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Tryptamines The Big & Dandy DMT Thread - The 6th Recursion

I've extracted DMT several times now, but I feel like I'm still too anxious to dive in fully. Every time I've tried it I've made the mistake of stopping once the rush hits me instead of smoking more than I need. Even though I've extracted probably about 10g of the substance over the course of my relationship with it I've smoked it roughly 20 times in total, preferring to give away or sell most of what I've made. Aside from one experience, the times I have smoked it have been very sub-breakthrough (I close my eyes and I'm somewhere else, and something like the oft-described entities are dancing with each other in front of my eyes and showing me indescribable ever-shifting objects, but I can still hear music from this world and the trip produces insights relevant to my situation in life which I can reflect on while still tripping. My ego is present.)

The one experience I've had that surpassed the above description was during the course of the largest and last extraction I've undertaken. A friend had paid for the upfront costs and was awaiting his return which he would be selling. I was at the apartment of someone I'd met at a music festival the previous summer, and he wanted me to run an even larger operation for him, obviously seeing dollar signs. I'd already explained how he could do it himself but he was more interested in using the experience I had than trying to do it on his own. The whole "producing DMT en masse for people who are going to sell it" thing was not very comfortable for me and I'd never been to his place before but still we smoked some changa together on his couch. I'd basically done what I always have and stopped short of a breakthrough and he noticed and encouraged me very vigorously to "smoke, smoke come on smoke" etc. This was in a language in which the word smoke sounds even more ugly. Still I took a few more pulls and laid down, him still urging me to smoke.

The word dominated my trip, and aside from an ever-intensifying warping of the music he had playing and the visual sensation of staring down the centre of a vortex that was being ripped through everything in my visual field (I have no idea if my eyes were open or closed) the only thing that existed was the insistence that I "smoke". The word began to mean more and more. "Smoke", it became the verbal representation of everything that was vile about me: my shortcomings, my failures, my addictions, and my implicit acquiescence to what these things were doing to me. Smoke. All of this rang with every repetition of the word as it echoed through my mind. It dared me to challenge it and knew that I wouldn't. Smoke. I wanted it to be over but every time I felt a moment pass the trip started over again at twice the speed. Smoke. As I began to come down I had visions of smashing the jars of DMT I had at home and explaining to my other friend that I'd have to pay him back. As soon as the trip was finished I made some excuse and got out of there.

Anyway, I was pressured and not in a good headspace and I've since fixed a lot of the things that made that trip such a nightmare (I've quit smoking for one, heh). I finished the extraction and gave my friend his share, we're even now (I didn't mention before but I owed him quite a bit more than what he gave me to fund the extraction because he was also my dealer and I had a bad stim habit then, something I've also quit). I did feel uneasy because the guy with whom I took the trip above probably expected me to go forward with the huge scale thing he wanted me to do, but we ran into each other at another festival this summer and everything was cool. The loose ends are tied and I have a gram left over from the extraction, half freebase and half changa.

I want to take it at my own pace but whenever I even think about the subject I get a lot of fight-or-flight type anxiety and I find it hard to continue. I want to explore deeper into what seems to be an incredible substance (in fact to experience DMT has been a goal of mine since I heard about it in high school, I'm 22 now). I'm hoping changa will be amenable to that, and I can just smoke more of it little by little like wading into a pool and eventually dip my head into hyperspace, rather than plunging off the 100m freebase highdive. I'm definitely going to smoke some small amounts of it to get used to the sensation because I haven't tried DMT for a few months at least. But another side of me is saying that I should just torch as much as I can as quickly as I can and just get there. I have enough reservations about that that I typed this whole thing though which brings me to my point which is asking you fine people if you have any advice or words of wisdom/encouragement?
Friends who have taken both sub and breakthrough doses say its worth breaking through straight away. I personally can't give advice but titrating my way up has left me more and more anxious about the entire thing, with a fight or flight instinct kicking only at the point of no return when the lighters brought to the pipe and I start to hit, which I didn't get the first two times I did it. I've kind of built it up too much in my own head, whilst all my friends that did it casually first time in a sort of whimsical manner without any planning or anything of the sort broke through and had awesome experiences. Personally, I'm going to give it a cool down period of a couple of months and then come back to it later when I'm more calm and in a period when I have no personal problems to deal with. All that being said I sitll don't know if I regret starting low cause I haven't yet broken through.
I've extracted DMT several times now, but I feel like I'm still too anxious to dive in fully. Every time I've tried it I've made the mistake of stopping once the rush hits me instead of smoking more than I need. Even though I've extracted probably about 10g of the substance over the course of my relationship with it I've smoked it roughly 20 times in total, preferring to give away or sell most of what I've made. Aside from one experience, the times I have smoked it have been very sub-breakthrough (I close my eyes and I'm somewhere else, and something like the oft-described entities are dancing with each other in front of my eyes and showing me indescribable ever-shifting objects, but I can still hear music from this world and the trip produces insights relevant to my situation in life which I can reflect on while still tripping. My ego is present.)

Aplogies for not having any useful insight on your post but I'd just like to point out that I can 100% relate to EVERYTHING this entire paragraph. I actually thought for a split-second that I'd posted this while inebriated or something.
I think so too.

That bottle method sounds fucking good though - can you breakthrough with one lungful with that method?



The dreaded underdose? I find it hard to believe than too little drugs can be worse than too many? What's so bad about underdosing?

Believe it my friend. It's not bad, it's just not 'it' and seeing so many people smoke DMT and think they have broken through when they haven't is a a bit of a crime, a shame, more people need to experience it in full 'play' ~ people are tripping out on the starting block (which is fine), just don't think you have broken threw when you haven't.

Take the Adam against the man or Adam vs DMT videos where he is smoking DMT, he is SO not breaking through and kind of brushes the whole thing a side to some extent.

its always better to overdose than under-dose (get that DMT switch flipped, you can't over do it, once its flipped its flipped and having overdosed won't make much difference. Equate it to kick starting a motorbike, you can never use too much force to flip it over, once the engines running its running, but you can use too little a force and be kicking away at air all day, going nowhere - but still having fun sitting on a bike)

You can look at the patterns and 'entities' behind you eyes or you can 'go' somewhere - your choice :)

'A small amount gives a wierd feeling in the body and some perceptual change. A larger amount gives strong body feelings and heavy visual effects , somewhat similar to LSD, but much more based around geometry, and changes of shape perception. A very large dose is totally awesome, and people's responses differ, from catatonia, to screaming, to total ecstasy. Some people describe it as a religious experience. Many people find they completely leave our universe for the duration, which is generally up to 5 minutes, with residual effects up to half an hour.'


I want to take it at my own pace but whenever I even think about the subject I get a lot of fight-or-flight type anxiety and I find it hard to continue.

This anxiety is natural adrenalin which is produced when your body first detects DMT. There are ways around this. Have a small hit or a decent hit of changa or two, the body will get used to the DMT and stop producing adrenalin or not as much, and you can then focus on the tryptamine effects, when this happens have your bottle or vaporizer with a large dose already set up and then take the plunge - it's really not that 'bad', it's the pre-flight nerves that are worse than anything.

Once you have broke through a couple of times - you will forget it because it's too much to hold on too - but then i found personally that you don't need to have break through doses again, borderline break through doses make you 'remember' them few huge break through doses you had and sometimes this is enough...Though you have to break through first.

I tried using the bottle method. The theory is sound but man did it ever burn the throat.

Burn it slowly with a small flame my friend, when using this method, frazzed DMT is foul.
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I just want to reiterate that DMT and 5-MeO-DMT are really the only psychedelics that you want to go ahead and be big-headed and smoke a full dose to break on through. There is no such thing as 'being ready' nor is there a 'right time.' These experiences are so far and beyond anyone's normal point of reference, that there is no way to prepare. Even a 300mcg + LSD trip can not prepare you. And so as not to make the wrong point, I find NOTHING scary or unpleasant about either, both feel like gifts from the gods, both feel like healthy and healing medicine but they do work in radically different ways, DMT is a trip to an alien dimension, 5-MeO-DMT is a trip to the milky way. As I am sure I already mentioned in this thread, I have a long relationship with DMT, my first few trips were on low dosages, 20-40mg. And they were great, I may have even thought I 'broke through' but only when I extracted my own and would load 60mg-100mg did I really get what DMT was.

At the end of the day, DMT (smoked) is so short an experience...and if you dose high enough there is no ego left to make you aware that you have just taken this godly material. With no ego there is no fear. And the 10-15 minute duration is so short that you will be back in your body before you know it. Embrace all feelings, fear or bliss. Embracing the fear will truly make you stronger in the end.
Does anybody here have any experience smoking dmt while on 4meo-pcp. I am planning on doing this tomorrow afternoon possibly. I love mixing dmt and ketamine and once I vaped a low dose of 4-aco-det while coming down off of 4-meo-pcp so I'd imagine this combo would be interesting too. Are there any dangers with this combination I should be concerned with? I am not worried about intensity but am wondering if there are any negative interactions that would more dangerous than the two other combinations I mentioned.

Smoked DMT with ketamine before. Quite hectic to say the least, but it was wonderful. I feel like it'll be a little less mild with 4-meo-pcp, but I don't know what kind of doses you used with K/plan to use with 4-meo-pcp. I'm light so 120mg ketamine + 40mg DMT = <3<3
I use an Essential/Eclipse Vape which is basically a fancy crack pipe to smoke my DMT. It's great as it all recrystallizes so you can come back a few days later and get another light trip. Also very easy to control the heat with by sipping.

Does anyone else get that amazing looseness, free feeling around the body as they come off DMT? I feel so loose, in control of my body, like I could climb a tree in seconds yet I'm a shit climber, sharp and just ready for action. It's absolutely brilliant, no other drug does it for me. I'm slowly becoming more comfortable with this stuff, even in low doses (which used to induce a bit of a panic for me) the more I use. My only issue is the taste of the stuff induces a bit of nausea in the beginning, does anyone know if higher purity reduces this or is it just the way DMT is? So annoying the way I'm not a fan of the taste of mushies or DMT yet I love them a lot. I love the lines that begin to trace and run through everything, linking everything together as the trip begins. I always with that first toke get a bit of anxious feeling but it's not long before it turns into euphoric bliss. Was snowing outside and just beautiful to look at. After years of psychedelics and depression/anxiety,Tryptamines in the past two weeks have honestly changed my life as I realized that it's important to look within, at your ego and be happy for who you are, I've never felt so content in my own shoes, so happy to be alive and to be lucky enough to experience this world, reality and the beauty of psychedelics. It reminded me that while DMT can induce thoughts, they also come from me and I should be happy. I struggled to look in the mirror before and be happy with what I saw, for the past few years, until I began tripping on tryptamines again. People say don't look in the mirror tripping, but for me it made me happy to be who I was and to appreciate it rather than to want to end things like I normally did.

I seriously hope that if it is the tryptamines that make me feel this way and I honestly believe it is. That one day they are accessible for everyone, because if this continues then my life will be have changed so much more for the better and so much more powerfully and positively than anything else I've experienced and I wish others who have felt similarly, or the same, could also be able to experience this or other tryptamines and feel content with themselves. <3 I thought there was no way out and there is and it's such a relief. I also feel a slight guilt though, that it's drugs that are doing this, if people understand, but compared to how I feel if this works as my medicine I'll gladly pursue it. I've also been using 4-ACO-DMT regularly and heard of friends a few years back dosing it and ended up not requiring anti depressants anymore, so I know I'm not alone here.

That's all mine gone entirely though. :( Until I'm lucky enough to come across some again...

I'd love to try ayahuasca as I heard it has even better results, but at the same time don't wish to abuse psychedelics...been there done that! (With acid) I've also heard it's quite good for making you puke/shit everywhere at the same time and I get bad enough nausea, even vomiting as it is on acid.

Edit: Also...what's all this about waiting an hour before blasting off again? Is this just solely for breakthrough doses? I swapped vials there thinking it was a bit of hash residue to get me off to sleep and well it turned out to be another vial of DMT. Needless to say it worked, to the point where I set it down as I wasn't ready for another blast off, just wanted a toke, but it definitely worked, visuals where well out even off a single toke and this is probably within 15 minutes of my last trip. Keeping in mind none of these were breakthrough doses.

Now I don't seem to have any vials which don't have DMT in them?! Hahahaha.
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Cant wait to blast off. Only pysch substance other than a few rare rcs i havent tried. In one month or so ill be doing my first extraction. :)
I always with that first toke get a bit of anxious feeling but it's not long before it turns into euphoric bliss. .

There are ways round this, or ways to reduce it. Apparently this isn't DMT that is causing the anxiety. When DMT enters the body the body naturally produces adrenaline - hence the anxiety. If you take a small hit or two first, let your body know whats happening to it, then when you have a larger hit, the adrenaline is reduced, therefore less anxiety and more of that tryptamine goodness.

God speed space cadet
There are ways round this, or ways to reduce it. Apparently this isn't DMT that is causing the anxiety. When DMT enters the body the body naturally produces adrenaline - hence the anxiety. If you take a small hit or two first, let your body know whats happening to it, then when you have a larger hit, the adrenaline is reduced, therefore less anxiety and more of that tryptamine goodness.

God speed space cadet

I personally find the anxiety gets stronger with subsequent hits with less tryptamine goodness, but I am very inexperienced, I've only done it 5 times and haven't broken through. Is this also the case with 5-meo-dmt? That had the same unpleasant tense feeling that seemed to last proportionally longer compared to dmt.
just got a gram of dmt. is there a better way of doing it than smoking it in a joint?
Smoke it in a bowl sandwiched between ash or pot. Or smoke it in a crack pipe style pipe.
just got a gram of dmt. is there a better way of doing it than smoking it in a joint?

Don't ever, ever smoke it out of a joint. I personally use a bowl packed with just barely enough nugget to plug it. There are other methods similar to smoking crack, freebasing, etc. I never bothered with these as I have always blasted well into outer space with my regular glass pipe.

And as for the whole "underdose" question of earlier posts. It's really quite simple - if you don't smoke enough, OR more importantly don't hold it in your lungs for as long as you can, you will merely achieve a slight euphoria and some very basic visuals. When you truly breakthrough (which is the whole point of smoking DMT) you won't even know if you're eyes are opened or closed, and the inside of your head will spawn ever-changing geometrical patterns or portals, voices, sounds, and various other wonderous things that are so far beyond explanation that my words right here are sooo fruitless in comparison. If you do not achieve this out-of-body like experience, you have officially wasted some perfectly good DMT that you should have just passed along to me.

just got a gram of dmt. is there a better way of doing it than smoking it in a joint?



I'm cheap and lazy and use this method, which works for me (not saying its the best):


(Just to add, I'm chicken shit to 'break through' now, after a massive break through I had (it has to be done). I now just smoke 'small' amounts and have that 'zero time-connected-with-the-universe -feeling which is fare enough...I'll break through again one day, when I grow my balls back (and am not rushed off my feet) - I have 4 grams and a supply source)

(Insistently I havent had that '3-D morphing cube 'entity' thing behind the eye lids again...you know the middle ground between, the slight weird connected zero time feeling and break through 'OH SHIT WHAT HAVE I DONE?! RIDE IT OUT!' mode...hard to find that middle ground again, especially since I have lost my nerve...oh well)

(Also wish I had some 5meo-dmt, I miss that white-out ego death)

...thinking a night on magic truffles will cheer me up...
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I personally find the anxiety gets stronger with subsequent hits with less tryptamine goodness, but I am very inexperienced, I've only done it 5 times and haven't broken through. Is this also the case with 5-meo-dmt? That had the same unpleasant tense feeling that seemed to last proportionally longer compared to dmt.

Yeah I take it back, I agree with this...though, small doses before hand, 'testing the water' can help, a 'little' bit 'sometimes'. Anyone know of any other ways to get rid of pre-flight break through dose blast off nerves? I'm well open for suggestions as pre-flight nerves are the worst thing about this mad substance.

Regarding 5meo-DMT, I tried this before I got a hold of DMT and didn't know the difference by sight and was told it was just DMT, so I took a 100mg aprox. hit of stuff (not advised) (breathed in most of the smoke, though it didnt all burn) and 'it was like the universe got loaded into a gun and shot into my head' - I white-ed-out in 3-4 seconds after a flash of 'everything', no time to get any anxiety....I now have no fear of this substance and when I smoke it at smaller doses I toy with whitey-ing out...kind of like that shit movie the butterfly effect where his whole vision vibrates, very tactile...But with DMT, well what can I say? it nails you to the experiences (almost) all the way...just too freaky and idiosyncratic...great stuff
There are ways round this, or ways to reduce it. Apparently this isn't DMT that is causing the anxiety. When DMT enters the body the body naturally produces adrenaline - hence the anxiety. If you take a small hit or two first, let your body know whats happening to it, then when you have a larger hit, the adrenaline is reduced, therefore less anxiety and more of that tryptamine goodness.

God speed space cadet

Do you find this makes a big difference and worth a go? I don't mind the pre-flight anxiety as I'd get it even before dropping a pill, a bit of apprehension but have to admit with the DMT it's such a fast comeup it catches you off guard, always takes a few seconds to just get used to it and to let go. Have to remember your smoking a really potent psychedelic, one of the most potent, completely normal to feel a bit apprehensive.
Everytime if I have a non-breakthrough experience, when I come back to baseline I find myself extremely exhausted. To the point where I would compare it to 3mg of Etizolam (no tolerance). I struggle to get out of bed or even take off the sound proof earmuffs. Sometimes if I can't sleep I'll just take three medium hits and I'm out like a light in 15 min:)
Everytime if I have a non-breakthrough experience, when I come back to baseline I find myself extremely exhausted. To the point where I would compare it to 3mg of Etizolam (no tolerance). I struggle to get out of bed or even take off the sound proof earmuffs. Sometimes if I can't sleep I'll just take three medium hits and I'm out like a light in 15 min:)

I have found, afterwards I'm very apathetic, almost calm, but not really pleasant calm (nor unpleasant mind you), but just an empty calm. Go completely back to normal after an hour or so though. I would call it tired, but it is different and I don't think I could sleep, though I haven't tried.
Do you find this makes a big difference and worth a go?

I've heard it helps some people (a little), wouldn't say it makes a big difference, especially when you get up to the big break through doses, might be worth an investigation though.

To be honest a lot of my medium non-break through doses 'remind' me of what happened on them couple of times when I did break through. "Oh, shit yeah, I remember that's what happens!" - kind of thing and I don't fear the break through or even need to break through. A taster. However I advise anyone (especially those who havent) to just have a break through dose.

...that saying, I always forget and I always am scared to just break through.

...just that mad pattern that takes over... and the fact that it is, the whole experience, all encompassing. That's what makes it scary to do...coupled with the speed and the fact that it is so idiosyncratic that you can't pin it down (not all of it anyway) and dysect it, to pick the fear out of it. But hey isn't that why we love it?

It's the same kind of fear you get when in the process of sky-diving. The build up. The dread just before. The fear and shock that hits you just as it happens. The all encompassing aspect of it all. The 'just ride with it as there is nothing else i can do', element. The touch down and the 'yes lets go again!' which fades after time, when it is no longer fresh in your memory and so is replace again by fear and then your back to square one.

...you can sit on the edge and look out, which can be fun, but we both know, jumping out is the only real way.
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