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The Big & Dandy 5-MeO-DMT Thread - First Launch

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Just stop posting and go turn yourself in to the police instead of wasting everyone's time, we can already tell its not to a few "close friends" at minimal profit, I've seen what those drugs sell for and you are making quite a large markup. Stop ruining it for everyone and either keep it to yourself or get your ass in jail where it belongs.
If this thread does not got back to typing about 5-MeO-DMT I will have to close it, and I would rather not as it started to be a real good one to read. No more fighting please. Thank you.
MGS is right........Onwards with Legitamite tryptamine discusion......
I am too stupid to follow specific instructions.
[ 25 December 2001: Message edited by: morninggloryseed ]
For ANYONE thinking of experimenting with this substance:
I recommend against it. If you absolutely insist, be VERY careful. Start with the smallest dosage possible.
I know two people who, more than two years after using it only ONCE, still get severe panic attacks when they start to fall asleep. Both have had to go on prescription drugs in order to live a semi-normal life.
At first I didn't think it was likely, but after watching the long-term nature of these effects, I have to guess that they may have suffered permanent brain damage of some sort. Who knows whether they will ever recover... And who knows what other effects may surface down the road...
Take the designation "research chemical" seriously. KNOW that you are performing a dangerous experiment on yourself, and even if five of your best buddies came through it OK, there may be something peculiar about your brain chemistry that means you WON'T get through it unscathed.
Is it worth risking permanent brain damage for? Certainly it's a priceless experience. But then, you can't very well put a price on your mental and neurological health either...
Hence I repeat my advice: Don't risk it. If you already did, and you appear to be OK, consider yourself lucky, and hope you feel the same way when you're 60.
Mahan Atma said:
For ANYONE thinking of experimenting with this substance:
I recommend against it. If you absolutely insist, be VERY careful. Start with the smallest dosage possible.
I know two people who, more than two years after using it only ONCE, still get severe panic attacks when they start to fall asleep. Both have had to go on prescription drugs in order to live a semi-normal life.
At first I didn't think it was likely, but after watching the long-term nature of these effects, I have to guess that they may have suffered permanent brain damage of some sort. Who knows whether they will ever recover... And who knows what other effects may surface down the road...
Take the designation "research chemical" seriously. KNOW that you are performing a dangerous experiment on yourself, and even if five of your best buddies came through it OK, there may be something peculiar about your brain chemistry that means you WON'T get through it unscathed.
Is it worth risking permanent brain damage for? Certainly it's a priceless experience. But then, you can't very well put a price on your mental and neurological health either...
Hence I repeat my advice: Don't risk it. If you already did, and you appear to be OK, consider yourself lucky, and hope you feel the same way when you're 60.

Brain damage or psyche damage?
I would not call this a research chemical. Nor would the shamans who used it 2000 yrs ago. I think the idea IS to feel different way before you're 60!!
Of course they did not vaporise purified freebase in a test tube with the shades down....
"In the early 1950s, 5-MeO-DMT was identified as one of the main psychoactive ingredients in 'cohoba' snuffs used in the northern Amazon basin. Its use in the form of snuffs and brews has been documented as early as the 8th Century A.D. from a burial site in Northern Chile which found snuffing paraphernalia and traces of N,N-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT and Bufotenine. Other archeological sites have also uncovered seeds of 5-MeO-DMT containing Anadenanthera species from around the same time period."
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When I was 15 years old, I had the opportunity to smoke DMT. Now, this was over 30 years ago, yet I can still remember the smell of mothballs, the shattering of reality, and the view on Mars at Midnight.......
After an interminable lull, Tryptamines have re-emerged in my life.
I read all the trip reports about 5-MeO-DMT on Erowid. And with fear in my heart, I smoked a small (Pinhead) amount of DMT's potent cousin. I laid down, underneath the Stars. The Santanna winds were blowing. And then it hit me.
I did not pass Go, but went straight to pure bliss. Nirvana. The Clear Light.
Within a few minutes, I was back. I found myself lying on the trampoline, in the backyard, where I had placed my body.
For the next hour, I experienced a profound euphoria. Like I had taken two 80mg Oxy's or something.
Needless to say, I was impressed by the experience.
Several nights later, I tried it again. This time, I was in my room, at about 2:00am (after My kids were deep asleep in their beds).
I put a bit more in my pipe, inhaled deeply, held it long: Transformation. I went deep. Deeper. My God. A view of the eternal. Incredible beauty. Ego dissolution was so smooth. Again, Nirvana. Bliss. Heaven. Then a crash to earth. Back in my body. Damn.
I re-read all the 5-MeO-DMT posts, with a new perspective. Most seemed to be first time/last time freak out reports. I was thinking "What's not to love about this Tryptamine?"
Then it happened. I smoked a large amount, and reality absolutely fractured. I could not find my dick, or the light switch, if my life depended on it. It was truly terrifying. But. I've been through worse (2 hits of Orange Sunshine). And it only lasted for a few minutes. I got over it.
Actually, I no longer fear this molecule. I have utter respect for it. 5-MeO-DMT is not a drug. It is "Worm-Hole" powder.
My biggest complaint is it's incredibly short action.
So now I insufflate it, followed by a kick-off pipe load. The duration is extended to 20+ minutes this way.
After all, when you are hanging with the Gods, the last thing you want to do is leave.......
This is what I wrote in my journal:
I guess the best way to summarize it is that it shatters your reality and you have 15 minutes to put it all back together.

I was going to go into long descriptions describing my countless 5meoDMT experiences (one of my first R.C.'s and still my favorite), but this description right here is probably the best I have ever heard.

I have had only one really profound experience on it, and it was in a outdoors in a park (not a usual place for one to partake in this activity, at least not around here). Usually when I do any form of DMT, I think it is important to close your eyes for most of it. However, this time I kept my eyes fixated underneath the leaves of this giant tree, with the sun coming through in patches on top of them. It was then I saw life, the universe, and everything as a complex fractal or cellular automata, a pattern that repeats itself by basic rules that cascade into beautiful and complex structures on infinite (its a cool feeling, but I dont necessarily buy into all of it). It was a low dose, but it was the most memorable.

All the other times (usually the high dose "breakthrough" doses) were too mind blowing to gather any sense out of them. It usually consisted of smoking a good 15-20 mg, coughing...then thinking to myself "shit...what have I done?..........." then BAM I'm a particle of energy traveling at the speed of light...and I have to slow down in order to join back with existance and reality. Slowly the peices come together, and when I'm slightly more sober and actually able to decipher visual objects again I have a hard time remembering what just happened. About 6-10 minutes after I hit the pipe, I'm back and trying to make sense out of what just happened. By 15 or 20 minutes its like I had never taken a hit, I dont even remember what the experience was like. I guess that's why I like it so much, because it never really gets boring.

plus I noticed that even tho there are no opened eye visuals, if you close your eyes, you seem to transfered to a world were darkeness rules vision, where you dont need light to see.

EXACTLY. Another perfect description.
I generally dislike this chemical because of the neurotoxic feeling it gives me. I do partially enjoy the body buzz and light euphoria at the lower doses though. It feels to me like a mix of acid and nitrous.

I never had a breakthrough dose, just high doses where i partially lost the feeling of who i was and had crazy visuals that were similar to acid. warping, moving, bending, melting of objects. plus negative body feelings, like the feeling the heart has stopped beating or is beating too fast, and uncomfortable stimulation.

I am nervous to try a breakthrough dose. i think it would be too terrifying. the high dose reports on erowid have usually reported intense fear.

also i think this drug could be dangerous to the brain, causing lasting psychological effects.

and it feels too poisoning, whether that is actually happening or not, its unpleasent to say the least.

also, i dont think there is any proof that this chemical is actually in our bodies naturally.
There is proof that 5-MeO-DMT is in the body. Ott cites some journal sources in Pharmacotheon, and I've seen it mentioned at various places. I even think I once saw that 5-Ho-DMT (bufotenine) is in the body, but don't quote me on that. But I am 100% sure that both DMT and 5-MeO-DMT are produced in the pineal gland.

It has been my experience that most people who dislike 5-MeO-DMT have some difficulties with certain aspects of their lives, or who they are. 5-MeO-DMT causes one to confront the ultimate truth, which is death. I am not saying that about you Symmetrical Daze, I am simply stating my experience with other people. I do not know anything about you and therefore can make no judgments based on what I know (which is nothing.)
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MGS, don't u also find that high dose 5-MeO-DMT experiences produce uncomfortable feelings in the body and mind along with fear?

To be honest, i havent taken a high dose of this chemical because i really think it could kill me or cause some kind of physical damage, not to mention psychological difficulties. I realize a lethal dose is supposed to be very high, but not everyone reacts to substances alike.

I love the mystical experience of being egoless, but it always comes with a price of anxiety or intense fear. Not with ketamine or nitrous, but IMO those aren't true breakthroughs which I have experienced on LSD. Sometimes it is blissful and great to be egoless forgetting who u are. I do not think this is the case with 5-MeO-DMT. I would imagine it is quite terrifying breaking through into this space, or "void" I have read from experiences. Correct me if I am wrong. I just may give this substance a high dose try if I think it will be too dissociating to be scary.
Symmetrical Daze said:
MGS, don't u also find that high dose 5-MeO-DMT experiences produce uncomfortable feelings in the body and mind along with fear?

First off, what kind of dosage are we talking about here? I am very sensitive to 5-MeO-DMT and when I take anymore than 10 mg, I will black out for much of the experience and won't remember a thing except for what happened after the peak. That is what happened to me the second time I used the drug at least (at 10 mg) and I feel once is enough as far as that kind of trip. But with 7 or 8 mg, everything is perfect so I don't use more than 8 mg at any time now. I tend to learn what works best for me after one experience.

As to the question...From the bottom of my heart swearing on my life, my two birds' lives (who are so precious to me), my parents' lives whom I love dearly, my future education (master's degree), and anything else very important to me...I have never experienced anything remotely frightening on 5-MeO-DMT, nor anything physically difficult or uncomfortable. I have only experienced total bliss, and complete oneness, harmony, and peace with myself, my life, and the universe while on 5-MeO-DMT. I think it is the best psychedelic there is, and I've tried around a dozen different ones in my day. Wonderful material (for me). No one I have given it too has found it physically difficult though I've seen the drug terrorize some who did not love themselves as much as they should, and the 5-MeO-DMT threw their issues in their face. It will do that.

As I said, I have felt neither a trace of fear (other than the understandable nervousness that I experience before I take in the smoke) nor any uncomfortable feeling in my body from the substance. It doesn't even feel like a drug when I take it. I just feel like I am 'coming home.' I love the warm tryptamine feeling I get from 5-MeO-DMT upon reentry. It feels almost orgasmic. And it feels (well it is of course) so natural.

To date, I have smoked 5-MeO-DMT three times (at dosages of 7 mg, 10 mg, and 8 mg) and all three times were complete +4 "This is the best trip I have ever had" type experiences. All of the trips were extremely moving emotionally to me, and all impacted my life enormously. 5-MeO-DMT is the only entheogen I have taken that has a 100% success rate for producing a +4 mystical experience. These trips were all life-changers.

I also once snorted a threshold amount (16 mg) of 5-MeO-DMT. The dose was not enough to make me breakthrough but it was enough to seriously burn my nose for 2 days. Never again.

Anyway, as you can see I have nothing but the best experiences with 5-MeO-DMT. There is literally nothing I can complain about or say badly about the drug. I will say that 5-MeO-DMT is something I only take once a year or so. I took it twice last year if you count the time I snorted it. And it is a drug I prepare myself well for. I don't take 5-MeO-DMT unless it 'calls me.' I don't take 5-MeO-DMT unless I feel totally at peace with myself and comfortable with life at the moment. And I think that has a lot to do with why I am treated so well by 5-MeO-DMT. I totally respect it and only use it when it calls to me. And that's why we get along so well.
The only time I was afraid on 5meoDMT was the first time I ever hit it, which was also the first time I ever hit anything out of a tweak dick before. The hype around the intensity of the drug made me nervous to try it, but after I entered 5meo hyperspace I was no longer afraid and have NEVER experienced a bad trip. Well, actually...there have been bad trips for me. It happens when I get a really weak hit of 5meoDMT and, for some reason, whenever I (or most anybody else, for that matter) get a really weak dose, it feels like I've got hundreds of acupuncture needles poking out of my body. The best way to avoid this is to make sure you get a good hit.
I have met ONE person who completely freaked out on 5meoDMT, started going into the typical "oh my god I'm dead" rants and crawling all over the floor in complete and total confusion, but as soon as he baslined he got on his knees and BEGGED for more (he didn't get any more, though). I don't know what his deal was, but if you get a breakthrough dose it is almost guarunteed to be a positive experience.
Dan1584 said:
BTW what is the difference (in the effects) of DMT and 5-MeO-DMT? Is there that BIG of a difference?

I'd like to hear more peoples personal opinions on the differences between DMT and 5-MeO-DMT.
I'm tired of reading Erowid's explanation(s). Seriously
both substances can be extremely scary....but both have their ups...Just bear in mind this is not a recreational experience by any stretch of imagination
i can only say the effects of 5-meo-dmt and dmt are both unique. only thing simular is the onset, duration and the intensity from the trip. i don't think there are many similarities between the two, smot2k3 summed it up i guess.
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A comment on endogenous 5-meo-dmt. As far as I know, it has been found in humans and some animals in trace amounts, but the creation of this compound is still a bit mystery. The pineal gland is the best guess so far, but there is no conclusive evidence of its role in producing n,n-dmt nor 5-meo-dmt.

Anyways, I had a wonderful and a terrifying experience at the same time. My only successful trip on this one.
If I remember correctly I have had about 3 5-meo-dmt experiences. Never pure though, it was always used to enhance another experience or to launch into new dimensions. If I recall from a few weeks ago. It was on my seccond LSA experience. first I chewed about 100 seeds on the 30 minute train-ride to Utrecht. When I got home I found my friends and desided to grind another 100 seeds and drink it up with some lemonade (damn what a faull taste). anyway. after about 2 hours into the experience and a few j's and nitrous later. J and F decided to snort some 5meoDMT and D and I decided to smoke some. We each got our pipes ready. But I was so into my LSA space that when I started tripping on the music I suddenly became aware that I had trown the content of the pipe across the room (was about 4 mg's) so J made another pipe for my embarrasing ass and finaly D and I where going to launch.

Damn that taste was unexpected .. WhoooAhh whats that head-rush !! woooshhh I'm OFF !! I was definetly launched into a new galaxy. But I could still hear the music wich made me sway back and forth and guided me through the experience. Took another nitrous and lied on the bed. I had alot of sympathic feelings onn the aztec and south-american cultures. And the pyramid-shape appeard to me everywhere.

To me the LSA and 5meoDMT gave me a summery-vibe that lasted the entire week. Sunshine in my heart and verry good experience.
anjovis said:
As far as I know, it (5-MeO-DMT) has been found in humans and some animals in trace amounts.

5-MeO-DMT is produced in the pineal gland along with DMT, 5-Ho-DMT (if I remember correctly), and a few different chemicals related to the psychedelic harmala alkaloids. It will be interesting one day if we can find out what (if any) role in daily consciousness these molecules might play.

Heh, the fact that DMT and 5-MeO-DMT are found in the brain is one of the reasons I always say these two are not psychedelics. They are beyond psychedelics! They truly are keys to other dimensions. Now the argument (or question if you don't have a side) is do these other dimensions exist only in our brain, or is there a "mind" or "soul" and are DMT and 5-MeO-DMT keys that unlock the doors to allow the mind or soul to travel to these places.

Of course, there is no answer. Only your belief, faith, or lack there of. There are things that cannot be proven by science however so there never will be any satisfactory answers.
morninggloryseed said:
It has been my experience that most people who dislike 5-MeO-DMT have some difficulties with certain aspects of their lives, or who they are. 5-MeO-DMT causes one to confront the ultimate truth, which is death.

I definitely agree with that statement.

lots of shit caught my eye in this thread. It's a very interesting subject. I have read DMT: The Spirit Molecule and had one experience with the substance about a year ago. To reply to MGS, if you read that book, Rick Strassman pretty much analyzes the pineal gland in as much detail as possible and comes up with some pretty amazing theories.

From my memory my 5meodmt experience went something like this...

Inhale 'medium' dose 5meodmt (not weighed), exhale, fall to the ground, vision is nonexistant, eyes closed i believe, i kept yelling 'omg this is amazing', and it lasted about 10 minutes. I remember about a minute of the ten. I was stuck to the floor while intoxicated. Not exactly the greatest experience..

A friend of mine has done DMT twice, and seizured/thrown up twice. Be careful.

I would really like to experience both nndmt and 5meodmt in the future. Earlier in this thread someone wrote that a friend of theirs had to remember to breathe. That thought scares me because that is what happened on 2-ci, I had to remember to breathe, and I experienced death. That was about a month ago and for a few weeks I had experienced mild anxiety such as panic when falling asleep. I would feel like I would forget to breathe in my sleep.

I firmly believe that the pineal gland, and DMT, are the keys to understanding reality.

EDIT: one more thing that I almost said i found from alasdairm
"at the moment of death all life's questions are answered".
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