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Phenethylamines The Big & Dandy 2C-B Thread - Stage 2

Excellent points, thanks for chipping in. :) I know that the 2Cs in particular are well-situated to be in that sort of position too, as most binding studies I'm aware of show them mostly binding selectively to 5-HT2 receptors, but only by like ten to twenty times, so theoretically they could become much less selective with particularly high doses. That really wouldn't surprise me actually even just because of how different the trip was in general on 2C-I with 40 mg vs 80 mg, even the geometry generally had different dominant colors and shapes.... It sure seemed like it could have been pharmacologically a pretty different trip than the lower doses anyway.

Yeah, I'm not too certain where I stand on the basic phenethylamines toxicologically either. Just going by reports and accidental overdoses I've read about, it seems like most of them can be dosed over 100 mg orally with relative safety, except for maybe 2C-P, but of course it's hard to say whether that's because they actually are that safe or because the people who took those doses just happened to have been 5 mg under the danger zone. Nonetheless, the relationship to mescaline does make me a bit less concerned.... I wouldn't consider it necessarily as safe as the classic indoles seem to be, but I'm not that worried about that, and honestly would probably does up to the point of a few grams at once before stopping. While again obviously not a guarantee of safety, I have heard of others dosing that high before without serious consequences, and have even stumbled upon one report of an astounding eight(!) grams ingested accidentally without issue. However, I think it may also be worth considering that going by the most recent binding studies I'm familiar with mescaline's receptor activities may be more alike LSD and DMT than they are the other phenethylamines, so just being structurally similar to it may only mean so much. Still, it probably means something.... Some of them seem to be ridiculously safe for sure after all, like 2C-B which I've heard of being dosed in insane amounts (200-300+ mg) more than almost any other psychedelic and still haven't heard of a single death or serious health problem on it. I wouldn't be the first to take something like 2C-I that high though.

Come to think of it, I'm not sure I know the general mechanism of fatality with 2Cs either.... I'd want to guess maybe seizures? But how many fatalities caused by basic 2Cs have there actually even been?
I am quoting Shambles from the 2c-b Stage 1 thread below (sorry, I couldn't find a way to quote from the old thread). I've been doing a lot of reading on this compound since my experience was so fascinating.

" I found one 2C-B pill (somewhere between 15-25mg - they were quite variable) was incredibly intense - almost unpleasantly so - first time I tried it, and so did Occasional Mrs Shambles who had the same. Other people had no problems at all. Was the first 2C compound I ever sampled and actually put me off for a while as that didn't seem like a heavy dose at all but I was almost delirious - going out of body and the like. Never had that since though - find it much nicer sniffed if you can cope with the burn. "

I feel like I can relate to that first time part. I am definitely sensitive to this compound, normally I have typical reactions. 2c-b gave me experiences from psychedelics that I've never had before and wasn't expecting at all from a low dose of 2c-b - synesthesia, out-of-body type vision quests similar to lucid dreaming, entity contact, sensory distortion so strong that I lost touch with reality and myself. I was shook up by it a bit and at first overwhelmed by how visual it was. However, I feel that on a dose of acid that gives me mild visuals in comparison, the headspace might be more intense than this, and the experience overall more spiritual. I could still hold it together cognitively and have pretty clear thoughts on this, up until the peak. The experience changed me in a positive way, especially with empathy-related and antidepressent aftereffects. It changed the way I am proceeding with my future. It seems to have hit the reset button in a good way. But if I took a dose of acid high enough to give me that type of sensory experience, it would be well into the hundreds of micrograms and a serious commitment.

On drugs like shrooms and 4-ho-met, I enter a philosopher mindset. It isn't really about the visuals at all, unless I am pondering them. I tend to think deeply and it's still a sensory experience (more in the mind), but whatever is in my mind at the time I will make all sorts of associations with to the point that I may never look at something conceptually the same way. This in contrast was a crazy sensory experience, and most 2c-x drugs I have tried are like that, but never to this extent. They also seem to be a lot more unpredictable dosage-wise compared to other families of psychedelics.

But for all the philosophizing, I began to crave deeper sensory experiences. Presently, I'd like to explore just how far I can go in altering my sensory experience of reality. I definitely wouldn't call that recreational, in my case, it's just different than philosophizing like being on mushrooms at a party and ending up trying to explain some aspect of quantum physics to a drunk friend. If all psychedelics were the same apart from things like duration and onset it would be boring. So I think I might try 2c-t-7 after I have experimented with this one a little more, and start at a threshold dose, and not eat any of the health foods I have daily like fresh turmeric or raw cacao nibs for a few days before tripping that I have a gut feeling could interfere with metabolism of some weird psychoactive chem. I feel like this one has more to show me in the future, I definitely plan on taking it again at the same dose.

This is just in hindsight.
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I am quoting Shambles from the 2c-b Stage 1 thread below (sorry, I couldn't find a way to quote from the old thread). I've been doing a lot of reading on this compound since my experience was so fascinating.

" I found one 2C-B pill (somewhere between 15-25mg - they were quite variable) was incredibly intense - almost unpleasantly so - first time I tried it, and so did Occasional Mrs Shambles who had the same. Other people had no problems at all. Was the first 2C compound I ever sampled and actually put me off for a while as that didn't seem like a heavy dose at all but I was almost delirious - going out of body and the like. Never had that since though - find it much nicer sniffed if you can cope with the burn. "

I feel like I can relate to that first time part. I am definitely sensitive to this compound, normally I have typical reactions. 2c-b gave me experiences from psychedelics that I've never had before and wasn't expecting at all from a low dose of 2c-b - synesthesia, out-of-body type vision quests similar to lucid dreaming, entity contact, sensory distortion so strong that I lost touch with reality and myself. I was shook up by it a bit and at first overwhelmed by how visual it was. However, I feel that on a dose of acid that gives me mild visuals in comparison, the headspace might be more intense than this, and the experience overall more spiritual. I could still hold it together cognitively and have pretty clear thoughts on this, up until the peak. The experience changed me in a positive way, especially with empathy-related and antidepressent aftereffects. It changed the way I am proceeding with my future. It seems to have hit the reset button in a good way. But if I took a dose of acid high enough to give me that type of sensory experience, it would be well into the hundreds of micrograms and a serious commitment.

On drugs like shrooms and 4-ho-met, I enter a philosopher mindset. It isn't really about the visuals at all, unless I am pondering them. I tend to think deeply and it's still a sensory experience (more in the mind), but whatever is in my mind at the time I will make all sorts of associations with to the point that I may never look at something conceptually the same way. This in contrast was a crazy sensory experience, and most 2c-x drugs I have tried are like that, but never to this extent. They also seem to be a lot more unpredictable dosage-wise compared to other families of psychedelics.

I thought this letter and editor's response from Entheogen Review (Vol. VII, No. 4) might interest you in relation to your "vision quest"! :)


I started with 125 mg MDMA at about 9:45 pm. I then took a 50 mg supplement at the 90 minute mark and another an hour after that. The MDMA trip was rather typical to my experience with that substance; very warm, lucid, and heartopening. The material was excellent—perhaps not the strongest I ever had, but very clean and smooth. Interestingly, it had a different appearance than any other MDMA I have ever encountered. Most MDMA powder that I have seen has a crystalline look to it, but this was chalkier than usual, almost like talc.

90 minutes after my final supplement, I took 45 mg of 2C-B, my largest dose yet. I opted for such a high dose because I had taken some earlier in the week and wanted to compensate for tolerance. It was incredible, amplifying, deepening, and extending the emotional warmth of the MDMA, and adding a profoundly psychedelic component to the experience. I noticed something new to my experience of 2C-B on this trip—entities!

I was presented with closed-eye visions of strange creatures that looked like a cross between the type of animals that inhabit the deepest, darkest regions of the ocean floor (jellyfish, luminescent eel-like creatures, strange octopods, etc.) and sci-fi style aliens, plus beings that looked remarkably like disembodied eyes. However, these beings did not seem to have the same sort of urgent sense of presence associated with them that I normally experience during tryptamine-mediated entity contact. I also perceived a scene rendered in Egyptian motifs in which several humanoids that were apparently priests or shamans performed some sort of sacred ritual around a highly elaborate, ornate alter.

Egyptian-style symbology is something that I often encounter on 2C-B; visions of ankhs, pyramids, eyes of Horus and such dancing across the insides of my eyelids. Does anyone else find this imagery common on this material? With eyes open, my entire visual field was in motion and seemingly overlaid with millions of tiny gyrating multi-colored helical structures that reminded me of DNA molecules. I also noticed a wavy disturbance in the air around the outline of my body that looked like the way an area of heat will make a pocket of air look kind of blurry. Could my visual sense have been so heightened to the point that I was actually seeing my own body heat? I wonder…

This incredible state of consciousness persisted for several hours, and I finally got to bed around 8:00 am the following morning, almost eleven hours after I had begun. I felt a little strung-out the following day, but this was quite tolerable in light of the previous evening’s experience. This combination certainly gets high marks in my book! — Trey

Editor's response:

My own experiences with high-dose 2C-B (45–75 mg, the later higher doses taken due to tolerance, as well as having been stretched out over a number of hours) have also reliably induced “entity contact” experiences, similar to what you’ve described. I haven’t experienced any “interaction” with these entities (as sometimes seems to occur with tryptamines). As well, the combination of Moclobemide and 2C-B produced visions very similar to the “underwater” imagery that you’ve described. Lower doses do not produce these “entity contacts.”

Your “strung out” feeling may have had more to do with the high amount of MDMA than the high amount of 2C-B. Surprisingly, when dosing with 125 mg MDMA and 20–35 mg of 2C-B (taken at the decline of the MDMA effects), I have noticed that I don’t have any of the negative side-effects the next day that I would get from consuming MDMA alone. Others I know have mentioned a similar lack of MDMA side-effects to me as well, when followed by 2C-B. (Note, however, that these were with single 125 mg doses of MDMA, and not the 225 mg dose taken in the experience described above.) 2C-B alone doesn’t seem to produce any negative after-effects.

mmm 20mg 2cb nasal and some nice noise cancelling headphones, I'm enjoying calvin harris radio at the moment it is so light and effortless, hearing things I never knew were there! The colors are definitely pretty and fascinating and lovely, but 2CB is primarily a music enhancer. Do yourself a favor and spend 10% of your months drugs budget on some nice noise cancelling headphones and you will never regret it. I want to get another one for wifey with a splitter or Bluetooth so we can both just jamout all wireless trippin balls

[edit] I'm sereiously jamming out to a song that plays on repeat at work which typically annoy the fuck out of me,
2CB = a winner. I'm sure ill laugh at myself in the morning this song is really annoying lol

more on topic tho: I had just done 10mg 2CE nasally (don't do this), about 2 days ago, and did not notice any significant tolerance effect on today's 2cb dose which was, in fairness, small unweighed spoon bumps, 2 small bumps til I was where I wanted to be, but it didn't take much.

Thinking back for next time, I might want to switch the dates of these trials, as 2CB is clearly more subtle and would (I think) benefit more from fresh receptors, than saving myself for 2CE's onslaught...like you could miss anything on that chem..what's the opposite of subtle?
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Okay so I went on a bit of a 2C-B binge. Consumed about 150-175mg over the course of the week. I am still experiencing VERY subtle residual visuals. I dont think its HPPD. No walls breathing, or stationary movement. Words arent moving around while reading. Best way to describe it is everything is bright and colorful and blinking feels different from before. Hard to describe.

Anyone else experience this?
Okay so I went on a bit of a 2C-B binge. Consumed about 150-175mg over the course of the week. I am still experiencing VERY subtle residual visuals. I dont think its HPPD. No walls breathing, or stationary movement. Words arent moving around while reading. Best way to describe it is everything is bright and colorful and blinking feels different from before. Hard to describe.

Anyone else experience this?

Very familiar. :D
2C-B-Fly, MAL and 4-AcO-MET do it to me if taken in combos and in larger doses, usually goes on for almost a week. Sometimes when I blink I can catch a glimpse of a weird multi-color visual effect too - very quick colorful images of random sorts.
Okay thats relieving to hear. Was started to think I might have slightly broken my brain. LSD residual visuals have never lasted this long after dosing so I was starting to get a tad bit worried lol.
There is even a good amount of literature about them producing stimulation at low to medium doses and sedation at high doses, and I've seen people claim this to be the case on various drugs, even like 5-MeO-MiPT in the 30+ mg range. So, maybe if the body load is just based on stimulation, that can just vanish in really high doses depending on the drug and individual?

Concerning 5-meo-mipt; I experienced the same reaction to it with high doses when I was taking it regularly. Due to an error with my scale combined with irresponsibility (eye balling) I am sure I consumed 30+mg of it several different times thinking it was closer to 20mg or so. When I would take it at that dose the worrying stimulation effects would go entirely away. The entire nature of the substance would change and the body load would go away all together. Instead of providing me with stimulation and a mild trippy head space it became a full on experience akin to Psilocybin. It became very sedating in high doses and very visual. It was possible to repeat this experience even if I had been using lower doses multiple times in the same week before shooting for 20-30mg. I don't suggest anyone attempt it but at the time it did provide a very unique, fun, and worthwhile experience.

It reminded me a lot of higher doses of LSD where you could take multiple tabs and by-pass any unwanted effects common in the usual dosage range. Meaning there is so much going on while on the peak you either don't notice or don't care about the body load. I wish we had more information on these RC drugs so we could explore the higher end of them without worrying about health effects. Maybe one day they'll actually get some study instead of begin regulated to the grey/black markets.
How does 2cb combine with weed? I ask cause I only appreciate weed while on MDMA , otherwise it only gives me anxiety (especially combined with acid !!) and let me floored.
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^ Combines great depending on strain. Some trips I found my self just wanting to sit, look around, and take it all in. Higher THC sativas helped the energy levels.
How does 2cb combine with weed? I ask cause I only appreciate weed while on MDMA , otherwise it only gives me anxiety (especially combined with acid !!) and let me floored.

In your case you may expect your trips to become way more anxious. I wouldnt do that, but Im afraid you will have to discover it by yourself
Yeah I agree, smoking weed on psychs even 2c-b can send it in a weird direction. I too love smoking weed on MDMA ahahaha, most people do, MDMA filters out any possible negative emotion that weed can bring on.

Ahhh, nothing like the after glow of a candy flip in the summer, finding a good spot on the beach and smoking enormous amounts of weed until the sun comes up with all your best friends.
had my first experiment with this compound last weekend... the dose was 25 mg 2c-b Hydrochloride, the come up wasnt bad and i felt absolutly no nausea... visuals were very very slight, little to no headspace, but great change in the mood, lot of stimulation and some time dilatation... I difenetly like it and look forward to try it in higher dose.. maybe 35mg.
Yeah 25mg is low for me, I prefer 35mg or more with 2C-B. Lovely stuff though. :)
Had terrible nightmares the night after my experiment, successive nightmares not sleep paralisys like E can do.. I wonder if it is common after effect of 2C-B?
Hmm, I've never has that happen. I don't think I've heard of it happening either. Maybe just a coincidence?
Hmm, I've never has that happen. I don't think I've heard of it happening either. Maybe just a coincidence?
I like this better:).....I'm planning to take 2C-B in the tail end of acid, like 10 hours after dosing, may I expect 2C-B to express himself or will it be a waste because of tolerance? or maybe I have to up the dose a little?... I'm suspicious 'cause I tried 16mg of 5Meo-MiPT after acid and I felt absolutly nothing !
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I like this better:).....I'm planning to take 2C-B in the tail end of acid, like 10 hours after dosing, may I expect 2C-B to express himself or will it be a waste because of tolerance? or maybe I have to up the dose a little?... I'm suspicious 'cause I tried 16mg of 5Meo-MiPT after acid and I felt absolutly nothing !

To feel 2c-b right after coming down from lsd you'd want to take 2-3x the dose you would take without tolerance. IMO it's a waste of material but do what thou wilt
2C-B and LSD combined is one of the best drug combos I've ever tried. But you should try to stack the peaks, not take it on the comedown. LSD (any psychedelic really but lysergamides really seem to do it strongly) will have produced a ton of short-term tolerance right after the main effects, so taking something else is kind of a waste.
2C-B and LSD combined is one of the best drug combos I've ever tried. But you should try to stack the peaks, not take it on the comedown. LSD (any psychedelic really but lysergamides really seem to do it strongly) will have produced a ton of short-term tolerance right after the main effects, so taking something else is kind of a waste.
If I remember well, I think I've read in other posts from you that taking 2C-B 6 hours after dosing acid is a good way to combine the two, do you maintain that ? Do I have to lower/up my standard 2C-B dose ?... also, do I have to reduce my acid dose ? My standard dose for lysergamides is 150µg ... Thanks !
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