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Phenethylamines The Big & Dandy Bromo-Dragonfly/DOB-Dragonfly Thread

I think so too, willow.

Propanolol is a beta blocker, epi acting on beta-adrenoceptors causes vasodilation which is blocked, and indirectly the balance shifts to alpha adrenoceptors which promote vasoconstriction. I am not a doctor either but as far as I can tell that could be bad, doubly so.

Maybe a sedative would be a good idea, other than that willows advice is just good to follow.
BD-fly us a real beauty dosed properly, like the others have said relax into it, take a short or long walk to let it resonate with you and fear not BD-Fly is a long laster but it's also very gentle in many senses....,
it's very difficult to trip so hard for so long and have to worry about vasoconstriction the whole time. that kind of drags you back to earth and causes amega bad trip
in on almost 4mgs and is genuine I've had sheets of it since 2006 or so and it doesn't lose potenc

anyone know if temazepam can be beneficial in this situation? i have a super high benzo tolerance but don't know how it react s with vasoconstriction or other matters i May not be able to consider as I'm plus 8 right now and just need some reassurance from Earth. will neurontin react in an way?
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Between the two I would take the temazepam as it wll take the edge off the trip!
Temazepam should be fine, any benzo should be to my knowledge.
I am thinking the same thing - I hope someone showed up and was able to provide some help, 4 mg is a _very_ high dose... had I seen this earlier, i'd have adviced more than just taking a benzo. The two times I took 1 mg was very strong for me.
mygreenbic, please check in when you can. That's the kind of dose that can cause hospitalizations, I think, so I can't help but be a bit worried.

i need help
i took 150mg ambien today and was bummed that it didn't work so i went into my bromo stash and took four one mg blotters from the 2007 European strong batch. i forgot about the ambien. would ambien carry any seratonergic activity? forget the problems with the vasoconstriction at this high off a dose but if i get seratonin syndrome that can cause a hypertensive Crisis which i couldn't imagine the hell that would be caused combined. Any advice? I'm twohoursin and have klonopin, beer, wine, neneurontin , magnesium, water,propranolol and remeron. can any of those help my situation. the inside of my nostrils ate singing as if it might be ballsy constriction. i just did a massive dose the other day. another thing I'm concerned as Is headache. i have imitrex and propranolol for migraines which are both very potent vadoconstrictors. z Would ibu interfete?
And for those who Stent sure if you had bromo then you didn't. it's the most evil psychedelic ever experienced. and I've done hundreds. it's also unrelenting. imagine if satan had a bit of avoid that mage him have a bad trip then he shoved a term strip of it down your throat over and over for three days. along with gi and peripheral dangerous. I'll edit and include picture
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i need help
i took 150mg ambien today and was bummed that it didn't work so i went into my bromo stash and took four one mg blotters from the 2007 European strong batch. i forgot about the ambien. would ambien carry any seratonergic activity? forget the problems with the vasoconstriction at this high off a dose but if i get seratonin syndrome that can cause a hypertensive Crisis which i couldn't imagine the hell that would be caused combined. Any advice? I'm twohoursin and have klonopin, beer, wine, neneurontin , magnesium, water,propranolol and remeron. can any of those help my situation. the inside of my nostrils ate singing as if it might be ballsy constriction. i just did a massive dose the other day. another thing I'm concerned as Is headache. i have imitrex and propranolol for migraines which are both very potent vadoconstrictors. z Would ibu interfete?
And for those who Stent sure if you had bromo then you didn't. it's the most evil psychedelic ever experienced. and I've done hundreds. it's also unrelenting. imagine if satan had a bit of avoid that mage him have a bad trip then he shoved a term strip of it down your throat over and over for three days. along with gi and peripheral dangerous. I'll edit and include picture

So, ten days after taking a 4mg, reportedly "+8" (sic) dose and raising a mini-ruckus on BL with a desperate plea for help, you delve into your stash, and take another 4mg dose...while on Ambien? Don't worry buddy, you'll be fine, I'm sure the universe won't want to lose a colourful character like you :)

Also, you still owe us the picture.
Please, stop taking BDFly and get something else that isn't as dangerous especially if you have difficulties with using these substances safely.

Ambien is a hypnotic that can add hallucinogenic action, as if you are dreaming a bit. It shouldn't contribute to the vasoconstriction. Do not take propanolol, alcohol, neurontin, remeron or imitrex.
You can take some magnesium and if necessary some klonopin - though be careful not to overdo it because you don't want to trigger amnesia during this trip. 150 mg of Ambien is a hell of a lot, why did it not work - do you have such a massive tolerance to GABAergics?
Klonopin adds to hypnotic and amnestic effects of Ambien so be very careful with it. Maybe you are fine in that department now, but when the BDFly wears off it stops countering the downer effects. Tricky.

Some types of headache are caused by constricted or widened blood vessels in the brain. BDFly can probably cause some headaches either via vasoconstriction or via a rare paradoxical effect via serotonergic receptors i.e. the opposite of how LSD and psilocin can relieve cluster headaches. In any case I wouldn't take vasoconstrictors, that could make things worse. Vasodilators maybe but that could be tricky. Better just sedatives.
Serotonin, dopamine / norepinephrin blockers like some antipsychotics could theoretically block some of the BDFly action, but for all I know that is a dangerous way to try and abort as well. Remeron is not a good one anyway because it has adrenergic action that can may interact negatively.

Good luck, try to keep moving a little bit to get rid of some energy you may be feeling, and to avoid cramps, but also not TOO much. Ride it out, learn your lesson, get real help if you truly feel in danger. Give away the BDFly to someone who can surely handle using it properly or destroy it. Then rest and recover fully. Then optionally: get another psychedelic that is physically reasonably safe.
mygreenbic, please check in when you can. That's the kind of dose that can cause hospitalizations, I think, so I can't help but be a bit worried.

OMG! Im so sorry I missed your reply. IT was an awful experience. I was able to handle the mental psychedelic marathon but it is too much on me physically. I have too much of it, I cant stop taking it every time I drink. Im on again. A LOT! And im getting sick from sub withdrawal, can I do h? Im sorry I cant go read all the replies but I am having a mighty difficult time even thinking in words in a linear manor ir that makes any sense. I keep feeling like im falling through the floor every time i take a step but now opiate withdrawl is kicking in. I have like two sheets Im about to throw them away, I cant have this shit near me anymore, it will be the death of me.
Well, Solopsis its not letting me directly reply to or quote you for some reason. I apologize for not checking back, that wasnt cool of me. I know you guys dont want to hear this but Im going through a lot in my life right now with my family and just lost my pet. I have been going all out just to escape reality. I reccomend that NO ONE ACTS LIKE I DO. I have pushed the envelope so many times and for some reason I am still here. Most people wouldnt be so lucky. Bromodragonfly should never have been put out on the market. Its far too dangerous. If there was someone that would irresponsibly sell a ten strip of it and call it acid they could destroy someones life. After I type this im putting it in a bucket of water then dumping it over the hill. Its almost like they put this stuff out here to rub off some of us for their next culture creation .. I dont want to get into that but if you have never felt horrible, and you really want to feel horrible, take 4mg of bromo while withdrawling from opiods. And I say that aas DONT DO IT. My words are getting scrambled but its such a huge risk I know better and I should be leading by example Ive been around here for a long time. I apologize to all of of you worrying you and I am definitely holding myself accountable for that. This stuff is evil. Just when you feel some relief boom it comes back at you like five times harder. You never know what the hell its going to do.
On the medical side of things:
Is it normal to get a sore throat from this ? Because I remember last time my voice was real dry and raspy. Now its dry and painful. And drinking fluids doesnt feel like it does normally. It feels forced. Hard to explain. Ok the letters are rotating at 90 degree angles now and my spine is ablout to jump out of my back from withdrawl . ill try to check back. Thank you guys i love you
;) ill be back i always am.
OH yah and to answer your question , I can eat a bottle of klonopin and be ok, I guess I have like one bz receptor that hasnt been downregulated yet.\
Here is the picture I owe you:

and also, Im desperate for comfort right now, this is really taking a toll on me. Ive been taking the klonopin, it helps, and dont be concerned about the doseages of that I have that under control as far as my tolerance, bz is my doc. But there are some things I cant think of right now... Someone dropped me off some lyrica and xanax. I already faced the xanax but what about lyrica? What effects would that have on bromodragonfly? Bromo is purely a potent seratonin agonist right? It doesnt have any other properties does it? So I guess could any of the pharmakinietics of lyrica or neurontin influence the seratonergic or vescular systems, and if so how. I really need comfort with medicine, and Im being extra careful which is why I am coming to you guys looking like a n00b. But i figure its best to ask someone even if you think you know the answer while under the influence of such a potent hallucinogeon. Quite a nasty one too. It feels like a combo of a heavy dose of acid with like the lame affects of amphetamine. If that makes any sense. I would call it psychedelic speed with very little euphoria. And I donrt think I can put off taking my suboxone anymore,... I dont think that the hypertension from opiate withdrawlal would mesh well with vasoconstriction. But I cant think right now on how suboxone effects the seratonin systems. If someone can help me Id greatly appreciate it.
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Am glad you're okay. :)

Now stay okay plz. Well good of you to dump it down a hill (@I am the suck, seems like it is being dumped so no need to flush). That wildlife on that hillside is gonna trip something fierce! Yet... in the following post you are talking about combining it again, you didn't end up dumping it?

Come on man, stop risking your health... get rid of it and if you must, get another sort of psychedelic that is at least physically safe like I said.

Be careful with lyrica, not sure how it would interact with BDFly but it works pretty differently than xanax.
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Wow mygreenbic those are the same exact blotters I had of BDfly. Those were strong, 2 hits would kick my ass. Glad you're okay but please reconsider what you're doing and putting so many chemicals in your body at one time, it's dangerous man..
Am glad you're okay. :)

Now stay okay plz. Well good of you to dump it down a hill (@I am the suck, seems like it is being dumped so no need to flush). That wildlife on that hillside is gonna trip something fierce! Yet... in the following post you are talking about combining it again, you didn't end up dumping it?

Come on man, stop risking your health... get rid of it and if you must, get another sort of psychedelic that is at least physically safe like I said.

Be careful with lyrica, not sure how it would interact with BDFly but it works pretty differently than xanax.
Solipsis read the thread again, that was two seperate trips seperated by maybe a week. The reason I didnt flush it is becaues I ddint want that shit to get into the water supply. I used cayenne pepper as a vasodialotor and it worked like a charm. But the problem was the bromo had much longer and stronger of a constricting affect and I think it caused a battle between the two which today maybe in retrospecit it was a mistake. My headache instantly went away and alot of the vascular constriction instantly faded. But slowly it came back, and after waking up today finally after sleeping because of a ton of xanax klonopin neurontin lyrica and alcohol my right hand is tingling and there is a red line traveling down my wrist which really concerns me. Do you think I should go to the hospital? BUt there is really nothing they can do to stop the damage besides amputate right? Thanks you for your assistance in getting me through this. I plead that none of you take 4 mg of strong bromo. I dont even reccomend one mg. The stuff is pure evil. Im starting to wonder if that purdue lab and Nichols were working for the cia to wipe out some drug users. Thats where spice bromo and many other drugs like meph came from. Pff. I feel so run down and tired. Its crazy. I think all the benzos are still working now that the speed affect is gone and I feel freaking exhausted. The only reason Im not sleeping right now is because I wanted to warn people of the dangers and hell I went through, and that if you are in the middle of a constricting crisis cayenne pepper instantly relieves it. Actually after I took a table spoon immediately my headache went away, a huge burst of OEV's instantly appeared, and I felt like super man. It felt like taking a popper or something. Im not saying its safe but it sure is an amazing temporary fix. Research it before you try it. I was desperate and I think it may have saved my life. Thanks again everyone.
Wow mygreenbic those are the same exact blotters I had of BDfly. Those were strong, 2 hits would kick my ass. Glad you're okay but please reconsider what you're doing and putting so many chemicals in your body at one time, it's dangerous man..

You had the same blotters? Let me tell you, that is the only 100% real bromo that I ever witnessed. And I know 100 percent it was bromo for a reason that I cant say. Just think about that. And Im not trying to sell it so I have no reason to make it up. And the fact that Im saying just trust me is that is is the genuine thing should tell you that I have some advanced perfect knowledge about it that I cant talk about. Just think maybe I was there while it was made but thats all you need to think to understsand how I know. Its the strong batch from europe and Im very surprised you got a hold of that because it is very rare those blotters. They were the first batch made onto blotters. And they are 1mg per hit. So becareful people if you come across it. I got rid of most of them but I couldnt get myself to not save a twenty strip for future in a safe place in case Im an old man and there is no more drugs in the world lol. I love you guys and take care. I need to take a major rest, Im not feeling good, that stuff at that kind of dose really puts your body and brain through a lot.
Peace out :)
@sp0r412 twitter.

to any moderator: Do you guys have any clue why my post count has been drastically reduced and my sign up year has also been moved up to 2011? Im 33 now and have been using bluelight for over 7 years at least. Maybe 20 if it has been around that long lol
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Yeah I got a ten strip from a friend last year and he told me it super rare and was the last I'll ever see it ever again. Ah I miss those wizards. Sold my last 3 hits to a guy at bonnaroo who is super into rc's and was so happy because he had been looking 7 years for that batch ha I couldn't not let him try it out. RIP BDfly