I dosed 14-16mg of this stuff , about 14 hours ago.
Fast come up but never really developed into much but slight tryptamine buzz. Altered headspace , slight body buzz but no visuals and overall much milder then I thought it would be
Back to baseline fully in like 4 hours I'd say. Peak only lasted about an hour.
A couple things though , had dosed etizolam , kinda high with no benzo tolerance 12 hours prior to get to sleep after 4-fa use.
Used 4-HO-mipt 4 days earlier. I'm not sure how tolerance works but ime 4-HO-mipt feels like it creates the most tolerance out of the tryptamines I've used (4-aco-DMt , 4-HO-met , 4-HO-mipt , 5-meo-mipt , mushrooms) , my theory is because it causes the most intense trips out of the ones I've tried. Longest lasting for me too , most intense visuals , quite a bit of pysedelic headspace , lots of euphoria & can be emotionally swingy (have went from 1 hour lmao to the next crying).... Compared to say it's 5-meo cousin which produces nearly no tolerance issues , but I dose that one very low (4-6mg) most time. So I'm thinking a combo of a benzo with a long half life , my 4-HO-mipt use 4 days prior and the low dose created less then stellar results. Def felt it had potential , was in that stage where you feel your about to have a somewhat intense trip but never devolps.
I took this before going to see jurrasic park 3d IMAX , and being my first trip with this stuff I shot low whereas the other 4-HO/aco I go about 2O-3Omg.
Anyways on to why I'm up at 6:3O a.m...
Perhaps this is just a coincidence and I'm reaching but in tihkal shuglin mentions 'I slept ok but something was wrong at a deep level,
I haven't drank alcohol or smoked weed in nearly a month , both of which surpress my dreams , or at least make me not remember them if I am having them. Usually the first week or two ill have very bizarre , life-like dreams & nightmares but this hasn't been the case for at least 1O days now. Just regular , not overly intense dreams.
I've had sleep paralysis once , 5-6 years ago that I attribute to low dose serequal used for insomnia (I quit it after that haven't had 1 since). It was one of the scariest things in my life.
I think I just experienced my 2nd sleep paralysis incident. I was able to snap out of it a lot quicker then last time but still has me fairly shook up.
I 'woke up' , eyes open , podcast still on from when I went to bed around 1 and thought I heard knocking on the door. I then heard footsteps and seen shadow under the door. I was convinced someone had broke in.
All easily explainable as my small dog is locked in the next room and she will paw at the door sometimes , and my Doberman is out roaming the rest of the house so likely was him walking , but while in this state I thought they were both in bed with me so never considered that (use to let them sleep in my bed) , and deep down had comfort knowing (well thinking) my Doberman was in the bed with me so didn't lead to a total freak out like my prior sleep paralysis episode which I reacted how a 4 year old does having a bad dream. While in this weird trance like state I calmed myself by saying it was likely my cat had got out and was pawing at the front door to get it. I don't own a cat. Then I thought my gf text me which was comforting , but I couldn't actually text back and I tried for sometime (trance/paralyzed feeling)... Of course no text from her.
I'd say this lasted 5 minutes? Felt like ages though. I just layed staring at the light from underneath the door scared for my life.
Sorry this long post doesn't have much content about the chemical of discussion but with the tihkal entry and having taken it 14 hours ago I feel it might have something to do with this bizarre , rare incident. That and I'm wide awake now and wanted to record this while fresh in my head.
Anyways I'm taking good 1-2 week break , from all drugs aside from maybe kratom maybe 2x a week , and letting my tolerance go down until I give the 4-HO-det another shot , which will likely be at 2O-25mg. Since finding these RC's I've been using psychedelics far too often and while it did achieve what I was looking for when I decided to dabble in psychedelics about 5 months ago , after a 5-6 year absence , stoping my cocaine use (4+ months none now ) and quit drinking (only 3 weeks but lots of week-2 week breaks in last 4 months and way less consumption most of my times of use) I'm doing myself no good tripping multiple times a week and will only kill the magic.