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The Big & Dandy 25C-NBOMe Thread (part 2) ver. "My skin feels like lightning"

What [b]in your experience[/b] would be a maximum responsible buccal dose for 25C?

  • up to 400 μg

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • up to 600 μg

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • up to 900 μg

    Votes: 9 14.3%
  • up to 1200 μg

    Votes: 25 39.7%
  • up to 1500 μg

    Votes: 9 14.3%
  • a dose higher than 1500 μg

    Votes: 5 7.9%

  • Total voters
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Yeah weed can give me pretty intense flashbacks since taking NBOMes, but the visuals are hardly like 25c. Not as smooth and flowing, but rather very blocky and not colorful. It's probably because psychedelics make me smoke like a feint, so it acts like some sort of flashback trigger now.
hey guys i was wondering what i can dilute 25c in besides water because a friend tells me when diluted in water it can go bad very quickly.
I use deionized water and it's still potent after almost a year, but if you're worried about bacteria and such use vodka
Aye vodka is choice for keeping bacterial growth at bay. Will also dramatically improve solubility.
I have never had any lingering side-effects the day after except when I was dosing too much and/or too frequently. I hit a 4-day streak at one point on 25c-NBOMe, after which I felt dull. This came good with a good diet and a couple days sobriety. I definitely don't recommend using over 0.5mg at any one time. It's interesting that none of my experiences have been like the first time where I felt like a crazy person with really wild spacial distortion and morphing surfaces, but now I don't get that as much and I feel more calm and comfortable during these trips. Clearly I still trip, or else what would be the allure, but it's not as profound as the first time and more doesn't increase intensity. One thing that bothers me the most is the electric spinal shocks that come out of nowhere. I guess that "spasmodic body tremor" I think this thread mentions. I get these sober too and even before I tried drugs, but they happen more frequently while using this substance. When I'm sober it's like a hair raising "something doesn't feel right" feeling. I dislike that. Other than that when I can manage to abstain from this stuff for at least 10 days I actually feel good the next day. Going to try for a few months without it then see.

TL/DR No more than 0.5mg every two weeks.
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I love the comeup vaporizing. I accidently let a very experienced pet dinosaur greedily vaporize enough for 3 and the poor dinosaur puked its guts out , held onto the ground long enough for me to get my nBOMe shovel(carefully manicured feather) to reload so the other dinosaur and I could catch up. The pet dinosaur enjoyed wild sounds and colors for way more than 4 hours and was ready to try again after about 4 hours. We all had a great night laughing at each other. I have not noticed any ill effects with repeated use. Sorry I cannot give any dosage info at this moment.
my only complaint is the tolerance.
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Oral bio availbility

I know 25x nb omes sre not suppoed to b orally active i ave somthingto add I hsd two gelitin capsules yester udaygs of salt form 25c anyway I got jammed up by some pigs a weed charge and the cops put me in a paddywsgon I quickly took the capsules by mouth so I would not her any more charges I diddnt yhonl I would feel it was I wrong 20 min later I was tripping in jail four a good 6 hours y did this hsppen I know that 25c can be made from 2c stock but o would jave had tip takemuch more to fell it any reason y this happened ¿??? The caps had 750ug each
25x-NBOMe are active orally,however it takes a higher dose to get to the same level as intranasal or sublingual. It's an original theory that has at this point pretty much been disproved.

Also I voted for 1500ug+. The dose for 25C-NBOMe is in my belief actually higher than 25I-NBOMe. Threshold may be quicker reached with 25c but the true psychedelic effects take about 1200 ug to really take hold, whereas 1000ug of 25i will be more psychedelic than 1000ug of 25c. 2000ug of 25c on the other hand is more psychedelic than 2000ug of 25i. THIS IS ALL MY OPINION of course, but interesting nonetheless some figures I have noticed through lots of tests on myself and others.

I believe these compounds to be safe to at least the 4000ug range.
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I have tried 800ug orally just as an experiment and felt nothing. Maybe it takes more and I'd be willing to try 1.5mg orally in the near future but I'd suspect I would still feel completely sober.

LSD Crruiser, I agree in that I haven't felt major side effects from 25c but I couldn't imagine taking those kinds of doses.... and really have no desire to since effects are strong enough for me at 1200ug. The NBOMe's seem to effect everyone differently, more so than other psychedelics.
How don't you guys get the shitty body load?! Whenever I take 1250mcg or more, I get insanely awful body load. I get knots in my neck and throat, my whole body tingles and feels heavy, and I spend more time tripping about how the Chinese are trying to poison Americans by giving out impure psychedelics than I do about more meaningful or interesting topics.

I assume that your answer will be "take less." For those of you who DO get the body load, how do you deal with it?
best way IME to deal with phen bodyload is to walk around stretch your legs. All my trips where I've been outside walking I've had almost 0 bodyload whereas if I'm stuck at home I'll get it quite badly. If there's something to put the uncomfortable energy into it really helps.
^ I agree, the times where I've been stuck inside all day because of the weather or whatever, I've gotten a lot of bodyload too. I've also found that taking some magnesium or taking a bath with epsom salts will help a lot with NBOMe muscle tension. Other tricks for grounding uncomfortable energy include:

* Taking shoes and socks off and standing on the floor barefoot (or even better, outside on the bare ground)
* Watching an engaging movie (this helps more with purely mental energy such as obsessive anxiety or thought loops)
* Spontaneous plumbing - I had a trip once where I discovered that the pipes under my kitchen sink had been slowly leaking for several days, and I had to spend some time mopping up all of the collected water with an old towel and squeezing it out into a bucket. Felt great afterwards :)
* Performing banishing rituals such as the LBRP or Wiccan circle-casting
* Various exercises from Psychedelic Yoga
* Having an orgasm :D
25x-NBOMe are active orally,however it takes a higher dose to get to the same level as intranasal or sublingual. It's an original theory that has at this point pretty much been disproved.

Also I voted for 1500ug+. The dose for 25C-NBOMe is in my belief actually higher than 25I-NBOMe. Threshold may be quicker reached with 25c but the true psychedelic effects take about 1200 ug to really take hold, whereas 1000ug of 25i will be more psychedelic than 1000ug of 25c. 2000ug of 25c on the other hand is more psychedelic than 2000ug of 25i. THIS IS ALL MY OPINION of course, but interesting nonetheless some figures I have noticed through lots of tests on myself and others.

I believe these compounds to be safe to at least the 4000ug range.

Did you take 2000ug 25C all at once ? Please share how that was:D Nice discovery of 2000ug 25c vs 2000ug 25I, never would have thought that.
Dude it's ridiculously intense. Definitely just a stay at hone drug at that level. Also you gonna want some good friends around for company and to take care of each other.

All I can say is it's the most visuals we've ever experienced. Extremely entertaining! Colours, wavy lines and trails everywhere.
okai got a question what is the best lighting situation for this drug. for me to really see the visuals in actually see what the visuals are doing I need to be in a low light situations. I've never taking it at a club where is like a whole buncha strobe lights in all that type of stuff is that cool . yeah I do I always turn on my playstation listen to music in have the backdrop of the PlayStation logo were music player or whatever in the background on my TV I was there to TV off the TV looks like shit when you're watching it on 25c or 25b
Frankly anything is good. Some lighting is nice so you can see colours and stuff. I was freaking staring at a table for ages.

In a club it's a but hectic, I felt wobbly and a bit insane.
yeah everything to me when there's a lot of light everything feel like watercolor looking like a kind of like it looks better when its in low light like to really see a phenethylthylamines beautiful distinctive persian carpet likvisualsi like low light ......man I love that persian carpet
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okai got a question what is the best lighting situation for this drug. for me to really see the visuals in actually see what the visuals are doing I need to be in a low light situations. I've never taking it at a club where is like a whole buncha strobe lights in all that type of stuff is that cool . yeah I do I always turn on my playstation listen to music in have the backdrop of the PlayStation logo were music player or whatever in the background on my TV I was there to TV off the TV looks like shit when you're watching it on 25c or 25b

25C visuals are so crazily strong that lighting doesn't matter. Colors were changing everywhere I was looking. I thought my visuals were over when I was on it once, stepped into the bathroom and the counter/sink turned purple, then green, then red, then blue. Before that my vision was filled with psychedelic-looking morphing lines of flashing red and blue.
yeah I don't see things that intense but... but like if I'm home and I'm trippin I gotta turn the light off d is everything else is so distractingits just not as beautiful as the low lighting though havnt really been to a rave to get some crazy shit going
yeah I don't see things that intense but... but like if I'm home and I'm trippin I gotta turn the light off d is everything else is so distractingits just not as beautiful as the low lighting though havnt really been to a rave to get some crazy shit going

I was at home by myself with regular lighting, eg a fairly bright lamp. I don't think a rave would be beneficial. I think the main reason my visuals were so intense was because I had no nbome tolerance (it was the first time I had done an nbome) and I took a decent dose. Also note that at this level of visuals I had no physical side effects, not even a fast heartbeat.

I think the reason it's not so strong for you is tolerance and underdosing/redosing. Although maybe 25C just gives me better visuals than almost anyone else, which would go against every other psychedelic I've ever done (all were a letdown with the visuals)
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