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Lysergamides The Big & Dandy ETH-LAD Thread

I purchased mines on last december, stocked them on a smal plastic bag in the freezer at -18 °C, give an experienced friend a tab last WE and he tripped correctly
Does this stuff turn to shit quickly? I received some blotters a year ago and while my wife had a +++ I merely had a + or ++ which had me worried they weren't properly dosed, but I figured it's because I've had hundreds of psychedelic experiences

I've tried them again recently and they didn't do shit, so either the ones I had last weren't dosed at all or the substance decomposed.

We are planning to dose again at night time on NYE after I've dropped my daughter of at her grandparents, so I might just throw them all in a liter of water and see how it goes.

-Has anyone witnessed their material go bad?
-Does anyone know how stable ETH-LAD is in water? If it remains stable for a short while I'd have a chance to try the solution before NYE.
I don't think the material goes bad, it is just unevenly laid blotters:

I had this problem with AlLad, so I put 20 tabs in 40 droppers full of distilled water and shook it intermittently for 2 days then removed the blotter paper and ate it.

This evened out the dose for what remained in the bottle.

I did get very stoned from the paper that came out of the bottle equal maybe to 1.5 tabs. but the result was I have predictable doses in the bottle, I estimate one dropper is 1/2 of a tab, and that my supplier did short change me. (but it may not have been intentional because it is very hard to evenly dope the blotters.)
Does this stuff turn to shit quickly? I received some blotters a year ago and while my wife had a +++ I merely had a + or ++ which had me worried they weren't properly dosed, but I figured it's because I've had hundreds of psychedelic experiences

I've tried them again recently and they didn't do shit, so either the ones I had last weren't dosed at all or the substance decomposed.

We are planning to dose again at night time on NYE after I've dropped my daughter of at her grandparents, so I might just throw them all in a liter of water and see how it goes.

-Has anyone witnessed their material go bad?
-Does anyone know how stable ETH-LAD is in water? If it remains stable for a short while I'd have a chance to try the solution before NYE.
I've kept a sheet stored away in the pages of a book for 9 months now with no potency loss noticable
a litre is a lot of water.
a half of a cup is easier for 2 people to drink and absorb.
Yeah no need for so much water. Nothing wrong with it I guess but I'd use a lot less personally.
Thanks for our input guys, much appreciated. I will assume they did a lousy job laying the blotter.

However here' some input for you guys: WATER IS GOOD FOR YOU! :D Plus it's easier to dose accurately that way. Perpetualdawn gets me. ;P
Mmmmh, yeah, but unless you down the litter in one shot, I suppose you would get diminished effects.
Think about the difference between drinking a can of beer (Diluted ethanol) vs drinking a shot of vodka (More concentrated ethanol). I guess it has something to do with absorption kinetics.
In the case of ETH-LAD that smoothed over/time-release kinetics might actually be a good thing with higher doses - it's a bit of a rocket ride this ETH-LAD. Similar to the "staggering" doses above.
I agree that the tabs in circulation are probably unevenly laid. It doesn't make sense that 1.25 hits completely floored me one time, whereas 1.5 was so smooth and very hard to characterize.

Now regarding my observations above regarding lack of emotional content - while my last trip was quite lacking in that department, the following days were quite productive. I feel as though the ETH-LAD somehow got me unstuck. I had a gig to prepare that week and my sense of self-worth as a musician was so low that I was almost ready to cancel, but the day after my trip I had a surge of inspiration, experimented with tools I'd never tried before, and in the end had a blast! Not sure if any of that would've been possible otherwise.

But back to the effects - I've noticed with all lysergamides that I tend to have certain phonemes looping in my head for the duration of each trip, and they are usually distinct for each drug. In the case of ETH-LAD it's been something like "ui". Anyone else notice this?

Also, my tripping partner had this to say about ETH-LAD: "I'd summarize my experience as this movement [shifts eyes left and right repeatedly]", which I immediately could relate to, as this is how the 'shimmering' visuals move for me as well.
In the case of ETH-LAD that smoothed over/time-release kinetics might actually be a good thing with higher doses - it's a bit of a rocket ride this ETH-LAD. Similar to the "staggering" doses above.

I actually agree. I've been hesitant to try more than 100 ug because the come up is so intense, and I'm already quite content with that level of tripping. But I'm still curious of a higher dosage, and I suppose taking 50 ug then 100 ug an hour latter would be a good idea to smooth the come-up bodyload.

What's up fellows? :D
Just to say me and some colleague are to mess with this not overly ahead in time.
This friend of mine shared ½ 100ug blotter of 1P-LSD with me some weeks ago, and he was blown away! Well, not him really but me; he spit his half blotter at some point during sub-lingual treatment or thereafter, if this makes any 8( sense. However, my colleagues were in reasonable doubt as to how to proceed with me back to town from our country hut dinner meeting (LoL!).

ETH-LAD seems pretty similar to LSD but, any of you tried small doses of this? I only see reports in the big to heroic range here. I was once friend of these approachs but my current spiritual hygiene and wisdom redirects me from such stuff. ;)

Take care and cheers
I'm of the odd group of people who get nausea from this compound with anything from 75-150 ug. I'm considering doing the "plugging" approach to get around this discomfort. I have never used this method before and it seems especially rare to see reports of this roa for Lysergamides. Is it just as simple as dissolving amount in non chlorinated water and using an oral syringe? I've seen in the past it.mentioned as well that this is 2x the intensity which is a big difference with micrograms..
I'm of the odd group of people who get nausea from this compound with anything from 75-150 ug. I'm considering doing the "plugging" approach to get around this discomfort. I have never used this method before and it seems especially rare to see reports of this roa for Lysergamides. Is it just as simple as dissolving amount in non chlorinated water and using an oral syringe? I've seen in the past it.mentioned as well that this is 2x the intensity which is a big difference with micrograms..

I don‘t think there is going to be a major difference in intensity. Unlike the 2C-x/NBOMe compounds which are extensively metabolized upon oral ingestion, LSD (and thus presumably also ETH-LAD) has a high oral BA, so plugging shouldn‘t potentiate it all that much.

Of course the come-up might be a bit quicker though.
Plugging isn't 2x intensity with everything... LSD is already nearly 100% bioavailable orally/sublingually, so it shouldn't really make a difference in potency.
250 is gooder and stronger ;0)

*edit - figured out howta edit my posts finally (phone works)

p.s... i think i have a high tolerance. my partner insisted that her first time be on a high dose, since her only initial psychedelic (1g ovoids, which in dry weight is roughly 1.5-2x p. cubensis) left her wanting the full thing. we settled on 275 a piece, and she did well, although she went into hyperspace and rolled around in foreign landscapes which i may never understand. i did have to put my trip on the backburner to keep her safe from the sometimes quite intimidating house, there being glass and such all around. i can see someone easily whiting out on this one and getting into danger. dont underestimate its potential to throw you into oblivion (i dunno if im unique in being able to dim a trip, but i assure you, 275ug was plenty hard. probably about the same as 400ug of ald-52 (i dont have dosage data on my lsd excursions). we thoroughly enjoyed the shared/ dissolved ego with sir ethyl. fantastic fantasy, if a bit forced, but space-oriented (im sure that might be personal to me; im partial to the outer-space realms of sci-fi).
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