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Tryptamines The Big & Dandy 5-MeO-DALT Thread - Part 2

20:05 - Just bombed 32mg of 5-meo-DALT. I have also drank half a bottle of wine over the past half an hour.

20:25 - No effects yet.

20:30 - Feeling something mild, time seems to have gone slower, objects seem slightly brighter, and music sounds a bit clearer.

20:40 - Can feel some slight neck tension. (Shit I've now forgot what else I was going to say....) Oh yeah, music is definitely becoming much more pleasant to listen to. I just got my first chill in my body.

20:50 - Objects have a sparkle to their surfaces, like a glistening beam reflected off a mirror. My glass of wine looks tasty. I take a sip. I watch my hands while typing this report, the hands look spectacular, they're definitely mine but rather pretty.

20:55 - Still not much psychedelia going on. I'm just noticing things that I wouldn't have done while sober. Titanic is on TV and the violins sound very nice, as the ship is about to sink. My sense of Touch has definitely increased. I can hear EVERYTHING, it's fantastic how little sounds appear while on 5-meo-DALT. My body feels very clean, no body load whatsoever. (Maybe because I've drank 3/4 bottle of wine.)

21:05 - Chills go through my body still, its quite pleasant. Still hardly any psychedelic feelings. My skin starts to tingle a little more, like a pepper mint is circulating through my veins.

21:15 - Feeling pretty tired, like stoned and a bit unsociable. I'll report back in half an hour. (no change in pupil size)

The comedown was like a very mild aMT one. Feeling a little cold and stiff. I got to sleep around 2am, after two 7.5mg zopiclone tablets and 4mg etizolam (over the apace of an hour). I probably wouldn't have slept until 4am if I had no downers.

Probably a very bad idea but I have a feeling this would have a lovely synergy with MXE.

I'm gonna give snorting a go next time. Is it painful and taste horrible when snorted? I have the cotton wool looking batch, pure white in colour.
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I had an extremely intense experience vaping this on top of weed last night. 50mg sandwiched between layers of pretty weak weed got me to a terrifying place. I sat on my bed just keeping as still as possible saying "one, two, one, two" over and over, thinking that if I can keep doing that I can keep myself sane until it wears off.

At one point I turned and looked out the window - the view of the houses opposite framed in the window was the most insanely psychedelic sight I have ever witnessed. No hallucinations, just this familiar sight made utterly strange, like seeing something on an alien planet. I said out loud "now that is fucking incredible. I'm really glad I saw that." But that was a very brief respite from the terror. My heart was pounding like a jack hammer, there was strange music and nonsense phrases playing in my head. I felt like I'd gone completely insane and it took every shred of willpower I have to keep myself together.

Phew! It was one of experiences where you think, "well if I can handle that I can handle anything." Which is all very well with hindsight, but at the time as was I was thinking "never, ever do this to yourself again you fucking dick."

50mg smoked is an insane amount!! I've only done 30mg orally so far, but I think I'll up the dose next time, maybe 40mg. If you're smoking it you shouldn't really have more than 20mg.
Ok, well ive just had my first experience with this one :) Its actually rather nice!
ROA: I stuck around 20 mg in a rollie (I have the freebase)
Smoked fine, not harsh at all. Just tasted like a normal smoke to me.
Onset was fast, infact as soon as I finished I felt effects.
I felt the sudden urge to lie down almost as if ive just smoked a strong indica, so I did.
I looked up, the sky looked BEA-utiful! Its a glorious day over where I am, and I spent a good 10 minutes just looking at the clouds and watching the birds.
Visually wise, it was not strong however. Only notable effect was there seemed to be little sparkles like the ones you get in arts and crafts falling from the sky.
I closed my eyes, This was quite strange there was no real visualisations just colors, first bright red, then green, then grey.
My thoughts also seemed much clearer, with a louder internal monologue.
I dosed at around 3.15 pm, its now 3.40 and I am pretty much sober, Music maybe sounds slightly better but it is difficult to tell really.
Overall pretty fun, and I love the short duration.
Only warning I have is it seems slightly fiendish with this ROA: I have had to fight the urge to roll another.
I had no side effects, I am also defiantly in a better mood than I was before dosing (however isnt this true for all psycadelics! :p )
This is probably the easiest chemical I've ever snorted, no taste, no sting. Nothing :)

Wow, 30mg snorted is pretty trippy. I was not expecting this! XD

Ok, well ive just had my first experience with this one Its actually rather nice!
ROA: I stuck around 20 mg in a rollie (I have the freebase)
Smoked fine, not harsh at all. Just tasted like a normal smoke to me.
Onset was fast, infact as soon as I finished I felt effects.
I felt the sudden urge to lie down almost as if ive just smoked a strong indica, so I did.
I looked up, the sky looked BEA-utiful! Its a glorious day over where I am, and I spent a good 10 minutes just looking at the clouds and watching the birds.
Visually wise, it was not strong however. Only notable effect was there seemed to be little sparkles like the ones you get in arts and crafts falling from the sky.
I closed my eyes, This was quite strange there was no real visualisations just colors, first bright red, then green, then grey.
My thoughts also seemed much clearer, with a louder internal monologue.
I dosed at around 3.15 pm, its now 3.40 and I am pretty much sober, Music maybe sounds slightly better but it is difficult to tell really.
Overall pretty fun, and I love the short duration.
Only warning I have is it seems slightly fiendish with this ROA: I have had to fight the urge to roll another.
I had no side effects, I am also defiantly in a better mood than I was before dosing (however isnt this true for all psycadelics! :p )

It's absolutely beautiful isn't it? :)

This is probably one of my favorite RC's to date, what a great experience. :)
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It's absolutely beautiful isn't it? :)

I have to agree with you :) It produces such a lovely headspace, but yet feels so gentle and forgiving at the same time. Honestly i've smoked weed for the past 4 years and this is beginning to make me wonder why! I dont know why people seem to see it as a MDMA alternative, but I could defiantly see it as a cannabis alternative especially as there is no "stone over" or foggy after effects, with this one it seems once its gone, its gone pretty much :)

Since my last post I have tried 35mg smoked, there was not much difference in intensity if im honest. Sparkles where still present, as was the lovely head space and once again I spent it watching the birds and the clouds :) Birds seem incredible for me on this substance for some reason, so majestic and graceful I could watch them for hours.
However I did notice a definite increase in heart rate and some slight neck tension with this dose. My thoughts where also moving alot faster and lacked the clarity the earlier dose provided. Closed eye however was really quite pleasant, I was walking through a wood :)
But yeah overall I feel 20mg seems to be the "sweet spot" for me atleast.
Im looking forward to trying other ROAs tommorrow, glad to here such a positive report for insufflation will probably be the way I will go.
My only gripe is the lack of a real visual aspect. Was this the same when snorted? Also would smoking a spliff perhaps help this like it does with MDMA?
^^ I snorted 30mg, it took about 10-15 minutes to come on, it was like the beginning of an aMT trip (only visually, without the dirty stimulation) but it never came. It was very relaxing too, I also noticed quite a lot of empathy. Food tastes very nice too. The best part lasted about one hour then after that gradually fading away, all together lasting no more than 2 1/2 hours. It was a very, very friendly experience. :)

I also feel in a really good mood 24 hours later, less anxiety and quite motivated in my job.
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^^ I snorted 30mg, it took about 10-15 minutes to come on, it was like the beginning of an aMT trip (only visually, without the dirty stimulation) but it never came. It was very relaxing too, I also noticed quite a lot of empathy. Food tastes very nice too. The best part lasted about one hour then after that gradually fading away, all together lasting no more than 2 1/2 hours. It was a very, very friendly experience. :)

Given the degree of tolerance produced by consuming psychedelic drugs, if you're any kind of regular smoker then 5-meo-dalt is no cannabis substitute.
Given the degree of tolerance produced by consuming psychedelic drugs, if you're any kind of regular smoker then 5-meo-dalt is no cannabis substitute.

I never said it was.
I took ~25mg orally at a festival combo'd with ~15mg of 5-MeO-MiPT a couple weeks ago and didn't really feel a whole lot from the 5-MeO-DALT. Maybe a little stoning effect but nothing major. The moxy was great when it kicked in but it almost seemed like placebo with 5-MeO-DALT. I'll give it another run on its own but at a higher dose orally when I have another opportunity.
Ok people. Well I finished my DALT today, and I went LARGE! I dissolved my remaining 200mg in some lemon juice and downed it.
This really was an interesting experience, I took it at exactly 3pm. It is now about 10 to 6 and the effects seem to have faded alot (I would be fine to drive). So about 3 hours in duration for me.
Ok well onset was FAST for me, within minutes colours where distorted and tracers where apparent. It felt alot like MDMA, good MDMA. Everything also had a warm glow. Infact the onset was so rapid I vomited. This happens to me on several psychs though.
Ok well this is where it got really interesting, It felt like being stoned almost body load wise, very lazy. I felt I should close my eyes so I did and OH MY GOD! CEV's where absolutely insane. Flashing patterns, swirls, Bears, Wolves, Cars. All made an appearance. Also clarity of thought like ive never experienced before and self analysis. I could prioritize everything and just let go of everything that didn't matter so well it was incredible (Ive had a really stressful week). I really feel ive learnt alot from this trip unlike my other experiences with the drug. I spent the majority of my trip with my eyes closed actually. But when opened visuals where defiantly present. everything appeared to be breathing almost and morphing and all kinds of weird stuff the sparkles where also present of course :)
In terms of negatives I didnt experience any really, I got abit cold at one point which was unusual as its a scorching hot day here, but that was about it really. Just beware though, this was VERY VERY INTENSE! Or to put it in laymans terms i was trippin my nuts off :p
Im sorry if this report is abit breif and scattered! Im still trying to put into words what i just experienced! I will try and add more latter.

Also as I side note, I am now currently in the best mood of my life I swear! Its so hard to explain, I just feel literally so alive and happy to be its unreal! :D :D :D
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Sorry, I quoted the wrong person somehow. Someone mentioned it.

No probs :)

I find snorting is the best way to go with this chemical, I might go and sniff 30mg and sit in the garden with a few beers and headphones. That would be heaven!! :)
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Thread cleaned up a little. Please don't make multiple posts in a row guys. It clutters up the thread, try to fit your information into one post :)

Also Michael, it's worth clarifying the DALT to 5-MeO-DALT, since DALT is another existing psychedelic and someone searching for posts regarding it might take your post as an example.