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The Big & Dandy 25I-NBOMe Thread (2nd edition)

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I think you've all vastly overdosed or have latent psychotic tendencies. Sorry lol

All the bad trip reports i've read are because of this. People are overdosing on this shit left and right and that's the sole reason they're having a bad reactions to it. It doesn't really matter whether or not it was intentional or accidental it's still the that persons responsibility and the fact that people are discouraging others from using this substance just weighs more heavily on that. If you take 100 hits of acid or down an entire bottle of tylenol at once it's gonna fuck your shit up if youre not already dead but that doesn't mean it's the most dangerous substance out there or that it should falsely criticized for people being stupid and irresponsible in the process of dosing. And the fact that a medical professional would indirectly advise someone to use mushrooms or lsd just because they have a broader history of misuse is just ridiculous. I admit this substance has some pretty negative effects but if you're being responsible and paying attention to your dosing those symptoms aren't any worse and don't last any longer than any other hallucinogen.

I also strongly disagree that blotters are the best way for this substance to be researched. Even though it is probably the most effective way of ingesting considering the >1mg amounts needed to produce full effects it leaves a lot of room for error. As was said before dosing can rely strongly on personal biology including psychology and the like. I would much rather have 25i in powder form and be able to perform allergy testing and such and then start off at extremely small doses and work my way up to see how my mind/body will react to higher doses rather than just going for it and eating a few blotter papers. Unfortunately I don't have the kind of money to spend $200+ on 1g of this stuff so i'm forced to settle for the blotter paper as i'm sure a vast majority of other researchers are too. I'm still waiting on my shipment of blotter papers to arrive in the post but once they get here i'm only going to take 1 and then MAYBE take the other one if I don't feel anything after what has been determined to be the peak time after ingestion.
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the fact that a medical professional would indirectly advise someone to use mushrooms or lsd just because they have a broader history of misuse is just ridiculous. I admit this substance has some pretty negative effects but if you're being responsible and paying attention to your dosing those symptoms aren't any worse and don't last any longer than any other hallucinogen.

i must say i see things much differently.
i think there may be some very real dangers to the nbome series. and, in any case we just don't know for sure.

otoh, yes, it does seem like careful people who do appropriate research are not having problems with this stuff.
except there have been 2 reports of sudden negative reactions in individuals who had used previously without complication.
however, for both of those cases i believe the ROA was nasal-mist from spray bottle so that could be pointing in a different direction.
I've recently had some experience with 25i and wonder if anyone has had similar effects. I found this drug to be very visual but not at all mood altering. At doses between 300ug and 2mg, the only mental effects I noticed were mild confusion during the come up when insulfated and a certain degree of sexual arousal. Visually I found it to be fantastic, but I really wasn't able to enjoy this drug much as it was quite lacking mentally.

Also it caused me very profound insomnia for about 12 hour afterwards, regardless of dose. Even large amounts of sedatives were not successful in producing sleep. Some muscle tension was also notable, but nothing to write home about in comparison to most 2Cs.

Hopefully I am not alone in my experience with this stuff. I found it enjoyable but after a few experiences, I had no motivation to bother with this material any more.
I don't know numbers for my liver enzymes but they are extremely concerned about liver failure after my OD (9mg)

My CK values were in excess of 14k
Anyone had liver enzyme testing performed within a week or so of using 25I? I saw someone reported elevated ALT after 25I use here. About six months ago I had the same result (elevated ALT after 25I). Just had a follow-up and the enzyme profile is back to normal. Only variable I can think of is 25I, but who knows, can't really draw a conclusion from that. Might be interesting if a trend surfaces though.

Edit for clarity: I am a poly-drug user (about every two to three weeks for psychs, 10-15mg amphetamine more or less daily) but I don't drink alcohol frequently and I don't take Tylenol.

amphetamines are still metabolized in the liver..
^Sure, but ten to fifteen mg of Adderall spread out over a day is not even close to hepatotoxic. Like I said, could have been a variety of factors - I'm far from confident it was the 25I but I thought it was worth noting in light of a previous report of the same thing. If a trend surfaces then we should let people know.
Well I just received my 2 tabs in the mail this morning and am still quite in the middle of the whole trip. For some reason or another it's requiring a significant amount of my concentration just to continue typing so in a few hours when the trip starts to die down a little bit i'll be back with a detailed trip report.
I need an advice. I'm taking selegiline 5mg daily. Is it safe to take 25i with selegiline?
^You can move it at your discretion. The title can just be whatever but if you move it I'd very much like the link to it in the subforum.

And to whomever was talking about insomnia from this compound. I know that feel bro. It's been 3 days since I did it and I haven't had a good nights sleep since. I get so tired I just pass out but only sleep for 3-4 hours and wake up unable to go back to sleep until I get so tired again that I just dose off with out realizing it.
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Can anyone help me with this?

I have 800 ug of 25i-NBOMe and 500ug of 25c-NBOMe. I consider myself fairly experienced with both, but I'd like to do a combination of the two. Does this sound safe/ worthwhile? I feel like the combination could bring a profound experience, but I'm a little hesitant because of their intense bindings at serotonin receptors.

Thoughts, on whether or not this would be safe? I'm not asking if I should do it or not, just the safety profile.
I don't think anyone's tried that combo yet. But I would guess that they would potentiate each other, so it's going to be more intense than doing 1.3mg of 25I or 25C alone. How much more intense, it's hard to say, but given my experiences with combining 2Cs I'd say 1.5 to 2 times. To be safe I'd start off assuming the actual potency will be double the total amount of material and go from there. What's the largest dose you've done of each? And, did you enjoy them at those doses? :)

Also, are you going to insufflate, or do sublingual/buccal? Snorting is going to hit you a lot harder than the other two methods, so if you're worried about safety I would stick with sublingual or buccal.
I'll definitely be doing sublingual. My experiences with these drugs nasally have been pretty crappy, characterized by short experiences and intense nause. The most I've done of each is 2mg of 25i-NBOMe and 1mg of 25c-NBOMe, and I consider myself very comfortable with both substances.
I'm more worried about physical safety than anything lol.
I think they should go together pretty well...they have similar dosages, timeframes, and mechanisms of action. (And now you've given me an idea for what to do this weekend...;))

The only really bad reports I've seen are with 25I snorted at 4mg+, which is a ridiculous dosage for that substance anyway. Your doses sound a lot more reasonable. The 25C might potentiate the vasoconstriction from 25I, so if you get that really bad with 25I alone you might want to reconsider. Otherwise I can't think of anything else that would go wrong with this combo...and lots of things that would go right :D But then again, I'm only guessing here.

Good luck!
Has anyone read any of these reports? Especially ace665's post. Yeah, I would take those reports of people taking like, 50 mg and experiencing no ill effects with a grain of salt. If your planning on experiment at least start out wit a low dose and work your way up from there. Even 1 mg sounds like it can be pretty intense.
A quick question for those that have a lot of experience with 25i. I am going to be trying 25i for the first time in a few weeks. I am experienced with many other psychedelics but this will be my first NBOMe and am a novice at preparing sub mg doses.

I have a dropper bottle that holds exactly 17 ml and have 50 mg of 25i HCL. what would be the best amount of 25i to mix with vodka to make a light dose (200-300 mcg) per drop? Keep in mind I would rather play it safe and if that means under dosing thats fine. I would rather work my way up slowly and surely with such a potent substance.

Thanks for any advice and sorry if this has been asked before.
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200mg per drop is a is pretty potent. One extra drop would be quite signifigant. The way I prepared my 25i-NBOMe (~100ug per drop) was in a solution of vodka, propylene glycol and h20. Not sure if its all necessary but it works. I forget the total amount of each but I know Less than 50% alcohol and enough h20 to get the solution into a consistency that could be drawn up into a 1ml syringe, I forget the gauge. Prop glycol is kinda thick is why this was done...i added the 25i-NBOMe to the solution into a 4ml vial at 500ug/.10ml (about 5 drops with glass dropper . ( at least the dropper I have.) I then shook vigorously for ten minutes or so until there was no visible particles. To make this ratio, (which is quite potent, but accurate) , it took 40mg of 25i, weighed and reweighed on mg scale, multiple times to b positive of weight, added to 4ml of solution. If you are trying to play it super safe you may want to make a more diluted solution. I find 1mg :1ml to be a bit too much liquid to easily work with (dripped down throat when dosed intranasally with a syringe ;tip of cap cut off so i don't stab my nose with the needle. This method Provides a good solid stream to get up into nasal cavity without dripping out) and harder to hold under tongue for long period, obviously because more liquid but also seemed to produce more saliva , which 25i does not like. Id say 5mg/1ml (.500ug/.20ml; or 20cc.) Would be a good workable solution leaning more in the way of safety. Hope this helps and sorry if I skipped around a bit; I'm using my phone and its a pain in the ass to organize a such things. Be safe and as stated above, check and recheck your math. It could be the difference between a mild trip and an overdose (ex. Jasperthegreat) .
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Thanks Stretch.

So if i have a 17 ml bottle and I add all 50mg of my 25i it should be a ratio of about 2.94mg/1ml. If 1 ml is apx 20 drops that gives a dosage of 147 mcg per drop. If my math is right here this should be a somewhat safe dosage in case my drops / ml is off by a few or I accidently get an extra drop. Im thinking 2 drops (294 mcg) would be a good starting point for my first trip.

Can anyone verify this is correct reasoning?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
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