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The Big & Dandy 4-AcO-DMT Thread - Act Three

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How long after you take one compound do you take the other (not redose)...

Was to SG just to be clear... But anyones input is welcome. I'm about to acquire some 25D-NBOMe, and will try it alone at first, but having tried 4-AcO-DMT, and knowing I'm reordering soon, I may be experimenting.

If one wants to have a 4-AcO-DMT influenced experience primarily but add another compound in for visual effect, what's the dosing schedule, suggested?
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How long after you take one compound do you take the other (not redose)...

Was to SG just to be clear... But anyones input is welcome. I'm about to acquire some 25D-NBOMe, and will try it alone at first, but having tried 4-AcO-DMT, and knowing I'm reordering soon, I may be experimenting.

If one wants to have a 4-AcO-DMT influenced experience primarily but add another compound in for visual effect, what's the dosing schedule, suggested?

You need to get to know each compound first. 25I takes two to three hours to really hit me good but I have seen others start tripping hard after just 30-40 minutes. 4-aco-dmt hits me hard within an hour.

For me what works best is to take 500-1000 ug 25I, wait about 1.5 - 2 hours and then take 20-40 mg of 4-aco-dmt. Taking them at the same gets the job done too but the schedule I stated gets both peaks to hit at the same time.

The only other NBOMe I have tried is 25C and only once by itself so I cannot say how the 25D combo would work.
So you might say 25i acts as a good base, where the flavors if other chems such as this can shine?
Wow, i just tried approx 5-7mgs oral of this stuff orally because i was scared of taking a larger dosage,

but i think i really fucking like this stuff.

music was very enhanced, not much visuals, but i felt very good. i was also very horny

im thinking about taking a 20mg dosage next time would tomorrow be okay or would i have a tolerance?

also, i dont have alot of this stuff left and was wondering if i should save it for a concert coming up in 2 weeks?
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I advise you to make a break. 2 weeks would be perfect to fully enjoy acting of the drug.
So you might say 25i acts as a good base, where the flavors if other chems such as this can shine?

Exactly! Its establishing a baseline of a lower psychedelic state like a ++ before bringing in the heavy hitters to bring it to +++ or ++++. In baseball terms its loading the bases for the cleanup hitter to hit a grand slam.
Wow, i just tried approx 5-7mgs oral of this stuff orally because i was scared of taking a larger dosage,

but i think i really fucking like this stuff.

music was very enhanced, not much visuals, but i felt very good. i was also very horny

im thinking about taking a 20mg dosage next time would tomorrow be okay or would i have a tolerance?

also, i dont have alot of this stuff left and was wondering if i should save it for a concert coming up in 2 weeks?

Save it if you don't have much. Tolerance does build fast.
I've got an idea- I wonder if anyone's thought of it?

Add trip reports from bluelight to the first post on the big and dandy threads. A list, with links. I was going to come into this thread to post a link for documentation of my own report on the substance, but thought about that. A list on the first post, coordinated with the trip reports in the TR forum, updated. I guess there may be an issue as to how many could be posted for quick viewing from that thread, but equally, it could just be an alphabetical list of what's in the database.

Not to derail the subject of this thread, or say "work!".

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Hey all, I just got an order. 4-aco-DMT-fumerate, Ho-met, and 25i-nbome HCL. The nbome and ho-met looked fine, one was white the other a shade of yellow. The aco-dmt though was brown and all of it was melted and stuck to the baggy. Weighing it in this state was a bitch, and I have two capsules sitting in my cupboard with between 20-30mg of a sticky pieces reminiscent of pipe resin. I saw some references to browning and slight melting, but this is brown and completely melted. Your thoughts and experience?

I am going to dose later today with 1mg of ativan to fight anxiety and try to stave of seizures just in case.

I have used nbome 3-4 times, but only the first time was a "trip" the damned tolerance lingers forever. I am hoping the shorter half-life of the aco-dmt means I can redose sooner. I am 8 days out from my last nbome "trial" and hopefully I won't be fighting tolerance.
Hey all, I just got an order. 4-aco-DMT-fumerate, Ho-met, and 25i-nbome HCL. The nbome and ho-met looked fine, one was white the other a shade of yellow. The aco-dmt though was brown and all of it was melted and stuck to the baggy. Weighing it in this state was a bitch, and I have two capsules sitting in my cupboard with between 20-30mg of a sticky pieces reminiscent of pipe resin. I saw some references to browning and slight melting, but this is brown and completely melted. Your thoughts and experience?

I am going to dose later today with 1mg of ativan to fight anxiety and try to stave of seizures just in case.

I have used nbome 3-4 times, but only the first time was a "trip" the damned tolerance lingers forever. I am hoping the shorter half-life of the aco-dmt means I can redose sooner. I am 8 days out from my last nbome "trial" and hopefully I won't be fighting tolerance.
half life of those drugs dont mean a thing, all serotonin using psychedelics have cross tolerance and need 5-7 days between use as a minimum if you want good effects, this goes for almost all pscyhs likw lsd, dmt, 2cb, amt, shrooms etc, all of them are cross tolerant.
A wait of two weeks between doses is a safe bet at avoiding any negative effects. I personally love
4-ACO-DMT about twice month with only a few beers and a little weed in between.
Within my close circle of friends, spacing dosing to once a week or more as led to none of us having noticed
any negative side effects.
IME tolerance with 4-AcO-DMT is nearly nonexistent. I tripped for four days straight on 4-AcO-DMT (well, I took breaks for sleep ^.^), and mg for mg, I was tripping just as hard on day 4 as day 1.

Such an amazingly therapeutic compound. Very serious drug, also. Definitely a tool, not a toy. But a very very effective tool. I think I'm going to try combining it with a bit of caapi tonight. I'm excited. :)
I am for you. I've never tried it. Have psilacetin though.

Quick question... I have a source for this in freebase form... I was thinking of smoking (vaping rather) some. How close is this to I.V.? Anything like?
Smoking freebase takes a lot less material and causes a temporary heartbeat increase. It hits instantly and lasts no more than 2 hrs. Start low, less than 5mg, and work your way up to the level you want to be at. Don't let the flame touch the freebase else it will just be destroyed.I have no experience with I.V. though, sorry.
^^ its far more similar to mushrooms than DMT IMO

you really didnt think this was similar to shroomies?

i mean you say i know this wasnt mushrooms, well of course its not mushrooms its 4 aco dmt but they are very similar

if i had to compare it to DMT i would start by saying

you cant swallow DMT for it to be active on its own, IMO 4 aco is best swallowed
DMT is far shorter acting at around 10-20 mins where as 4 aco is around 4-6 hours
DMT is very fast and abrupt where as 4 aco is smooth and mellow
DMT is much more visual although 4 aco can be quite visual with higher doses
DMT totally blows my mind to the point where my thoughts arent "in tact" where as with 4 aco i can fully function in public on lower doses

its hard to compare the two but thats my best job

if anyone has anything else to add or disagrees lemme know


I appreciate it.

However, I am most curious in, although I myself haven't any experience with this knowledge, how- pharmacologically this is acting in the body, to produce effects so different from mushrooms (or rather, 4-HO-DMT, or 4-PO-DMT... I don't know.)... More like DMT according to some. Perhaps some of it is somehow making it across the BBB either DMT alone, or the psilacetin molecule itself plays like DMT more than psilocin, which im aware some is broken down into.
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Quick question: How long would 100mg good looking 4-aco-dmt fumarate last if it's been dosed into separate gel caps then stored in a black zip-lock bag and sandwiched in a photo album?
Quick question: How long would 100mg good looking 4-aco-dmt fumarate last if it's been dosed into separate gel caps then stored in a black zip-lock bag and sandwiched in a photo album?

pretty sure it would out last you, i mean after all, you are taking research chemicals.. j/k , i'm not sure, to be to honest i would personally use it up in 2 years.. but i would make the wager that it can last for 5 years and perhaps much longer..
pretty sure it would out last you, i mean after all, you are taking research chemicals.. j/k , i'm not sure, to be to honest i would personally use it up in 2 years.. but i would make the wager that it can last for 5 years and perhaps much longer..

That long!? I always thought it degraded really quickly..as in weeks (?)
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