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Lysergamides The Big & Dandy ETH-LAD Thread

Please remember to keep posts discussing the topic at hand and keep the topic away from buying and sourcing drugs. :)
150 seems to be about spot on and maybe a bit on the strong end. I can't wait to get my grubby paws on this one.
Perpetual dawn....what is the highest dose of LSD you have done and how does that experience compare to it?
^ My highest dose of LSD was 4 tabs of unknown but fairly typical dosage. They were supposed to be 100ug tabs, but I think they were more like 60-80ug. I had a hundred lot of that acid so I got to know it fairly well.

This experience blew any other psychedelic experience I've had out of the water in terms of it's power. Subjectively, it felt WAAAY stronger than my 4 tab LSD experience, but you know, apples and oranges. Plus I think I crossed some kind of psychedelic threshold that sends the trip into outer space.

My first experience with ETH-LAD was a single tab of 150ug, and that was stronger than any other tab of anything I've ever had. Probably stronger than any two tabs of acid I've ever had.

I'm sensitive to psychedelics in general, and I think it's possible that I'm particularly receptive to ETH-LAD, but treat this molecule with respect!
This may be an irrelevant question, but any LSD sniffing dog can detect this chemical? I meant inside a vacuum sealed bag?
No, there are no LSD sniffing dogs. I think that sending letters with mylar bags filled with blotters are about as safe a medium of transport as possible. Plus, letter, things under a particular size and weight, go through automated processes, unless they are flagged. Then, they can get x-rayed , sniffed, even opened, depending upon the carrier and if they require a warrant or not. Other items will get seized and the recipient will get a love letter letting them know their item was intercepted and may contain contraband. I've gotten such a letter from the DHS several years ago. Suffice it to say, I did not claim my parcel. ;)
...... could we get that dosage poll going for what a good dosage range is?
Isn't it sufficient to know that it is same strength as LSD and 1-P-LSD, and maybe even slightly stronger for some people :) I mean, that's most likely what a poll would show anyway.
Shadow Self, you say 450 ųg was not that strong for you, but you took 600 ųg AL-LAD the weekend before? It seems like your tolerance would've still been pretty high.
What a waste. I'll never understand people that trip for weeks and months in a row.
^ lol - I have often thought that these people are posting so much about high dosing they throw off the "true average" dose. People just getting into these psychedelics can come and read a bunch of posts and end up dosing high because the averages are so skewed to the high side (all the people tripping 5 times a week). I've noticed this with all substances (bluelight posts, etc) although the psychedelic doses are particularly interesting. Like "I took 80mg of 2C-E and went to class".
Good observation yaesutom. Good to remember that when deciding how much to take, that there are some pretty heavy (and frequent) hitters around here.

edit: .. and also a lot of people are probably using benzos or opiates too, which dull psychedelic effects - and not mentioning it.
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Adding an experience summary:

Male, age 35, 180lb
225 ug ETH-LAD

I am pretty experienced with LSD (hands down my favorite psychedelic experiences), having gone as high as 400-500ug. Had a lot of fun with tryptamine analogs in the early 00s. MDMA gives me weeks-long depression and phenethylamines in general give me a headache and make me uncomfortable. This was my first lysergamide beyond LSD and first time properly tripping in about 8 years.

I dropped one 150 ug tab around 10:30 AM on an almost empty stomach. Took 2mg etizolam 4 days earlier which I doubt affected this experience. I was feeling excited and a bit anxious, mostly because I am always a little anxious - I didn't have any specific fear In mind. I spent almost the entire trip at home alone, mostly listening to music, playing guitar and singing, or just meditating.

First alerts about 20min.

At 45min I felt I had a good idea of where things were going and thought it would level off below where I wanted to reach. Ripped another blotter in half, making it approx 225 ug.

Up to 90min, continued to come up in more "superficial" ways, in external sensations and stimulation, but not in any especially deep conceptual or self-peeceptual manner.

There was a mini-plateau here during which I was able to complete a somewhat complex music recording and mixdown with vocals and keys. Performing and listening were enhanced a lot. My theory is that time dialation allows you to perceive far more detail and nuance. Almost like your sensory sample rate has gone up.

From 120min, lots of time dialation, so it's hard to timestamp.

This is where a second "conceptual" come-up began, and the visuals and auditory hallucinations really kicked in.

I was pacing around the house, alternating between 1) blasting and loving music, feeling really enthusiastic and jazzed about creative analogies that were popping into my head and 2) feeling overwhelmed by physical sensations and a little paranoid, the house started to look really dirty. I actually conjured up some hallucinations of the sound of termites in the ceiling and "shavings" on the floor. It only took a moment to realize this was paranoia-induced, and probably rooted in anxiety about renting an expensive place and providing for my family.

I have a bit of amnesia about this next section. Lying on my bed I saw OEV neon fractals on the ceiling, depth perception started to disassociate, and the nearby bathroom fan created massive throbbing harmonics like being buzzed by a fighter jet.

I think at this point if I had been able to manage the jagged push and pull, I could have closed my eyes and gone pretty deep. Instead I shook it off and got in the shower. This was great and felt awesome.

I paced around some more and was generally not feeling right. I started looking at a wall of family photos. My wife and kids had been gone for 3 weeks visiting family. I hadn't been consciously missing them but started to really ache and cry. My wife and I fell fully in love on an acid trip and that came rushing back. I truly saw myself in my younger daughter's face in a way I never had before, and I made some promises to her.

At this point is was about +6 hours. I really loved the comedown. I cleaned the hell out of the house, then I sat out on my patio, drank champagne and smoked some flake tobacco from a pipe, and read a really good novel. I felt fundamentally at peace in a familiar LSD tail-end kinda way.

About two hours later (+8hr) I went to the movies and had 1mg etizolam to take the edge off. I probably could have slept at this point but not comfortably.

This was a really valuable experience. I need to work through some fear before going this deep again. I also think ETH-LAD would be a mixed bag with a partner. Potential to face unresolved issues during the peak. Potential for some major romance in the afterglow.
I got a chance to try eth-lad with 130mg mdma. I took 3/4 tab of 150mcg eth-lad due to the synergy iwas expecting so took a slightly lower dose, I expected the eth-lad 150mcg to be much stronger than my last trip which was 125mcg lsd, but the eth-lad (bout 112mcg) was very manageable. The visuals when I closed my eyes were equivalent to maybe 250mcg lsd in intensity, they were so intense that I was shocked into opening my eyes because I’ve only had such visuals accompanied by a serious mindfuck. There was little mind fuck with the eth-lad. Next time I will take the full 150mcg and by itself to properly judge it's effects, but from what I’ve experienced I’d say the visuals and basically all the bells and whistles are definitely stronger than lsd, probably would require 200-250mcg lsd to get equivalent visuals, but the mindtrip is the opposite, I’d say 112mch eth-lad had a mindtrip intensity of maybe 100mcg lsd.

It's definitely much friendlier and much easier to handle. LSD has ALWAYS been my fav, at least until I tried al-lad, I thought that had the potential to either become my fav or at least close to it but felt it needed more testing to determine, but with eth-lad I think I only need one more trip at 150mcg on its own, no combo this time, and I think it may replace lsd as my fav or at the very least equal it except serve a different purpose than LSD and would be interchangeable with LSD depending on what I was looking for from the trip. It had none of that stimulation of lsd, none of those electric shivers that run down your spine that cid does, not forceful in anyway and didn't push you anywhere you didn’t wanna go mentally.
We spent some of the time watching tripped out moves, and some of the time laying in the grass on my summer farm house staring at the stars and trees and enjoying the visuals. Very pleasant. Took about 1hr to start feeling and 2hrs to be actually tripping proper. Peak at about 3-4hr, it lasts maybe from the 4hr mark to the 7/8th hr2 hrs. last than lsd, 8-10hrs to full baseline from dropping instead of 10-12hrs. Another difference is that with lsd after the peak you got several hours of this weird semi tripping state where you’re not really tripping anymore but still have effects and at that point you just want it to end already as your drained mentally and physically. With eth-lad it felt like the peak started coming down about the same time an acid peak would about 6-7hrs after dropping, but the main difference is that you don't have that semi-trip state, instead you go from peak to baseline smoothly and in just the right speed and amount of time, so basically the actual trip and peak is just as long as lsd, except that you cut out the last few hours that lsd has of a comedown and proceed straight to not tripping.

I didn't feel remotely as mentally drained as I do after an lsd trip and feel asleep with little problem which was a godsend, sleeping after acid can be difficult. All and all I loved it, while I’ve tripped on dozens of different substances from lsa to full breakthrough DMT, I've done a lot more solo trips than social as I used it to explore my mind and work shit out and for a while would dose (an estimate as had no idea of the dosage) 250-350mcg lsd which was perfect and handled with ease. These days I doubt I would take such a large dose of lsd, and if I did only as a solo trip, that’s way too much form asocial setting. Eth-lad on the other hand I feel like I would be able to take 250mics without much difficulty, it truly is so gentle and manageable, and it’s hard to really describe what I mean by that. Like lsd will set your mind on a certain track and will bring to the forefront certain thoughts, fears, desires, etc.,, and they'll be in your face (head) and you have no choice but to face them, with eth-lad that doesn’t really happen, instead you yourself decide what thoughts and mind fantasies/trips you wanna pursue, I believe this substance has a much lower probability of a bad trip If 1 was almost zero possibility of bad trip and 10 is a guaranteed hell where mdma would be a 2, salvia a fuckin 10, I’d rate lsd a 7 and eth-lad a 5 (Dmt either a -10 or a +10 or more than likely fucking both .) Very subjective of course and personally I’ve never had a "bad trip" per se, just bad moments during trips, one being when I tool 17tabs of cid on my 17th bday cause I read somewhere that after about 1mg of lsd you reach "peak trip" and can’t trip harder taking more only extends it.

Compared to al-lad I enjoyed the fact that it lasts a good amount less than lsd, at full baseline by 7hrs so almost half the duration of cid, I liked that because as i mentioned earlier LSD has that semi-trip state at the end that i just don't like at all which makes the trip duration feel a little too long, so the shorter al-lad duration was just perfect, but now that I've tried eth-lad and it doesn't have that semitrip state my thoughts have changed and i enjoy the longer duration of eth vs al, that prolonged comedown of LSD is it's main negative to me, anyways I was expecting al-lad to be all the pro's none of the cons of lsd, but found that to be not true. While pleasant it was a little stronger than I expected t 150mcg, it also possessed a slight anxiety element, maybe it was stimulation from it, and it did have moments where I felt like I just had to take a "break" from the trip. You know where you need to change what you’re doing the set/setting, maybe go for walk smoke a cigarette just to drop a bit off from the intensity of the peak and I noticed it was quiet difficult to do with al-lad, that was my main negative about al-lad, on the other hand eth-lad was everything I expected al-lad to be from what I’ve read about it.

I love visuals and the cev's it provided were unbelievable, oev’s where there too, but this shone in cev's. I saw shades of purple/violet that I don't really remembering seeing at least in a long time on other trips. Id rate eth-lad as one of the best cev psychedelics, at the right dose I can see it giving 2-ct-7 a run for its money when it comes to cev's, but 2-ct-7 is still the most visual trip I’ve ever had especially in oev’s. (Not counting Dmt, that’s not visuals, that’s visions). Lsd has stronger oev's than eth-lad though. I'll follow up with another report on 150mcg eth-lad to better explain the other aspects of the trip, the real deep psychological, spiritual, and mindfuck aspects of it as I feel the mdma made that inaccessible to me.
As much as I love the visuals, it's the head-trip that truly is the most important aspect and that I can't really judge just yet. I did get the feeling that on a solo introspective trip this substance would lend itself very well to allowing you to delve deep into you psyche and explore what’s under the curtain you normally don’t see. I believe it can give you life changing revelations and realizations of the same magnitude as lsd, but with the bonus of allowing you to choose what you wanna focus on and what you wanna see for the first time, what facet of reality do you wanna explore that you haven't explored yet, instead of having random reality shattering ponderings forced upon you randomly like lsd does, even though sometimes you strike gold and are shown something truly amazing so that’s not really a negative of LSD, but it’s something that takes experience to deal with and can be difficult.

Well that’s my experience with eth-lad and as how it compare to al-lad and lsd. If anyone wants to chime in in agreement or disagreement with anything please do, I find that when it comes to psychedelics it’s just so hard to vocalize the experience that having others tell it from their perspective makes it easier for you to put into word what you experienced as well as it also helps you better understand what your experience was like.

PS- I've decided to leave out the effects of the combo with mdma, it was molly of decent quality, but not as good as I'm accustomed to taking as it was from a new/different source so it's hard to really specify it's effects on the trip. It it was the molly I'm used to taking then i'd be able to much easier differentiate how it affected the trip. If anyone is really interested I guess I can write a post focusing on how the combo/candyflip is instead of just writing about the eth-lad.
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Same here, people taking 80mg 2c-e!!! Thats fucking insane, or 450mcg of eth-lad/al-lad/lsd-whatever is also kinda unwarranted. I've done some high dose experiments myself in my younger days, but now with so many trips under my belt maybe its that I can get the full effects and everything I want from a trip a a "regular" dose, not these crazy high doses. Whenever i heard anyone say they've had a mystical experience on 80fuckinMG of 2C-E it just blows my mind!!! Thats borderline abuse, there is no reason whatsoever to tke such a high dose, if you can't achieve a full ++++ experience on say 30mg 2C-E then your doing something incredibly wrong. I mean can you even remember anything whatsoever from 80mg?? How can you even function in any matter whatsoever, like walk, or not shit your pants just cause you have no concept or feeling of defecation?? 2C-E is just one example I'm using here, but i see it with all psychedelics, 120mg DMT vaporized, thats another crazy one, i've gotten full on breakthoughts where I literally thought I was dead and these beings where working on my body and comforting me, and I had no clue whatsoever that I've even ingested any sort of drug, no clue as to anything that existed prior to that moment I was in, and this was on 45mg vaporized completely in one toke from a globe. Next time i'm going for 30mg hahah. Maybe:)
Just wanted to chime in to say that I noticed a bit of a lingering visual effect for a few days, nothing any different than any other psychedelic. It sure was funny though, I was watching Breaking Bad the day after my trip and a couple bowls in I started losing myself in the patterns of Walter Whites bald head Lol.
haha loool

ok so, why ther isn't any pictures from eth lad blotters?
^ There the same type of print as the 1p-lsd 0r the al-lad blotters...
I was pacing around the house, alternating between 1) blasting and loving music, feeling really enthusiastic and jazzed about creative analogies that were popping into my head and 2) feeling overwhelmed by physical sensations and a little paranoid, the house started to look really dirty. I actually conjured up some hallucinations of the sound of termites in the ceiling and "shavings" on the floor. It only took a moment to realize this was paranoia-induced, and probably rooted in anxiety about renting an expensive place and providing for my family.

Aye -- I get this a lot with lysergamides. Especially noticing the age and wear, the layers upon layers of...I don't know how to describe it except, in a way, "filth," (even in my so-well-taken-care-of home) -- it's kipple! I get a little grossed out. But in nature, never -- then it's more life and love and less death and entropy.
For anyone griping about others taking what they consider unreasonably high doses of compounds, remember that we are all different. I have always taken larger doses of all psychedelics. I am 6'4 and weigh 225 lbs. For example, I would often take between 3 and 500 ug of LSD. I'd also consume 5 to 6 grams of mushrooms. I also take anywhere between 450 and 600 ug of AL-LAD, and a similar dose of LSZ. And to tell you the truth, I just don't enjoy smaller doses that much, and when I choose to trip, I choose to trip hard. As far as tolerance goes, the summer is the only time I have the time to trip, so I may trip 5 or 6 times from June to August. I have a job that allows me to take some time to do so. In addition, I have mentioned, in my commentary about eth-lad, that tolerance may have played a role in my less than stellar response to it, which is why I'm taking a break for a good long while to rid myself of the tolerance issue at hand. Not only that, but when I talk about high doses, I always add the disclaimer that I don't recommend others engage in such behavior. So anyway, I am not here to blow smoke, but report my experiences, for better or worse. It's been that way and it isn't about to change. Having said that, you trip how, when and why you want, and let others do the same. If you don't want to take large doses, then don't. If you don't want to trip all the time, then don't. Just let others choose their path as you choose yours. It's pretty simple...
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