's effect for the most part and my tolerance has gone up.

I've tripped on mushrooms before a few times and things went well.

I want to experience LSD again.

Is it ok to take while on klonopin? I'm pretty sure I was taking klonopin when I last tripped but I was not on the dosage I am at today.

by the way, I have not been using marijuana or any other illegal drugs in the last month.
Klonopin will dull the effects of LSD but it's a perfectly safe combo :)
Yeah true ^.
The effects with a benzo like diazepam or alprazolam are pretty smooth with something like acid - just feels 'nice' and not much more - but not that interesting to be honest. Meaning isn't hardly as profound when sedated and you feel that this affects every other aspect of the trip as well.
But I have been taking them for years and have plans to ween myself off. They don't really provide that sedation anymore.
It still won't be as good as if you weren't on them at all.

As it's been said, there's nothing wrong or dangerous about doing it, the trip just won't be as profound or intense. You can still do it but you might find your trips get better after you're off the meds :)
Hey guys been on fluoxetine (generic Prozac) for the last 5-6 weeks. I want to trip on either LSD or 2c-e in about 2 weeks (on the 20th).

Been off the pills completely for the last 2 days, is that period long enough to guarantee no lessening of the effects whatsoever?
wiki said:
Half life: 1-3 days (acute); 4-6 days (chronic); Active metabolite Norfluoxetine 4-16 days (acute and chronic)

Yup. Two weeks should be plenty of time to get that nasty SSRI crap out of your system to let the real medicine do it's thing, I would think :)

Not so sure about the norfluoxetine side of things though... Anybody?
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