I don't want to get involved in hyping something that is not even on general release as yet. I've read all threads with interest here and elsewhere, have now had a chance to test myself. Purely in the interests of HR some thoughts:
As others have said, insufflation with this stuff is vile. Worst. Drip. Ever. I was shooting water up my nose with an oral syringe within 10 minutes trying to clear the burn. Super caustic. Luckily nasal is a waste of time. At 50mg at least. As is plugging up to 150mg. All about the oral route with this stuff. 150mg oral will straight hole you, hard and deep. That was foolishly my starting oral dose after thinking it would be ineffective there too after failed earlier trials with other ROAs and expectation it would be rubbish as per speculation here. Very, very wrong. High doses 250mg and above are so far out of earth orbit it's not even funny. My trials with MXE, some in similar car crash territory with runs out up to a gram never got anywhere near this. Anyone gets this go easy, work up slowly, make sure stuff is put out of sight to make redosing difficult till firmly back to terra firma and rational. Somewhere safe with a trip sitter absolute requirement if aiming to hole.
It takes easily an hour to produce full effects, or that's your proper entry point anyways. It may have more to give still longer. It is a much more real, and much more fully immersive, self-contained universe you're entering than with MXE IME but takes higher doses to get there. I have not experienced that stimulated, warm, sparkle stage you get with of MXE around ~30-50mg insuff with this, don't know if that's even to be had yet, will test more next week. Would say the hole lasts order of approx 3-4 hours but cannot be accurate, you're out in realms where time is meaningless, couldn't even have begun to keep notes to accurately time. Good thing about it is you come round fairly quickly once back out of the hole it seemed to me. Hour-ish perhaps, maybe even less. Again difficult but doesn't linger on over much mentally, though some residual effect for some hours.
It is not massively physically disabling afterwards like MXE was for me, you can walk and stuff easily but the transition period between hole and a rational state is way out there for a time and you're physically capable at that point. This is your danger zone here, where you can act out but being a long, long way from rational. Will likely blitz your way through a bag of the stuff if you leave it out to hand redosing in this state too with no understanding of just how fucked up you are, or how fucked up you're gonna get. In the hole I think you're pretty much well under physically though. The blankness others have mentioned is found in the borderlands here too. Sure I stood holding onto my bedroom door frame for grim life a good 15 minutes or so staring into my room in horror at what seemed total destruction, all thought gone, just zoned out completely. You could never be safe out in public with this stuff anywhere.