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Tryptamines The Big & Dandy 5-MeO-MALT Thread


May 28, 2013
Welcome to the Big & Dandy 5-MeO-MALT Thread


Saw this one pop up from at a pretty respectable inventory recently, have read very short tid bits mentioning it in some articles but otherwise I can't seem to find any information about it. (Maybe I need to learn to UTSE but I cant find anything.)

Lists the IUPAC as N-methyl-(2-(5-methoxy-1H-indol-3-yl)ethyl)prop-2-en-1-amine, searching this doesn't give much either, Also, it is the oxalate salt - which makes me wonder too, would oxalic acid, which is quite toxic and causes things such as kidney stones among other things, end up in vivo if one were to use this?

Any information is appreciated!
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I would be worried about it being a oxalate as well..

So, analogous to a HCL salt compound releasing HCL as a byproduct (wish I knew more about biochem but working on it...), do you believe that this would release Oxalic Acid as a by product on consumption?
I saw it as well. Too bad it's not the non-methoxy version, MALT, I would be 10 times more interested in that one.

I asume this is the structure?



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So, analogous to a HCL salt compound releasing HCL as a byproduct (wish I knew more about biochem but working on it...), do you believe that this would release Oxalic Acid as a by product on consumption?

HCl-Salts dont form HCl.
But oxalates should turn into oxalic acid in the stomach.
Some vegetables contain oxalic acid. So it propably doesnt do any damage if you ingest normal amounts of the Tryptamine.
I guess it would help to see some numbers. A quick gloogle suggests that it is not at all uncommon for a vegetable to contain 100 mg oxalic acid per 100 g veggy. It is healthy to eat 200 g of vegetables per day which would contain 200 mg oxalic acid each time. So an extra dosage/portion of some hundreds of milligrams of oxalate with your tryptamine would just be similar to that, seems fine to me especially when it is ingested incidentally.
What Sol said.....Oxalic acid is in a lot of things, and only becomes a problem with very large amounts or chronic use of large amounts. I find it quite tasty....zingy. I wouldn't worry about it.
I remember reading somewhere that this is a recent Shulgin chemical that he synthesized with his assistant.. I think it said activity was starting around the 1-3mg mark which is in line with other 5-Methoxy tryptamines.

Certainly something I'm extremely interested in.
I wonder if Shulgin purposely divulged 5-MeO-DALT with his own endorsement to send the RC community on a wild goose chase and is doing it again with 5-MeO-MALT. 5-MeO-DALT by virtually all accounts was a dud yet Shulgin had called it a gem. I hope 5-MeO-MALT doesn't turn out the same way. :p
I wonder if Shulgin purposely divulged 5-MeO-DALT with his own endorsement to send the RC community on a wild goose chase and is doing it again with 5-MeO-MALT. 5-MeO-DALT by virtually all accounts was a dud yet Shulgin had called it a gem. I hope 5-MeO-MALT doesn't turn out the same way. :p

5-MeO-DALT wasn't a dud? There's a megathread for it on the forum and multiple users have stated effects were felt and noticeable.
5-MeO-DALT wasn't a dud? There's a megathread for it on the forum and multiple users have stated effects were felt and noticeable.

Its not a remarkable substance and has a dark streak to it like most methoxylated tryptamines. It isn't exactly the most pleasant experience. I found it to be more anxiogenic than anything else and I'm not alone in that thinking. In my mind, that's enough to call it a dud.
15 mg was administered in capsules, later 25 mg nasally
Age.:20 +
Translated report from a Swedish forum:
"Male, 75kg

Time: About 3 h.

Description: Very intensive and strong experience down, what I choose to call the MALT-hole. CEV and OEV:s were intensely colored, and very interesting. There was a presence of mindfuck re: perspective on time/space... one minute cold last forever, while next went with the speed of light.

Blood/heart pressure remained stable, not over 185/87, heartrate was at 115bpm during the three hour trip.

About the MALT-hole: Any conception of time and space disappeared, egoloss, and as I reached the bottom of the MALT-hole I didn't know who or what I - was I human, did i exist in this reality of beautiful CEV/OEV around me?

There was no panic or anxiety for the duration of the MALT-hole, but rather a mystical calm and mysterious harmony which enfolded me. This was a level 5, and that's why I call it the 5-meo-malt hole."
Sounds interesting although it appears it still has that tachycardic edge.

5-MeO-AMT didn't even give me a resting of 115 unless I way overdosed (we're talking over 20mg) so that's a huge red flag for me right there and the kiss of death for this substance if others report it.

I wonder how much the nasal dosing affected the heart rate. 185/87 BP isn't ideal either although I don't know the baseline BP for this person.

Sounds like it has a toxic streak like its DALT cousin.
He seems to maybe have started a little high, but the intensity at that dose sheds light on what lower doses could yield.

This is a spitting image of my experiences with insufflating too much 5-MeO-aMT, right down to experiencing a "hole" of sorts filled with fantastic imagery but with a much shorter duration. Which is appealing, considering the 5-MeO-aMT tends to last around 20 hours total and being such a stimulating compound it can be heavy on the body.

I would bet insufflating between 5-20mg would be more manageable visually and would not affect the cardiovascular system so noticeably. I found minimizing my dose with 5-Meo-aMT made it much more rewarding, less chaotic and nearly negated any toxic response. I feel like this MALT could have similar quality and I'd love to taste it!
Its not a remarkable substance and has a dark streak to it like most methoxylated tryptamines. It isn't exactly the most pleasant experience. I found it to be more anxiogenic than anything else and I'm not alone in that thinking. In my mind, that's enough to call it a dud.
I agree, 5-meo-dalt was most definately a dud for me but does have it's followers so it's not really fair to call it a dud in general.
5-MeO-AMT didn't even giveme a resting of 115 unlessI wayoverdosed(we'retalking over20mg)sothat'sa huge red flag for me right there and the kiss of death for this substance if others report it.
Plain old aMT has given me a resting rate of around 110-115 BPM towards the end of the trip but I'm rather sensitive to tachycardia, not to mention my rather poor diet lately so the HR issue can be pretty damn variable person to person. For all we know the tester was some 300lb kid who plays warcraft all day lol. If the substance has worth than elevated BP shouldn't be a deal breaker but IMO this chem sounds like another typical 5-meo with a high bodyload in which I think I will pass. Tbh I doubt I will ever find a 5-meo that will catch my interest. Also congrats on becoming a mod MK777, may you use your power wisely ;)

@Bob_Arctor Do you know how long this person (assuming this isn't your report) waited before redosing and how effective it was? 3 hours seems rather short lived for two doses. Also intense visuals and no anxiety/paranoia from a 5-meo sounds a little out of character but I'll be honest and admit my experience with 5-subs is pretty lacking because of their tendency to cause a nasty bodyload that hijacks the trip.
Maybe AMT is just something that I don't get anxiety from much like pure MDMA. I suppose with it being such a potent triple releasing agent that it is very well possible my heart rate was elevated and I was just too euphoric to care. I highly doubt it put me over 110 though because I always feel it throughout my body no matter the substance (I notice it when I'm sober) if I pass 110. I'm prone to tachycardia as well :\

I know 5-MeO-DALT has its followers but at the same time, the people who have had their 5-MeO-DALT tested reported it was crap. I had to off-white sparkly shit that was supposedly amazing and was less than thrilled.

Time will tell how this one pans out but I think I'm with you Captain in that I believe I will pass. And thanks, I don't know why I never applied for mod before ;)

He seems to maybe have started a little high, but the intensity at that dose sheds light on what lower doses could yield.

This is a spitting image of my experiences with insufflating too much 5-MeO-aMT, right down to experiencing a "hole" of sorts filled with fantastic imagery but with a much shorter duration. Which is appealing, considering the 5-MeO-aMT tends to last around 20 hours total and being such a stimulating compound it can be heavy on the body.

I would bet insufflating between 5-20mg would be more manageable visually and would not affect the cardiovascular system so noticeably. I found minimizing my dose with 5-Meo-aMT made it much more rewarding, less chaotic and nearly negated any toxic response. I feel like this MALT could have similar quality and I'd love to taste it!

How on earth were you able to tolerate insufflated 5-MeO-aMT? I tried it that way twice before I learned my lesson and stuck to high oral doses.
How on earth were you able to tolerate insufflated 5-MeO-aMT? I tried it that way twice before I learned my lesson and stuck to high oral doses.

I've never had a problem, it produces no discomfort whatsoever in the nose. It's effect on the GI system makes me not want to throw it right in my guts anyway, I'd rather sniff a few milligrams. It still takes about an hour and some minutes to come on. What differences did you notice? that aside, it seems like there's virtually no other information on the 5-MeO-MALT other than it's a shulgin compound and aforementioned report. Trail runs dry.
I've never had a problem, it produces no discomfort whatsoever in the nose. It's effect on the GI system makes me not want to throw it right in my guts anyway, I'd rather sniff a few milligrams. It still takes about an hour and some minutes to come on. What differences did you notice?

The biggest issue was increased stimulation. It was a lot more like smoking it in that it felt like psychedelic speed as opposed to a speedy psychedelic. I'm not really much of one for stimulants outside of empathogens though and never have been too interested in them so maybe that's why. Smoked or snorted 5-MeO-aMT seemed to lack the euphoria and almost dreamy sedated yet physically stimulated quality that oral doses had and had a pure edgy strong stimulation all the way around. I certainly got far more paranoid.

I share some interest in hearing about 5-MeO-MALT but I honestly would be more interested in the non-methoxylated version.