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Dissociatives The Big & Dandy 3-MeO-PCP Thread: 3-MeO 4 Leaf Clover

I'm not sure when the initial 'this is weird' experiences turned into my new 'normal', but it happened, and every time I cycle it feels more like coming back to my vacation home. Beware, if you prefer the plain goopy banality of vanilla-flavored life, this isn't the cream for you. By comparison, 3meo is more like Napoleon style ice cream, the holy trifecta of vanilla, chocolate and strawberrry, topped with a popped cherry and sprinkled with cooked kooky cookie crumblings.
it sounds like you're taking some pretty scary amounts of the stuff.
i hope you're taking care of yourself amidst all this psychonaut hedonism..

remember that high-dosing 3-meo-pcp has not ended well for quite a few of the (very small number of) people who have done it, including some very experienced and knowledgable drug users.

these are pretty uncharted waters, so please respect this drug, as well as your body and mind.

Oh man anytime I've smoked with it I get a panic attack racing heart and lsd like visuals.

I'm a downers person so sensitive to stimulation. Different tokes for different folks as they say.

this is where the "different batches have different effects" thing gets frustrating; my 3-meo-pcp isn't really stimulating at all; it's more downer-ish - so it seems fine to combine with weed, at least for me.
it makes talking about this stuff kinda complicated - especially when some folks are still sceptical that it is even possible for there to be different types with really different effects.

but you're also right that a lot of people don't - or aren't able to - enjoy weed. but it works for me (with the more dissociating psychedelic type stuff)
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Cozzie, I love you already, I know we have already made love transdimentonally.

I know we have too Vortech <3 In the MXE nexus without a doubt

I appreciate the feedback from everyone, especially spacejunk, and will be sure to report my findings and hopefully have something of value to add to the conversation regarding this novelty compound.

Well, I'm still hoping for this fluffy white psychedelic batch everyone keeps talking about :) it's coming from a very reputable vendor, and they were even nice enough to throw in a gram of 3-meo-PCE for free just to be nice because they were a bit slow on the shipping, so now I have two different compounds to explore any day now.
I know we have too Vortech <3 In the MXE nexus without a doubt

I appreciate the feedback from everyone, especially spacejunk, and will be sure to report my findings and hopefully have something of value to add to the conversation regarding this novelty compound.

Well, I'm still hoping for this fluffy white psychedelic batch everyone keeps talking about :) it's coming from a very reputable vendor, and they were even nice enough to throw in a gram of 3-meo-PCE for free just to be nice because they were a bit slow on the shipping, so now I have two different compounds to explore any day now.

Damn, I'm jealous. 3meopce is becoming one of my favorite drugs. Very unique among dissos. Lucid, gives me lots of confidence, helps me find joy in the most mundane of activities.
Tried soaking a cigarette with 3-meo-pcp then drying and smoking it, but no major effects. My nicotine tolerance is low so I think that had more of an effect.
A more potent solution of 3-meo-pcp may have worked better.
Surely my lack of euphoria could have been a set and setting issue. I'll try to improve my mindset next time and have a couple or beers around!
I should remember that but I hardly do. Shouldn't be too long iirc. Why, thinking of redosing? I'm probably too late then..
I should remember that but I hardly do. Shouldn't be too long iirc. Why, thinking of redosing? I'm probably too late then..

Haha no, not redosing. Just asking for future reference. I'm impatient and hate how long the 3meos take to kick in.
If you have read reports of people experimenting with IM or IV 3meo, you will see the general consensus is that oral/nasal/plug are superior ROAs (i agree). I remember one person say it was like jumping straight into the mania phase without all the pleasantries of a smooth come-up,euphoria, and smooth tail. For some reason it misses a lot of the 'magic', and it also bothered my nerve pain, opposite effect of other ROAs.
The long come up via oral dosing is probably why I always ended up insufflating 3-meo-pcp. There are waves, pleasantries like vortech said, come-up, euphoria and smooth tail indeed. Don't know what extra the IV/IM/plugging rush would give with 3-MeO-PCP.

There are always tales with these novel compounds, my tale with 3-MeO-PCP has come to an end.

Until next time fellas. <3
If you have read reports of people experimenting with IM or IV 3meo, you will see the general consensus is that oral/nasal/plug are superior ROAs (i agree). I remember one person say it was like jumping straight into the mania phase without all the pleasantries of a smooth come-up,euphoria, and smooth tail. For some reason it misses a lot of the 'magic', and it also bothered my nerve pain, opposite effect of other ROAs.

That matches my experience IVing 3meopcp.

If your curious, I gave a live play by play here:

But I thought it was because of the high dose (I didn't expect the BA to be so much higher.) I don't really like IVing Dissos at all due to the rush which I find unpleasant. But IM is my favorite way to do them.
Agree...but then not everyone likes pot...or EtOH. I like a beer but dont feel it mixes too well with dissociatives, but probably just personal taste more than anything.

For what it is worth...it took me a number of trials with 3MeoPcp to "get it.". I actually hated it at first.

The whole thing is mysterious to me...I have yet to get a batch that has the same superman/mania/dopamime rebound effects that I experienced when I got a gram of it in 2014. Dunno if my body chemistry is just different now or what....but I am not the only one who notes this.

Also, the potency of what circulates now also seems off...before I got strong effects with even just 2.5mg....double checked my notes from back then and 2-3mg was a strong ++.

Stuff from 2015 and 2016 only seemed half as strong... and I have no tolerance at all...only take dissociatives a few times a year.

Might give some a spin Wednesday evening so Ill report back.

Very mysterious....these quantitative and qualitative differences. More analysis is needed.

I cant imagine mixing it with alcohol, but i don't drink so that's fairly obvious.

It has a really good synergy with weed though
Hmmm...well never plugged it or ate it...or IVed it....but snorted and sublingual for me was not as good as IM. I will try other routes in the coming months and report back to see if that changes.

If you have read reports of people experimenting with IM or IV 3meo, you will see the general consensus is that oral/nasal/plug are superior ROAs (i agree). I remember one person say it was like jumping straight into the mania phase without all the pleasantries of a smooth come-up,euphoria, and smooth tail. For some reason it misses a lot of the 'magic', and it also bothered my nerve pain, opposite effect of other ROAs.
Well...I signed for it yesterday and now am just waiting on the postman. I don't know if I want to try the pcp or pce first...despite all of the sketchy subjects brought up recently about metals and lack of quality control being somewhat worrisome I'm still hell bent on this journey. I recently discovered plugging, well I didn't discover it I just tried it two nights ago for the first time with 20 mgs of 4-AcO-DMT and 25 mgs of MXE.

Anyone here like plugging their 3-meo-pcp? I'm not interested in IM or IV and based on what I read above quoted by vortech It's no fun anyway. I understand it is impossible to give me accurate advice not knowing my batch potency, but I do have a very high tolerance to dissos.

I ultimately want to use the 3-meo-pcp for therapeutic reasons, but first want to familiarize myself with it by seeing what it has to offer as far as dissociation goes. That's kind of contradictory, it may not make much sense but maybe you know what I mean?

Based on everyone's experience with 3-meo-pcp, what would be a good dose to start with if I was to plug it? I know I can find these answers elsewhere, but you lot are well informed and experienced. I trust your judgements.
i would say less than 5mg
i'd probably recommend 2mg to start off with - as others have said, it can take a few uses to really get into the swing (or hum ;)) of 3-meo-pcp, so don't go too deep the first couple of times, or it could be a little dysphoric. get a taste of it before upping the dose at all - but it's pretty fucking potent in my experience.
i'd really advise you to space out your usage of this stuff. it takes a long time to clear put of your system, and there have been reports of people taking it multiple times in the space of a few days, and getting hit by the cumulative effects of more than one dose.
taking too much of this stuff renders you completely useless for hours, which may or may not be what you're trying to achieve...

i've never plugged any arylcyclohexamines, so i don't know about dosing that way.
it's got great oral BA though fwiw - it just has a slow come-up

i can't stress enough how dangerous this shit can be, and how much respect it deserves - but i'm repeating myself - so have fun, play safe!
Oral has the most therapeutic effects. Smooth 2-hour come-on, 'full-bodied' anaesthesia, antidepressant effects, and a motivating stimulation smoother than any traditional stimulant. Brings the imagination alive.
I like Spacejunk's titration method. I forget it can take some time to 'click' with it. After induction, 5-7 mg is a good functional dose. 10mg is a standard dose for me though. The 3-MeO-PCE has some upsides to the 'P', but also some downsides. Overall it is less intense and less potent, kinda feels more serotonergic and a little less 'sharp'. I'd start with 10mg of it orally.
^ yea oral is the winner on this one (havn't IVed it since i put the needle down before MXE went extinct).

sadly ive only done oral once and snorted probably 50 times. It was a much fuller and less stimmy high. Oral takes sooooo long to come on.
Does anyone here use daily? Should be aware that it's probably fucking you up.
Extrapolating from ketamine abuse aftermath:

Okay but my question is: if daily abuse = definite damage, then how much damage does a single dose do? Where does the damage start, at what frequency / total doses, you know? It would probably take a lot of tests.