Nice mini Trip Report there, PD
Totally agree about alcohol and ket making for little other than konfusion and memory loss - they really don't mix well at all even in small quantities. Just gets way too messy, disorientating and nauseating so always best to get your wonk on whilst sober
Also mostly agree with scales being unnecessary - certainly if you're just sittin' around a-sniffin' at leisure. I
would say that they are useful when you first lay hands on the ketty Goodness even if only to get a feel for the quantity you need to get you where you wish to go. Personally I only weigh doses if they are to be injected as getting the required dose more or less dead on is considerably more pertinent in such circumstance
Music and ket can have an odd and fractious relationship I find. Sometimes your most beloved tunes just sound like a horrendously crappy cacophony that is simply unlistenable and bothersome noise. Other times it shows you magical musical majesties that nothing else ever could. Very strange effects on music has ket. Add a dash of 2C-D to see what wonders the right drugs can really do to music
My first ket journey was accompanied with a KLF soundtrack so the two are forever linked in my mind. The whole wonderful night (which consisted of multiple back-to-back holes with Mrs Shambles) was inextricably bound up with the KLF's train-based preoccupations. I was the conducter of the ket train and she the excited and willing passanger ever-eager for me to hook up another carriage to set of to the next destination. The "K" in KLF stands for many things and Ketamine is most assuredly one of the main ones - great kombo :D
I rarely get OEVs from ket now - although I had them all night that first time. Instead I find it's more such an overwhelmingly detail internal (purely mental) ketavision of "reality" that I slip into that it becomes my external reality anyway. Hard to explain, but I don't so much see it with my eyes but inhabit it entirely
Just wait till you fall down one of those rabbit holes in ketland - the hole within the hole. Now
that is truly a profoundly, deeply discomfiting, dive into the dizzying discombobulation down in the deepest depths of the Delphian abyss. Genuinely life-shattering down there - only with considerably less alliteration than as described here
Another fun ketatrick is when you find out how you can get to kontrol and manipulate transdimensional time and space whilst ketomised - so much freaky fun to be had peeling the surfaces of multiple "realities" away with bare hands to get a peek at what lies beneath. Really rather spooky too actually :D
Golly I do so love my ket
And given my overstimmed meanderings I should possibly go consume some to shut me up :D
Oh yes, and moderation is indeed the trick. Not one I've mastered yet but sure I'll get there eventually... or certainly have a whole lot of fun trying