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The Big & Dandy 5-MeO-MiPT Thread

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Thank for the reply and the heads up! Will definitely start with a small dose. Could you be more specific about the negative cardiovascular side-effects? Increasing heart rate, chest pain etc? Just so I know what to observe more carefully..
it was pretty mild thankfully. a tightness in the chest and limbs and elevated heart rate. overall just a weird feeling of unease akin to what i experienced on a very high (90 mg) dose of 5-meo-dalt.

afaik the big things to watch out are heart rate and numbness or tingling at the extremities.
We think we took about 80mg in capsule each this weekend after miscalcuated the zeroes on mg scale. Why do we think this you might as. After 20 mins after ingested I was seeing a great show around me and then whilst wifey was vomiting I passed out for 8 hours. It took another 4 after that to get me aware of my surroundings and back to normal. My wife had given me about 5 aitivan. My first pyschedelic turned out to be an overdose that sent me on a trip of note. Answers, questions and ideas please.

80mg? Bloody hell! No wonder you passed out. Please elaborate on the mental and physical effects. What was the body load like at that dose, and do you have any lingering side effects? I had vasocontriction last a few days after a large dose.

I am curious about how far the psychedelic effects took you either side of your black out. I'm also interested if your wife passed out too, and if not what she experienced at the peak.

How could you miscalculate between 8mg and 80mg? That's a pretty staggering error, especially when it comes to a substance as potent as this one. Please be more mindful of your measuring technique in the future. I'm glad you both made it out safely.
This compound seems like it would be really interesting vaporized! What would you guys recommend for dosage first time using this compound (prolly going to start out vaping)?

Most people find that vaporizing 5-MeO-MIPT takes a larger dose than just orally taking it. 20mg vaped is probably about 10mg ingested.
Survived Abortion, the scale read 0.18 including the gel cap. It seems we misread the scale and miscalculated our dose not having tried any other RC's and not having had experience with hallucinogens besides LSD some years ago. The gelcap and 8mg should have read 0.001(8) and not 0.018. The scale now obviosuly not being fine enough and the gelcap being 100mg and not 10mg as we thought. :(

Within 15-20 minute I was getting huge visuals with the brick pattern on my stoep giving the matinee performance. Touch seemed electrostatic and synaesthesia was also instant as well. My partner sensing that the trip was too big a deal for us locked us in the main suite of the house where I promptly passed out. She immediately started to vomit which I think helped with her dose, but as for me I had a few hours of a very scary and seemingly unconscious trip - everything slowed down and cartoon-ized and I was completely unaware of her or anything else in the room. My wife reports that my hands and legs were clawing and it looked as if I was having a fit with huge body spasms etc. When I came to after 8 hours I spent another 4 hours semi-conscious and hallucinating that I was at work. Also giving out orders etc. The trip had deluded me into believing I had accomplished all that was needed in life and that I was in for a lot of money. Hence me wanting my accountant on the phone etc. all at 2am. I had no clue what time it was. My wife gave me a few Ativan tabs - I thought it was because I was grumpy - did not tie it in to the trip until I woke up after a 7 hour sleep again. It was then that I remembered the first 5 minutes of tripping and the dreamtime and semi-conscious episode.

Those first few minutes of the Moxy starting to work were great, but it very quickly got out of control. If it was not for the standby Ativan, I think I would have been more traumatised even more. I am now considering trying again this weekend - 7 days later - and this time taking a very much divided dose. What do you think? Too soon? No other stuff in my life now anyway as MDMA was too exhausting in the end. I don't have any lasting or visible side-effects now from this trip besides the emotional shock . Remarkably I was physically fine the next day, save for some tinitinitus which has gradually decreased in volume to almost nothing today.

body Load: first 5 minutes = I could handle next 8 hours - comatose - subsequent 4 hours - irritable and tired and hallucinating my environment.
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In fact, besides my trip from HELL - out of coke, dope, and whatever other stuff they put in MDMA until 2 years ago, this stuff has had the least after-effects physically out of all.
This weekend is probably the best weekend I will have for months to give it another try. There is some 5-meo-dipt to sample as well, but I will leave that alone if I can take the Moxy and not put myself imto a comatose state again. The point being that I want to enjoy the Moxy - MDMA was the only fun I ever really had (age 35-38) and obviously at age 40 I am meant to be over it and am.
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If I was you I would wait longer. Taking the giant dose you did, that would be the safe way to proceed. There might be some tolerance issues as well. I would definitely err on the side of caution here.
I had the wonderful experiance of 5-MeO-Mipt Yesterday and would like to share it.

Just this week my long time friend came to visit from California and yesterday was our day to kick it before he goes back. So we hung out drinkin a couple beers for an hour or so when the friendly neighbor hood mail man knocked on my door for my mail. And of course I totally for got what was comming ! So we decided to to dose at about 3:30pm.

T 0:00 - I took out my mg scales and dosed out 14mg. Divided it into 3 equal piles and shaved off a tad on each pile for safe trials. Over all I would say each person got 3-4mg. We just licked it up and down it with a swig of beer.

Taste - The taste was bitter as in any RC, and also the chem did have the risidual tate linger for a while. I suggest capsule or parachute if your not the type of person who giggles at takes of chems like me. My 2 friends hated the taste and kept complaining. I told em to man up.

T: 0:15 - We definatly felt something. After the dose we promted to go outside to my yard and play with my daughter and flew a kite and shoot my compound bow at an old gatoraid cooler. We all had wonderful grins on our face we could not control and started to have a nice tryptamine buzz in the back of our head.

T: 0:30 - At this point there was no denying that something was diffrent. Our mood was elevated, our smiles were from ear to ear. I myself did start to knowtice some mustle tension in my jaw from smiling to much. We played outside more, ran around and had wonderful conversations of what we have been doing for the last 2 years since we have all gotten together. At this point one of my friends ended up getting the kite stuck in a tree about 25-30 feet up. So we began to brain storm on how to get it out.

T: 0:45 - At this point we all jumped into my truck and drove down my property (60 acers) to my shed and grabbed a pole saw. We backed the truck up to the tree, climbed ontop the cab and sawed the mofo down. But with our luck as the limb fell down the kite got stuck into another limb and we had great laughs about how hard this is to mentaly think that a kite is screwing us over. So we take the snips on the pole saw to snip the final and small limb. My friend yanked the cord on the pole saw so hard it snaped the cord and yet again another histerical laugh about how the world wants the kite to fly free without a human controlling it was enduced.

T 1:20 - Well its been a bit, we are hit our peaks and have platued off hanging outside on a beautiful day. We took a walk around in the woods. Smoked some herb. And well had great conversations.

T:2:30 - At about this point the two friends had to go due to prior plans. We all said our kudos and they headed out.

At about this time me and my wife and kid stayed outside for little longer and played. Then back inside for some puzzles and Fun.

T 4:00 - Somewhere +/- the 4 hour mark I was knowticing that I was slowly becomming sober. But as I kept smoking some herb here and there, the visuals became more knowticeable. Nothing spectacular from what i hear of higher doses of this compound but colors, slight movement and great CEV's. It was cool. COmedown had my muscles a tad tense but nothing bad. This was the end of the trip for the knowticable small effects were around for about 1-2 more hours.

Overview - Overall for the first dose it was wonderful. I knowticed a slight bodyload but nothing real bad. Great euphoria, Great comversaion maker. Im definatly going to be trying more of this. I got plently = ) Food was wonderful and not hard to eat. I felt that at some points my motor skills went haywire and didnt know what they wanted to do. But this could have been the alky. I was sippin on a few beers the whole trip. Totaling to about 5 or so. But slowly about 1 beer an hour.

Other methods/Doses - I will be trying Oral 6,8,10,12 throughout the weeks. I will also be trying the freebaseing route but not sure when and how much yet.

Ill keep ya posted.
ConspiracyTheory said:
Most people find that vaporizing 5-MeO-MIPT takes a larger dose than just orally taking it. 20mg vaped is probably about 10mg ingested.

Do you have personal experience with this? That doesn't sound right to me at all. Most tryptamines are far more potent vapourized than taken enterally. In any case, since it is not anywhere near as widely known as 5-MeO-DMT I would start at a significantly lower dose than you would take orally. Say a 1/3 of your oral dose. Give it time to kick in. You can always vapourize more, but you can never take less if you took too much.

In all honesty it's probably not worth it. Most people get a very satisfactory experience using it orally.

Survived Abortion, the scale read 0.18 including the gel cap. It seems we misread the scale and miscalculated our dose not having tried any other RC's and not having had experience with hallucinogens besides LSD some years ago. The gelcap and 8mg should have read 0.001(8) and not 0.018. The scale now obviosuly not being fine enough and the gelcap being 100mg and not 10mg as we thought. :(

Within 15-20 minute I was getting huge visuals with the brick pattern on my stoep giving the matinee performance. Touch seemed electrostatic and synaesthesia was also instant as well. My partner sensing that the trip was too big a deal for us locked us in the main suite of the house where I promptly passed out. She immediately started to vomit which I think helped with her dose, but as for me I had a few hours of a very scary and seemingly unconscious trip - everything slowed down and cartoon-ized and I was completely unaware of her or anything else in the room. My wife reports that my hands and legs were clawing and it looked as if I was having a fit with huge body spasms etc. When I came to after 8 hours I spent another 4 hours semi-conscious and hallucinating that I was at work. Also giving out orders etc. The trip had deluded me into believing I had accomplished all that was needed in life and that I was in for a lot of money. Hence me wanting my accountant on the phone etc. all at 2am. I had no clue what time it was. My wife gave me a few Ativan tabs - I thought it was because I was grumpy - did not tie it in to the trip until I woke up after a 7 hour sleep again. It was then that I remembered the first 5 minutes of tripping and the dreamtime and semi-conscious episode.

Those first few minutes of the Moxy starting to work were great, but it very quickly got out of control. If it was not for the standby Ativan, I think I would have been more traumatised even more. I am now considering trying again this weekend - 7 days later - and this time taking a very much divided dose. What do you think? Too soon? No other stuff in my life now anyway as MDMA was too exhausting in the end. I don't have any lasting or visible side-effects now from this trip besides the emotional shock . Remarkably I was physically fine the next day, save for some tinitinitus which has gradually decreased in volume to almost nothing today.

body Load: first 5 minutes = I could handle next 8 hours - comatose - subsequent 4 hours - irritable and tired and hallucinating my environment.

Wow, I'm glad you are okay now.

Thank you for answering my questions in such an expansive and detailed form. This is a good reminder of why it is important to have a good measuring technique. It's always important to re-weigh doses, and double-check your figures if you are weighing with additional items such as capsules.

You might want to wait a bit more than a week beofre you redose. Of course it's up to you, but I think after such an intense experience, you should give your body a chance to recuperate, and for your mind to integrate the experience.
Tried this probably ~8 times back in the day. When you have a baggy around, it's hard not to dose. Why not?

Very strange drug. It is decently euphoric/speedy, but at the same time redosing can cause it to become INCREDIBLY psychedelic. The most similar experience I had was likely on foxy methoxy (5-MEO-Dipt), though I would argue moxy is more psychedelic. The euphoria can be comparable to something like methylone at times, but overall it is much more of an introspective, psychodelic than you'll ever get with any pure empathogen.

The body load can be pretty terrible or not existant. I took it once when I was VERY drunk and was unconscious for quite some time, tripping my balls of and had a shitty hangover. I've also taken 5mg sober and been around friends and really not been much above baseline.

Overall, a fun drug that I'd do if I had laying around, but never something I'd seek out as it lacks in both euphoric/speedy sense and the psychedelic sense compared to others. Certainly worth experimenting with though if you're looking to try (almost) everything like I was.
Do you have personal experience with this? That doesn't sound right to me at all. Most tryptamines are far more potent vapourized than taken enterally. In any case, since it is not anywhere near as widely known as 5-MeO-DMT I would start at a significantly lower dose than you would take orally. Say a 1/3 of your oral dose. Give it time to kick in. You can always vapourize more, but you can never take less if you took too much.

In all honesty it's probably not worth it. Most people get a very satisfactory experience using it orally.

Wow, I'm glad you are okay now.

Thank you for answering my questions in such an expansive and detailed form. This is a good reminder of why it is important to have a good measuring technique. It's always important to re-weigh doses, and double-check your figures if you are weighing with additional items such as capsules.

You might want to wait a bit more than a week beofre you redose. Of course it's up to you, but I think after such an intense experience, you should give your body a chance to recuperate, and for your mind to integrate the experience.

I don't personally but I was with some friends that tried vaping it. They told me it wasn't as potent vaped as if they had taken it orally. They could be mistaken of course, but that's what they described to me. I think on Erowid they've listed that it doesn't seem to be as potent when smoked also.
I've been on a break from E due to abuse and a traumatic experience, so I started searching RC's that offered the traits i was looking for.

I settled on 5-meo-mipt. Initially, I wasn't able to find a vendor for it, so I tried 5-meo-DALT instead. Recently, I did acquire the MIPT variety, so I can compare the effects of both. (I included information on the dalt variety as I've observed many people confuse one for the other)

5-meo-DALT is weird. Orally, it is a surface level trip, mostly auditory hallucinations/distortions, CEVs, a mild body buzz and crazy munchies. Smoked, its speedy with a much stronger body buzz, with an erotic edge to it. No hangover from either method, but tolerance builds. After much experimentation, I rate it 3.5/10

5-meo-MIPT is definitely what I was after. Orally, its a deeper than dalt trip, but still shallow/fun, music sounds incredible, some mild oev/cev, emotional openness (less than mdma), and a very sensual body buzz. I would very much liken it to mdma in most respects, absent the stimulation. I consider this a positive personally, as caffeine is usually enough for me as far as stimulants go. My experience was about 12mgs, and lasted about 5 hours. There was no hangover noted, except for restlessness. I'd be very comfortable in a social environment on this substance in this manner.

Smoking/vaping requires more of the compound than oral ingestion. Ingesting this way is a much deeper, introspective trip, with emotional lability and tremors added to much of the same effects as oral, just intensified and lengthened (6-7 hours). I can see the comparisons to DMT when smoked, although the rushes and visuals are nothing on that level, the introspection is. I was after some introspection but I wasn't quite prepared to face myself quite like I did. This was a little unexpected twist, but it wasn't unnerving by any means, and the whole experience was positive. I smoked about 25mgs and the entire experience lasted 7 hours, with the first 4 being very intense compared to the last 3. No hangover this method either.

Overall, I really liked the 5-meo-mipt, maybe even better than mdma due to lack of hangover. I could socialize/recreationally use when taken orally, definitely. Overall I rate it 7.5/10.
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In fact, besides my trip from HELL - out of coke, dope, and whatever other stuff they put in MDMA until 2 years ago, this stuff has had the least after-effects physically out of all.
This weekend is probably the best weekend I will have for months to give it another try. There is some 5-meo-dipt to sample as well, but I will leave that alone if I can take the Moxy and not put myself imto a comatose state again. The point being that I want to enjoy the Moxy - MDMA was the only fun I ever really had (age 35-38) and obviously at age 40 I am meant to be over it and am.

Trip from hell? On 5-meo-mipt? Details please.
NJ5227: Sorry, but this thread is about 5-MeO-MiPT, not 5-MeO-DALT or MiPT (interesting comparative points though)
pretty sure he was talking about 5-meo-mipt. i understand the confusion though. :)

oops sorry for shortening the chem names, but yes I was referring to 5meo-mipt and 5meo-dalt. I included both chems because they have been confused before, and I just wrote the same post essentially so I copy pasted. Sorry for the confusion, I will edit my post for clarity
Moxy Two

My second trip after last weekend's terrible trip was better in most ways. I had moved towards integrating my experience well enough and a cool 7 days later with the aid of a couple of ativan and half a glass of wine. - I embarked on my 2nd outing. 6mgs and another 6mg dose at plus 1 hour set me up for an enjoyable time. Auditory hallucinations and a couple of mind loops as well as time loss. The roll is not comparable to MDMA which is far superior. TV and music were far too hectic and emotionally demanding of me being oversensitive to each expression, mood etc. Soft porn played fast forward a killer.
Overall the stuff is a miserable comparison to E and the sex felt half baked on the inside and over-baked on the outside.

Maybe a 18mg go will make things more fun. But I am not holding out much hope right now.
My second trip after last weekend's terrible trip was better in most ways. I had moved towards integrating my experience well enough and a cool 7 days later with the aid of a couple of ativan and half a glass of wine. - I embarked on my 2nd outing. 6mgs and another 6mg dose at plus 1 hour set me up for an enjoyable time. Auditory hallucinations and a couple of mind loops as well as time loss. The roll is not comparable to MDMA which is far superior. TV and music were far too hectic and emotionally demanding of me being oversensitive to each expression, mood etc. Soft porn played fast forward a killer.
Overall the stuff is a miserable comparison to E and the sex felt half baked on the inside and over-baked on the outside.

Maybe a 18mg go will make things more fun. But I am not holding out much hope right now.

Weird. I've researched 5-MeO-MIPT at least 20 times and I've never had results like these. I guess it just goes to show that all people react differently to chemicals and you have to be prepared for that.
^Or maybe it's the fact that he took 80mg.

Trip from hell? On 5-meo-mipt? Details please.

It's a few posts back: http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/threads/...iPT-Thread?p=10480249&viewfull=1#post10480249

Overall the stuff is a miserable comparison to E and the sex felt half baked on the inside and over-baked on the outside.

Maybe a 18mg go will make things more fun. But I am not holding out much hope right now.

You cannot expect it to replicate MDMA, or even trying to compare them. Many people have compared the empathogenic effects to MDMA, but that doesn't mean that all the people who report this are attempting to replicate a roll on MDMA. It is simply that the empathogenic aspect reminds people of that. One substance cannot substitute for another, and it should really be taken on it's own merits.

In all honesty I don't think you gave it anywhere near enough time between trips to get a decent result the second time, considering your first dose (only a week prior to the second) was 80mg. You definitely need longer between such heavy trips in order to experience maximum intensity. It is probably a serotonin releaser, which means you need to wait 3 to 4 weeks until you can get the maximum empathogenic effects. But more importantly, I think of this substance far more as a psychedelic then a roll; in fact I never even take it with rolling in mind.

If you approach it with the intention of experiencing what it has to offer, (rather than trying to replicate another experience), you may be more pleasantly suprised. Or it may just not be the compound you are looking for. If that is the case, and if you are trying to experience something a lot more empathogenic (other than MDMA), I would be more inclined to suggest the APB compounds or any of the numerous empathogenic cathinones/amphetamines. aMT is also very empathogenic, although I still think of it as a powerful trip rather than a roll. But it's euphoria blows MDMA out of the water in my experience.
Exactly. A lot of people say that 5-MeO-MIPT is the MDMA of tryptamines and while there are some similarities (increased sensations, some euphoria, stimulation, etc.) I've never thought of it as a substitute for MDMA. If anyone is going into a trip looking for that they will probably be disappointed. Moxy is a unique chemical unto itself and should be treated as such.
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