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Lysergamides The Big & Dandy Basic LSD Questions Thread - The Fourth Iteration

when you havent showered or slept in a bed in 3 daysand have been feeding yourself drugs the whole time you might get a little dirt under the finger nails.
no biggy

delsyd is still a happy boy

oh and sloppy, dirty, gizzy, sweaty, cummy, LSD'd up tent sex is the shit (with 5 girls)

not that i'd know, just a dream i had once.
Smoking cig while tab in mouth?

Does it kill the tab at all :S I know acid degrades at temp, light and moisture, but yeah, ive always jst not, i guess its jst me.
karma1485 said:
Happy Late Bicycle day....


to the hand all the way on the right:


yes LSD may be the best psychedelic I've tried thus far. My other LSD trips were lower intensity (I would say they were all +2s on the shulgin scale if that works for you). They were giggly fun with friends with some eye candy (most all my LSD trips were indoors listening to music during the peak then walking outside talking with my friends).

Now, tripping on high dose alone was something altogether different.

I'm thinking of combining a high dose with some MDMA dancing under the stars and see what manifests. I've only candyflipped once before and it was AMAZING, but albeit on a really low dose of LSD (not even enough to get much visuals). This time I'm thinking about reversing that and doing a high dose of LSD with just a small booster dose of MDMA halfway through (perhaps plugging 75mg-ish).

Anyways, lol I'm excited! I love LSD! It is so purely powerful! =D <3
samadhi_smiles said:
yes LSD may be the best psychedelic I've tried thus far. My other LSD trips were lower intensity (I would say they were all +2s on the shulgin scale if that works for you). They were giggly fun with friends with some eye candy (most all my LSD trips were indoors listening to music during the peak then walking outside talking with my friends).

Now, tripping on high dose alone was something altogether different.

I'm thinking of combining a high dose with some MDMA dancing under the stars and see what manifests. I've only candyflipped once before and it was AMAZING, but albeit on a really low dose of LSD (not even enough to get much visuals). This time I'm thinking about reversing that and doing a high dose of LSD with just a small booster dose of MDMA halfway through (perhaps plugging 75mg-ish).

Anyways, lol I'm excited! I love LSD! It is so purely powerful! =D <3
I knew you would come around... DONT GET CARRIE AWAY THOUGH!!!!!

abuse of LSD was like, the beginning of the end for me.
LSD excretion in the sweat

Ok, I've searched and haven't found a thread that actually answers my question with support.

Does anyone have a link or an article with actual support on whether or not we sweat out LSD while on it?

If we don't sweat out LSD do we sweat out some other chemical?

Please, no "I touched my dog and he freaked" or "thats bull shit". Give me evidence or a link to a thread which does.
If we did sweat out LSD, the amount would be unbelievably small...
I don't belive much is excreted that way at all, most LSD is metabolised throught the intestinces. It sounds like another acid myth- though a new one for me. Thanks! :)
So lately iv been thinking that the magic of LSD has left me because of how much iv used it in the last couple years.

Well im happy to say that isnt so, all you need for the magic to be there is a good dose of some good LSD.

Those of you who feel that LSD isnt what it used to be to you (SKL!!) take a high(er) dose next time :)
stability: crystal vs liquid vs blotter

If stored properly, is there is any difference in stability among crystal, liquid and blotter?

Thanks - S/M
Can women have increased stomach cramps when ingesting lsd and when they are having their period (if sensitive).

I remember vaguely something about that. It could of course been something about pregnant woman (which trivially shouldn't take drugs) and stomach cramps.

I'm planning to introduce a girlfriend in the near future and I want to do the research for her since she won't do it herself due to a lack of interest.

cheers <3
I took half a tab of LSD last week and had a very positive experience. One awesome effect is an increased mind and body connection. I played soccer (well kicking the ball against a wall) and it was awesome. It felt like I could analyze everything much faster and really plan out how I should kick the ball and what movements were effective. Guitar playing was also quite fun in a similar way.

I did a lot of good thinking and analyzing of my life/personality. And it seems quite easy to integrate your thoughts when your not tripping heavily. I could think about things for awhile, my mind wasn't being pulled by cosmic forces. Note that I am not advocating against big doses. My first time I took seven hits and had a profound connection with the universal source or the white ball of light.

Also, I am legally prescribed adderall. I don't abuse them and only take 10 or twenty milligrams on day that I use them. Sometimes the medication can be quite helpful but I still feel like it can be draining on the brain. Last week I took adderall more than usual (50 milligrams in 3 days) and smoked more cannabis than normal. So my brain wasn't feeling at its peak. My last min-trip reset my brain positively, even though I also smoked cannabis and took adderall that day. I have lots of respect for lysergic acid.
Have taken shrooms up to 3.5 grams of cubes but, 1.5 is what I usually take. I have tripped shrooms at least 12 times in the past year. I have had a bad trip, but I had to do with set and setting. Not my fault someone invited sober people over, that where not supposed to found out we where tripping.

Anyway, that was my last experience, it was about 4-5 months ago. Closer to 4.5 is my guess. I have decided that I would like to try LSD next. I am going to be getting my own apartment, so I will be able to decide who comes over and what not. I want to take 1 hit just to test the waters. I have two goods friends that are willing to trip with me, one of which has tripped on LSD 4-5 times.

My question:

About how long do you think it will last. I usually here it last 6 hrs with another 6hr gradual come down. In other words 12 hrs before I will be able to sleep.

Next question, what body load should I expect, will it be like shrooms, or more energetic?

Is one hit a good place to start, or should I go more or less?

Also, any more advice would be 100% appreciated. thanks in advance for responses. (If this isn't the right place please move it)
