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Dissociatives The Big & Dandy Amanita Mushrooms Thread

I keep trying and trying, but I just can't reach the dose I want. This shit is too hard to dose, I really wish it were easier cause I actually enjoy what I've experienced so far... I can only stomach dosing so much of it and it's never quite where I want to be :(
Purchased one 10 gram cap from a local supplier that had been properly dried and baked already. I smoked about .5 grams and after not feeling anything for about half an hour I ate 1.5 grams. The smoke was palatable enough, though it left me with a bit of a sore throat. Didn't notice any discernible effects until about 2.5 hours later when I was overcome with a mild but very definite feeling of euphoria and relaxation. The low dose was almost comparable to xanax or alcohol effects. Shortly after noticing the effects I feel asleep, waking the next day with no hangover and well rested. A few weeks later I ingested the other 8 grams early one evening hoping to get a more powerful experience. Watched and finished a two hour movie before the mushroom took hold. I retired to my bedroom after the movie and as I sat on the bed drawing in a sketchbook my head began to feel very heavy, a sense of sedation swept over me that grew stronger over about a half hour period. Slowly I slipped into a kind of trance, dropping the sketchbook and pen onto the bed and reclining until I lay on the bed in a kind of half conscious/hypnagogic state. I sort of came to and sat up to look at the clock and saw that about an hour had passed with me laying still on the bed. At this point I could feel the mushrooms full effects. When I moved I felt very heavy and I had a sense that when I moved my limbs there was timedelay in the movement and the experience of the action. I stumbled walking down the hall to get to the bathroom, feeling a wave of nausea similar to motion sickness felt getting off a rollercoaster. My equilibrium and balance felt pretty severely affected. I was sweating profusely as well. Not much visual activity other than some blurring of objects and trails of created by movement. Time seemed slowed down, and I was very relaxed, though a bit ill feeling to really be considered euphoric. Kind of like a low dose of ketamine. The ill feelings compelled my to crawl into bed and fall asleep. I felt so intoxicated that I was sure I'd have a hangover of somesort the next day, buy actually awoke after about 8 hours feeling very refreshed. These are my only two experiments with this substance, and at some point I'd like to try a dose somewhere in the middle between these two that may be more pleasant and manageable.
Do NOT just eat them. They MUST be very specifically prepared!

You MUST first dry them in a low temp oven (even if they appear already dried)

Then simmer them for 45 minutes... BOTH steps MUST be done to convert the sickening deleriants into the desirable dissociative psychedelics. TOTALLY different experience.
Am I right that the purpose of drying already dried mushrooms is just ensuring that all ibotenic acid was converted to muscimol? Can someone confirm that amanitas bought from online shops require this procedure?

Also, what is low temperature here? 100 C, 150 C ?
^ Some of the alkaloids will have been converted. Further heating will ensure that more are. The aim of the game is to get as much muscimol as possible :) I *think* muscimol is stable at temperatures up to 200'C, could be wrong on this though.
^ Ok, probably it worth doing it. For the first time I definetely will use this procedure.
And, is boiling so necessary? What happens if someone just eats re-dried mushrooms?
Well I think by boiling you are extracting the Muscimol and making it more completely and rapidly absorbable, and also facilitating the conversion of every last bit of Ibotenic acid...which might stop converting once all the water is gone from the shroom meat... H2O is required for alot of reactions to properly occur.

ALSO - you strain the shroom material out, and thus do not consume it, which I think is ALOT easier on the stomach.

FINALLY - just a few tokes of weed HUGELY eliminate the stomach issues... when I first did it, started feeling nauseous, then based on suggestions I read and took just 2 tokes, and <whosh> the nausea totally evaporated like magic.

Any of this making sense?
I read somewhere that if you take off the skin (both the red outer skin and the white dots), that you get a pleasanter, smoother trip.

Is there any truth to this? Are different alkaloids present in the skin than in the flesh of the mushroom?
Are amanita mushrooms safe?

I'm inclined to order an ounce of Amanita Muscaria and split them but I'm afraid I'm gonna die...Not really but after reading these two erowid trip reports I've been hesitant.

"Two seizures and a trip to the hospital"

"Puking, Blackouts & Pain"

Not to mention that there are 16 other reports on health problems. From what I've read so far it seems safe as long as you get the right mushrooms. Is it safe to order these online without getting some poison mushrooms in the mail? Would buying the 10x extract possibly save me from the potential health risks by eliminating the possibility of poison mushrooms?

Please enlighten me.
read up on the proper way to prepare them. supposedly there is a method that will result in a non poisonous mushroom. or you could always do it the ancient siberian way. which if you dont know would be have someone else eat them and drink that persons urine. the psychoactive compounds are almost uneffected by human metabolism and remain active in urine even after multiple uses.

EDIT: from what i understand the extract is made to be smoked, which is said to be somewhat cannabis-like in effect. this can also be done with the reddish skin of the mushroom cap.
This falls under psychedelic drugs I feel.. so going to move it over there as we don't cover that here.

Shit no... although there are ways around it as there are ways around almost everything... but the answer to the actual question is no. As in, shit no!.. if you want something non-poisonous just get some acid. Really.

/edit: just read this...


...there's a lot of weird stuff in this world you can try without that kind of risk man. Why would you want that particular shroom?
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I've always been concerned to the phsyical aspects of it, as some reporters report having an overwhelming amount of strength.
"A single source for the notion that Vikings used A. muscaria to produce their berserker rages was first suggested by the Swedish professor Samuel Ödman in 1784" - Ödman S. (1784)

And I wonder about the strain on the heart, as I always worry about my heart.
ive taken them 4 times:
1st. this was the 10x extract (1g), mixed it in with some warm water and chugged down, it was the worst tasting thing ever. felt nothing
2nd. ate 12.5g and felt nothing
3rd. ate 12.5g and had a serious case of the shits
4th. ate ~17g and finally i get some kind of high, it was weird, definitley psychedelic but i kept getting out of breath with in seconds of walking and running, i feared for my health a little bit

tl;dr - worthless imo, unless you eat a lot but then it poses the risk of health complications
Amanitas can be dangerous as they contain Ibutenic acid, which is a rather potent neurotoxin. Some of this is metabolised into muscimol when its ingested, & this is what is responsible for the "desirable" effects of amanitas. There are a number of preparation methods that likewise decarboxylize ibutenic acid into muscimol. I'd definitely read up on those if i were planning on taking amanitas & didn't want to grace my tastebuds with urine ;) There should be some good info on those in the B&D Amanitas thread, which i'm merging this into. Hope that helps!
Was thinking about trying muscarias soon, not too sure though.. could anyone link me to a trip report or message me an experience they have had?
Came across a few a couple of months back in a local woods was tempted to eat it but with lib only around the corner i voted not to. My main concern is if they are very nauseating or make you a bit disorientated and if its very visual?
Thanks =D
Amanitas can be dangerous as they contain Ibutenic acid, which is a rather potent neurotoxin. Some of this is metabolised into muscimol when its ingested, & this is what is responsible for the "desirable" effects of amanitas. There are a number of preparation methods that likewise decarboxylize ibutenic acid into muscimol.
I do not think that the ibotenic acid in amanita muscaria mushrooms causes much problems, because it is not able to cross the blood-brain-barrier anyways. but nevertheless, it is a good idea to decarboxylate it to muscimol before ingestion; luckily, this is simply done by drying the mushrooms.
Am I right that the purpose of drying already dried mushrooms is just ensuring that all ibotenic acid was converted to muscimol? Can someone confirm that amanitas bought from online shops require this procedure?

Also, what is low temperature here? 100 C, 150 C ?

65-70 C, going over 80-85 C will damage the muscimol.
I read somewhere that before ingesting Aminita you shouldn't take any other drugs 24 hours before. I take Wellbutrin 300mg a day and even if I don't take it it will stay in my bloodstream for around a good 14 days. Is it safe to combine?
I do not think that the ibotenic acid in amanita muscaria mushrooms causes much problems, because it is not able to cross the blood-brain-barrier anyways. but nevertheless, it is a good idea to decarboxylate it to muscimol before ingestion; luckily, this is simply done by drying the mushrooms.


1. I have read in hundreds of places that ibotenic acid IS INDEED a sickening dysphoria-inducing substance. I have no idea why you "think" it is benign.

2. Simple drying does NOT convert it sufficiently to Muscimol. Water and mild heat are REQUIRED to change all the ibotenic acid to musicmol which is THE ESSENTIAL KEY to transforming Amanitas from a head-spinning vomit fest into an otherworldy lucid dream inducing psychedelic dissociative.
I think the only people who can get anything out of amanita muscaria are those who are not afraid to drink the golden rain... that's the only surefire way to induce a full-on berserker state.

i agree that heat can convert the inactive into active substance, but the amount of mushroom required for such a full experience is too high.

with recycling through your own kidneys, the active becomes concentrated and the whole experience becomes more drawn out and useful.

just not for the faint of heart ;)