I don't post much on BL anymore, I prefer to just read posts and use it as an ongoing education into drugs, the human brain and body, as well as the other various social uses of BL. That being said, I decided to come on here tonight to check in on my fellow psychonauts and arylcyclohexylamine lovers......
I am what most would call an MXE hard head. I don't use it daily anymore - but usually 3-5 times a week, or a 1-3 day bender using large amounts. On a short 24-48 hour bender, I can do anywhere from 3-6 50-80mg IV injections during that short of a period of time, basically just doing a shot - going into an m-hole - waiting to come close to baseline - smoke a blunt - chill til that mellows out - then a few hours after that - do another shot and back to the hole I go. I am stupidly tolerant to dissociatives. - I say this because Mr. Peacephrog - I recently had a very similar thought to yours when I FINALLY came up on a connect for some quality 3-MeO-PCP again.
I got 250mgs of 3-MeO-PCP Hbr. In the past, I've had only 3-MeO-PCP HCL, which I found to get me where I wanted to be at a dose of around 25-50mgs snorted. It would last pretty much all day, and would linger well into the next 2-4 days, especially when I would smoke trees - it would SERIOUSLY potentiate the lingering 3-MeO-PCP. With the HCL version, this dose seemed to be consistent with the 2 different 1 Gram batches that I was lucky enough to come across. The 1st gram of this compound I ever got - an awesome Vendor who is now defunct gave me 1 gram for free in exchange for a review of the compound so he could pass it on to his customers. That was an awesome Vendor, and a great intro to 3-MeO-PCP.
Anyways..........I've been on a 6 month MXE bender since December/January, so I'm still super dissociative tolerant currently..............I do 20-25mgs of the 3-MeO-PCP Hbr that I just received. Holy fucking fuckshit!!! I had never holed on 3-MeO before, and not many people have written quality posts about going into a hole on 3-MeO - so to be perfectly honest, I got so fucked up so quick and was SO FAR OUT THERE that I genuinely started to think that I may not be coming back from this trip. I could barely form sentences when trying to talk out loud to myself just to check my condition. Unlike MXE - I was not in a particularly good mood, I didn't feel that mental uplift that I always appreciate from MXE - Instead, the 3-MeO made my mind just feel completely BLANK. I'm sure it's partially the high dose as well, but the vibes of the synthesis that I have are just Numb and Dark.........and I like shit that's a bit dark - but this batch of 3-MeO-PCP had me reaching for my Benzo's It took 5mgs of Alprazolam and 30mgs of Diazepam to help me relax, come back to reality a bit, and feel slightly more normal. This shit is NO JOKE. It would have took me 45 seconds to think of my own NAME if you would've tried to ask me.
I also consider myself an Informed, Very Tolerant, Psychonaut who specializes in the weirdness and wonkiness that is what makes Dissociatives so special to me.............But this compound - 3-MeO-PCP - It stands ALONE. The only other drug I would mix it with is MXE or Weed. That 10mgs you're thinking about taking on top of those other Psychedelic drugs Peacephrog could really really potentiate the 3-MeO-PCP even more. This drug is just super unpredictable. I recommend your first 3-5 times using it - you do it AT HOME, preferably with a trip sitter or friend to look out for you...........but I have no friends so shit didn't go down like that for me. Anyways - I hope this post gives people a good idea of how powerful this drug is. It's no fucking joke. You may end up running naked down the street and fighting 12 police officers. Get to know this drug on it's own before mixing - it doesn't play very well with others because its so fucking wild on it's own.
The 1 thing that pisses me off about BOTH the HCL and Hbr version of this drug................NEITHER ONE HAS QUALITY EFFECTS WHEN SMOKED!! How does an analog of PCP not end up being smokeable - but MXE, an analog of Ketamine works quite well smoked. 3-MeO is probably best taken orally - snorting is ROUGH on your sinuses, but it does kick in a little quicker. Biggest thing to remember, especially if you smoke a lot of bud - this drug as some LONG LEGS. Plan on feeling residual effects for up to 3-4 days after. Peace - Mr. Meowfish