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The Big & Dandy 1P-LSD Thread, Volume 1

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Amoebic, no these were off of a sheet my buddy got from THE source. I have no idea what part of the sheet they were... but the two my girl and I took that day were side by side....she said she tripped way harder than she expected but she thinks that I trripped way harder than her....there were points were she said it was hard to keep it together. My friends and I have experimented with up to two tabs with great and strong full on trips....much stronger than average street blotters of today but this last time...wow....I have never lost it on acid like that...straight up loony toons

Is it normal to have delusions of grandeur on moderate to high doses of psychedelics? Or is that a warning sign that one should slow down....I did get this way for awhile after the negative portion...I believed that we were invincible...I dont doubt that some of these things are "real" in a non physical way and possibly may be tangible some day when we can measure conciousness but I understand that I probably could have been hit by a car or arrested but at the time I truly believed that the hand of "god" (I prefer to call it the universe) was protecting me. Again I would like to say that the profound event that happened in the safeway was something real. It was triggered by the 1p but it certainly was not a typical symptom of these substances...although I have never tried DMT ...when I told my best friend about this who has tried DMT and when Ive read about peoples non-drug induced spontaneous mystical experiences they describe the same type of thing. My friend described the same white light shining off of everything and said it was not at all like mushroom or acid visuals....so Im intrigued.

What portion of a trip woud you say a traumatizing or bad trip is most likely to occur? The come up? Thats what im thinking...the shock to the system and not knowing how much more intense its gonna get can be traumatic. But Ive read that statstically alot of psychotic reactions tend to occur in the latter/dopaminergic portion of the experience. Fortunatly 1p didnt have this effect for us. In fact I absolutely cannot wrap my head around the fact that so many feel that this is the same as LSD. Perhaps at lower doses they do seem very similar but in higher doses it seems that these unique characterstics exponentially multiply...I think that this is a close cousin but it has its own unique persoanlity.

Im curious what phens have done that for you? I love phens...and their clearheaded eye candy deliciousness...Ive only tried mescaline and I THINK 2c-i (maybe 2c-e) insufflated WOW!!...Oh and I tried 25c and I found 25c and 2c-i very much alike.. I wish i could come across 2c's but I havnt been able to find any...and I think i will be back off 1p for awhile. Im thinking about trying to reproduce the same scenario (in the park sunny/hot day 5pm) and drop two WOW blotters in a couple weeks and take notes on similarities and differences to 1p....you know for the sake of science :)...I love 1p but I absolutely cannot have reality splitting trips right now....I think the WOW blotters are around 80 UG realistically and my supplier said they were at 82 mics...what an odd number..I actually believe it might be accurate!! Most dealers want to bast "triple dipped window panes maaaaan"...thats the beauty of these properly dosed/labeled tabs ...you can get a better guage/feel for what a 100 ug should feel like and use your best judgement...even thought these chems have their differences.

I may be crucified for saying this as i usually am but LSD actually feels more like a phen to me than a tryp....I know that both structures are in its backbone but most classify it as a tryp. I have always thought that the bright angular digital visuals of acid and its stimulation gave it a more phen like effect....versus the globular muted earthy organic creature that mushroom visuals are. It (LSD ) does however have an ancient majesty that is closer to a tryp....but with a cosmic character which is that unique lysergic twist.
Amoebic, no these were off of a sheet my buddy got from THE source. I have no idea what part of the sheet they were... but the two my girl and I took that day were side by side....she said she tripped way harder than she expected but she thinks that I trripped way harder than her....there were points were she said it was hard to keep it together. My friends and I have experimented with up to two tabs with great and strong full on trips....much stronger than average street blotters of today but this last time...wow....I have never lost it on acid like that...straight up loony toons

Is it normal to have delusions of grandeur on moderate to high doses of psychedelics? Or is that a warning sign that one should slow down....I did get this way for awhile after the negative portion...I believed that we were invincible...I dont doubt that some of these things are "real" in a non physical way and possibly may be tangible some day when we can measure conciousness but I understand that I probably could have been hit by a car or arrested but at the time I truly believed that the hand of "god" (I prefer to call it the universe) was protecting me. Again I would like to say that the profound event that happened in the safeway was something real. It was triggered by the 1p but it certainly was not a typical symptom of these substances...although I have never tried DMT ...when I told my best friend about this who has tried DMT and when Ive read about peoples non-drug induced spontaneous mystical experiences they describe the same type of thing. My friend described the same white light shining off of everything and said it was not at all like mushroom or acid visuals....so Im intrigued.

What portion of a trip woud you say a traumatizing or bad trip is most likely to occur? The come up? Thats what im thinking...the shock to the system and not knowing how much more intense its gonna get can be traumatic. But Ive read that statstically alot of psychotic reactions tend to occur in the latter/dopaminergic portion of the experience. Fortunatly 1p didnt have this effect for us. In fact I absolutely cannot wrap my head around the fact that so many feel that this is the same as LSD. Perhaps at lower doses they do seem very similar but in higher doses it seems that these unique characterstics exponentially multiply...I think that this is a close cousin but it has its own unique persoanlity.

Im curious what phens have done that for you? I love phens...and their clearheaded eye candy deliciousness...Ive only tried mescaline and I THINK 2c-i (maybe 2c-e) insufflated WOW!!...Oh and I tried 25c and I found 25c and 2c-i very much alike.. I wish i could come across 2c's but I havnt been able to find any...and I think i will be back off 1p for awhile. Im thinking about trying to reproduce the same scenario (in the park sunny/hot day 5pm) and drop two WOW blotters in a couple weeks and take notes on similarities and differences to 1p....you know for the sake of science :)...I love 1p but I absolutely cannot have reality splitting trips right now....I think the WOW blotters are around 80 UG realistically and my supplier said they were at 82 mics...what an odd number..I actually believe it might be accurate!! Most dealers want to bast "triple dipped window panes maaaaan"...thats the beauty of these properly dosed/labeled tabs ...you can get a better guage/feel for what a 100 ug should feel like and use your best judgement...even thought these chems have their differences.

I may be crucified for saying this as i usually am but LSD actually feels more like a phen to me than a tryp....I know that both structures are in its backbone but most classify it as a tryp. I have always thought that the bright angular digital visuals of acid and its stimulation gave it a more phen like effect....versus the globular muted earthy organic creature that mushroom visuals are. It (LSD ) does however have an ancient majesty that is closer to a tryp....but with a cosmic character which is that unique lysergic twist.

The main reason I fell in love with psychedelics was due to an experience I had in my school days.

I had started smoking weed with my friends, and life was just so cool. Everything was exciting, I was spending time with girls for the first time in honest to goodness adult romantic ways... things were just really exciting.

So one day a friend lays it on me:
"Dude, I got something crazy in my backpack"
Turns out his older brother had a quarter sheet of acid, and after he was arrested he somehow got ahold of his brother to get all the contraband out of his room before his parents found out. Now this was not a friend who was really in to drugs, he was relatively straight laced (at the time) and generally shunned socially by the cooler kids, but I thought he was cool and smart and invited him to smoke with us a couple of times, and he had just recently accepted my request. So when his older brother asked him to get rid of his stuff, he had no idea that his little bro even had anything to do with that kind of thing. His instructions, or so I was told were:
"Get it out of the house, throw it down the storm drain, just don't let dad find it for the love of god"

In addition to the acid his backpack contained two bottles of what we later realized were poppers, a few porno mags, some firecrackers and a bottle of popov vodka.

It blows my mind to think that had I not reached out to him, or done so just a bit later, a huge formative experience would have been missed because he would have just thrown the stuff down a storm drain.

Being relatively inexperienced at the time, I thought it would be like weed, figuring I knew what the hallucinogenic experience was from weed, and that it came in one flavor with varying strengths. I thought I was prepared.

So that night instead of smoking a jay before bed like I had gotten into the habit of doing, I smoked a SMALL jay and popped 3 tabs under my tongue.

I was unsure how to proceed, so I had asked a few older kids what to do with the seemingly infinitely small pieces of paper. This one kid Josh, who had graduated the year before but still hung around to buy kids cigarettes and generally cruise for young pussy, the guy was a total slimeball, told me I had to get a magnifying glass, and that the paper had magic words that got you high on them. What a fucking asshole. He then told me you could roll a joint with the paper, or eat it, but if you ate it you had to eat a bunch. Really glad I didn't listen to that dicklick.

It turned out to be this one chick who was the fucking coolest who told me what to do, after getting such replies as:
"figure it out freshman"
"Dude, that stuff makes your brain bleed"8)
"you have acid? GIVE IT TO ME FAGGOT"

So after like ten minutes I am thinking I am going to smoke some more weed because nothing is happening, and wondering if I was stupid to think such a small piece of paper would do anything, and if I should eat more or what, he had given me half the mini sheet, about eleven hits of pure white fluffy paper, so that was a definite possibility.

In the end I decided to read a bit of a novel I had and then sleep if nothing happened, maybe have some cool dreams or something.

read for longer than I intended, and by that time it's been like an hour and change, and no sign of anything, and my weed is not really doing much. I decide to get something to eat.

So, I pour myself some Kix, pour the milk in, and head to the back porch to fish my roach out from where I put it and maybe hit it while I eat or something out of a corn cob pipe I had.

All of a sudden I realize I'm not really hungry. Seems like a shame. Seems like a COSMIC SHAME that I poured the milk and subjected the bowl of cereal to it's destiny, that could not be undone, while I was not ready to do my part to make it a reality.

I did not think this was weird at the time for some reason, but the poignance of that thought nearly brought a tear to my eye.

I got up to close the door so smoke would not get in the door...

I reach out, take the handle. Hours later it starts to move. Hours later the door is sliding shut. Hours later the door clicks shut.

I suddenly realize I am tripping balls and it is nothing like I imagined.

I let out a slow motion 'ohhhhhhhhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiiit'

Isn't it weird how a event usually starts the trip off like that? A door closing, opening, something falling, something that shifts your perception, the input of novel information or stimuli...

Anyways. I got back to my cereal and felt I had to eat it because I felt so bad about wasting it. I was surprised the cereal was not soggy, I thought it had been so long. Each kix had a smiling face on it superimposed in translucent greens and blues that were both brilliant and dark at the same time if that makes sense.

I remember thinking the literal words:
"I am not in kansas anymore"

And then becoming aware that until that moment I had been thinking in thoughts, not words, and how much easier it is to process emotions and life in general without words which seem to limit and confine concepts.

That was one of the best nights of my entire life.

My point in this rambling story was to say that at several points during that night, I felt like the finger of God was on my shoulder, touching me. I did not have delusions, I was grounded in that I knew what was real and what was not, I just felt like everything was so much more clear and that in this moment the universe had shifted it's focus to me. By taking this chemical, I had opened my mind to becoming something worthy of notice to the almighty everything, and I felt invincible. That epiphany, and others of being content with what you have and many many many others that night, left me with a euphoria that no other drug, opiate, stimulant or otherwise has ever matched even approximately.

So no, you are not alone. That is what exaltation is supposed to feel like, and psychedelics when used correctly can lead you to it.

As for your experience, if they came from THE source, perhaps they were not professionally laid, and did have hot spots, or perhaps they were laid special with specifically more on them for more experienced psychonauts and not public consumption.

Why would you think, though, that if they came from the source special, that others who had bought the chemical would have had similar experiences, since everyone else is presumably consuming the rank and file 1p blotter that is all over the place?

As for the silver light, I have seen it before.

Most times I am seeing it shine from behind my own eyes. It is the light that lives in us that does not die, the "me that is me that is everything". During psychedelic experiences with certain compounds, mainly LSD proper for me, as well as 4-aco-dmt and very few others, you can break through into becoming aware of it, the light that we carry inside us, that is gone from our body when we die. Dead things and inanimate objects do not have it. Dogs have a blue light, cats gold. Bad things tarnish that lamp inside us, and serve as the barometer for what is good and bad- I know this is kind of out there but please try to bear in mind I do not consider myself a nut job.

As for phens, as you asked...

Best results have been with higher than average dosed 25b-nbome. 25i-nbome is probably my favorite of nbome series due to it's lack of seriousness, keeping social faculties in line and every once in awhile surprising you with a punch to the face of profundity. It's like a girl who pretends to be less intelligent than she is, but every once in awhile will mix into a conversation something about phenolic resins not outgassing when porportions are mixed correctly, and leave your jaw on the floor. A lot of people think 25i-nbome is shallow. Shallow and easygoing are not the same, it's just user friendly. There is a deeper end to the pool, you just have to choose to swim to it, whereas acid and other psychs tend to push you around the pool with the current, with 25i there is no current, you have to make the choices- and NOT BY TAKING MORE OF THE COMPOUND!!!!!!

As for differing visual profiles from differing psychedelics, a lot of it is subjective. I have had so many differing flavors of visuals from lsd proper that it is astounding, however, I generally find dmt and it's cousins, and psilocybin mushrooms to have a style that is rarely deviated from, and generally the exception to this rule.

I have not had much time to experiment with the NBOH series. Will chime in on that thread when I do.

I find PEAs to be a bit more recreational, if a bit less dynamic and useful as tools in the long run, than are the lysergamides with their 'promiscuous bonding affinity'

On the topic of bad trips...

I find that the come up is what makes or breaks a trip. If you have a good attitude and are open to the experience at the outset, the trip follows suit. If you find the changes that are manifesting distressing and do not calm yourself with a reminder that all is well, that is when things go bad 9/10 times a bad trip manifests it's self. To contrast, I have never had a trip that started well turn out bad mid stream, even when difficult or challenging things happen. That second stage dopaminergic phase though... pain in the ass. I am SOOOO GLAD that 1p does not have this aspect for me.
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Does anyone think 250mg's bk 2cb and 200ug IP-lsd would be too much.?I recently tried bk 2cb on wednesday and wouln't trip again until next thursday. 250 bk 2cb was awesme but lasted very long. Anyone know if there is any synergy. Maybe do 150 bk and 200 lsd or 200bk and 1-150 lsd. My only concern is with it last too long. I'd be home alone most and have good meditatation skills so can handle it. The visuals for bk 2cb were great but not too intense unless you focused on it. 3 hits of real good strength acid had me in a kalaidascope zone for an hour. I dont know the strength of those hits though but assume 300ug so I figured 200 ip lsd would be perfect and not too much combined with bk 2cb. Havn't found any good reports of these combined. The E like beginning of BK 2cb may go nice when the IP LSD is going.
^ 200mcg of 1p-LSD sounds like a lot. the tab i've seen are 100mcg and that's enough for a solid trip apparently

so any conclusive evidence on whether it's active on its own or simply a prodrug for acid?

btw were these texts from Nichols at the beginning of this thread for real???
MAN! Amoebic....I would love to trip with you....you seem to have a psychedelic mentor vibe about you..

Thank you so much for having this meaningful convo with me, you seem liek a REAL dude....thats the most important thing in a person....being real...as cliche as it sounds in this day in age...its appreciated when I come across it...people try really hard to supress who they are behind political correctness these days...I notice that in your writing here you are passionate. It seems people are really dividing into to distinct categories today.....way "out there" dogmatic P.C. drones that really dont know why theyre vegan and growing dreads other than the fact that they wont be accepted by their new age pot cult if they dont....or twisted bigoted assholes that have been programed by the far right...The two sides have so much in common its hilarious....true freethinkers are a rare breed becasue more often than not a freethinker is an outcast , a pariah....but so many try and claim to be just that but fail

Anyway, awesome story about your first experience! My first time with acid was a funhouse type experience....twisted , weird , adventurous , visual but quite shallow and a whole lot of fun....I think that is because at 14 years of age my concepts of reality were quite shallow...ren and stimpy, beavis and butthead and skateboarding.

I dont think what you were saying there at ALL was "out there"...well its out there because its not common wisdom these days....people are too wrapped up in what they are told to do....what "science" tells them....Ive been having big problems with science lately....at least dogmatic materialist reductionist view point..."its not there until we can detect it and repeat it over and over with the same results"...theres just so many contradictions with that....subjectivity is just as important as objectivity in the human experience....and there are some universal things people do experience which can only be experienced subjectively...such as OBE, dreams, synchronicity etc...Ive had many experiences that defy common knowledge...Ive experienced the "astral plane" numerous times....and in fact this last trip I really think I may have visited a parallel dimension...maybe the astral was bleeding through...I bet that alot of these places/experiences cannot be accessed through the physical which is why we can just pick up and "go there"...but if science starts to take conciousness and psychedelics more seriously we may just see these things as accpeted in our lifespans.

I guess its not exactly science that i have a problem with....its science being misused by narrow minded materialists....this mentality is obviouslly not only wrong...it can be just as dangerous as religious fanaticism.... we need bright , creative and adventurous minds that think outside of the box as scientists....All the great scientific discoveries were accomplished by these types...as opposed to those following science dogmatically and rigidly just following protocol...

End of rant....

PS...I dont think there was anything special about those hits....I just think that there was more than 100ug on them...or I just had an extremely powerful reaction to it....but that has never happened to me before....when I buy acid in the street or any psychedelic for that matter ...I get enough for several trips and get to play with the chem for little bit. I get a chanc eto get to know the batch/chem and I always get the experience expected ...Im careful and dose carefully ....100 ug should have been more or ess controllable.

PSS By the way I forgot to mention one thing that I did that I had not done before with 1p was sublingual...I for some reason decided to rest it underneath my tongue for the first five mins or so....I didnt mention it to my GF or anything because I figured it wouldnt make any difference...perhaps it did? I totally forgot....this may be important bc every other time I just casually chewed on it without thinking and swallowed after a few mins....
Kishka , I've watched your posts about al-lad...and I must say al is no perpetration for 1p . 1p is at least as challenging mentally as classic lsd which is intense and these are laid very strong. I think you will be fine at 25ug but be aware of it power wen dosing higher


Thank you Alladin, I'll up the dose very carefully. I can now take AL-LAD at once with no fear so it's all good :) I also tried classic LSD and it went fine.

I have experience with DOx compounds aswell (very long lasting) and 2C-x.

We'll see how's 1P is :)
Im sure you'll love it....I did .....but it was one of the most extreme mindfucks of my life....I wrote a trip report a few pages back ...cheers!

PS if you have much experience with all of those substances mentally Im sure you can handle 50ug no problem....25 may be dissapointing.
so 250bk 2cb +100 ug of Ip lsd is more like it. I'm looking for a full on visual and mindfuck, potential astral dimension shit. But I also don't want to wake any up at night because it will be done alonse starting the dose of BK at 9 then the ip lsd at 10-1030
Sales of Kombucha Tea skyrocketed today.

For the sake of science I tried kombucha with 1p and it did not seem to affect the intensity of the experience. However it seemed to help with the sort of motion sickness I usually feel in my stomach. I also used magnesium which eliminates jaw tension almost completely. This left me with little body load.

I had a beautiful experience. I found myself hesitating between enjoying the perceptual effects (visuals, listening to music) and thinking in the headspace, so basically recreational use vs self-exploration. I like them both but I guess one provides a more ephemeral satisfaction while the other gives me things to think about after the trip is done. Fortunately there’s time for both.

For me the comedown and afterwards has always been very calm and serene, unlike lucy from what I understand (haven’t tried it myself).
Me and my friend who have done it twice together (I've done it 3 times) have been amazed with the afterglow of this compound.

Sleep comes easy and you feel like a million bucks the next day, which is very atypical of LSD.

As a matter of fact I normally can't sleep at all with LSD, and have a very fizzled/fried feeling in my head afterwards.....in that respect I MUCH prefer 1P
That is music to my hears Peacefrog because LSD typically leaves me fried and exhausted the next day though I still feel somewhat like a genius after tripping which is strange because I never used to gain things from the trip just trip so hard I thought I was so close to figuring everything out but would lose it. That was like 20 years ago. I've havn't done lsd since but did a few 2c's and an accidently 200-300mg AMT Trip that left me just sitting there without being able to see having a telapathatic world happen to me. But I'm testing IP-LSD soon so I'm trying to gain the most from it. The plan was for bk 2cb and IP-lsd starting at 100ug but may go to 200ug. I have benzos on hand but how bad can it if I'm at home. I'm cautious and awake on the stuff. So hopefully I just lay in a deep meditative trance then go exploring depending time of day. I wish I knew the strength of which people talk. I can't imagine one hit being enough but it sound like it.
I dont think what you were saying there at ALL was "out there"...well its out there because its not common wisdom these days....people are too wrapped up in what they are told to do....what "science" tells them....Ive been having big problems with science lately....at least dogmatic materialist reductionist view point..."its not there until we can detect it and repeat it over and over with the same results"...theres just so many contradictions with that....subjectivity is just as important as objectivity in the human experience....and there are some universal things people do experience which can only be experienced subjectively...such as OBE, dreams, synchronicity etc...Ive had many experiences that defy common knowledge...Ive experienced the "astral plane" numerous times....and in fact this last trip I really think I may have visited a parallel dimension...maybe the astral was bleeding through...I bet that alot of these places/experiences cannot be accessed through the physical which is why we can just pick up and "go there"...but if science starts to take conciousness and psychedelics more seriously we may just see these things as accpeted in our lifespans.

I guess its not exactly science that i have a problem with....its science being misused by narrow minded materialists....this mentality is obviously not only wrong...it can be just as dangerous as religious fanaticism.... we need bright , creative and adventurous minds that think outside of the box as scientists....All the great scientific discoveries were accomplished by these types...as opposed to those following science dogmatically and rigidly just following protocol...

YES. It's like Osho said...

Osho said:
The new man will be a mystic, a poet, a scientist, all together. He will not look at life through old rotten divisions. He will be a mystic, because he will feel the presence of god. He will be a poet, because he will celebrate the presence of god. And he will be a scientist, because he will search into this presence through scientific methodology. When a man is all these three together, the man is whole.

That is my concept of a holy man.
Uh oh....smells like a religiuos debate coming on.....listen...I dont understand why materialists are always attacking spiritual paradigms....Im not talking about cultish bullshit(and I include monotheism as cultish bullshit)...I understand the qualms with religious fanaticism and new age charlatanism ...Im talking about a deep understanding that science in and of itself has it far from figured out....that one can truly let go right now and realize just how fantastic and mystical the universe is....the simple concept of the vastness of the universe should do the trick....or the simple concept that we TRULY are LITERALLY the universe subjectively experiencing itself.....that we are just physical manifestations of this universe.....that is my religion...what it means beyond that Im completely open to...I have had my experiences that seem to point to certain things which match up to certain philosophical/spiritual paradigms but Im open...open to continue to think and to ask questions....there is no dogma attatched to this but it produces some very wild creative thinking and exploratory thoughts....

You may be asking yourself...what does this have to do with 1p-LSD.....well try the compound for yourself and you will see that it has everything to do with it ;) This stuff will take you deep.

PS By the way when looking at blotters under a black light are the darker portions the chemical or the lighter spots? I understand that ergolines are supposed to fluoresce under a blacklight....so Im assuming its the brighter spots... either way my few blots i have left appear somewhat uneven.
PS By the way when looking at blotters under a black light are the darker portions the chemical or the lighter spots? I understand that ergolines are supposed to fluoresce under a blacklight....so Im assuming its the brighter spots... either way my few blots i have left appear somewhat uneven.

The kind of bluish white glowy parts are the drug. the dark is the untreated blotter.

On certain blotter the paper will fluoresce by it's self, but the indole will still glow a bit brighter, and I have yet to find a case where the real deal was not visibly discernible with a little bit of careful study in a dark room. Once you notice that kind of mottled sort of soaked in appearance, it serves as a tell tale that is hard to miss under a black light from that point on.

Certain blotter, however, is laid differently, however, and these while still appearing mottled seem to have less variation and an almost completely uniform distribution pattern. The first AL-LAD blotters I received that were not the prototypical ones, the cream colored ones, but not that most recent batch, are laid this way, but due to the darker paper the drug stands out like magic. It is quite beautiful. If you ever get your hands on crystal and want to test it, take the vial into the bathroom and turn out the light. Shake the bottle, and the drug will spark as it collides with it's self! This does not work with the fluffy "crystal" only the real deal, but both will still fluoresce under blacklight.

If you want to see what it looks like, take a wintergreen lifesaver, go into the dark, and while watching closely, crush the lifesaver with pliers in the pitch dark. You will see the EXACT same flashes of light.
It's not a religious debate. It's a list of established facts about a cult leader.
If you want to see what it looks like, take a wintergreen lifesaver, go into the dark, and while watching closely, crush the lifesaver with pliers in the pitch dark. You will see the EXACT same flashes of light.

Chemitropoluminescence due to ortho-methyl resorcinol, and it is quite spectacular isn't it?


[edit; you can do the same thing by putting a bunch of these lifesavers in your mouth, going into a bathroom with the lights off and then start chewing in front of a mirror]
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