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Phenethylamines The Big & Dandy 2C-E Thread - ver. 3.0

mild nausea sounds about right for 10mg of 2C-E. In my experience it will pass when you hit the peak, but doing some activity to distract yourself from the bodyload is recommended. Also maybe a little bit of food (but nothing too fatty or acidic, bananas are pretty good imo).

Also keep your mind occupied because 10mg of 2C-E are not really immersive and if you wait for some intense effects, you might get bored.

have fun :)
I have an injury where I severed 7 tendons on my right arm, normally I can use it fine but I'm noticing on this substance I can't move it aswell as I can normally and its constantly aching... Any ideas why this is?
Yes, the whole story is a chapter in PIHKAL. I will encourage you to buy the book and not give away the plot except to say he was tripping balls and thought something was wrong with his physical body. There wasn't, he was just tripping balls.
This is a common theme amongst trippers silly! Its usually just "you thinking something is wrong" then you end up in the hospital but you leave fine the next day. Believe me, I have a friend who accidentally mixed up a bag of 2c-P for butylone or something along those lines and he only realized it wasn't but to late so he decided rationally that the hospital would be the best place for him unless for "died"but he came out fine, you can ask him yourself as his names "Agentha" and he uses the same "psoodynm" across the web like I do. Hes a dear friend of mine so don't harass him about it as it was obviously a terribly traumatic experience for him but.....he lived to see the next day just fine! ;)
^ I remember hearing about this story on the 2C-P thread. Actually, it wasn't completely his fault, since it was the vendor who sent him 2C-P mislabeled as butylone. And he did it twice, the first time he did go to the hospital because he didn't know what was going on, but when it happened the second time (which is when he figured out that he was sent the wrong substance) he chose to stay home and wait it out. Still, this shows the value of reagent testing and taking an allergy dose of every batch of material you receive, no matter how much you trust your vendor.
^ I remember hearing about this story on the 2C-P thread. Actually, it wasn't completely his fault, since it was the vendor who sent him 2C-P mislabeled as butylone. And he did it twice, the first time he did go to the hospital because he didn't know what was going on, but when it happened the second time (which is when he figured out that he was sent the wrong substance) he chose to stay home and wait it out. Still, this shows the value of reagent testing and taking an allergy dose of every batch of material you receive, no matter how much you trust your vendor.
I know it was just a mix up! The company was/is one of the most reliable RC companies on the web you can purcahse things from. They just didn't know the mix up occurred and told him to late/warned others! Like I said hes a dear friend of mine so i've heard the first hand story from him a million times. Before they told him it was just a mix up he tried another dose, high end, but knew he'd be fine as he lived through being in the hospital and all tests returned negative for any major organ damage.....soooo!
Damn, that sucks. Good lesson to regent test your shit even if it's a 'good vendor.'
If you knew the vendor in question, who/what they were during their time........its one of the only publically known mix ups from them that was publicly declared/widely spoken/or known off during their times. It was cleaned up so quickly and well too,without causing the huge debacle it would have given it was 2c-P and butylone in question. The doses of either of those orally would be like recommending 5mgs Hydrocodone IV to a man with a broken leg vs. hitting him with 30mgs pure Heroin IV and claiming either was an adequate pain choice...........

Care to know their name for reference...PM......
I'm good, I stopped dealing with all that after 'webtryp' so I wouldn't know em anyway. Anyway, I just meant even the best 'non lab-based 3rd party specialty psychedelic chemical resellers' can mess up as in that case, so always good to regent test everything. Good to know they worked it out as soon as they found out! Why didn't those guys regent test!
Well I had my first experience with 2c-e.

Took 16mg around 7pm yesterday, dissolved it in a bit of warm water, it all dissolved easily with a little swirling, had a sharp chemical type smell, like a dull bleach almost. I added it to a small glass of iced tea and drank it over about 10 mins. Couldn't even taste it.

I had virutally zero body load, no nausea, no uneasyness other than the normal slight anxiousness and nervousness and accompanies me any time I take any sort of substance, kind of that feeling you get before you do something daring.

+2H came and went, visuals built up a little bit, words wobbled on my screen a little and I noticed some very faint tracers, my cursor on my mouse was doing its thing where I move it and an image of it seems to shoot off in another direction, but nothing happened really. No CEVS to speak of unless I really tried and even then they were very faint isolated to maybe a pinhead in the vast expanse of the inside of my eyelids. Felt pretty sober, and was pretty bummed out at this point.. I though nah maybe its still building, but thing actually seemed to diminish past this point.

at +3h I made the stupid decision to try and snort some to give myself a boost and maybe increase effects. 6mg up the nose produced a very slight increase in effects, however the burn was agonizing and I felt uneasy ont he whole of that side of my head for the rest of the evening. I had to go and find out the hard way, ignoring everything I read about NOT snorting 2c's.

Anyway I felt some intensity, a tidbit of euphoria and the visuals picked back up a tad, though not at all.. at this point I decided to venture outside and lay in a field near my house and look at the stars.. it was uneventful. the world felt flat and dull, uninspiring, and I had no desire to really be outside at all.. I was bored. As I was walking in the dark I did notice the very faint cev become an oev, and I had random little flashes of the most brilliant blue.. but thats about as far as visuals went.

At this point, a pretty negative headspace checked in, I attribute this both to the character of the compound itself and to the fact that I was kinda bummed that I didnt take enough, that the boost didnt work, and that the world outside felt duller than it normally does even sober.. very dark indeed.. I started to focus on a number of negative things in my life, it never got overwhelming, but it certainly put me in a bit of a depressive funk that has lasted to today as well.. I can see where things could probably get pretty intense in this regard at higher doses. This chemical really offered me no euphoria, no sense of well being.. Id say I felt extremely lucid and sober even at the peak, I spent the first two hours watching Guns Germs and Steel..

Not sure what to think of this one.. not sure what to think of the purity of what I got either. I figured 16 would be quite more than enough given that there are a number of people in these 2c-e threads saying evne as low as 10mg gave them a decent trip.. ah well. I just felt like I was a rocketship that attempted to take off but ended up just fizzling out on the tarmac, eventually falling over. I suppose there is the possibility of some 25i crossover tolerance from my 800ug dose 8 days earlier, but nothing really happened at all.. visually I can compare it to my 400ug 25i dose 2 weeks earlier.

Im going to go for 20mg next time, but I think I'll put this one on the back burner for a bit until I figure out some stuff in my life that I ended up focusing on for a bit.. I'd say this is the first psychedelic I tried where my headspace went negative on the comedown, every other one even if Ive had bad trips the come down is always very good feeling and I feel at peace.

Didn't mean for this to be so long, as I didnt want it to come across as a trip report, and I could write a lot more but I figured I'd post up my first experience.
Well I had my first experience with 2c-e.

Took 16mg around 7pm yesterday, dissolved it in a bit of warm water, it all dissolved easily with a little swirling, had a sharp chemical type smell, like a dull bleach almost. I added it to a small glass of iced tea and drank it over about 10 mins. Couldn't even taste it.

I had virutally zero body load, no nausea, no uneasyness other than the normal slight anxiousness and nervousness and accompanies me any time I take any sort of substance, kind of that feeling you get before you do something daring.

+2H came and went, visuals built up a little bit, words wobbled on my screen a little and I noticed some very faint tracers, my cursor on my mouse was doing its thing where I move it and an image of it seems to shoot off in another direction, but nothing happened really. No CEVS to speak of unless I really tried and even then they were very faint isolated to maybe a pinhead in the vast expanse of the inside of my eyelids. Felt pretty sober, and was pretty bummed out at this point.. I though nah maybe its still building, but thing actually seemed to diminish past this point.

at +3h I made the stupid decision to try and snort some to give myself a boost and maybe increase effects. 6mg up the nose produced a very slight increase in effects, however the burn was agonizing and I felt uneasy ont he whole of that side of my head for the rest of the evening. I had to go and find out the hard way, ignoring everything I read about NOT snorting 2c's.

Anyway I felt some intensity, a tidbit of euphoria and the visuals picked back up a tad, though not at all.. at this point I decided to venture outside and lay in a field near my house and look at the stars.. it was uneventful. the world felt flat and dull, uninspiring, and I had no desire to really be outside at all.. I was bored. As I was walking in the dark I did notice the very faint cev become an oev, and I had random little flashes of the most brilliant blue.. but thats about as far as visuals went.

At this point, a pretty negative headspace checked in, I attribute this both to the character of the compound itself and to the fact that I was kinda bummed that I didnt take enough, that the boost didnt work, and that the world outside felt duller than it normally does even sober.. very dark indeed.. I started to focus on a number of negative things in my life, it never got overwhelming, but it certainly put me in a bit of a depressive funk that has lasted to today as well.. I can see where things could probably get pretty intense in this regard at higher doses. This chemical really offered me no euphoria, no sense of well being.. Id say I felt extremely lucid and sober even at the peak, I spent the first two hours watching Guns Germs and Steel..

Not sure what to think of this one.. not sure what to think of the purity of what I got either. I figured 16 would be quite more than enough given that there are a number of people in these 2c-e threads saying evne as low as 10mg gave them a decent trip.. ah well. I just felt like I was a rocketship that attempted to take off but ended up just fizzling out on the tarmac, eventually falling over. I suppose there is the possibility of some 25i crossover tolerance from my 800ug dose 8 days earlier, but nothing really happened at all.. visually I can compare it to my 400ug 25i dose 2 weeks earlier.

Im going to go for 20mg next time, but I think I'll put this one on the back burner for a bit until I figure out some stuff in my life that I ended up focusing on for a bit.. I'd say this is the first psychedelic I tried where my headspace went negative on the comedown, every other one even if Ive had bad trips the come down is always very good feeling and I feel at peace.

Didn't mean for this to be so long, as I didnt want it to come across as a trip report, and I could write a lot more but I figured I'd post up my first experience.

I think you should step up to 24 mg next time. That's a satisfying dose for me. 2C-E is a depressing compound unless you push it to the point that it gives you a real body rush, at least to me. Once you get that physical feeling, the whole trip revolves around it in a way and it's definitely fun. Not really a nature drug though.
Hmmm totally disagree there. 2C-E is always best outside....well I guess all of my 2C-E trips were outside now that I think about it.
2C-E is emotionally neutral. gotta bring your own happiness to a 2C-E trip.
2C-E is emotionally neutral. gotta bring your own happiness to a 2C-E trip.

Tis true. I've had four 2C-E trips...two of them were beyond positive (and it was sunny) and two were very dark and twisted (and it was night). Balances out to be neutral.
Balances out to be neutral.

I don't think that's exactly what he meant by neutral. More that its neutral in the sense that it doesn't impart any sort of feeling one way or the other. I do feel like the feelings I did bring were somewhat amplified though, which I guess is somewhat normal of psychedelics (ime), but as I said I have never really experienced any sort of depression on the come down before.

Its also worth noting that when I close my eyes I still have a remnant of a very very faint cev.. that is the canvas is not entirely black. Doesn't bother me at all but maybe I should wait a little longer before using again. Maybe not.

Anyway, anyone else think I should go as high as 24 next time?
But that is what I thought he meant. At the time (it has been a number of years since my 2C-E trips) being outside in the sun made me happy. The night trips were in Colorado, one in a hunted area, and the moon light (or new moon one day) made for some dark trips.