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The Big & Dandy DXM Thread

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Hi guys. I have a stupid question that I would appreciate some quick answers to. My server is blocking Erowid (but not BL...go figure=D), and I would like some general descriptions for 1st and 2nd plateau effects.

Just fill in the following bullets:

1st Plateau typical range (___mg - ___mg)

Typical effects:


2nd Plateau typical range (___mg - ___mg)

Typical effects:



Apparently music has been compared to listening to a liive band in a music hall as opposed to a cheap $2 radio in comparrison of sober vs being on DXM which is a symptom of the first 2 plateau's , ill be doing a full write up on my experience today (its 3:43 AM here , chemist opens at 9:AM im assuming , so wont be to long) so i hope my write up sheds some light onto your question.

However this is the table from Erowid's DXM FAQ to answer your questions about dosage/plateau.
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From the DXM FAQ that can be found on Erowid:

"The first plateau is probably the hardest to hit; many people "overshoot" it. Please keep in mind that these effects listed are general effects, and that individual results may vary considerably.

A general narrative of the first plateau can be constructed. At about 30 minutes to 1 hour after dosing, an "alert" sensation is noticeable; this is simply a feeling that is unique for individual and signals the begin of altered consciousness. The experience has only a vaguely "drug-like" character for about 10 minutes, after which restlessness and slight stimulant effect are noticeable. After another 10 minutes or so, movement and position sense are altered; those with motion sickness begin to notice nausea. Gravity starts to feel weird, and one may bounce around a lot. Emotions may start to become intensified. There is a slight feeling of dissociation from reality, but overall the experience is slightly intoxicating, with intensified emotions and sense of importance from everyday events. This effect peaks and then slowly subsides until it is unnoticeable.

A first plateau trip usually takes between 20 and 40 minutes to start (on an empty stomach), peaks about 1.5 to 2 hours later, and lasts between 4 and 6 hours. Gel capsules take up to 1 hour additional to dissolve. Hangovers are very rare from this plateau, but if they do occur, they tend to consist mainly of lethargy.

The primary effects of the first plateau are general euphoria, euphoria specifically linked to music and motion, slight disturbances in balance, moderate stimulation, and very slight intoxication. The intoxication and balance disturbances are similar to that induced by alcohol, but much weaker and without the mental confusion; there is little if any mental sluggishness or confusion with a first plateau trip.

Some people have difficulty hitting the first plateau. It can take several trials; as a general guideline, if you notice double vision, you've gone way too far. A lot of the more pleasurable first plateau effects, in particular the music euphoria, are set and setting dependent. Being in good physical condition, avoiding excessive caffeine, and being in a good mood are all important factors in achieving a good first plateau dose.

Positive first plateau experiences are one of the first to go with regular use. Part of this seems to be tolerance (which builds quickly and lasts for considerable time). Another part seems to be a familiarity with the first plateau experience; after awhile it no longer seems quite so profound or interesting. Some have suggested changing set and setting as a way of regaining the more interesting aspects of the first plateau.

With the second plateau (around 2.5-7.5 mg/kg, 6.4 mg/kg suggested from regular users) several new effects become evident. The most profound is that DXM begins to take on a heavier "stoning" characteristic, and senses and cognitive function are affected accordingly. Closed-eye hallucinations start for some people on the second plateau. Some of the first plateau effects, e.g., the music and motion linked euphoria, may diminish or stop entirely.

Second plateau trips usually take between 30 and 60 minutes to start (on an empty stomach), peak about 2 to 3 hours later, and last about 6 hours. Again, gel capsules take up to 1 hour additional to dissolve. Hangovers are not common with lower second plateau trips, but some people experience them.

A general narrative of the second plateau: The trip beings identically to the first plateau trip, although the alert and early effects may be noticed earlier. After passing to the music and motion euphoria stage, the first plateau sensations begin to be overshadowed by disruptions in sensory processing, as sensory input begins to get "choppy". Both sight and sound take on a dreamlike characteristic and one begins to feel increasingly detatched from the outside world. There may be bursts of sensory deprivation where the outside world seems to go away, but overall one maintains contact (somewhat incoherent) with the outside world. After a few hours of an overall "stoned" feeling, the sensations begin to subside. A slight hangover consisting of lethargy may be noted the next day."
Lol don't wanna blow you're buzz but 120 isn't a lot. Don't get me wrong you'll have fun but next time if you can handle it try 200-300 and you'll be flying.
Lol don't wanna blow you're buzz but 120 isn't a lot. Don't get me wrong you'll have fun but next time if you can handle it try 200-300 and you'll be flying.

Yeah I pushed it to 140, and I loved it. 200mg and beyond would knock my socks off!

I was at work anyways. I think if I went higher I'd have to be at home on my back.
Good to know Whipped Dream , im going to be having my first experience in 30 min's hopefully (heading to the chemist)

Wish me luck!!
Yeah I pushed it to 140, and I loved it. 200mg and beyond would knock my socks off!

I was at work anyways. I think if I went higher I'd have to be at home on my back.

You did DXM at work? Man, I hope it didn't include the operation of heavy machinery...

But no, really, try 200+ some time. DXM doesn't get really awesome until you start to up your dose.
^^^ nah dude, low doses were great for me until i upped it to high doses. once i started doing high doses low doses became less satisfying. stick to low doses for awhile, there's plenty of time to up the dose in the future.

also, 200mg is a bit much for your first time. read the bit in the FAQ about individuals that are hypersensitive due to enzyme deficiencies. a percentage of the population has like a 5x or stronger reaction to DXM and it is very dysphoric for them... for these people 200mg would be a third or fourth plateau dose. so yeah, start with 100mg or less just for your first time, just in case you are one of these people. if your trip is a dud you can always up the dose the next day, tolerance to DXM isn't rapid like it is with psychs so dosing on the second day works.

keep in mind though that once DXM tolerance does start to develop it is pretty much irreversible for a lot of people.
^^^ nah dude, low doses were great for me until i upped it to high doses. once i started doing high doses low doses became less satisfying. stick to low doses for awhile, there's plenty of time to up the dose in the future.

also, 200mg is a bit much for your first time. read the bit in the FAQ about individuals that are hypersensitive due to enzyme deficiencies. a percentage of the population has like a 5x or stronger reaction to DXM and it is very dysphoric for them... for these people 200mg would be a third or fourth plateau dose. so yeah, start with 100mg or less just for your first time, just in case you are one of these people. if your trip is a dud you can always up the dose the next day, tolerance to DXM isn't rapid like it is with psychs so dosing on the second day works.

keep in mind though that once DXM tolerance does start to develop it is pretty much irreversible for a lot of people.

had 270mg on my first attempt and felt nothing except for my motor skills being slightly shot , plan on taking 320mg today as its all i have left and praying i feel something more satisfying that yesturday.

Am wondering if i should wait longer between the trips tho for the sake of mental health.
eh its not recommended to dose two days in a row, but i've done it. make sure it doesn't become a habit if you proceed.
what are the con's to dosing two days in a row??

Nothing IME (well I've done 2nd plateau multiple days in a row, and done second then third. But I have never had the desire to do higher plateau doses back to back), just that the more frequently you do it, the more tolerance you'll build, and dissociative tolerance lasts for years, or even for life, based on anecdotal evidence.
also using two days in a row probably has more addiction potential than waiting a week or two between trips. as well as more of a hangover.
Also using dxm two days in a row makes you feel like shit. Fuckin super dxm hangovers where you feel like you're IQ dropped 10 points below you're dog. At least wait 48 hours between dosing.
Hangovers? I get an afterglow. Feelsgoodman. But yeah, it's not good to get into the habit of doing it too frequently of course.
Hangovers? I get an afterglow. Feelsgoodman. But yeah, it's not good to get into the habit of doing it too frequently of course.

I went 2 days in a row , second day was more intense but not "outta control" intense , woke up with no hangover OR afterglow.
yeah the second day usually is more intense. make sure to wait a few weeks before you try again! i got super addicted to DXM and have blown thousands of dollars on it over the last 4 years, so yeah.... heh don't get hooked.
lmfao^ that's real shit. but i have gotten into DXM lately. i've only really dosed first and second plateaus, but i think i wentto third plateau on accident. i tried doing it again tonight and im obviously high. i drank 100% natural white GFJ and drank 1 budweiser. then i took around 150mgs DXM and i smoked a couple bowls and now im reallly high. i feel disconnected and dumb; and my head hurts a little bit. My heart is beating rather fast despite trying to consciously monitor it, but otherwise i feel pretty good
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