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Lysergamides The Big & Dandy ETH-LAD Thread

Me and a good friend shared some little pieces of a 100ug blotter of this recently, by itselves on a first meeting and then a quarter mixed in beer at a later date, there was not much time available and we also were flirting with 4-CMC so caution was required. Results have been underwhelming but, as you may understand, the remaining half blotter may have most of the active compound.

I am planning on boiling/heating the/a blotter on a bit of milk, and then add that to a full glass of milk and drink/share. Should work nicely, I believe. If this deserves correction please let me know, I just want to be sure there's no chlorine or any other degrading stuff in the solution solvent.

you could use distilled water.

also, heat speeds up the process by which your compound degrades; eth-lad is suspected (in tihkal) of being unstable in solution, so i would nix the heat, and just soak it in water, AWAY FROM LIGHT!

not sure how long it would take, but lysergamides should be quite soluble in water, and a hundred mics is not much material to get into solution, imo.


maybe you could just use vodka
Has anyone combined ETH-LAD with 2C-B ? planning 200 mic with 30-35 mg and weed in the come down of an MDMA roll if it worth it..
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So, after a couple of recent lacklustre experiences with bunk Indian strain Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds (the vendor just mailed me 4 dozen for the price of one of the Hawaiian strain, grown in Hawaii to make up for it) and some low potency cubensis (5 grams with very little effect) I caved and bought ten 100 mcg blotters of ETH LAD and two 100 mcg blotters of 1P LSD from a well known and respected Canadian lysergamide vendor.

I enjoy a strong psychedelic experience, the most lsd I have taken was about 600 micrograms (5 1/2 110 micrograms blotters) and I was in control the whole time, but it was an intense experience. Cubensis, I'm no stranger to 7-10 gram trips of quality shrooms that would induce a trip at 2.5-3 grams.

I'm thinking of dosing 250 mics of ETH LAD, what do u guys think? From what I've read it seems to be more potent then regular old silly. Im looking for a strong psychedelic experience, but I still want to be able to walk and talk lol. Also I will have two younger friends with me whose only psychedelic experience is with magic mushrooms, and not even a full trip, they both took about 2 grams of mid quality cubes. I'm thinking of dosing them with 150-200 mics. I want them to have a fully immersive experience. One is average body weight and athletic, the other is slightly over weight and less active, but I think the dose to their weight should be fine, but just want to be safe.

How is the body load on this one? I've read it really messes with ones temperature? Should temperature be constantly monitored and regulated? Sounds like a bummer to me. I've never over heated on LSD or LSA's from morning glory.

Thanks in advance for any responses amigos!
Yowza. I think you're likely to get a lot of people telling you you should probably start with a lower dosage.

I've only taken ETH-LAD once, and at 100 mcg, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. However, the view I have heard from almost everyone I've ever spoken to who has used ETH-LAD has been that the intensity ramps up exponentially quickly with dosage increases and that 200-300 mcg is often a maximum dosage even for highly experienced psychedelic users. Based solely on the anecdotes I have heard from others, I would not necessarily expect to be able to walk and talk from 250 mcg for your first time, at least not in any way that doesn't require your entire focus or outside help. Some people will, but I would say it seems to be a real gamble. Speaking just from my one 100 mcg experience, ETH-LAD is clearly stronger than LSD in some significant ways, and that's not something I say lightly nor have said for nearly anything else ever. Tread with caution.

What I can say is that the body load, especially for an indole psychedelic, was definitely already very nasty for me at 100 mcg. The idea of jumping in at 250 mcg also terrifies my for this reason alone. I'm not sure whether or not there have actually been any reports of dangerous overheating or any other side effects becoming genuinely threatening from ETH-LAD on its own, but it is still an only fairly recently released drug which is apparently leaving the market due to not being popular enough, so it's entirely possible that enough people simply haven't taken it to find the danger yet. Tread with caution with that too, especially given the incredibly dramatic intensity increases with higher dosages. However, it's notable that, to my knowledge, a dangerous point has not yet been found, but the discomfort alone has been enough to keep me away from ETH-LAD since my first dose, though I do intend to return to it eventually.

Again, just my amateur thoughts.... Hopefully others with more experience will chime in as well.
Yowza. I think you're likely to get a lot of people telling you you should probably start with a lower dosage.

I've only taken ETH-LAD once, and at 100 mcg, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. However, the view I have heard from almost everyone I've ever spoken to who has used ETH-LAD has been that the intensity ramps up exponentially quickly with dosage increases and that 200-300 mcg is often a maximum dosage even for highly experienced psychedelic users. Based solely on the anecdotes I have heard from others, I would not necessarily expect to be able to walk and talk from 250 mcg for your first time, at least not in any way that doesn't require your entire focus or outside help. Some people will, but I would say it seems to be a real gamble. Speaking just from my one 100 mcg experience, ETH-LAD is clearly stronger than LSD in some significant ways, and that's not something I say lightly nor have said for nearly anything else ever. Tread with caution.

What I can say is that the body load, especially for an indole psychedelic, was definitely already very nasty for me at 100 mcg. The idea of jumping in at 250 mcg also terrifies my for this reason alone. I'm not sure whether or not there have actually been any reports of dangerous overheating or any other side effects becoming genuinely threatening from ETH-LAD on its own, but it is still an only fairly recently released drug which is apparently leaving the market due to not being popular enough, so it's entirely possible that enough people simply haven't taken it to find the danger yet. Tread with caution with that too, especially given the incredibly dramatic intensity increases with higher dosages. However, it's notable that, to my knowledge, a dangerous point has not yet been found, but the discomfort alone has been enough to keep me away from ETH-LAD since my first dose, though I do intend to return to it eventually.

Again, just my amateur thoughts.... Hopefully others with more experience will chime in as well.

Ugh... I hate lysergic body load, acid shits etc. I'm not gonna eat at all the day of the trip, I was even thinking of taking a small dose of laxative the day prior to clean myself out so I don't get acid shits. Perhaps just drink some juice or soda too keep the feeling of hunger st bay and up my blood sugar. I plan to take Dramamine and Imodium before the trip.

Well, on your advise, I think I may just dose my younger 20 year old pals (I'm 27) with 100 micros of ETH LAD. What's the body load like on 1P LSD? Maybe if I take 100 micros of ETH LAD and 100-150 micros of 1P LSD, would I possibly still have a strong trip with less body load? The only psychedelic that makes me nauseous is LSA's ingested via morning glory or woodrose. Mushrooms has never caused me nausea, neither with plain LSD. But LSD tends to give me diarrhea the next day
Hi OntarioGuy,In my opinion if you can handle 600 mic of Acid you defenetly can handle 250 mic of ETH-LAD, I have donne ethlad several time and I can say that 200 mic is a pretty wild ride, I didn't suffer any overheating, neither any really side effect.. But what i don't like about this material is the come up ! when I dosed 200 mic the first time it really surprised me, a nusty come up that feels like hell but it desapear completlely (and sudennly !!) at peak and only then you can enjoy your trip fully. The idea to mix it with 1p is good for reducing the bodyload on the come up, but from my own experience those two materials dont go very well together... and for your friends I think 125 mic is a max, 200 mic will be defenetly toooo much for a non experienced tripper !
200 ug will probably send the un-experienced right into oblivion.

with that said, i agree with korrit: 250 ug should be manageable for you if youre used to 600 ug lsd trips. it still may be intensely intense, but you will see, the nature of it makes it fairly kind, imo.
Hi OntarioGuy,In my opinion if you can handle 600 mic of Acid you defenetly can handle 250 mic of ETH-LAD, I have donne ethlad several time and I can say that 200 mic is a pretty wild ride, I didn't suffer any overheating, neither any really side effect.. But what i don't like about this material is the come up ! when I dosed 200 mic the first time it really surprised me, a nusty come up that feels like hell but it desapear completlely (and sudennly !!) at peak and only then you can enjoy your trip fully. The idea to mix it with 1p is good for reducing the bodyload on the come up, but from my own experience those two materials dont go very well together... and for your friends I think 125 mic is a max, 200 mic will be defenetly toooo much for a non experienced tripper !

Hey, thanks for the response Korrit! You too Nepal. I just tracked my package, it's in my province, and it has a 3 day maximum delivery date so I'm hoping to have it Friday.
I think I will dose my friends at 150 for my larger bud, 100-125 for my smaller pal and myself at 250. I've been coaching them on things like thought loops etc. I was even thinking of putting a piece of paper on the fridge in my kitchen where we will be tripping that says "Relax, it's just the acid" lol, I find that's my own personal mantra to ground me, and hope it works for them
When it comes to lysergamides, the weight has nothing to do with determining the dose, X mic will hit you the same regardless of your weight... be safe and have a nice trip !
Ya I've heard that said....at any rate my bigger friend I feel more comfortable dosing higher....he has a higher intelligence and I just believe he would handle the headspace a lot better...but it's so unpredictable
Ya I've heard that said....at any rate my bigger friend I feel more comfortable dosing higher....he has a higher intelligence and I just believe he would handle the headspace a lot better...but it's so unpredictable

Plenty of highly intelligent people are full of doubt and anxiety. Here is something I strongly disagree with Terrence McKenna: A really dumb person may very well enjoy psychedelics more than a really smart person. Compare "errr... uh-huh... whelp, guess those hallucinations are obviously lessons from the jaguar-elves of Xenugaia that I should, like, totes take at face value!" vs "no no no I don't brink up my insecurities please don't nonono".

ETH-LAD seems to be *really* unpredictable as far as psychedelics go. For someone with barely any psychedelic experience, 100 mics should be fine... mayyyybe you could go with 125, but if you do, I'd advise you to have some benzos on hand. 150 might very well be too much for a novice, but should you attempt it anyway, I *strongly* suggest getting yourself some benzos. I don't think a note on the fridge is going to cut it when someone's having a full-blown panic attack ;)
I just meant....from what I've noticed, my less intelligent friends (sorry if that's mean) seem more prone to bad trips, because they take lsd they're like "oh haha so cool man, whoa I'm so high man, look at the tracers dude!" And when they get hit with intense introspection and a true psychedelic experience, they don't know how to handle it. Where as my intelligent friends, not only know introspection is part of the experience, but they embrace and welcome it. As I do, it's my favourite part. I typically take psychedelics when I'm looking for answers. I don't take lsd to party. i was planning on dropping the ETH LAD with my two friends in a social situation. But again, I'm hoping for some introspection.

This is just my own personal observation from the people in my life. Ymmv
So I ended up taking 350 micrograms of ETH LAD and 100 micros of 1P lsd. And my friend for his first trip took 150 micrograms of ethlad and 100 micrograms of 1P Lsd.

I had a great trip, very very lysergic, cartoony, great pop on the visuals, a lot of tracers......typical acid loops going on a lot of laughs. I had no body load other then slight nausea on the come up. My friend vomited once in the come up but that was it, we both had a great time with ETH lad. And I feel the 1P lsd really added to the experience.

I'd say the 350 mics of ETH lad plus the 100 mics of 1P (450 mic total) felt to me, equal to 600 micrograms of regular LSD.
Sorry, if this doesn't make much sense ha, I got the lysergic in the mail at 1 pm, dropped at 2, its now 11 pm and I am still tripping ....the peak started about 2 hours after dropping, and was a solid peak for about 4 hours.....I really like ETH lad
I hear 6-12 hours all the time, but when i take 500ug, i peek @ 4 hours. I consider a LSD trip as over at that stage. I smoke DMT (if i have any) at that point, as i'm free falling anyway haha. The 'fear' is very addictive. When i take too much, i litterally cry and beg it to be over, but then, when it subsides, i feel :( lol

I always drink about half a bottle rum during the come up, and some afghan mazar sharrif hashish. (Best i can get in the UK lol). I'd die for some napalese temple balls though. I'm Dutch, but living in the UK ;)
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Here is something I strongly disagree with Terrence McKenna: A really dumb person may very well enjoy psychedelics more than a really smart person. Compare " ;)

ignorance is bliss? This is the very basis of buddhist/enlightenment understanding. aka drugs lol

Why are smart people so depressed, and dumb folk happy? xactly... thier level of understanding. Not knowledge. Any fool can repeat. but to truly understand the very fabric of stuff, isn't easy.

Peace brother :)
Wow.....I wrote that post when I was still somewhat tripping.....honestly boys, the come up was FAST and HARD!I actually got slightly spooked at how strong and fast visuals were coming in, and had to step outside and breath....the visuals were stunning. Honestly, I'm not sure I could have told the blotters I had apart from true lsd in a blind test. It was an acid trip, it felt like every acid trip I've had.the only way I could describe it while tripping was it felt somehow "rounder" or smoother around the edges, whereas acid is a little more sharp. I didn't feel the high was forced either

Very strong for me, very clean, no body load except for slight nausea on the come up, claminess etc. Though that may have been more anxiety and nerves since I knew I was in for a 12 hour psychedelic experience.

Edit: The place I get it won't be offering it anymore, so I stocked up on what my funds would allow at the moment, and ordered 25 x 100 mcg blotters of ETH-LAD and 7 x 100 microgram 1P LSD blotters. That's how impressed I personally was with these lyergamides. My friend asked me if I thought I'd be able to honestly tell the difference between them and lsd in a blind test, and in all honesty, the answer was probably not

I would say ETH LAD is worth a try, and for those of use that don't get ill from it, it's a very suitable alternative to street LSD.
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