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The Big & Dandy 25I-NBOMe Thread (2nd edition)

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Please don't post multiple times in a row guys. Everyone has access to the edit button underneath their posts - please use this to add any additional information, rather than posting again.

Thanks :)

People have taken anywhere up to 10-20mg of this stuff at one time and lived to tell the tale so don't be too afraid.

People have also taken 5g+ of Mephedrone in a night or snorted several gram lines of coke before and lived, but that doesn't make it any more safe - just says those people were lucky. Given the pronounced vasoconstriction present even with 1mg of this substance, I think anyone taking such ridiculous doses is asking for trouble, and of course even small errors in dosing could be serious - or at the very least unpleasant since even a 0.5mg increase in dosage can dramatically alter the trip.

This is especially true for insufflating this compound as it is significantly more potent this way, and that 0.5mg could be the difference between a comfortable trip and hours of living hell.

Liquid measurement is really the only way to go with this if you don't have it measured out on blotter already or have a scale that's more accurate than just to milligrams.
I read somewhere something like only 100-250mcg is needed to get full effects. Anyone else heard anything like this? I'm very interested especially because of the money i'd be saving. I could go through 10 tabs easily in one weekend so only needing 100-250mcg at a time would def save me quite a bit.
Bull shit. I have taken 3.2mg of 25B twice. Lesser effects than 2mg of 25I. And trash that vendor. It's sucks ass. I'd bet it's 3rd of 4th hand shop. He is ordering from bigger polish vendors and selling them for 4x profit. Most good vendors never ship that few anyway. Large quantities only. That's also a hint that his business is small.
Bull shit. I have taken 3.2mg of 25B twice. Lesser effects than 2mg of 25I. And trash that vendor. It's sucks ass. I'd bet it's 3rd of 4th hand shop. He is ordering from bigger polish vendors and selling them for 4x profit. Most good vendors never ship that few anyway. Large quantities only. That's also a hint that his business is small.

Thanks for the info I was pretty sure it was lies but just thought i'd check. And I know it's a small business because i've actually been chatting with the guy who owns the site. From what he's told me he just runs it out of his house and he's the only employee. But that's exactly why I chose him. He's answered all my emails and has been really nice and reassuring and even given me trip reports he's collected on his own personal batch and what not. I can't even get most of the other RC vendors I gone through, whether they were legit or not, to reply to a single email or not received one that was written in such choppy english i couldnt understand what they were really saying. I don't have the kind of money to be buying 1000 tabs or 5g of the stuff at once so, paying a few bucks per tab seemed like a better option. Both to save money and also in case I get ripped off. I don't wanna spend 500 dollars in one sitting and then realize after I haven't gotten my product in a few weeks that someone just stole all of that from me in less time than it took to spend it. It's rare to find a good vendor that sell things in lower quantities and actually gives you the product. The same principle can be applied to all illicit drugs and I know for a fact i'd still buy those too. Heroin goes through thousands of hands and is barely half the original purity when it gets to you but people still pay ridiculous amounts for it. Just because you can buy it in bulk doesn't necessarily mean it's the better option. If I had the money to buy thousands of grams of RC's at will i'm sure I would though.

And in a few days when my product arrives I'll know for sure whether or not he's ripping me off. If not then i just found a great new vendor and if he did I'll just cut my losses and move onto to the next vendor since I didn't really spend that much. And i know for a fact theres a bunch of other trusted and verified RC vendors that sell anywhere from 50mg samples or 1 tab hits all the way up to Kilos and even hundreds of kilos, including the vendor i bought my tabs from.

Did a fair amount of research since I posted this and can't find my vendors site on any scam pages or scam threads in other forums. Seems that he even has a facebook and a twitter with a reasonable amount of friends and followers and has been steadily making tweets for a while now so, this seems better than nothing although at the same time it doesn't really prove much.

I ordered my product saturday evening. He sent me an email monday morning saying he'd just dropped it off at the post in the UK and gave me the RM-AS tracking number. I just checked it a few minutes ago and royal mail is telling me its already been transferred overseas so i put the same number into USPS tracking app and says "the origin post is preparing the package for delivery" or something fairly close to that so im assuming its either at customs or still making its way across the atlantic. Hopefully it'll clear soon and give me some local post information and an estimated delivery date so i can now for sure. everything seems to check out so far though but like i said ill only know when i get my product.
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Easter of this year I had a near fatal overdose involving 25i-NBOMe. In our excitement we didn't double check our measurements and I received a dose in excess of 9mg, along with trace amounts of other chemicals in my system (Diphenhydramine, Dimenhydrinate, DXM, Xanax, And Zolpidem).

I've been slipping into a violent depression that shows no signs of slowing, and is unmistakably related to the incident; the effects it had on my mind, and thought process, and the realization that -again- I came within a hair of being dead. I was peaking harder than I've ever in my life on any substance, sixty seconds in, and by the two minute mark I had a Grand Mal seizure, and an hour later, another. I stopped breathing, my friends call 911 and I ended up in the ICU for a week.

I saw things that I can't describe with any words I know, it's like thinking in emotion instead of words; I can't figure out what it all means, or if it even does.

I am trying to figure out what the 25i did to my head, so I can try to find a solution, as soon as I can. I'm losing my mind.
Easter of this year I had a near fatal overdose involving 25i-NBOMe. In our excitement we didn't double check our measurements and I received a dose in excess of 9mg, along with trace amounts of other chemicals in my system (Diphenhydramine, Dimenhydrinate, DXM, Xanax, And Zolpidem).

I've been slipping into a violent depression that shows no signs of slowing, and is unmistakably related to the incident; the effects it had on my mind, and thought process, and the realization that -again- I came within a hair of being dead. I was peaking harder than I've ever in my life on any substance, sixty seconds in, and by the two minute mark I had a Grand Mal seizure, and an hour later, another. I stopped breathing, my friends call 911 and I ended up in the ICU for a week.

I saw things that I can't describe with any words I know, it's like thinking in emotion instead of words; I can't figure out what it all means, or if it even does.

I am trying to figure out what the 25i did to my head, so I can try to find a solution, as soon as I can. I'm losing my mind.

Hang in there dude. I too felt depressed after ingesting 25i, although I didn't do as much as u did, and it didn't last nearly as long. My trip was not worth the negative after effects. Anyone thinking of taking 25i should reconsider and think about taking a drug with more information known about it. This shit does not feel safe.

Seems like a lot of people are having negative reactions to this drug:
http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/16413079/fpart/2/vc/1 (Quote from user TheTortoise underneath)

"I wouldnt be too suprised if that reaction was from the 25i alone and not a mixture of alcohol and pills. I have had a few good times on 25i but it has the potential to do very ugly things, IMO its not even worth it. One of my friends took just 2 blotters of 25i and became what I would call "possessed". He went into a violent screaming rage flailing his arms trying to punch me and rip my hair out. Then he would become incapacitated, writhing on the ground in agony crying and vomiting at the same time. He kept going from being extremely aggressive to not even able to control his body on the floor. That went on for 7 hours. He was overheating and steam was literally rising from his body. FUCK 25i "
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I had a temp of 105
It sounds like what happened to TheTortoise is alot like what happened to me; he seized and went crazy

The ambulance had to call a police assist to get me on a stretcher and to the hospital once they arrived and got me awake.
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I think you've all vastly overdosed or have latent psychotic tendencies. Sorry lol
If they were standard 900 per sheet quarter inch blotters you would likely not be able to get more than 2-2.5mg onto them at a maximum, and I stress the word maximum.

Now if we are talking those ridiculous half to 3/4 inch blotters then who knows what amount was on there.
Everything Ive read about these nbomes leads me to conclude that the proper dosage can vary significantly between individuals. Seems especially prudent to start small and work your way up with these.
And again, you're buying pre-made, pre-dosed blotter. If you don't know exactly what dose you took, then that is the problem. Also if you had a bad experience without first titrating your dose to find what works best for you, the only blame that can be placed is upon yourself.

Start low and work your way up, from what I can read the NBOMe's are strongly dependent on personal biology. 250mcg may be enough for one person while 2mg may be needed for another. 500mcg may be too much, and 800mcg might be an overdose.
Honestly I think pre-made blotters from vendor are way safer than powders. Yes, you'll just have to trust the blotters contain the stated amount but you can still start low and build your dose up. Powder potency can vary as well so it's not any safer to buy powder compared to blotters. Not to forget how vast majority probably totally screws up their dosing on powder. I wouldn't buy any powders this potent. Even dosing 5-MeO-DMT on 0,01g scale gives me headache.

offtopic. How accurate are scales when calibrated to 1g? The scale cost 20 euros. Seriously I'd shit my pants trying to dose 25i powder with that.
How does anyone think pre-laid blotters is better than dilution in a liquid? With blotter you could be completely wrong about the dose, one supplier could be underdosing or overdosing and the next time you purchase from a different vendor the amount you take is completely different. On top of this, if you wanted to split a 500-800mcg blotter into 100mcg increments, you would have a ridiculously difficult time doing so with a 1/4in piece of paper. Hope you don't have shaky hands!

With liquid dilution at 1mg/ml you're fine. If you are used to taking 4 500mcg blotter and accidentally get 800mcg blotter the next time, you are taking 1.2mg more than usual. That's a huge difference. Just saying is all.

The lack of logic is... astonishing.
Did I just make 50 useless blotters?

Dissolved 25i freebase in iso-alcohol, then dropped it on blotters. I barely did not use any white-vinegar to convert the 25i to HCL, only like 0.1ml vinegar to 2ml of iso-alcohol. What do you guys think? I cant test them for a while yet
The reason why is you have inexperienced individuals who are not used to handling such potent material. Under those circumstances a 300mcg variance can be the lesser of two evils.
Did I just make 50 useless blotters?

Dissolved 25i freebase in iso-alcohol, then dropped it on blotters. I barely did not use any white-vinegar to convert the 25i to HCL, only like 0.1ml vinegar to 2ml of iso-alcohol. What do you guys think? I cant test them for a while yet

Soak the blotters in more vinegar if you think you didn't use enough. It depends on how much 25I you put in solution. When I made my solution I used distilled water instead of alcohol, and it was clear when I added enough vinegar because I could see the 25I gradually dissolving in it.
Anyone had liver enzyme testing performed within a week or so of using 25I? I saw someone reported elevated ALT after 25I use here. About six months ago I had the same result (elevated ALT after 25I). Just had a follow-up and the enzyme profile is back to normal. Only variable I can think of is 25I, but who knows, can't really draw a conclusion from that. Might be interesting if a trend surfaces though.

Edit for clarity: I am a poly-drug user (about every two to three weeks for psychs, 10-15mg amphetamine more or less daily) but I don't drink alcohol frequently and I don't take Tylenol.
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