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☛ Official ☚ The Big & Dandy 2C-T Thread

2C-T is to 2C-T-2, 2C-T-4, 2C-T-7 as 2C-D is to 2C-E, 2C-iP, 2C-P. It is obviously very uncommon and not many people have gotten to sampling it yet. It does sound promising though, although not that potent.
dbailey11 said:
Sounds nice- like a day at the park.

I would presume so, since 2C-T-2, -4, -7, and -21 are each very different from one another as well.
As far as I know, just Ximot who posted above about it in this thread.
Don't take this,this seems not 2C-T or at least its only 60% pure.Can't expand now as I'm at work,analysis doesen't look good.
^^^^ hugo, the chemical is on the market now from multiple sources so what do you mean by "this"?
Its from a german source,a bit dated (I think harm reduction allows me to write this).

It contains two compounds,and the main peak has not the right mass,plus NMR looks quite strange as well,not something I'm accustomed to,even the aromatic H's appear to be something like a 2:3 relation.Can't tell what it is,so stay away.
Whats the mass of the major peak? If its a colourless crystalline solid its pretty much got to be another phen.
egor said:
How 'bout a full TR ximot??


If/when I eat it again. I have nothing more to say on my experience with it so far. And I'd rather wait till perhaps we findout what this mystery powder really is - as it seems that there are at least two compounds present and since at least one of them isn't 2C-T.
This hasn't even methoxis,nor seems there a phenethylamine and none of the typical two aromatic singlets.At least you didn't eat 40mg of a DO 8)

I smell a scam!
Pretty active the second time I tried it at 80-100.... and pleasant. I wonder what it is now.
Do you think you have the same stuff as hugo, ximot? Hugo, if it isnt a phen, its probably soluble in ether or acetone. Have you tried crystallising it? What do the other NMR peaks look like?
Ximot said:
If/when I eat it again. I have nothing more to say on my experience with it so far. And I'd rather wait till perhaps we findout what this mystery powder really is - as it seems that there are at least two compounds present and since at least one of them isn't 2C-T.

I understand where you are coming from with wanting to verify somethings identity. I still have 4-aco-aet I want tested before I start trials with it:\
Its insoluble in even hot acetone, you could wash a known mass with acetone and see how much got removed, or crystallise from ethanol/acetone.
hugo24 said:
It has a mass of 230 (M+H=231)!

According to Wikipedia, TFMPP has a mass of 230. I have never knowingly ingested piperazines before, so I couldn't say if my experience approximates that of ingesting TFMPP along with God knows what else.... seems like purchasing said "2C-T" is paying lots of money for (usually very cheap) piperazines.