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Dissociatives The Big & Dandy Amanita Mushrooms Thread

They are totally different to psilocybin mushrooms. The effect is more one of drunkenness than tripping - kinda like low-dose LSA, in my experience. Never dosed too high on them though and wouldn't like to recommend a definite dosage cos I'm not too sure myself. Varies - some are more potent than others but one good size shroom should be enough and take it from there.

I'll merge this with the Amanita thread - well worth you having a read through :)
Thanks. We're up for trying something new whilst we wait for 4-B to be readily available. I do hope to experience some sort of visual though - thanks! A lot of people recommending something called "Druids Fantasy" for a safe trip.
Also, bufotenin (5-HO-DMT) in small amounts.

This is interesting, I never knew that Amanita's could sometimes contain 5-HO-DMT. That would make them the one plant I know of that falls under all 3 hallucinogen classes (Dissociative, Deliriant and Psychedelic) - would definitely love to give it a try, sounds very interesting.
Can anyone comment who has tried pure Muscimol? That seems a lot more appealing than preparing the aminata's! Plus it appears to be legal in the UK which is handy.
Amanita tea is actually delicious - can highly recommend it. Especially if you like Bovril cos it tastes very similar - kinda like psychedelic beef consommé. Would actually use it purely as an edible shroom like the Japanese do cos it's by far the tastiest mushie I've ever munched 'pon. Yum <3
With a. muscaria -and this is from memory,my one experience of these beauties was years ago- you don't really mind the vomiting too much because it usually happens in that sort of barbed-out early phase of the trip, once you come out of that the nausea ebbs and you get that wonderfully energised heightened state to follow. Provided you don't choke on your own vomit first, that is. (Naah, kidding- I don't know anyone who's done that).Has anyone else done the full-on Viking bit with drinking your own recycled piss?
Fly Agaric

thinking of purchashing some Fly Agaric shrooms are they any good and whats best way to take them?
thanks but i was hoping to hear people own experiences/ preperations
amanitas are not much like psilocybe mushrooms. People thinking they are similar going into the experience often times have a bad experience. One of my friends went at them the say way he would regular shrooms and landed himself in the e.r. psych ward thinking he was dying. Do a lot of reading on them and know what they are if you are just thinking they are like the "shrooms" you already know...cause the way most folks experience them as more of a dissociative feeling, sometimes turns into delirium and fish eyed vision, dry mouth, weird dreams, lethargy, all sorts of side effects that might scare a person. There are positive effects of course, but they seem to vary from person to person, the dose taken, and the batch of amanitas and when they were harvested and from where. I've had plenty of good amanita experiences myself, and usually experience them to feel something like a cross of a low dose dxm and low dose lsd experience. But I think I am in the minority of people who experience them this way and enjoy them.
One thing is for sure. If you pick them and dry them they don't work.
They grow near silver birch trees, in Yorkshire anyway, but they have nothing in common with any of the psilocibe mushrooms.
Very pretty though.
The muscarin is the active ingredient (I think) and not to be recommended for anyone used to the likes of the Cubensis mushrooms.
There was a time when you could grow those babies yourself, from spores, and everybody I gave them to thought they were simply wonderful.
Do NOT just eat them. They MUST be very specifically prepared!

You MUST first dry them in a low temp oven (even if they appear already dried)

Then simmer them for 45 minutes... BOTH steps MUST be done to convert the sickening deleriants into the desirable dissociative psychedelics. TOTALLY different experience.

Strain, cool, sweeten if desired the resulting brew. Then after an initial period of euphoria or drunkenness, sit or lay down and wait for the cyclic "out" periods where you sort of fall asleep or phase out of reality, and have these deep wild epic psychedelic lucid dreams that can feel as if they last hours but really only last several minutes, and you wake up from going "oh my fucking god... what just happened? Holy crap!"


(if you dont want to drink your own water, you can just drink more of then brew later... this really empowers the experience alot (redosing).


Find lots of other interesting and useful info through this search:

One thing is for sure. If you pick them and dry them they don't work.

WTF? Totally back-asswards.

Search Amanita and Recipe and EVERYONE discusses how traditional methods involve drying then boiling to convert the deleriant ibotenic acid into the dissociative psychedelic muscimol.
Another recipe... interesting site, too:


tribes » religion & beliefs » ambrosia society » topics » Ibotenic/Muscimol Conversion

Re: Ibotenic/Muscimol Conversion Thu, August 23, 2007 - 2:50 AM

Wasson's important finding was (actually it was that of a Buddhist monk participating in his experiments) that the ibotenic acid in the AM is converted to muscimol simply by drying them in direct sunlight or in front of a fire. Once sun dried, for example, one can then extract the muscimol using denatured alcohol or soak the mushrooms in water and rehydrate them. Then, enclose in a microwave dish and microwave at low setting for a very short while. The rehydrated mushrooms will give off a yellowish liquid when heated, which contains the muscimol. Mix with chocolate milk and consume. In Germany a medicinal product made from AM (35 grams of fresh AM to the ml of extract) can be obtained on a doctor's prescription. It contains ibotenic acid. Entheogen users heat a bit of the AM extract in a spoon over a flame and the liquid quickly turns from white to yellow. They then consume the yellow liquid in chocolate milk, with exceptional results. Apparently, Jason and the Argonauts is a myth describing and explicating the ensuing experience.
Sorry to be such a thread hog... I'll sit back a while after this...

Lots great advice and experiences in the following thread, including extended personal experience and other data from the legendary Catfish Rivers:


and where I relate the following:

... follow that recipe and its advice (well except for the "drinking your water" the way the traditional shamen do it... it really magnifies the effect, though its just the same active ingredient, so you can just drink more of the shroom boil instead of that).

But try it at home not at a rave... the phases they describe are accurate. After an initial euphoric period, you start to feel drowsy... then you have a series of episodes when you sort of "nod off" but during these little 'naps" you have the most amazing mythic-level ultra trippy "dreams". It will happen multiple times. You will vividly remember these ultra-dreams when you come out of them. You don't really feel it coming, only when you wake up, or "come back." Its incredibly wild. This is where the true revelations are given to you.

[added: weirdest thing is it feels like the dreamlets last hours, but the clock says only several minutes each... this is what James Arthur's recipe page means by "time dilation"... its not just rhetoric, its true... oh and the below experience resulted from a combo of MAO inhibitor Syrian Rue, small dose 1.5g of psilocybe cubensis, small dose of GHB, and marijuana, THEN the Amanita ritual to top it all off... I went several places, but this was the most amazing one:]

Ive had things happen that were so hard to describe... God-like beings the size of stars "feeding" off of the souls of recently deceased beings... all beings, human as well as animal... these souls looked like a river made from points of light flowing up off the Earth into space... the "god-beings" would consume them, and thereby absorb and re-live all the experiences of the deceased ones, and in this way preserve them and keep them alive within themselves for all eternity. Whoa.
good discussion.
Does someone knows what's the stability of the compound's mushroom once they have been properly dried ?

I've picked up some quite a time ago and would like to try it soon..