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The Big & Dandy 4-AcO-DMT Thread - Act Four

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Has anyone found that their first (1-3) trips with 4-aco dmt were 'happier' or 'more forgiving' or 'sweeter' than following ones? Is it where I'm at each time or is there a difference from first times for others as well?
Has anyone found that their first (1-3) trips with 4-aco dmt were 'happier' or 'more forgiving' or 'sweeter' than following ones? Is it where I'm at each time or is there a difference from first times for others as well?

4-aco-dmt's "character" definitely changed for me after, I wanna say, 3 trips with it. It went from euphoric to more dark and scary. It's still great for getting some internal work done, it's just not forgiving like it used to be. That's why I'm saving it for those moments instead of using it when I'm bored.
Has anyone found that their first (1-3) trips with 4-aco dmt were 'happier' or 'more forgiving' or 'sweeter' than following ones? Is it where I'm at each time or is there a difference from first times for others as well?

Absolutely! I was wondering if others experienced the same.

My first 3 4-AcO-DMT trips were intensely pleasurable, almost like MDMA in that sense, maybe even more so, and there was not a hint of darkness at any point. Even watching/reading/thinking about things that were quite dark in subject matter did not shift the focus of the trip from the loving colourful place it was at.

After those 3 trips though, all my trips have had undertones of negativity and anxiety ever since, and I've had countless trips on the stuff since.

Have you obtained more 4-AcO-DMT since? How was your 4-AcO-DMT stored?

I did wonder if this was due to the 4-AcO-DMT degrading, since we can expect it to break down into 4-HO-DMT when it degrades - which is typically a much shorter more chaotic and anxious trip, compared to the slow gentle progression of 4-AcO-DMT - such a conversion would explain the trips getting more chaotic the more you trip.

I'm not sure about this though, because I seem to remember other people saying the same thing but then purchasing more 4-AcO-DMT and still finding the trips to be chaotic.
Has anyone found that their first (1-3) trips with 4-aco dmt were 'happier' or 'more forgiving' or 'sweeter' than following ones? Is it where I'm at each time or is there a difference from first times for others as well?

I'm definitely in this camp as well. I think I've even mentioned it before in this forum. Really weird! Really sad too, because I have one ~22mg dose left that I want to enjoy, but I'm afraid I won't be able to.
4aco put me in negative thought loops the first two times I did it. The second time left me with a little bit of lasting anxiety for a few months afterwards, and scared me off from tripping for a while.

However when I tried it a third time it was relatively Ok, actually it was a bit euphoric.

However I'm afraid if I trip on it again I might feel like I did the first two times I tried it which was bad. :/
Yesterday I took 25mg orally in a gel cap about 25 minutes prior to showing up at the theatre to see the new oz.

Kicked in as I was sitting waiting for my girlfriend to use the bathroom before entering the movie. The theatre carpet started breathing & swirling.

All in all was enjoyable but after the peak (about an hour into the movie) I had a hard time following the movie , became very forgetful of what I had just saw and was getting stuck in my head. Had a short thought loop involving time. As in I kept thinking about something that happen a couple weeks ago but kept thinking it was months ago. Idk , hard to explain. Didn't last long though but I did find myself stuck in my head thinking about things and not paying attention to what's happening in the film after the first hour or so. During the peak depth perception was pretty crazy , it almost had a dissociative feel to it. Visuals were nice but wasn't able to fully apprciate them as I was watching a movie and was hard to tell if some things were visuals or just the movie. After the peak , as usual tiny things set me into fits of laughter when I take 4-aco-DMt and this was no exception. I found myself laughing uncontrably a few times. I love the body high of 4-aco-DMt , during the peak I was hit with orgasmic like body sensations and euphoria. I had a stupid grin on my face the entire movie.

Nearing the last half hour I thought I was back to baseline , or close to a a little dissapointed by the short duration but as soon as we got in the car and turned the radio on to hear Bauer Harlem shake , a song I usually don't care for I was just amazed by it. I replayed it over and over the entire ride home. Riding passenger the lights from the cars and buildings were just amazing. It reminded me of a time I took psychedelics and actually went out and partied instead of now where I mostly do them alone or in a small group setting and usually at home. I was very dissapointed when we turned down a less busy street with barely any businesses as the lights were breathtaking a d I honestly felt like I was in a huge foreign city. Riding in the car felt like floating.

I'd say I was close to back to baseline around 1O , I took it at 6 so 4 hour duration.

Next up is my first 4-aco-DMt combination. It will be with 2.5mg doc. Yet to figure out how I want to go about dosing. I'm thinking something like 15mg 4-aco as I think my normal dosage of 25mg together with 2.5mg doc may be to intense. Haven't decided if I want to try and stack peaks or take the 4-aco later in the doc trip , any suggestions? I have 4 , 4-aco-DMt trips under my belt and maybe 5 doc trips so I think I'm ready to try this combo & I've heard great things about it so very excited. I haven't taken Doc in 6 months but so far it's my favorite phen , but the long duration makes it one I can't mess with very often.

After this ill be hanging up the 4-aco for a while , don't have much material left and want to make sure I have enough around for later in the year. Next up will be either 4-HO-det or 4-aco-det.
My 4-AcO-DMT trips have all been consistent in nature (responding to those who say the 1st three trips were happier than subsequent ones.) If memory serves, 15-25mg orally does it every time, or 1/3rd the dosage for IM injection. Orally is more of a shroom-like trip, IMed reminds me of IMed DMT.

4-AcO-DMT is a gold A-1 psychedelic of par excellence so consistency of action is required for such a rating from this psychonaut.

I'm pretty sure there are other tryptamines that can provide the buzz in a more favorable capacity?

Yeah for sure. The Psilacetin should be saved for serious work. Try 4-AcO-MET, or even 4-AcO-DET for more of a buzz/humor/amusement.
Next up is my first 4-aco-DMt combination. It will be with 2.5mg doc. Yet to figure out how I want to go about dosing. I'm thinking something like 15mg 4-aco as I think my normal dosage of 25mg together with 2.5mg doc may be to intense. Haven't decided if I want to try and stack peaks or take the 4-aco later in the doc trip , any suggestions? I have 4 , 4-aco-DMt trips under my belt and maybe 5 doc trips so I think I'm ready to try this combo & I've heard great things about it so very excited. I haven't taken Doc in 6 months but so far it's my favorite phen , but the long duration makes it one I can't mess with very often.

I think when I combined DOC and 4-AcO-DMT I did something like 5mg of DOC and maybe 20mg of 4-AcO (hard to remember as it was last summer). They combine beautifully :')
I've had success vaporising 4-HO-DMT freebase, so I would be very surprised if one could not vaporise others.
I had a mediocre experience vaping 4-AcO-DET freebase. I'm curious if a salt might be more amenable to smoking/vaping.

The freebase burned really easily & tasted bad enough to dissuade me from continuing once I got past the proof of concept aspect of the experience. But possibly impregnated on some cannabis... hmmm...

Anyway, I imagine psilacetin would behave similarly. I'm sure with proper technique it may well be effective.
Absolutely! I was wondering if others experienced the same.

My first 3 4-AcO-DMT trips were intensely pleasurable, almost like MDMA in that sense, maybe even more so, and there was not a hint of darkness at any point. Even watching/reading/thinking about things that were quite dark in subject matter did not shift the focus of the trip from the loving colourful place it was at.

After those 3 trips though, all my trips have had undertones of negativity and anxiety ever since, and I've had countless trips on the stuff since.

Have you obtained more 4-AcO-DMT since? How was your 4-AcO-DMT stored?

I did wonder if this was due to the 4-AcO-DMT degrading, since we can expect it to break down into 4-HO-DMT when it degrades - which is typically a much shorter more chaotic and anxious trip, compared to the slow gentle progression of 4-AcO-DMT - such a conversion would explain the trips getting more chaotic the more you trip.

I'm not sure about this though, because I seem to remember other people saying the same thing but then purchasing more 4-AcO-DMT and still finding the trips to be chaotic.

Thanks to all for the replies. It's quite interesting how some feel they had similar experiences to mine, while others report consistency. I wonder if this -consistency in psychedelic experiences in general- has been studied by anyone.
(No, it was just the one batch and stored pretty well, I don't think it had degraded. Also, my friend who tripped with me every time had quite consistent experiences, like Morninggloryseeds reports.)
I never had a bad or negative trip from 4-aco-dmt (knock on wood) From different batches. I just got a new batch in and it just looks exactly like flower! By color and structure. Anyone has his before? Wil try it in a few days.
If by flour you mean somewhat clumpy yes mine looks the same bright white & clumpy , reminds me of the 4-fa I've gotten.. Tends to stick to the sides of the bag. Quite different from any of the other tryptamines I've had/have.

I have nothing to compare it to being my first & only 4-aco-DMt batch but it is very good & ranks very close to 4-HO-mipt as my favorite tryptamine I've had the pleasure to try. Have tried it in 18-25mg doses , all of which have packed a nice punch. Have a new batch coming shortly and would like to eventually push the bar a bit and try 3O+mg.

As far as inconsistency with 4-aco-DMt trips , I have around 5 under by belt thus far and each have been fairly consistent . Similar intensity , duration , come up , body buzz & visuals , glad I'm not one of the ones who it seems to have lost its magic for after 3 experiments because I really love this stuff.
Flower..=D I think im slowly transforming into a hippie 8o

I really like ur post. Yes its bright white and sticks to the bag. Think we have the same stuff. Good the hear its quality stuff, will report back on it.
Its also interesting u talk about 4-HO-mipt as your favorite. Lately i have been deciding if im gonna order this or 4-Aco-mipt. I dont know what is normally the difference between HO and ACO? And can u tell me why u like mipt even more than 4-Aco-dmt? WHat i like most about this last one is the euphoria, happy/giggles and duration. How is this compared?
I am not experienced enough with HO's vs ACO's , I've only tried one or the other so far. From what I've read they seem to be pretty much the same , aside from maybe duration or one being more potent by weight. Don't quote me on that though , It's just something I think I've read in this forum and don't have first hand experience.

As to why 4-HO-mipt is my favorite so far , it has a much longer duration , usually 6 hours compared to 4-aco-DMt usually being 3-4 for me. Visuals are different. I find 4-aco-DMt things are really geometric type visuals & reds really pop out. 4-HO-mipt visuals are a lot more wavy for a lack of better words. 4-HO-mipt is pretty stimulating whereas 4-Aco-DMt is quite sedating. I find 4-HO-mipt come up to be a bit rough , body load somewhat intense but after that I love the tactile aspect which is great for sex and reminds me of 5-meo-mipt , but the come up has kept me from pushing 4-HO-mipt past 25mg as I get a sewhat uncomfortable body load , which may have to do with finding a way to channel the stimulation. 4-aco-DMt on the other hand I love the body buzz , it hits me with waves of body euphoria which rivals MDMA ime , but I've found it's not nearly as good for sex as 4-HO-mipt. Both very much enhance music. I find 4-aco-DMt more giggly but always near the comedown... Anyway starting to ramble not sure i even answered why 4-HO-mipt is my favorite lol , I very much like both , just find them quite different.
Thanks! I just found this quote somewhere: 'I find the difference reflects the usual pattern with 4-sub tryptamine AcO and ho versions: qualitatively the ho is a bit more serious and white knuckle; the AcO is smoother and more euphoric.'

If this is true i will go for the AcO. I tried 4-HO-met a few times but i dont like it. Its good too see the mipt and dmt are close in quality but quite different, seems like mipt is exactly what im looking for. The sex thing is a nice bonus, there is none with aco-dmt thats true.

Do u or anyone know how to extend the peak effects? Yes take more but when and how much % of the first dose. With 4-AcO-dmt i have a 1,5 hour peak with intense body high and after that i just feel good. Is it possible too lets say double that peak too 3 hours? Thats would be pretty awesome :D
'As far as inconsistency with 4-aco-DMt trips , I have around 5 under by belt thus far and each have been fairly consistent . Similar intensity , duration , come up , body buzz & visuals , glad I'm not one of the ones who it seems to have lost its magic for after 3 experiments because I really love this stuff.' th1986

Just to clarify: It didn't loose it's magic at all. It was equally magical just also more serious or darker.
Yes that is possible but you need to be very careful that the powder is distributed evenly as it's not soluble in chocolate!

Anyone know how soluble this stuff is in the likes of high proof alcohol? Would've been great if you could make 4-aco-dmt cake.

In my experience, and maybe some other people as well, I've found taking 4AcO-DMT with LSD provided a much happier and multileveled experience. Last I did it, I toon the 4AcO first then the L maybe 45min-1hr later. My experience was possibly one of the greatests psychedelic trips I've had. The loss of ego from the 4AcO was phenomenal in my opinion, and not very long after that sense of feeling the L came on in full force. Things got all funny and happy vibed, anyone else with similar experience?

Most definitely, although I do it in reverse (acid first). I find the real ego boosting, almost stimulating where I feel euphoric, witty and confident side of 4-ACO-DMT has a great positive effect on the acid. It makes those moments on acid that would normally be a bit of a head fry much easier to handle, however when you're going for say ~25mg+ on the 4-aco and 200ug+ on the acid it's one of those ones were you wont be speaking properly or coherently for a while. Push it and the ego is gone. Although I find ketamine the maddest for a reset on this.

Has anyone found that their first (1-3) trips with 4-aco dmt were 'happier' or 'more forgiving' or 'sweeter' than following ones? Is it where I'm at each time or is there a difference from first times for others as well?

One of my first 4-aco-dmt trips really changed me in a positive way. I began to look at things in a much more positive way during the trip, I was happy to be alive and happy in my own shoes and for what I was. I also had a hard think on family and friend relationships (a recurring headspace) and tried to apply it more in a sober mind. While I don't get trips as profound and amazing as that on 4-aco anymore (however it was purely due to setting, the loss of ego due to ketamine prior and the previous headspace and worries of myself at the time) it definitely hasn't lost that spark. I've always seen 4-aco-dmt as very similar to shrooms but much less harsh on the ego, there is still some form of thought on your ego however.


For me with psychedelics, I now take acid for those real mind bending trips. 4-ACO-DMT is a more sociable one, I don't get what I call 'acid awkwardness' that can occur on LSD and if I really want to ramp things up I'll throw ketamine into either, mix the two or all three.

Has anyone mixed with MAOIs or Syrian Rue and able to comment? I am interested in this after reading it was possible comparable to an ayahuasca trip. Especially since the 4-ACO-DMT can be sniffed so dosage is easily controlled and nausea is less likely.
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