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Dissociatives The Big & Dandy 3-MeO-PCP Thread: 3-MeO 4 Leaf Clover

Presumably, not much. But what do i know?

RCs are scary man. About as scary as street drugs like heroin or coke or something. You have no idea how safe it is, but i tend to presume the worst (an exaggeration, but you get the point) and work from there.
Yeah. I mean I trust some sources (a few), but what do I really know even then?

Good quality RCs sketch me out a lot less than street drugs (besides weed, which is just a plant and it's all grown in this country pretty much now (in the US)). I've sen coke a few times recently, and who knows what the fuck it is, but there isn't much coke in there. There's definitely something else stimulating in there, but almost no numbing, it's not that lovely coke effect, it's an edgy stimulation/jittery effect. Even with weed, I remember years ago there were postings on here of some weed going around europe I think, or the UK in particular maybe (I could be wrong about where) that had been sprayed with a bunch of tiny glass beads. They looked a lot like crystals, but were added to make it heavier so they could sell more. But inhaling them into your lungs was terrible.

I'd go with RCs from my few really tried-and-true, trusted sources over street drugs for sure. But you have to be really selective...
Yeah you motherfuckers are stressing me as well. Now I imagine some dirty chinese chemists synthing my 3-meo-pcp using the same lab equipment they used for making fentanyl analogs without cleaning it, and now I'm just fucking worried.

Still, like Xorkoth said, I put more trust on my RC's than on any illegal street drug. I always analyze my product and worked with bulk dealers instead of small-time ones, so I always got my MDMA, heroine, cocaine, and ketamine over 80% pure without cuts at least, and my LSD batches were always arround what was advertised about dosage. But I saw so many bad things from some batches that came from small dealers that scares me, like 2-OxO-PCM beeing sold as ketamine, 10% cocaine with a lot of caffeine and lidocaine, 3% amphetamine with also a lot of caffeine, pills with piperazines beeing sold as MDMA, 25ug LSD blotters at insane prices... And I could continue.

All my RC's came back beeing what I was sold without any cuts in 10 years of research.
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There's wet chemistry tests you can use to determine the presence of heavy metals. Very time consuming and a pain in the ass and you don't get quantitative results. But if someone were really concerned, that might be an avenue worth investigating.
Ah and it becomes clear I have forgotten half my chemistry :) . Question for those tests, dronelore, would be what is the detection threshold because if all it proves is that illicit drugs are not pure at a pharmaceutical level, not sure if that really tells you the concentrations are toxic.
Ah and it becomes clear I have forgotten half my chemistry :) . Question for those tests, dronelore, would be what is the detection threshold because if all it proves is that illicit drugs are not pure at a pharmaceutical level, not sure if that really tells you the concentrations are toxic.

Unfortunately I cannot remember that information. But you can look over the methods here: http://www.pharmacopeia.cn/v29240/usp29nf24s0_c231.html

Since you are merely comparing the tint of your unknown solution to that of a known standard, the threshold can be whatever you dilute your standard to, I think.
Oh yeah, I've used UV spectrometers for that type of shit... I guess it will depend on their sensitivity of that apparatus cause you can't concentrate your sample beyond filling the cuvet with it?

Damn heavy metal toxicity, that is kind of a match for my issues iirc - tiredness and neurological issues, maybe some psychological ones... major hypochondria and general panic trigger looking at other posts haha

Should we all eat some chilating agents just to be safe? Then replenish the proper trace elements with some quality vitamin supplements.
Just received a batch of the fluffy stuff. Excited to start playing with it. Insufflated ~5mg, really curious to see where this substance takes me. Years ago, when I was much more reckless, it taught me a valuable lesson. What will the future hold? The fluffy batches are supposed to be the "more psychedelic" ones, yea?
I was disappointed that I didn't get any euphoria off 3meo :( I thought it was happier!
try a couple beers with it....makes all the difference in the world for me to have amazing trips with euphoria. I don't think I've done 3meo without a few beers on the come up since I had some dry and almost bad trips not drinking on it.
I cant imagine mixing it with alcohol, but i don't drink so that's fairly obvious.

It has a really good synergy with weed though
For heavy metals detox, look at the cutler protocol. It´s the only way to go. (Im doing it since two months and it´s working wonders).

Regarding 3-meo non-euphoria, it´s strange. You should get it on spades at 5mgs. No need to mix with beers or other stuff. Maybe a set&setting issue?.

Next time you will get the euphoria. Sometimes 3-meo needs 2 or 3 trials to do its magic
I mixed it with 4-aco-dmt and had a truly weird fucking night. the 4-aco-dmt gave me a kinda unpleasant tension in my body and there were some things that happened that caused me to stress out (just unlucky timing). I'm not sure what was the 3-meo-pcp and what wasn't tbh. I'm pretty sure the physical tension was from the 4-aco.
Yeah, i find the dissociation of 3-meo-pcp tends to smooth over most physical sensations like psychedelic bodyload.

Have you taken either drug on their own before?

Also, how did you time the dosage?
Because 4-aco-dmt comes on pretty fast IME (takes 30min or less to kick in) wheras 3-meo-pcp seems to take ~90min to come ln, when taken orally.
If you dosed them at the same time, i can see how the synergy might not quite work..
Yeah, i find the dissociation of 3-meo-pcp tends to smooth over most physical sensations like psychedelic bodyload.

Have you taken either drug on their own before?

Also, how did you time the dosage?
Because 4-aco-dmt comes on pretty fast IME (takes 30min or less to kick in) wheras 3-meo-pcp seems to take ~90min to come ln, when taken orally.
If you dosed them at the same time, i can see how the synergy might not quite work..

Yea, I'd done both on their own but it'd been several years. In the weeks leading up to last night I've been doing a lot of other dissos, mostly 3-meo-pce, o-pce, and dck. I dosed both the 4-aco-dmt and the 3-meo-pcp at around the same time (insufflated. ~5mg of 3-meo-pcp and ~10mg of 4-aco-dmt). Then an hour or so in, I took another 10 mg of 4-aco-dmt orally.

I was also doing some "o-pce" through out (to be totally fucking honest i'm not quite sure whether what I have is really O-pce lol... but I have used it enough to know how i respond to it, whatever it is)
I cant imagine mixing it with alcohol, but i don't drink so that's fairly obvious.

It has a really good synergy with weed though

Oh man anytime I've smoked with it I get a panic attack racing heart and lsd like visuals.

I'm a downers person so sensitive to stimulation. Different tokes for different folks as they say.
I was disappointed that I didn't get any euphoria off 3meo :( I thought it was happier!

Took me a good few tries to like 3-MeO... the first few times I took it I was like... meh, this is weird, not sure I'm into it. It's a hard drug to figure out compared to most.