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Lysergamides The Big & Dandy Basic LSD Questions Thread - The Fourth Iteration


Nov 4, 2007
Sydney, Australia
The Big and Dandy LSD Thread



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[Original post:]

I've never tripped before but I may be getting two acid tabs.

Apparently they are relatively weak though.

For a first time tripper, how strong would the trip be to me? Would it be worth buying the two tabs?
The pic on the tabs is a butterfly. Also, if I smoked some weed while tripping, how would that work out?

Thanks in advance. ^^
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^Hey, just merged your query in here dude.

Well, apparently weak could mean a few things. Theres no real way to gauge your dose if you don't know it already- if that makes sense. I would always adives a first-timer to take one hit for their first experience- I don't know whether you should buy two, let your wallet determine that ;).

I rarely smoke weed on LSD; I just don't want to, but a lot of people find their trips can take a more paranoid and anxious turn after smoking. Of course, it really depends on your tolerance. If your a regular smoker who doesn't get blasted out of his 'ead from pot, you'd be fine to smoke. However, if your only a occaisional user, I would personally say don't smoke; save it for the comedown.
Pretty_Diamonds said:
How are you guys getting acid so easily? Is it rare for you guys?

It seems like I can't find any!


once you find a source, it will be steady flowing.

patience is a virtue. ;)

[note: you just won't find that source here. :D ]
^ I never made the connection until just now, but my first bad acid trip (and the reason I hate Berkeley) I believe was directly caused by smoking a blunt. It was 4/20, we were in people's park and sparked a blunt. I was starting to peak and next thing you know all I wanted was to get out, I had a strange sense of insecurity and paranoia flush over me.

Not quite sure why it didn't occur to me now but I believe weed was the direct cause of it.
I agree with swilow. Daily smokers are the only people that should really fux with smoking weed on LSD. I smoke daily, and it hardly even alters the trip for me when I smoke -- I just enjoy the taste, and it helps ease some nausea that can be caused by the insanely high dosages I'm inclined to take.

However, last time I tripped, my friend who doesn't smoke much started panicking MAJORLY after taking just one baby rip of chronic out of my bubbler. It was not a good experience for him; I gave him a temazepam and put him to bed and all was cool, but it kinda fucked up the good vibes during my peak. I didn't mind though, shit happens when you trip--you gotta learn to go with the flow.

edit--on an interesting note. being a daily smoker, I've found that when I take Lucy, my trip sometimes won't really "kick in" until I take a hit of weed. Its as if the weed runs through my system instructing the LSD to stand at attention and go full speed ahead. Often, i won't feel it at all--until I take just 1 hit. Then the air develops a deep, hovering purple fog and I know I'm in for a good ride.
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MaxPowers said:
once you find a source, it will be steady flowing.

patience is a virtue. ;)

[note: you just won't find that source here. :D ]
Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm not looking for sources on here.

It's just frustrating.

(don't mind me)
Roger&Me said:
I agree with swilow. Daily smokers are the only people that should really fux with smoking weed on LSD. I smoke daily, and it hardly even alters the trip for me when I smoke -- I just enjoy the taste, and it helps ease some nausea that can be caused by the insanely high dosages I'm inclined to take.

However, last time I tripped, my friend who doesn't smoke much started panicking MAJORLY after taking just one baby rip of chronic out of my bubbler. It was not a good experience for him; I gave him a temazepam and put him to bed and all was cool, but it kinda fucked up the good vibes during my peak. I didn't mind though, shit happens when you trip--you gotta learn to go with the flow.

edit--on an interesting note. being a daily smoker, I've found that when I take Lucy, my trip sometimes won't really "kick in" until I take a hit of weed. Its as if the weed runs through my system instructing the LSD to stand at attention and go full speed ahead. Often, i won't feel it at all--until I take just 1 hit. Then the air develops a deep, hovering purple fog and I know I'm in for a good ride.

i think at least part of that can be attributed to the fact that smoking is such a comfort-act for daily smokers. i mean, personally, i associate smoking a bowl with chilling out, kicking off my shoes at the end of the day. thus i find it relaxes me on psychedelics. i think if i've learnt anything from psychedelics it's that the mind plays the biggest part of the experience, not the substance itself.
LSD + weed can be an exhilarating combo. Usually works best when you are coming down from the acid peak. The weed mellows you out and makes the lingering acid effects more noticeable.
smoke DMT on L, not weed.

and 1+mg or nothing at all. when it comes to LSD its all a amtter of how big your dick is. so go big or go home.

oh and being on public streets on such a large dose is highly recommended, just make sure you tighten your belt REALY tight so when you deside you need to get naked its alil harder to do in public.

and whats up with that? all the kids yous ee naked runninga round ALWAYS have taken too much L. what is it about lsd that makes you want to get naked?
Youkai said:
smoke DMT on L, not weed.

and 1+mg or nothing at all. when it comes to LSD its all a amtter of how big your dick is. so go big or go home.

oh and being on public streets on such a large dose is highly recommended, just make sure you tighten your belt REALY tight so when you deside you need to get naked its alil harder to do in public.

and whats up with that? all the kids yous ee naked runninga round ALWAYS have taken too much L. what is it about lsd that makes you want to get naked?

my friend, on his last birthday, did a shitload of L and ended up in a police station

True story (Seriously.): Guy took a bunch of L at CU Boulder, stripped down, ran around naked, then sexually assaulted a girl. Craziness.
swilow said:
^Hey, just merged your query in here dude.

Well, apparently weak could mean a few things. Theres no real way to gauge your dose if you don't know it already- if that makes sense. I would always adives a first-timer to take one hit for their first experience- I don't know whether you should buy two, let your wallet determine that ;).

I rarely smoke weed on LSD; I just don't want to, but a lot of people find their trips can take a more paranoid and anxious turn after smoking. Of course, it really depends on your tolerance. If your a regular smoker who doesn't get blasted out of his 'ead from pot, you'd be fine to smoke. However, if your only a occaisional user, I would personally say don't smoke; save it for the comedown.

I would definitely advise against smoking cannabis whilst on your first LSD trip. I've been able to smoke it the whole way through a mushroom trip with not much effect but with acid, only a few tokes can but a paranoid, confusing edge on things. This is true even in the last hours of the trip. All subjective though.
Don Luigi said:
I would definitely advise against smoking cannabis whilst on your first LSD trip. I've been able to smoke it the whole way through a mushroom trip with not much effect but with acid, only a few tokes can but a paranoid, confusing edge on things. This is true even in the last hours of the trip. All subjective though.

Very very very good advice. Weed all too often can spin a good acid trip out into paranoia for me. I am no longer a regular smoker but when I was smoking pot was so ingrained into me that it would take me a second to realize what it actually was that was causing this phenomenon! The weed.
Youkai said:
smoke DMT on L, not weed.

and 1+mg or nothing at all. when it comes to LSD its all a amtter of how big your dick is. so go big or go home.

Hmm, I disagree. 1mg is too much for most people by far.
swilow said:
Hmm, I disagree. 1mg is too much for most people by far.

I know, I just love spreading missinformation.

True story (Seriously.): Guy took a bunch of L at CU Boulder, stripped down, ran around naked, then sexually assaulted a girl. Craziness.

you'd think a naked mad tripped out of his mind would caus ethe girl to run befor sexual assult could take place..., craziness indeed
^Well, he knocked on her door and when she opened it a little he busted in and proceeded to sexually assault her. He was pulled off her and beaten up by some football players, all the while he was laughing and saying "You have no idea how much power I have!" I'm seriously not making this shit up haha
So I'm about an 1hr/half away from meeting with my friends and dosing... I'm excited, a little too excited perhaps. I barely got any sleep and my stomach hurts because I'm so anxious. Ahhh.