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Phenethylamines The Big & Dandy 2C-E Thread - ver. 3.0

Is it just me or is this stuff incredibly strong?

I did my first test dose, measured out 4mg on my +/-3mg accuracy scale. Cut it into a line, cut it in half, made that into a line, cut it in half again to render aprox 1mg. I almost dosed that, but decided to play it safe since I just wanted to test the waters for safety, and cut it in half again. So in theory I dosed about 500ug, but factoring in a wide error margin, maybe 1mg max. Erowid lists threshold at 2-5mg, but this was definitely well past threshold for me. For about an hour, I was glad I didn't have to be in public or talk to anyone.

Has anyone else here taken this tiny of a dose and felt strong threshold effects? I'm trying to figure out if I'm extra sensitive to this stuff or what. It's hard to imagine doing 10mg of this, let alone the 20mg or more that you read about, especially with the exponential dosage curve. I liked it and look forward to more, but I'd like to not make any mistakes in how much more.
You must be very sensitive, I usually do 20mg and can do 25mg but that is a very fucking powerful trip indeed
Like I said in previous posts I've done 2c-e for a while in a variety of doses and 10mg still gets me to where I wanna be even after a 29mg trip (which was after a rave with a load of pure MDMA and a whole load of good coke, so I was feeling pretty fucking positive) it was still way to intense for what I expected, 17mg to 25mg is more than enough without it getting too intense and still being deeply psychedelic ( that's with out any other tolerances or being a hard head of course) anything more than that becomes overwhelming and disorienting and kinda of a waste in my own opinion, but ymmv as always.
Thanks guys. I will tread carefully with 2c-e. My next trial will be at 3mg (as measured by my questionable scale). Actually, come to think of it, I'll play it safe and go with 1.5mg.

First the obvious things:
Does your scale run on batteries ? Might be low and then the amount displayed could be way off.
You could be more than averagely sensitive.
I always weigh my stuff at least twice. I weigh the dose (more than not I weigh double I need, and cut it in half (with a sharp knife, not a credit card or sth.) These compounds have weird density sometimes, IMO.
After I have my wanted dose, I weigh the paper I put it in seperately. Then I take the paper and put in the dose, and weigh the two together again. Rarely is this amount equal to "paper + dose". I don't know what scale you are using but mine costs 130€ and runs on AC, but there is still a definite error.

My scale has fresh batteries. It's a ~$100 "american weigh" scale. Achten, your description of using paper gave me the idea to do a test for linearity on my scale. I took a 1g piece of paper, cut it in two pieces, weighed each piece and checked the sum of the weights against the original whole piece. I then selected one of the pieces and repeated the process, all the way down to the limit of it's sensitivity, cutting in half, weighing, checkin sum of weight etc. At each step the sum of the pieces was within 3mg of the parent piece. I still don't know how close 4mg on my scale is to an actual 4mg, because these errors could compound until the bottom end is way off, but at least this test shows me it's fairly linear across the bottom end of it's accuracy range.

I'd like to find some reference mg weights, or make my own out of paper/tinfoil measured on a very accurate scale. Trying to think where I could access a really accurate scale.

I cut the 2c-e using a razor blade, and also I used the blade to really chop up the powder as it was a bit clumpy. I think this rendered a powder with fairly homogenous density.
My first dose of 2C-E was roughly 70mg.

I took a 30mg capsule and walked around my neighborhood waiting for it to kick in. Little did I know how long this stuff took to kick in. I had only experienced 2C-I before (up the beak) so I thought they would both be a quick onset... So I became impatient after an hour and took another 30mg capsule. Literally after I had swallowed the capsule visuals started to kick in. Basic 2c stuff. Feeling light and feeling like a sponge. The trip was fine for about 2 hours, then everyone started to go to sleep and I was left all by myself tripping my balls off in the dark. My girlfriend was asleep beside me and I kept wanting to wake her up and tell her to talk to me, but I didn't want to make her mad. So I sat there until around 6 AM tripping massive unpleasant ballsack. I would get the craziest 4 dimensional visions when I tried to close my eyes. But I don't think the second capsule increased visuals as much as it increased the duration. Yeah I guess when I "peaked" from the first capsule, I was coming up on the second.

I also made a thread about 25b-NBOME. I tried a 900mcg blotter and had a seriously bad trip. Much worse than 70mg 2C-E if you can believe that. My heart was racing and all I could do was think "I need to call an ambulance or I'm going to fucking die". "My heart is going to explode" It wasn't even the visuals that were tripping me out because I've seen 70mg of 2C-E. It was my heart pounding, and the repetitive negative thoughts that took over my thinking. Godddd what a horrible fucking experience. I prefer 2C-I over both of them. 2C-I is shorter and I liked that.

I also had 5 grams of 2C-P but it was "confiscated" before I could try it. I am grateful I didn't do with the P what I did with the E. heh
has anyone had any luck vaeping this?
my friend said he smokes it sandwiched in between bud.
i always figured this didnt work but im interested if anyone else has had luck.
6mg 2C-E trip report

Disclaimer: I might be in the honeymoon phase with this stuff, since this is only my second taste. All info below applies to this human, at this slice in time, at this dosage of 2C-E. Timing is approximate:

t+0h (8pm on a saturday night) - 6mg 2C-E ingested orally via gel cap, after a light but fairly normal dinner.
t+2h - Took ages to set in, almost no effects in the first 2h.
t+3.5h - Getting up to peak at this point.
t+3.5h to t+7.5h - Nice fairly level plateau for a good 4 hours.
t+11h - Sleep. Might have slept earlier, but had an important early morning hockey game to watch.

Spent the first 7-8h of the trip working on music in my personal studio. This substance stimulated the perfect mental conditions for writing studio-based electronic music. It was awesome, almost felt like I was cheating.

Mild empathogenic qualities, with feelings of love and emotional warmth. An enhanced appreciation of aesthetic beauty, with sensory saturation, and comfortable mental stimulation. Artistic creativity bubbled up more readily than in my typical mental state. A hint of erotic, but no strong sexual push. Little to no mental confusion, finding it easy to focus without getting lost, or over-focus on irrelevant details. Easy to keep the eye on the big picture of the artistic creation. Lots of small artistic revelations, and real world insights and ideas along the way. Subtle synaesthetic geometry, not overt at all at this dosage. Perhaps less fractal, and more geometric than typical tryptamines and acid. I mean that in terms of both thought patterns and visual influence. The next day, I can hear that my work was good, and not a drug induced illusion.

Physically, gave an enhanced sense of body awareness, and helped me to use gentle stretching and movement to heal a 1 week old back injury. My back feels almost completely healed this following day. It made me poo a lot, no bowel emergencies, but it would suck to be on this stuff without access to a bathroom. Had to pee a lot too because I drank a lot of water. No nausea, but a slight stomachey feeling during comeup that went away easily at peak. I felt like dancing and moving a bit here and there, but not restless at all. This probably would be good for raving outdoors.

The next day, after only 3h of sleep I feel great, and could do my day job if necessary, no noticeable burnout. Tired, but less so than I would normally after only 3h of sleep. No mental jaggedness or raggedness, filled with a sense of well being. Will go to bed early tonight.

2C-E is awesome. I'm looking forward to finding out how 2C-E fits in over subsequent uses. I'll give it a good 2-4 weeks before I dose it again. I can totally see why this is one of Shulgin's "Magical Half dozen". I believe I've discovered the potential that this holds for me; 2C-E is an excellent artistic stimulant, a creative nootropic.

Comparisons to other phenethlamines I've tried: (only MDMA, mescaline cacti, 2C-D and 2C-B) maybe I'm biased from staring at the molecule diagrams, but this seems like something in between 2C-B and mescaline. My initial impression is that it actually feels closer to mescaline than 2C-B. It is deeper than 2C-B, which I find to be a bit shallow and superficial. More alert than mescaline. It seems to allow for greater mental clarity/competency than either 2C-B or mescaline.

If I were to give 2C-E a colour it would be deep glowing blue-indigo and green. It's not that I saw those colours on it, it's just an association.

Summary: 6mg of 2C-E was excellent for music creation!
Only had one flirtation with this, and I can see both similarities and differences in the reports given here.
A very trusted friend gifted me some, he'd made up three doses for me, my girlfriend and himself. Me and gf were going to a comedy sketch show that afternoon, and friend was going to meet us back at his place. He assured us that there was a long come up on this, so we could drop it when we got to the theatre and be in the tingles when we got back to his. I've had no cause to doubt his fact-checking or measurement on any other occasion, but this turned out to be a massive fuck up. Essentially somewhere along the line he'd given us each the amount he thought we should share between us. As for what this quantity was I still don't know, but given that he usually shoots for the higher end of normal doses I'd guess it was somewhere between 40 and 80mg each...

So we drop the caps, sit down in our seats at a very surreal comedy show. All is good, great in fact, possibly the best comedy I've ever witnessed, my god this song about a beard of bees is so funny... I noticed fellow comedy-appreciators turning round to look at who it was laughing at the top of their voice continuously...

The show was drawing to a close, I'd been totally engrossed but now realised how twisted I was. "We've got to get out of here, get back to the flat". Outside it was a sunny day, cars were hovering along the street, buses muttered under their breath as they passed us by. Gf went into a shop to get a drink and I nearly ran for the hills stood outside on my own, I was anxious to be out in public with this massive growing trip sneaking up on me. Called the friend whose place we were going back to, he could barely hold it together on the phone - "yep, yep, it's really strong, might have given us too much". Gf seemed fine, but I was having trouble engaging with anything outside my own headspace by this point, perhaps an hour in, maybe only 45 minutes.

Got back to the flat and collapsed on the sofa, I think if I'd had my wits about me I would have tried to bring myself down, benzos, anything so I could just curl up in a warm bed and feel safe. However my mind was in a state of absolute confusion and I couldn't take any agency in what was happening. Normally I'm pretty good at feeling 'where my head is at' and taking steps to make things nicer - cup of herbal tea, relaxing music, open the window etc. but all I could do was sit in thrall to the hallucinations. The room was dominated by a large throw on the wall with a circular pattern, its rings were counter-rotating and it loomed out of the wall above my head, oppressing me. Someone put a film on (no idea what) but it was full of secret subtext meant for me, really negative delusions building up around it.

I remained stuck in this muddled and negative space for an hour? Two hours? At last the fog lifted enough for me to take a bit of charge of things, realise I was feeling rubbish, and use the little edge of initiative I'd gained to take the three of us out for walk to sit on the hill. As we left the flat the relief was incredible, orgasmic. I was too drained to leap for joy but I was so happy just to sit outside in the warm evening air and watch the sun go down. My visual perception was still extremely distorted, and I was not in the mood to really enjoy that, but it no longer mattered.

Never that good an advertisement to say 'the best bit was when it wore off', but I think at a lower dose I may have had an opportunity to enjoy this! While it wasn't 'fun' there also wasn't much chance to do any useful or interesting thinking, my mind was so scattered and impaired, but not fully cut adrift like on large amounts of LSD. Had me really worried that I'd damaged myself, and I felt a bit shaky for a couple of days despite not being a truly Bad Trip.
Just placed an order for this fantastic substance, will be the first time in a couple years that I've had some in my possession, although I have tried it once again since at a music festival.
I do tend to get horrible nausea from it though, does anyone have any way to possibly combat that?
I know it's kind of something that you usually have to suffer through if you're on of the people who generally experience it, but anything that might help would be great, the comeup can be pretty rough on this stuff haha
Just a thought: do you tend to fast before tripping? If so perhaps try eating something before you swallow the 2c-e, it might be kinder on your stomache/gut than having only 2c-e sitting in there.

Let us know how your 2c-e goes!
Just placed an order for this fantastic substance, will be the first time in a couple years that I've had some in my possession, although I have tried it once again since at a music festival.
I do tend to get horrible nausea from it though, does anyone have any way to possibly combat that?
I know it's kind of something that you usually have to suffer through if you're on of the people who generally experience it, but anything that might help would be great, the comeup can be pretty rough on this stuff haha

Taking it rectally can greatly reduce the nausea though the dosage is cut about in half so be aware if you go that way. Actually rectal dosing reduces nausea and bodyload for most stuff. It got to where, when I used to do a lot of psychedelics, I nearly always rectally dosed for this reason, so much smoother. It's basically as effective as IMing something, for most substances, and similar in effect as well.
I pretty much always try to make sure I have something in my stomach, that way even if I end up vomiting I have something to actually throw up instead of that disgusting yellow foamy puke that seems to be very common with 2c-e
Around a week ago I sampled a small amount of my newly acquired 2c-e. I decided to test the insuffulation ROA to see if it is really as painful as everyone says in the experience reports, and I found out that they are completely right. Around 4 to 5 mg burnt the side of my face for around 20 mins before that faded, resulting in only a grumbly stomach and increased salivation for about a half hour.

An hour or 2 later and my visual field seemed slightly rounded and I could see the faintest hints of fractals emerging from light beams. I felt a very noticably phenethylaminey type feeling and noticed my sweat smelt kindof like how the baggie of 2c-e does. Usually while tripping psychedelics I cannot operate technological computer machinery at all, yet i found (like perpetual dawn above) that 2c-e seemed to resonate very well with computing and that I was even more fluid than I was a few hours previously.
I spent a while messing around with chaoscope, fractal programs and the like, then played geometry wars for 10 mins. Everything felt very crisp and sharp. Some trouble getting to sleep later, but i get that usually.

I can sense great potential with this compound at vastly varying dosages, and I even from such a small tester dose, I can see why it is a part of Shulgins golden 6. Loved it.
I too am working my way up in dosages with this compound.
started at 4mgs insufflated, it was a good introduction to the bodyload. no visuals.
took 8-10mgs the other day orally and still had only very slight cev's.
where is the next step? 15mgs? or 20?
is the body load only gonna get worse with more or does it drop off at some point?

also, my friend says he smokes it in between weed. is this even effective for anyone else?
I didnt get much but I might try vapeing.
I too am working my way up in dosages with this compound.
started at 4mgs insufflated, it was a good introduction to the bodyload. no visuals.
took 8-10mgs the other day orally and still had only very slight cev's.
where is the next step? 15mgs? or 20?
is the body load only gonna get worse with more or does it drop off at some point?
I'd say go to 15 next. From everything I've read this one has a very steep dose/response curve so doubling the dose could quadruple effects (for instance). A lot of ppl have reported about 15mg to be a perfect dose
yeah, with this stuff there is a really big difference between 10mg and 20mg. 15mg would be a better bet if you're trying to work your way up slowly.
For me the sweet spot is 18mg, but it's very strong. I have taken more than 20mg before but I was highly tolerant to psychedelics all the time at that time. It becomes exponentially stronger very quick so I'd try 15mg next and then work up a couple of mg at a time after that if desired.
I take 20mg for a strong high, 25mg for an intense experience, and 15mg for a medium strength trip.
well i dont mind an intense experience, i was more wondering if the body load drops off or becomes forgotten at some point?
10 mg was kind of annoying more than anything. i think im gonna shoot for 18mgs next.