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The Big & Dandy 25I-NBOMe Thread (3rd edition)

What [b]in your experience[/b] would be a maximum responsible buccal dose for 25I?

  • up to 500 μg

    Votes: 9 8.1%
  • up to 750 μg

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • up to 1000 μg

    Votes: 32 28.8%
  • up to 1500 μg

    Votes: 30 27.0%
  • up to 2000 μg

    Votes: 14 12.6%
  • a dose higher than 2000 μg

    Votes: 9 8.1%

  • Total voters
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25I at 550ug was my least favorite of the three (B,I,C) NBOMe series that I have sampled. The come up was a long and headache inducing confusing mess, and the visuals were very digital and artificial feeling. After a peak around four hours after dosing there was this horrid stimulation. The headache intensified. I was left with this fucking headache for five to seven days after trying it. (can't remember exactly, it was last month) Probably won't (willingly) dabble in 25I anytime soon. I very much enjoy 25B, its the only of the three I have tried more than once, both tines at 500ug buccal. Wonderful and pleasurable with just the right amount of visuals for the right amount of time, IME. Come up takes a good 45-60 minutes, but the peak lasts through the five hour mark at this dose, again IME.
Is it weird that even though 25I was my least favorite NBOMe, I feel perhaps a higher dose could yield more favorable results? I hear wonderful reports of insane visuals at doses around double mine, 1.1mg. Anyone have any advice?
Headache for days afterwards? That doesn't sound good :( Magnesium supplements and baths with epsom salts seem to help me with muscle tension and headaches on NBOMes, but I've never felt off for more than a day or two.
Thanks for any input to my question guys. Just a quick update here. Me and another experienced friend took one 1200 ug tab each moistened and placed on the inner nostril. 34 / 40 minutes later another half a tab from the same batch was administered the same way. (again please do your research for some this is / could be much to high a dose)

Anyway, to keep it brief. This was one of the most incredible psychedelic experiences I have ever had.

T- 2 am
The peak of the trip was spent tucked up in bed watching movies on a large home projector set up which I felt worked well with the visuals, allowing them to fully ingulf me into a dynamic world of crystal clear morphing cascading flowing wonderfulness. At the full peak we both felt we knew what the other was experiencing and without words or eye contact simple gave each other a (pretty limp wristed) high five. We just knew!

At some point ketamine was added, this took us magnificently deeper into the trip, like being in a k hole but still with sharp mental clarity and majestic visuals. Spent some time with eyes closed, amazed at the diamond tip sharp green / purple neon digital crystalline mechanisms and frameworks that where morphine and folding in on themeless in countless dimension; simple breathtaking CEV.

T- 10 am
We decided to cab it down to a warehouse party to grab some more k. Administered 2 more tabs rectally. I had about an hour of visuals I have never quite experience before but have read / heard about. I could fully see all the atoms in the air, like a nebulous miasma of flowing interconnectedness that I could control and morph with my hand and breath. (there was no weed or cigarette smoke in the air to speak of)

I think to much K , and the tolerance from my last dose deadened this quite quickly and after a few hour we both took some Valium to sleep. I was able to but my friend was not. Which was extremely bad new for him as he was called in to work on an emergency. He manages a gastro pub. With the Miasma's still flowing in his vision - he was positive and ready for the challenge . . . "It wasn't too awful"

My first experience was a let down really, this was definitely from cross tolerance; 2 tabs of lad 3 days prior. This second trip I will remember for ever.

I find this drug incredible, and neither of us had any negative body effects at all. Pure euphoric, psychedelic wonderment. HOWEVER and unfortunately this is very much not the case for everybody. So please please do you research and take your time to discover what doses work for you. I will be giving my self 2 full weeks to allow the tolerance to drop from my system as I plan on trying some high doses of LSD for my next experience.

Enjoy and be responsible.


Empathic tri-multi dimensional psychedelic miasma network reatomisation configuration from the neon crystalline 5 dimensional bioether network hyper direct linkup via the higher collective consciousness.
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so it seems you all have just ignored my question so ill ask once again. is it ok to take a nbome with low bloodpressure?
Is something like MDMA comfortable for you? If you can take that it should be of no problem I suppose. (or at least in the lower end of the dose range) Wouldn't go higher than 1mg though, vasoconstriction does become pretty bad there.
Does this chem make anyone go on cleaning binges like it does me? I strong doses of this if I'm not outside but I'm around my house, when I am going about normal house business I start to notice how dirt everything is. I can see every peice of dust or dirt or any crumbs from anything that have been left over.

I start to clean because I start to think about the filth that I live in (in reality it is a normal home that is nomrally and regularly cleaned not digustingly dirty). I don't just vacuum and stuff I cleaned out my whole fridge I get bleach and stuff and I do deep cleaning and get deep into crevasses and corners. I can plan on doing something else but just end up cleaning for hours.

This doesn't happen every time just sometimes when I happen to be at home, and there usually is a trigger, like I saw crumbs from a cookie on my couch and that got me started.
so it seems you all have just ignored my question so ill ask once again. is it ok to take a nbome with low bloodpressure?

Well... we don't know and none of us can offer medical advice. I would think a highbloodpressure person would be at a higher risk , no idea what it will do to a person with lowbloodpressure

My advice is to start low 500 ug is a good place to start IMO make sure she takes magnesium supplements before her trip and it doesn't hurt to add in Potassium.
Does this chem make anyone go on cleaning binges ...

Yeah happened to me once when I dosed, but had quite a tolerance, so I mostly got a stimulating feeling. Started sweeping out the house just to have something to do.
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Hey guys! I'm a 25i newbie, I've had 2C-B 3 or 4 times (max 30mg) but never had a particularly strong experience from it.

Despite how new this RC is everything looks pretty safe, but I have to say I am slightly concerned by the reports here and there of serious unexplained hospitalizations and deaths apparently due to this drug. Here are a few:


And one more:


Does anyone have any insight into these reports?

I've bought myself some 1200microgram blotters, which seems like a dose very much on the high side, would cutting them in half be ok for a first 25i experience? Thinking of taking it at a very large trance event coming up soon in the Netherlands. I appreciate a quiet, safer enviroment would probably be more wise.
The problem with these reports is that the media try with all their might to work drug usage in to the ground, and are notoriously filled with error, so it's hard to make judgement based on this IMO. For all we know every one of those has been an OD, but they might as well not be.

A half of your tabs should be enough yeah, did around the same with my first try and had a wonderful time. Not too overwhelming and such.

Edit: never read that erowid report, so I might have to change my opinion
This drug is shit. No drug comeup should be that harsh. Never had a rougher comeup on anything. If you're going for 'legals' there are better alternatives than Nbomes.
I don't like 25i either but I wouldn't say it's shit. I don't like spearmint but I wouldn't call it shit.
Don't get me wrong, I agree that NBOMes are dangerous and need to be handled with great care. It does seem that some people are especially sensitive to them. However, I don't understand some of the deaths reported on Erowid, e.g., where the 25I was reported to be taken either in a pill or in chocolate. Pills or chocolate would be swallowed, not insufflated, or held sublingually or bucally. Since we know that 25I is not active, or at least far less active, orally, how could they take a lethal dose? Is it possible that the toxic effects are orally active, but the psychoactive effects are not? :? Or was it actually something else, like 2C-I?
Who knows? We are seeing the beginning of a moral panic. The same happened with ecstasy in the early 90's. it's not exactly conducive to education and HR.
That Erowid report of the guy passing out with his lips turning blue on a 500ug buccal dose--if they measured it correctly--is the only thing I've ever read about 25I that has given me pause. Every other adverse reaction I've seen reported has always been with nasal administration, almost always with a high dose (2mg or more).
That Erowid report of the guy passing out with his lips turning blue on a 500ug buccal dose--if they measured it correctly--is the only thing I've ever read about 25I that has given me pause. Every other adverse reaction I've seen reported has always been with nasal administration, almost always with a high dose (2mg or more).

I read that one too.... that's the one where they took him to the hospital and his magnesium and potassium levels were very low. even though he was a vegetarian he may not have had enough magnesium in his system.

since reading that my last 2 times on 25I have been uber pleasent and easy going due to elevated levels of magensium. Hemp Hearts are very healthy and cook kinda like quinoa and brown rice.... LOADED with magnesium
It's nice to know that the reports of hospitalizations are few and far between.

I've got a question regarding re-dosing, is it generally not possible with 25i? I know that tolerance builds very quickly after an experience, but for instance 2 hours after taking 600ug if it feels like I should take more, would another 600ug work?

With 2C-B I was always very cautious with the dose but as a result found that it seemed to start wearing off before it had really got going. I had some moderate CEV's, colours shifting and patterns on surfaces morphing around but it was at a level where I'd stop noticing it after a while. The most I took was 30mg.
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