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The Big & Dandy Ketamine Thread (Third Injection)

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one it hurts:p And two, also wasteful, three is leaves my arm sore lol.

One: It shouldn't hurt at all if your technique is good.

Two: It's a hell of a lot more economical than snorting as none is wasted. Snorting is very inefficient and wasteful.

Three: I'll agree that after a lengthy IM session you'll have a sore limb or two but the journey is well worth it =D
How much would be a good ammount of ketamine to snort for a first time, if I want an experience that is maybe a little less than a k-hole to see how it is, but not a drastically weak experience, keep in mind it MAY BE not so pure as it is street grade ketamine from somebody I trust so it will be ketamine atleast I know that.

Somebody told me not to take big lines cause it hurts like fuck and just to do bumps, how much would a nice sized couple of bumps I could do? First time snorting anything
If it's ket then it shouldn't hurt the ol' shnozz at all so if it does then blame the nasty cuts cos it's them what done it. Ket doesn't hurt to sniff - just that it's particular type of minty freshness doesn't agree with everyone's tastebuds is all :)

If you don't fancy going for the hole straight away then it doesn't matter too much about the size of your bumps/lines as long as they aren't huge. Obviously varies depending on purity, but I'd say roughly a fairly skinny (around 50mg or so) 2-inch line or two should give you a mild wonk and then repeat as required. Pure ket should drop you down a hole at around 100mg or so all things being equal so as long as you're doing less than that you should be wholly hole-free :)

Also, sub-hole doses of ket really don't give you any idea of the k-hole experience at all - it's almost like an entirely different drug. Many folks find sub-hole doses a disappointment - more like being a bit drunk, dopey, confused and confuzzled than anything psychedelic. Then again, many (silly) folks don't like the k-hole at all so different strokes and all that...

Personally, I likes 'em both but the k-hole is a true marvel to behold - something everybody should experience at least once in their lifetime - whereas your standard sub-hole k-wonk is more just... well... wonky. Much fun though nevertheless - enjoy :)
A good friend of mine did ket and told me it was really underwhelming because he said it felt like he was just drunk.. So I guess a hole is what I would be going for, I think I could handle it. Do you think getting like 200mg then doing a 50mg bump, then when I start to feel it which should probably be something around 15 minutes if I'm correct? Then do another 50mg bump, and if I don't hit k-hole then I'll know it isn't the purest stuff and take another 50mg bump?
I did something similar first time I used ket and accidentally fell down a very deep (and oh so lovely) hole which came as rather an unexpected surprise so it's certainly possible. That was with pure ket but with no tolerance even less-than-great ket should do the trick. It does build tolerance very rapidly though so smallish lines can mean being stuck and frustrated in the no-hole zone if you spread them out too thin. In your case with zero tolerance I think you should be okay though. At worst you'll fall short but have a very enjoyable - if very konfusing and wonky - time along the way. You'll also know the kind of amount you need next time so not all is lost :)
If it's ket then it shouldn't hurt the ol' shnozz at all so if it does then blame the nasty cuts cos it's them what done it. Ket doesn't hurt to sniff - just that it's particular type of minty freshness doesn't agree with everyone's tastebuds is all :)

If you don't fancy going for the hole straight away then it doesn't matter too much about the size of your bumps/lines as long as they aren't huge. Obviously varies depending on purity, but I'd say roughly a fairly skinny (around 50mg or so) 2-inch line or two should give you a mild wonk and then repeat as required. Pure ket should drop you down a hole at around 100mg or so all things being equal so as long as you're doing less than that you should be wholly hole-free :)

Also, sub-hole doses of ket really don't give you any idea of the k-hole experience at all - it's almost like an entirely different drug. Many folks find sub-hole doses a disappointment - more like being a bit drunk, dopey, confused and confuzzled than anything psychedelic. Then again, many (silly) folks don't like the k-hole at all so different strokes and all that...

Personally, I likes 'em both but the k-hole is a true marvel to behold - something everybody should experience at least once in their lifetime - whereas your standard sub-hole k-wonk is more just... well... wonky. Much fun though nevertheless - enjoy :)
pure ketamine can hurt the nasal passages very badly dude
sometimes my whole face gets squinshed and my eyes tear
never had ketamine before but my m8 says he can get me sum. i wanna know what a regular price wud be for a gram of it in the uk? and wud it be worth doing ket outside or is it strictly indoor type of drug?
^ Don't think price questions are overly encouraged in PD, WTF but if you mosey on over to the EADD Ketamine Appreciation Thread you'll probably find all you could wish to know there :)

It's certainly worth doing ketamine outside - sometimes in some places. As it has a way of making people look like drooling, delerious stroke-victims it's not always a good idea though. Probably best to stick to parties/raves and the like for out and about ketomisation - at least until you find out the rather peculiar effects it can have in people :)

pure ketamine can hurt the nasal passages very badly dude
sometimes my whole face gets squinshed and my eyes tear

Never hurt my nose at all and my ket is pure as the driven snow - maybe I have an especially hardy nose. Only problem I ever really have from sniffing it is the way it dries you out and clogs you up so much - mighty irritating so I tend to stick with needles and just have the odd line here and there or when out and about :)

But worth it =D
The K i've been blowing doesn't hurt too bad, nothing like a 2c-x or even MDMA.

I'm going to expand on my sub-hole experience last night. I holed the first time but coupled with the bit of alcohol I'd had earlier in the day, it made for a very confusing and frankly, hard to remember experience. Anyway, last night, I was laying down in bed after eyeballing a few lines. Kinda seems a little pointless to haul out the scale and calibrate and what not with this stuff. I had on some sweet ambient, psychedelic weird shit which I'm just starting to really enjoy. But man, on K, the nuisances of the sound were totally mindblowing. Throughout the experience, I felt like my perspective was the face of a great and amorphous wall lining a large, vacuous, cavern of color and change, constant motion. It was fairly synchronous with the music but nothing like one can experience with LSD or 2c-e. The walls would continuously shuffle, expanding in one direction, contracting in another, and generally doing shit that the laws of physics would not allow. You know, Moebius strip kinda things. Weird shifting perspectives.
Every couple of minutes, a great wind would blow through my field and blow away the basic tenets and characteristics of whatever vista I was viewing. The cavern would develop a new central color. The world might warp into different shape. It's hard to explain but it was fundamentally different. And then the environment continued shifting and changing in this new paradigm until the next wind came roaring. It was totally sick.
I thought about aiming for the hole last night but I'm glad I didn't because it definitely wasn't necessary. I had a great time being about to totally sink into my bed and fly through the cosmos listening to trippy electronica and open my eyes to see my bedroom still around me bathed in candlelight.
Ketamine is great stuff. I look forward to future experiences. I'm not really sure how some people do this out in public at raves or shows. I get embarrassed for myself when I had to move around on it. It's very much like DXM in that regard. And really, at sub-hole doses, it's so easy to ignore the really interesting effects it has if your eyes are open or if you are not paying full attention to the mind's eye.
The trick now becomes moderation.
Nice mini Trip Report there, PD :)

Totally agree about alcohol and ket making for little other than konfusion and memory loss - they really don't mix well at all even in small quantities. Just gets way too messy, disorientating and nauseating so always best to get your wonk on whilst sober :)

Also mostly agree with scales being unnecessary - certainly if you're just sittin' around a-sniffin' at leisure. I would say that they are useful when you first lay hands on the ketty Goodness even if only to get a feel for the quantity you need to get you where you wish to go. Personally I only weigh doses if they are to be injected as getting the required dose more or less dead on is considerably more pertinent in such circumstance ;)

Music and ket can have an odd and fractious relationship I find. Sometimes your most beloved tunes just sound like a horrendously crappy cacophony that is simply unlistenable and bothersome noise. Other times it shows you magical musical majesties that nothing else ever could. Very strange effects on music has ket. Add a dash of 2C-D to see what wonders the right drugs can really do to music 8o<3=D

My first ket journey was accompanied with a KLF soundtrack so the two are forever linked in my mind. The whole wonderful night (which consisted of multiple back-to-back holes with Mrs Shambles) was inextricably bound up with the KLF's train-based preoccupations. I was the conducter of the ket train and she the excited and willing passanger ever-eager for me to hook up another carriage to set of to the next destination. The "K" in KLF stands for many things and Ketamine is most assuredly one of the main ones - great kombo :D

I rarely get OEVs from ket now - although I had them all night that first time. Instead I find it's more such an overwhelmingly detail internal (purely mental) ketavision of "reality" that I slip into that it becomes my external reality anyway. Hard to explain, but I don't so much see it with my eyes but inhabit it entirely :)

Just wait till you fall down one of those rabbit holes in ketland - the hole within the hole. Now that is truly a profoundly, deeply discomfiting, dive into the dizzying discombobulation down in the deepest depths of the Delphian abyss. Genuinely life-shattering down there - only with considerably less alliteration than as described here :)

Another fun ketatrick is when you find out how you can get to kontrol and manipulate transdimensional time and space whilst ketomised - so much freaky fun to be had peeling the surfaces of multiple "realities" away with bare hands to get a peek at what lies beneath. Really rather spooky too actually :D8o=D

Golly I do so love my ket <3

And given my overstimmed meanderings I should possibly go consume some to shut me up :D

Oh yes, and moderation is indeed the trick. Not one I've mastered yet but sure I'll get there eventually... or certainly have a whole lot of fun trying :)
Ket doesn't hurt to sniff - just that it's particular type of minty freshness doesn't agree with everyone's tastebuds is all

Even going the route of the needle produces a taste in my mouth. Ketamine is arather unforgettable taste experience! =D
pure ketamine can hurt the nasal passages very badly dude
sometimes my whole face gets squinshed and my eyes tear

yeah agreed, K can cut up your nose pretty bad. plus it's very acidic which could over time dissolve the mucous membranes.
pure ketamine can hurt the nasal passages very badly dude
sometimes my whole face gets squinshed and my eyes tear

ket always seems to cut up the insides of my nose leaving a terrible burn and my eyes teary

does anyone know a way of cutting this down besides just cleaning out your nose regularly?
i only shoot up when i have liquid which isn't all too often so that kind of out of the question as i was asking about Ketamine HCl

the nasal spray sounds interesting, but wouldn't the water dilute it?
Anyone from Canada, or know ketamine prices from Canada, could you please shout me a PM and let me know what I should be expecting to pay?
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